Connecting to Google Cloud SQL from my machine - google-cloud-sql

I'm trying to connect to Google Cloud SQL from my machine (Ubuntu) using this command:
mysql --host='Public IP' --user='' --password
However, I'm getting this error:
ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on 'Public IP' (110)
I need any help resolving my issue.

First you need to let the Cloud SQL instance which IP addresses it can accept. You can do that without SSL by following the instructions here. However, to be more secure, I would recommend you using SSL. More info on that here.

Probably the easiest way to securely connect from your local machine to a public ip of a cloud SQL instance is to download and use the proxy, following the instructions here:

What you have to do is add a network to the public ip section, under the connections tab after selecting your Cloud SQL instance.
See Cloud SQL Connections Tab here
So, for the name input you put firstname-lastname kind of thing to denote whose ip it is. Then input your IP address into the network input.
After doing so and saving you will be able to connect.
Yes, you can add SSL and use certificates. That is all best practice and what should be done for a production stack. But if this is just getting off the ground and in rapid development, that's all you need to do in the beginning.


Does the fact I'm running a VM alter the whitelisting status of my regular ip address?

Our dev ops team have whitelisted my home ip address so that I can connect to our Postgres database on Azure. I am able to connect to our Azure database due to this.
Today I set up a VM in order to run Docker. I am running a container for RStudio which is an app that, among many other things, allows me to connect to our database using ODBC.
After configuring the odbcinst and odbc.ini files I believe that those are configured correctly because when I try to connect I get the following error:
Error: nanodbc/nanodbc.cpp:983: 00000: FATAL: SSL connection is required. Please specify SSL options and retry.
Thus I think that my odbc set up is correct because this error suggests my connection setting are fine, it's just that Azure will not allow it without SSL.
Searching that error message took me to this SO post with the following accepted answer:
By default, Azure Database for PostgreSQL enforces SSL connections between your server and your client applications to protect against MITM (man in the middle) attacks. This is done to make the connection to your server as secure as possible.
Although not recommended, you have the option to disable requiring SSL for connecting to your server if your client application does not support SSL connectivity. Please check How to Configure SSL Connectivity for your Postgres server in Azure for more details. You can disable requiring SSL connections from either the portal or using CLI. Note that Azure does not recommend disabling requiring SSL connections when connecting to your server.
My question is, if I am already able to connect to our database outside of my VM due to my home IP being whitelisted and just using a Postgres Driver with Dbeaver SQL client, is there anything I can do to connect from within my VM?
I can get my VMs ip address but I suspect (am not sure) if sending hat to our developers to whitelist would work?
Is there a prescribed course of action here?
I added this parameter to my .odbc.ini file and was able to connect:
From Azure Postgres documentation, this parameter may take on different permutations depending on the context
"for example "ssl=true" or "sslmode=require" or "sslmode=required" and other variations"

Unable to connect to CloudSQL instance that is part of a VPC network

I have created a CloudSQL instance which was part of a VPC I have created.
I'm able to connect to this CloudSQL using CloudSQL Proxy service. But I'm unable to connect to this instance using public IP of the instance though I added the firewall rule to this VPC.
The error I'm getting:
Unable to connect to host <public-ip-of-cloudsql>, or the request timed out.
Be sure that the address is correct and that you have the necessary privileges, or try increasing the connection timeout (currently 10 seconds).
MySQL said:
Can't connect to MySQL server on '<public-ip-of-cloudsql>' (4)
Following is the firewall rule I added and provided my home IP address in the blocked out area.
Please let me know if I'm missing something. I can provide more details if needed.
These are the steps you should follow in order to connect to Cloud SQL using the public IP:
Created a Cloud SQL instance, including configuring the default user.
Assuming you use a local client:
2.Install the client.
3.Configure access to your Cloud SQL instance.
4.Connect to your Cloud SQL instance.
You can find a detailed explanation here: Connecting MySQL client using public IP
If you are using the Cloud SQL proxy to connect via public ip, it requires port 3307 to be open to the address.
If you aren't using the Cloud SQL proxy to connect via public ip, you need to authorize your external IP.
I was able to connect CloudSQL which is part of a VPC by just adding the client IP address as Authorized networks.
It's weird, I tried many times before but couldn't succeed. It is working now.
Thanks, guys for answers.

MySQL Workbench cannot connect from home to Google Cloud SQL

I cannot connect to my Google Cloud SQL database from my Macbook Pro using MySQL Workbench.
I have read the help file here:
I have added an authorized IP address for my IP per
I created a user for the database with it set to allow to connect from any host. I get the error "Can't connect to MySQL server on 'XX.XXX.XX.XXX' (60)
I have also attempted to telnet and get a consistent error that I am unable to connect to the remote host
As far as I know, I've followed all the steps but it really seems I'm getting blocked even before the server. I am trying to connect from home and I don't believe my home firewall is blocking things. I am wondering if there's something I need to open up on the GCE firewall but I have successfully connected to this database from other outside tools (e.g., Zapier).
Your best action right now would be to create a proxy with public IP address.
This link will walk you through that process. If this doesn’t solve your issue, then taking your question to ServerFault (Stackoverflow sister site) might give you a better idea of how to fix your issue.

Cannot access google cloud SQL from google container engine

I'm still having problems accessing the cloud SQL instance from a GCE container. When I try to open up mysql, I get the following error:
ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial
communication packet', system error: 0
The connection works fine from my local machine, though (The instance has a public IP and I have added my office's IP to the 'allowed Networks'). So, the instance is accessible through the internet just fine.
I guess the db's access control is blocking my access from the gce network, but I'm unable to figure out how to configure this.
I added my project to "Authorized App Engine Applications" in the Cloud SQL control panel, but that doesn't seem to help.
If I add "" to Allowed Networks, all works well. This is obviously not what I want, so what do I need to enter instead?
EDIT2: I could also add all public IPs from my kubernetes cluster (obtained through gcloud compute instances list) and add them to the cloud sql access list manually. But, this doesn't seem to be right, does it?
The recommended solution is to use SSL connection with that CIDR. This is to limit the connection to the correct key. I also read that they won't promise you a specific IP range so the CIDR /14 might not work some times. I had to do the SSL connection with my Cloud SQL for the same reasons.
You should use the public IP addresses of the GCE instances to correctly allow traffic to your Cloud SQL instance (as you mentioned in EDIT2).
You can find more information in Cloud SQL documentation:
If you add the /14 CIDR block for your Container Engine cluster as the source address range does that work?
To find the CIDR block for your cluster, click on the cluster name in the Google Cloud Console and find the row labeled "Container address range".

Google Cloud SQL VM refusing connection

I have been stuck trying to figure out why my Cloud SQL VM is refusing my connection from my machine (whom ip address I have added as a subnet). I cann SSH into the VM but i cannot access the VM from a browser to make SQLs. I have scoured the internet for days trying to find a fix but i cannot seem to get pass this point. My apache listens to port 80. Also Id like to add that I have been connecting to my Mysql db for months through php and making sqls so I do not believe the problem is with apache. However if it is please point me to where i should be looking.
It sounds like you have MySQL running on a GCE VM, not an actual CloudSQL instance (that is a different service from GCE). Is that right?
If so, then if you are trying to connect from your local machine directly to the mysql instance, you are probably getting blocked by the firewall. Go to the networks tab (under Compute Engine) on the cloud console and see what firewall rules you have enabled. You might need to add one for 3306 or whatever port you are using.