I want to write to the own i2c library at stm32f407 . How to define the input and output legs - i2c

I want to write to the own i2c library at stm32f407 . I have to use both input and output at same pin(legs). Example SDA:PD15, SCL:PD14. PD15 and pd14 are both input and output. how can defined this input,output in stm32f407

I'm assuming you mean a software I2C driver, toggling the bits one at a time (bit-banging), because the on-chip I2C controllers can't use PD14 or PD15.
Use General purpose output mode in GPIOD->MODER and Output open-drain in GPIOD->OTYPER.


How to get ioctl command value of the given driver?

How to get ioctl command value (integer value) of the given driver, which is not part of kernel source tree.
#define ioctl_cmd _IOW('a', 1, struct example*)
I need an integer value of the command ioctl_cmd without actually modifying the driver.
The _IOW(type,nr,size) macro is defined for userspace code by #include <linux/ioctl.h>. The actual source of the macro is in "/usr/include/asm-generic/ioctl.h".
One way to get the integer value of the ioctl command value is to print it to the terminal in a C program:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <linux/ioctl.h>
#include "your_driver_ioctls.h" // defines `ioctl_cmd`
int main(void)
printf("ioctl_cmd = %u (0x%x)\n", ioctl_cmd, ioctl_cmd);
Alternatively, you can look at the definition of _IOW in the source to see how the ioctl command code is composed:
Bits 31 to 30 indicate the direction of transfer of the memory pointed to by the optional third argument of the ioctl() call:
_IOC_NONE = 0 (no direction)
_IOC_WRITE = 1 (userland is writing to kernel)
_IOC_READ = 2 (userland is reading from kernel)
_IOC_WRITE | _IOC_READ = 3 (userland is writing to and reading from kernel)
The _IOW(type,nr,size) macro sets the direction to _IOC_WRITE.
Bits 29 to 16 indicate the 14-bit size of the memory pointed to by the optional third argument of the ioctl() call. The _IOW(type,nr,size) macro sets this to the size of the type specified in the third parameter of the macro call (sizeof(size)).
Bits 15 to 8 indicate the 8-bit "type number" of the ioctl command code. Historically, a single ASCII character value was used for the type number, but any unsigned number up to 255 can actually be used. All the ioctl command codes defined for a device generally use the same type number. The _IOW(type,nr,size) macro sets this to the first parameter of the macro call (type).
Bits 7 to 0 indicate the 8-bit "function number" of the ioctl command code. The _IOW(type,nr,size) macro sets this to the second parameter of the macro call (nr).
Note that the above way of defining ioctl command codes is mostly just a convention. In particular, earlier subsystems such as TTY use a simpler scheme consisting of just a "type number" and a "function number").
Your #define ioctl_cmd _IOW('a', 1, struct example*) is unusual because it says that the optional third argument of the ioctl() call points to a struct example* and the size of that would be 4 or 8 (depending on the size of pointers in userspace). More conventionally, it would be defined as _IOW('a', 1, struct example).

How can I use tar and tee in PowerShell to do a read once, write many, raw file copy

I'm using a small laptop to copy video files on location to multiple memory sticks (~8GB).
The copy has to be done without supervision once it's started and has to be fast.
I've identified a serious boundary to the speed, that when making several copies (eg 4 sticks, from 2 cameras, ie 8 transfers * 8Gb ) the multiple Reads use a lot of bandwidth, especially since the cameras are USB2.0 interface (two ports) and have limited capacity.
If I had unix I could use tar -cf - | tee tar -xf /stick1 | tee tar -xf /stick2 etc
which means I'd only have to pull 1 copy (2*8Gb) from each camera once, on the USB2.0 interface.
The memory sticks are generally on a hub on the single USB3.0 interface that is driven on different channel so write sufficently fast.
For reasons, I'm stuck using the current Win10 PowerShell.
I'm currently writing the whole command to a string (concatenating the various sources and the various targets) and then using Invoke-Process to execute the copy process while I'm entertaining and buying the rounds in the pub after the shoot. (hence the necessity to be afk).
I can tar cf - | tar xf a single file, but can't seem to get the tee functioning correctly.
I can also successfully use the microSD slot to do a single cameras card which is not as physically nice but is fast on one cameras recording, but I still have the bandwidth issue on the remaining camera(s). We may end up with 4-5 source cameras at the same time which means the read once, write many, is still going to be an issue.
Edit: I've just advanced to play with Get-Content -raw | tee \stick1\f1 | tee \stick2\f1 | out-null . Haven't done timings or file verification yet....
Edit2: It seems like the Get-Content -raw works properly, but the functionality of PowerShell pipelines violates two of the fundamental Commandments of programming: A program shall do one thing and do it well, Thou shalt not mess with the data stream.
For some unknown reason PowerShell default (and only) pipeline behaviour always modifies the datastream it is supposed to transfer from one stream to the next. Doesn't seem to have a -raw option nor does it seem to have a $session or $global I can set to remedy the mutilation.
How do PowerShell people transfer raw binary from one stream out, into the next process?
May be not quite what you want (if you insist on using built in Powershell commands), but if you care about speed, use streams and asynchronous Read/Write. Powershell is a great tool because it can use any .NET classes seamlessly.
The script below can easily be extended to write to more than 2 destinations and can potentially handle arbitrary streams. You might want to add some error handling via try/catch there too. You may also try to play with buffered streams with various buffer size to optimize the code.
Some references:
-- 2021-12-09 update: Code is modified a little to reflect suggestions from comments.
# $InputPath, $Output1Path, $Output2Path are parameters
[Threading.CancellationTokenSource] $cancellationTokenSource = [Threading.CancellationTokenSource]::new()
[Threading.CancellationToken] $cancellationToken = $cancellationTokenSource.Token
[int] $bufferSize = 64*1024
$fileStreamIn = [IO.FileStream]::new($inputPath,[IO.FileMode]::Open,[IO.FileAccess]::Read,[IO.FileShare]::None,$bufferSize,[IO.FileOptions]::SequentialScan)
$fileStreamOut1 = [IO.FileStream]::new($output1Path,[IO.FileMode]::CreateNew,[IO.FileAccess]::Write,[IO.FileShare]::None,$bufferSize)
$fileStreamOut2 = [IO.FileStream]::new($output2Path,[IO.FileMode]::CreateNew,[IO.FileAccess]::Write,[IO.FileShare]::None,$bufferSize)
[Byte[]] $bufferToWriteFrom = [byte[]]::new($bufferSize)
[Byte[]] $bufferToReadTo = [byte[]]::new($bufferSize)
$Time = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
$bytesRead = $fileStreamIn.read($bufferToReadTo,0,$bufferSize)
while ($bytesRead -gt 0){
$bufferToWriteFrom,$bufferToReadTo = $bufferToReadTo,$bufferToWriteFrom
$writeTask1 = $fileStreamOut1.WriteAsync($bufferToWriteFrom,0,$bytesRead,$cancellationToken)
$writeTask2 = $fileStreamOut2.WriteAsync($bufferToWriteFrom,0,$bytesRead,$cancellationToken)
$readTask = $fileStreamIn.ReadAsync($bufferToReadTo,0,$bufferSize,$cancellationToken)
$bytesRead = $readTask.GetAwaiter().GetResult()
catch {
throw $_

Not able to read anything from serial using pyserial

I have written a python script to communicate to my RS232 device,
after execution i am able to write to terminal but i am not getting any output.If i open my teraterm i am able to see cmnd passed thru pyserial(with out any output print).
code :
import serial
port = "COM1"
baud = 115200
ser = serial.Serial(port, baud, timeout=1)
if ser.isOpen():
print(ser.name + ' is open...')
cmd = input("Enter command or 'exit':")
if cmd == 'exit':
out = ser.read()
following is the output from console :
COM1 is open...
Enter command or 'exit':ls
This is what I'd expect from your program. The default value for read()'s size parameter is 1. This means that one byte will be read.
If the other end echoes your input 'ls', the first byte will be an 'l'.
Try the readline() method (don't forget to add a timeout, or it might block forever). Or handle the protocol some other way, by repeatedly calling read(), for example.

Display image from Graphviz without creating an intermediate file?

I would like to display a graph without writing a file first.
Suppose I have a command foo that produces this on standard out:
digraph foogrph {
a -> b;
a -> c;
What I would like to do is pipe foo into dot and then pipe the results into a command that will display the image in a graphical environment.
foo | dot -Tpng | <display command>
I have found a workaround that involves temporary files. In OSX, I can do the following:
foo | dot -Tpng > temp && open temp
But I still have to remove the file from the filesystem.
How can I display an image that is being written to standard out?
With ImageMagick's display command, these work on Ubuntu 12.10 (and most likely other OSes, too):
dot abac.dot -Tsvg | display
dot abac.dot -Tpng | display
SVG has the advantage of smoothly scaling with the window (if that's what you want).
On OSX & iTerm2, you can do the following (assuming imgcat is installed)
dot abac.dot -Tpng | imgcat
On Linux you can also just use -Tx11:cairo to display a direct X11 window.
To complete the accepted answer (which is totally OK), if one want to also avoid using a .dot file :
echo 'digraph { a -> b }' | dot -Tpng | display
(this is for linux only, also I first tried eog that doesn't seem accepting pngs through pipes)
Adapted from rom the documentation of graphviz command line usage.

Easy to remember fingerprints for data?

I need to create fingerprints for RSA keys that users can memorize or at least easily recognize. The following ideas have come to mind:
Break the SHA1 hash into portions of, say 4 bits and use them as coordinates for Bezier splines. Draw the splines and use that picture as a fingerprint.
Use the SHA1 hash as input for some fractal algorithm. The result would need to be unique for a given input, i.e. the output can't be a solid square half the time.
Map the SHA1 hash to entries in a word list (as used in spell checkers or password lists). This would create a passphrase consisting of real words.
Instead of a word list, use some other large data set like Google maps (map the SHA1 hash to map coordinates and use the map region(s) as a fingerprint)
Any other ideas? I'm sure this has been implemented in one form or another.
OpenSSH contains something like that, under the name "visual host key". Try this:
ssh -o VisualHostKey=yes somesshhost
where somesshhost is some machine with a SSH server running. It will print out a "fingerprint" of the server key, both in hexadecimal, and as an ASCII-art image which may look like this:
+--[ RSA 2048]----+
| .+ |
| + o |
| o o + |
| + o + |
| . o E S |
| + * . |
| X o . |
| . * o |
| .o . |
Or like this:
+--[ RSA 1024]----+
| .*BB+ |
| . .++o |
| = oo. |
| . =o+.. |
| So+.. |
| ..E. |
| |
| |
| |
Apparently, this is inspired from techniques described in this article. OpenSSH is opensource, with a BSD-like license, so chances are that you could simply reuse their code (it seems to be in the key.c file, function key_fingerprint_randomart()).
For item 3 (entries in a word list), see RFC-1751 - A Convention for Human-Readable 128-bit Keys, which notes that
The authors of S/Key devised a system to make the 64-bit one-time
password easy for people to enter.
Their idea was to transform the password into a string of small
English words. English words are significantly easier for people to
both remember and type. The authors of S/Key started with a
dictionary of 2048 English words, ranging in length from one to four
characters. The space covered by a 64-bit key (2^64) could be covered
by six words from this dictionary (2^66) with room remaining for
parity. For example, an S/Key one-time password of hex value:
EB33 F77E E73D 4053
would become the following six English words:
You could also use a compound fingerprint to improve memorability, like english words followed (or preceeded) by one or more key-dependent images.
For generating the image, you could use things like Identicon, Wavatar, MonsterID, or RoboHash.
I found something called random art which generates an image from a hash. There is a Python implementation available for download: http://www.random-art.org/about/
There is also a paper about using random art for authentication: http://sparrow.ece.cmu.edu/~adrian/projects/validation/validation.pdf
It's from 1999; I don't know if further research has been done on this.
Your first suggestion (draw the path of splines for every four bytes, then fill using the nonzero fill rule) is exactly what I use for visualization in hashblot.