IFTTT How to create and configure applet programmatically via API - ifttt

I am working on a project that would require every user to instantiate an existing IFTTT applet and configure it. Rather than providing a user guide, I would like to automate the process with a wizzard but for this to work I need to figure out how to programmatically instantiate and configure applets.
Has anyone done anything similar? Does anyone know where the documentation is?
Any pointers will be appreciated.


GWT GUI testing

I have just started working on GWT as my company is using it. However the problem is , there is not much documentation or tutorial.
I have created a dummy app as given in GWT tutorial.
The app create a GUI like this. I am able to write test cases, for functional use case, but I am not sure how to test the GUI components. For e.g. If i press on add button , it should add a row to table, how can i write the test for this.
Note: I was tryin to do GWTMockito, but was unable to find any resource.
Any help would be really appreciated.

How to use GPGS in a web-libgdx game?

sorry for my English.
How to use GPGS in a web-libgdx game?
If I understand correctly, I need to use RestAPI and javascript(I do not have enough skills in JS) with GWT in libgdx. But I don`t know how to relate everything.
I have not find examples or articles on this topic so I will be grateful for any help.
REST API is an option for this though, but there are various other options to choose from. One of the easiest way is to use the platform specific code via interfacing
Everything that doesn't get integrated directly with libGDX won't work the "write once, run anywhere" way - this applies for achievements, leaderboards.
So what you do is to add the library dependencies to the projects you generate. Then implement a generic interface, AchievementHandler with methods like unlockAchievement(String achievementId). You can then implement this via AndroidAchievementHandler which in-turn uses GPGS.
A sample application demonstrating how this can be achieved is available on github here.
Hope this helps!

Add logic hooks to on demand sugar crm professional

Ok so i just purchased a new sugarcrm professional instance on sugarcrm and I would like to add some custom logic to my leads. I would like to add them to an external service (mailchimp) through their api. ive seen that I have to create some custom php files, but I dont know how to upload them to my instance, and how is the structure of that upload. any help would be appreciated
You should create your Hook and subsequently created the installation package to install using Module Loader. Try to follow the guidance that you find here Creating an Installable Package for a Logic Hook

OwnCloud enhance core features with App (eg. user registration)

I started looking into OwnCloud app development to add some capabilities I would like to my server. To me it seems like Apps can't modify anything like the Login page or User Management page. Is this the case?
I want to build a user registration app and would love to integrate it into the user management page (if not and it has to exist as its own app page not a big deal). The one big problem I see so far is not being able to add a "Register" link to the login page. I could just go in and add it to the source manually, but I would like to keep the App self contained so others can use it too.
If this is not possible to do in an App I may just need to modify the core application and then see if they will accept my feature addition in a pull request.
Thanks to anyone who can shed some light on this for me. I don't want to waste my time trying to figure out how to do it with an App on the platform if it wont be doable.
After a lot of digging around I did figure out a way to do this.
In the App's app.php file, you can force a script to be loaded if the plugin is enabled:
$api->addScript('script_name'); // without .js
In that script jQuery can be used to add the elements to the page where you need them.
This was a good solution for me since I only needed to add a single button to the login page. I can see this being a bad idea if you want to make vast modifications. At that point you might as well just create a separate page that you have full control over.

Dynamics crm 2011 online - how to create a custom code that is run once?

I want to create a dynamics crm solution that will be imported by the customer.
After import, the user must complete some settings in a custom entity. After this, a specific code must run for these new settings, but only once. I cannot use custom workflows because it has to work in the online crm too.
The best would have been to have a synchronous plugin that is registered to execute when the settings are saved. I cannot do this because plugins can be registered for a limited set of entities, custom entities are not supported (am I right on this?).
What alternatives do I have?
Using a Configuration Page for your solution might make it easier for the user to configure. Instead of making the user manually set up a configuration entity, use Javascript in the Configuration Page web resource to hit the REST endpoint and do the setup for you. You might also be able to run your custom setup code using Javascript (or use a plugin on the configuration entity as ckeller has confirmed). Here's a link about the special Configuration Page: