Unable to connect to CloudSQL instance that is part of a VPC network - google-cloud-sql

I have created a CloudSQL instance which was part of a VPC I have created.
I'm able to connect to this CloudSQL using CloudSQL Proxy service. But I'm unable to connect to this instance using public IP of the instance though I added the firewall rule to this VPC.
The error I'm getting:
Unable to connect to host <public-ip-of-cloudsql>, or the request timed out.
Be sure that the address is correct and that you have the necessary privileges, or try increasing the connection timeout (currently 10 seconds).
MySQL said:
Can't connect to MySQL server on '<public-ip-of-cloudsql>' (4)
Following is the firewall rule I added and provided my home IP address in the blocked out area.
Please let me know if I'm missing something. I can provide more details if needed.

These are the steps you should follow in order to connect to Cloud SQL using the public IP:
Created a Cloud SQL instance, including configuring the default user.
Assuming you use a local client:
2.Install the client.
3.Configure access to your Cloud SQL instance.
4.Connect to your Cloud SQL instance.
You can find a detailed explanation here: Connecting MySQL client using public IP

If you are using the Cloud SQL proxy to connect via public ip, it requires port 3307 to be open to the address.
If you aren't using the Cloud SQL proxy to connect via public ip, you need to authorize your external IP.

I was able to connect CloudSQL which is part of a VPC by just adding the client IP address as Authorized networks.
It's weird, I tried many times before but couldn't succeed. It is working now.
Thanks, guys for answers.


Unable to connect the server, Timeout Expire to Postgres RDS

I've had a postgres RDS launched on AWS
I have public access enabled
I also check the security group, inbound rules
Things look okay to me, but the issue here is that I cannot connect to the server, I got "unable to connect to the server, timeout expired" with the pgAmin4, using correct endpoint and port
Trying to debug, I realize when I deploy the postgres on a server (might be a VM), I have to modify the configuration file (pg_hba.conf), so I guess I have to do the same with RDS. Is that true with RDS?
I got the default option group named default:postgres-13, but I cannot modify the option.
Please help for clue.
Edited: correct a typo
I realize that exposing a RDS to public network never be a good practice. Keep it in a private subnet and use a bastion host inside the VPC to access the database instance.
And, ssh tunneling through the bastion host is considered as a good choice for access from public network.

Connectivity between Cloud Run and Cloud SQL (Internal IP)

I have created my organisation infrastructure in GCP following the Cloud Foundation Toolkit using the Terraform modules provided by Google.
The following table list the IP ranges for all environments:
Now I am in the process of deploying my application that consists of basically Cloud Run services and a Cloud SQL (Postgres) instance.
The Cloud SQL instance was created with a private IP from the "unallocated" IP range that is reserved for peered services (such as Cloud SQL).
In order to establish connectivity between Cloud Run and Cloud SQL, I have also created the Serverless VPC Connector (ip range and configured the Cloud SQL proxy.
When I try to connect to the database from the Cloud Run service I get this error after ~10s:
CloudSQL connection failed. Please see https://cloud.google.com/sql/docs/mysql/connect-run for additional details: Post "https://www.googleapis.com/sql/v1beta4/projects/[my-project]/instances/platform-db/createEphemeral?alt=json&prettyPrint=false": context deadline exceeded
I have granted roles/vpcaccess.user for both the default Cloud Run SA and the one used by the application in the host project.
I have granted roles/compute.networkUser for both SAs in the service project. I also granted roles/cloudsql.client for both SAs.
I have enabled servicenetworking.googleapis.com and vpcaccess.googleapis.com in the service project.
I have run out of ideas and I can't figure out what the issue is.
It seems like a timeout error when Cloud Run tries to create a POST request to the Cloud SQL API. So it seems like the VPC connector ( cannot connect to the Cloud SQL instance (
Has anyone experienced this issue before?
When you use the Cloud SQL built-in connexion in Cloud Run (but also App Engine and Cloud Function) a connexion similar to Cloud SQL proxy is created. This connexion can be achieved only on a Cloud SQL public IP, even if you have a serverless VPC connector and your database reachable through the VPC.
If you have only a private IP on Cloud SQL, you need to use the private IP to reach the database, not the built-in Cloud SQL connector. More detail in the documentation
I also wrote an article on this
If you are using a private IP, you need to check the docker bridge network's IP range. Here is what the documentation says:
If a client cannot connect to the Cloud SQL instance using private IP, check to see if the client is using any IP in the range Connections fail from any IP within the range to Cloud SQL instances using private IP. Similarly, Cloud SQL instances created with an IP in that range are unreachable. This range is reserved for the docker bridge network.
To resolve some of the issues, you are experiencing, follow the documentation here and post any error messages you receive, for example, you could try:
Try the gcloud sql connect command to connect to your instance. This command authorizes your IP address for a short time. You can run this command in an environment with Cloud SDK and mysql client installed. You can also run this command in Cloud Shell, which is available in the Google Cloud Console and has Cloud SDK and the mysql client pre-installed.
Temporarily allow all IP addresses to connect to an instance. For IPv4 authorize (for IPv6, authorize ::/0. After you have tested this, please make sure you remove it again as it opens up to the world!
Are you using connection pools?
If not, I would create a cache of connections so that when your application needs to link to the database, it can get a temporary connection from the pool. Once the application has finished its operation, the connection returns to the pool again for later use. For this to work correctly, the connection needs to be open and closed efficiently and not waste any resources.

How to connect from my pc to sql instance with private ip in google cloud platform

I have been struggling when trying to connect to an instance of Postgresql in Google Cloud Platform (from my machine in my home network), which has a private IP.
I have tried with https://cloud.google.com/sql/docs/postgres/connect-admin-proxy (Proxy cloud sql) but I need my instance to have a public IP, and that is not possible according to the requirements I have.
Also I read that I can connect to my VPC using https://cloud.google.com/vpc/docs/configure-serverless-vpc-access , but I have no idea what I have to do.
Does anyone have ever faced a similar issue?
Thanks! I am new at GCP configuration.
You can connect to private IP by having access to the VPC your Cloud SQL instance is paired in. There are instructions under "Connecting from an external source" on the Configuring Private IP page.
However please note that connecting with Public IP with the Cloud SQL proxy is also very secure, and encrypts the data between the proxy and your instance in a similar fashion to how the Cloud VPN works.
It is not possible out of the box, but you can use openVPN to create a site to client VPN (bastion host) I found an article about how to address this scenario, this is a very elaborate solution as was mentioned on the question comments.
I found this feature request for Cloud SQL to allow connection between on-premise servers to instances with private IP

Connecting to Google Cloud SQL from my machine

I'm trying to connect to Google Cloud SQL from my machine (Ubuntu) using this command:
mysql --host='Public IP' --user='' --password
However, I'm getting this error:
ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on 'Public IP' (110)
I need any help resolving my issue.
First you need to let the Cloud SQL instance which IP addresses it can accept. You can do that without SSL by following the instructions here. However, to be more secure, I would recommend you using SSL. More info on that here.
Probably the easiest way to securely connect from your local machine to a public ip of a cloud SQL instance is to download and use the proxy, following the instructions here:
What you have to do is add a network to the public ip section, under the connections tab after selecting your Cloud SQL instance.
See Cloud SQL Connections Tab here
So, for the name input you put firstname-lastname kind of thing to denote whose ip it is. Then input your IP address into the network input.
After doing so and saving you will be able to connect.
Yes, you can add SSL and use certificates. That is all best practice and what should be done for a production stack. But if this is just getting off the ground and in rapid development, that's all you need to do in the beginning.

Cannot access google cloud SQL from google container engine

I'm still having problems accessing the cloud SQL instance from a GCE container. When I try to open up mysql, I get the following error:
ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial
communication packet', system error: 0
The connection works fine from my local machine, though (The instance has a public IP and I have added my office's IP to the 'allowed Networks'). So, the instance is accessible through the internet just fine.
I guess the db's access control is blocking my access from the gce network, but I'm unable to figure out how to configure this.
I added my project to "Authorized App Engine Applications" in the Cloud SQL control panel, but that doesn't seem to help.
If I add "" to Allowed Networks, all works well. This is obviously not what I want, so what do I need to enter instead?
EDIT2: I could also add all public IPs from my kubernetes cluster (obtained through gcloud compute instances list) and add them to the cloud sql access list manually. But, this doesn't seem to be right, does it?
The recommended solution is to use SSL connection with that CIDR. This is to limit the connection to the correct key. I also read that they won't promise you a specific IP range so the CIDR /14 might not work some times. I had to do the SSL connection with my Cloud SQL for the same reasons.
You should use the public IP addresses of the GCE instances to correctly allow traffic to your Cloud SQL instance (as you mentioned in EDIT2).
You can find more information in Cloud SQL documentation: https://cloud.google.com/sql/docs/gce-access
If you add the /14 CIDR block for your Container Engine cluster as the source address range does that work?
To find the CIDR block for your cluster, click on the cluster name in the Google Cloud Console and find the row labeled "Container address range".