Blender model turning black when scaled down in Unity - unity3d

I made a model in Blender, which I would like to import into Unity.
When importing into Blender, at full scale, the colours show up correctly :
However, I need to scale it down (the original model is very large). And when I do so, all the colours turn black. All of a sudden, once passed a seemingly arbitrary threshold :
I tried UV unwrapping in Blender, as well as fixing normals (inside and outside). But it doesn't fix this problem.
What could be the cause of this?

Please try to use 0.1(default) for Scale Factor on Import Settings of the Model.
If it doesn't work, how about changing the shader into Standard/Color?
Maybe the issue comes from the shader can't handle the tiny scale because of floating-point precision.


The symmetry line in the middle of the 3D models In unity3D

First of all , this image is my 3d model that I imported into unity3d :
Why this happening ?
In MAYA software this line is not appear but when I import this model into unity3d , the model seems like the above image.
what I guessing is , my 3d model UVs are overlapping together , and because of saving the texture size and getting better quality I set them like this image :
Is there anyway to fix this issue in Unity3D without changing the UV's ?
I suspect the line results from the models phong setting.
You can try to overwrite it in the Import Settings of the model: Just play around with the Smoothing Angle. Perhaps you have to adjust the Smoothness Source too.

Scaling Object turns the textures white (Unity3D)

I'm trying to figure out why my Object's textures keep turning white once I scale the object down to 1% (or less) of its normal size.
I can manipulate the objects realtime with my fingers and there is a threshold where all the textures (except a few) turn completely ghost white, as shown below:
Any input to fix is appreciated!
One potential cause of this issue is due to how certain shaders can miscalculate how to render textures when scales are set to low values.
To be able to render this asset so small using the same shader, re-import the mesh with a smaller scale factor (in the mesh import settings), and that may fix it.
select ARCamera then camera, in the inspector, select the cameras clipping plane and increase it(you want to find the minimum possible clipping that works to save on memory, so start at 20000, and work your way backwards til it stops working, then back up a notch).
next (still in the cameras inspector), select Rendering Path and set it to Legacy Vertex Lit
this should clear it up for you

UNITY Vertex Color from obj or dae (fdx)

I have been googling hard for days to find a solution for this without luck.
I am basically trying to import vertex colours of the above formats and interpolate between them to get a smooth Color profile across the surface.
The obj and dae file have a vertex (xyz) as well as 3 other values (I assume RGB) associated with each vertex (when viewed in an text editor). However when I import the asset, it comes in without any Color. The material is set and uneditable by default and I just can't work out how to get these colours displayed.
Any help is greatly appreciated
OK, I found a way around it.
Basically, if you import a dae file with vertex colors a Vertex Shader (Standard) is available which seems to work very well.
Initially I was messing around with objs and it looks like that does not work as well but I will have to try that again tonight!

geometry object's created in Blender lose details in SceneKit

I'm using Blender to design a custom geometry object which will be used in my sceneKit scene. I import it using childNodeWithName:. I experience a significant lost in accuracy of object representation. In blender it looks terrific(see the upper picture), but in sceneKit it is full of sharp edges(bottom image). What must be done to avoid such lost of details? I'm importing a cube with smooth edges so I'm guessing that shouldn't be to hard to represent in SceneKit.
EDIT: I added visual representation of my problem.
you probably have a smooth modifier (or something like that) that you have to bake (apply) before you export your model.
I must type at least 30 characters in order to post this screenshot.

Appropriate settings for importing unlit Maya models into Unity3d?

If I am not using lighting in my game in Unity3d and all models have lighting baked in their textures, then which of the two methods of importing models is better.
(import settings in Unity inspector).
importing models with no normals
importing with normals.
importing with calculate normals and setting the smoothing angle to 180.
The shader I'm using does not use normals so I don't have a problem with no normal importing.
The 1st method reduces the vertex count most. But I'm wondering if no normals reduces some of the optimisations such as back face culling etc.
In short which is the best settings for importing models if no lighting is used.
Importing without normals will work for the specific case you're mentioning: prelit models that don't do any shading at all. However, if you want any angle-based effects at all (fresnel highlights or toon shading, for example) you'll need normal information.
You will get better optimization on the model if you don't have normal information, since none of the verts will have to be split to handle edge creases.
If you have manually edited normals in Maya (particularly flipped normals or used 'conform') you may find that importing the mesh without normals causes triangle to revert to their natural orientation - which may affect your culling.
So: using no normals is ok for the limited case of lightmapped unshaded geo, but not for much else.
The "best" settings are specific to each model resource. If your mesh data represents a hard surface then you'll want to use the Maya smoothing angle so that you can fine-tune where the shading is blended in your output.
For organic shapes I've found that a smoothing angle of 89ยบ is best but your mileage may vary (it's entirely dependent upon the visual output you're looking for.)
Normals have nothing to do with backface culling in Unity3d. If you don't need them to draw your content smoothly; then you can discard them altogether.