The symmetry line in the middle of the 3D models In unity3D - unity3d

First of all , this image is my 3d model that I imported into unity3d :
Why this happening ?
In MAYA software this line is not appear but when I import this model into unity3d , the model seems like the above image.
what I guessing is , my 3d model UVs are overlapping together , and because of saving the texture size and getting better quality I set them like this image :
Is there anyway to fix this issue in Unity3D without changing the UV's ?

I suspect the line results from the models phong setting.
You can try to overwrite it in the Import Settings of the model: Just play around with the Smoothing Angle. Perhaps you have to adjust the Smoothness Source too.


Blender model Facing wrong direction after exporting to Unity

I want to export my blender model to unity, but every time I do that, my object in unity has a wrong forward direction
I tried rotating the armature to -90 degrees in X axis, then applying the rotation, and then rotating it back to 90 degrees without applying the rotation, but that doesn't help in my case.
One thing that I noticed when trying to fix the problem, is that when other people rotate their objects to -90 degrees, they get their object facing top
But when I do the same thing, my object rotates like this
I've tried importing to unity both as blender file and FBX, and also tried setting forward direction to different axis when exporting as FBX file, but the result is always the same in Unity. I know there is a method in unity of creating an empty gameobject and putting the model in it with right direction, but I really want to fix my model in blender rather than doing that.
Blender has a different axes order.
When exporting, you have the option to export with Y axis up.
Hope it helps.
This is an expansion on Zivdo's answer:
In Blender, +Y is forward and +Z is up (yes, this means we all do our modeling with the model facing backwards), but in Unity, +Z is forward and +Y is up. Thus when creating an exporter, it's simply a matter of swapping the Y and Z values in the vectors (a little more for quaternions and matrices). This is why the fbx exporter has the forward and up options: it takes care of the swaps for you, all you need to do is tell the fbx exporter the correct settings (and maybe ensure your model has the correct orientation (with rotation applied) in blender).

FBX from maya importing to Unity with wrong joint rotation

I'm working on a project that needs to read the joint data from motion capture device to reconstruct the motion.
I already have a model in MAYA where all the joint are having Y axis up-pointed. However, when I import that model to unity, many koints' rotation changed. I've tried different importing method including exporting a FBX then load to Unity and ecpoting to unity directly. I've also changed the default rotation in MAYA from XYZ to ZXY. But the problem still exists.
The mesh will twist since due to the wrong rotation as shown in the picture below. I've googled a lot but still not find a solution.
error listed
Usually the joint direction doesn't matter, though I used to set "z" instead "y" in my character rig.
Please go to your fbx import settings, choose your Rig/Animation Type as Humanoid. Then, create a new avatar Definition from this model.
You should now be able to remap your wrong or missing joints. It's most likely that you have wrong order of character joints' mapping.

Blender model turning black when scaled down in Unity

I made a model in Blender, which I would like to import into Unity.
When importing into Blender, at full scale, the colours show up correctly :
However, I need to scale it down (the original model is very large). And when I do so, all the colours turn black. All of a sudden, once passed a seemingly arbitrary threshold :
I tried UV unwrapping in Blender, as well as fixing normals (inside and outside). But it doesn't fix this problem.
What could be the cause of this?
Please try to use 0.1(default) for Scale Factor on Import Settings of the Model.
If it doesn't work, how about changing the shader into Standard/Color?
Maybe the issue comes from the shader can't handle the tiny scale because of floating-point precision.

Importing an exported .FBX from Blender to Unity object transform issue

I have a dumpster model I have exported from Blender as an FBX. The transform, rotation and scales have all been applied in Blender. when importing into Unity and then adding to the scene, the model is elevated and rotated at an odd angle to the transform as per the image.
The model has an armature for animating the lids an I have applied the location, rotation and scale on it as well.
Any one else come across this or know of a fix?Thanks
Blender image
Incorrect dumpster transform and location image
The problem is that Blender uses the right-handed coordinate system which means the Z-axis is pointing upwards.
Unity uses the left-handed coordinate system which means the Y-axis is pointing upwards.
To fix this, set the X-axis rotation of the model to be -90. Press Ctrl+A and apply rotation. The X-axis rotation will look like it is now 0 after that. Set it to 90 again and export it to Unity.
This 3 minutes video should also help you do this if you are still confused.
If you still have problems, check your animation. Don't apply it to your model and see if it's the problem.
Also as a side note, you can use blender files (.blend) directly with unity. So every time you modify them inside your project folder they change in unity as well.
The simplest way to solve this would be as follows:
Create a dummy game object (D)
Transform/offset the position of D to make sure your object's position align with the dummy parent
Put your game object as the child of the dummy game object D
You can then apply transform on D, rather than your own game object directly.

Put a Cinema 4D model and Texture into an iPhone App

Im an iPhone developer and i'm trying to get a 3D model that I create in Cinema 4D into an app im making. I have actually found a way to get the model in (by exporting it as a .dae or obj and using a python script) which works really well however I can't get the textures to come with it. My script actually can only handle 1 texture as well.
Basically I need to ether create and export a UV map in c4d (but I have no idea how to do this) or I figure out a way to read multiple textures into my Open Gl - ES app with a script or PowerVR. (this is probably better)
Sorry for the noob questions but im very new at the 3D world.
I would recommend that you use Blender. Export your Cinema-4D model for Blender and use Blender to create UVMaps.
You need to make seams and unwrap the model. After that save a targa template for your texture, apply your texture on that targa. Save it as png or jpg. Apply that texture image to your model in Blender. Now you can export Wavefront OBJ file.
Use OpenGLOBJLoader class to render your model in iPhone.
And one more thing: you should invert (subtract from 1) texture coordinates on y axis in order to get your texture rendered properly.
For example, if you have texture coordinates like this:
vt 0.800008 0.400000
vt 0.800008 0.150000
make sure that you have them inverted like this:
vt 0.800008 0.600000
vt 0.800008 0.850000