How to use one REST API RESPONSE property, and use it in another REST API header property - rest

I would like to know how to property transfer from one REST API to another REST API?
I worked on the property transfer with the JSON format, but I need to know how to transfer the one REST API response property and use it in the header?

let me explain this using the below scenario:
Admin get the User object by API
Save apiKey from the user object
Call the action on user behalf(By set Authorization Header to Basic with the user apiKey)
To accomplish these steps in soapUI You have to:
Define apiKey in Custom Properties in TestCase
Call resource that returns a User object
Save apiKey property to TestCase.apiKey via property transfer or Groovy Step
Reuse TestCase.apiKey in your nest REST Request step by expanding it via Basic ${=(testCase.getPropertyValue("apiKey")+":").bytes.encodeBase64()}
Hope that helps


Talend tREST component cookie extract

I'm working on a pretty straight forward proof of concept to log-in via a POST action using Talend.
From the application side, I use a POST with a body to then receive a cookie. However, I'm at a loss for how to get the cookie details from the response of the endpoint.
In my forum lurking, there appear to be two approaches: one using tREST, the other using tRESTClient.
Using tREST, I can successfully post to the endpoint, but I can not appear to retrieve the response header or body:
This is the tREST component properties:
The cookie passed from this call needs to be recycled into subsequent calls in order for them to authenticate.
I'm hoping to understand how to get the Cookie out and passed along, either with tREST or tRESTClient. My issue with tRESTClient is that I do not have a way to pass the body to that component.
Any thoughts?
On your last point - you can pass the body to tRestClient by having a flow going into tRestClient. That flow can have a "string" field containing the body in json format, and that field will need to map to the "string" column in the component input schema.
If, in your case, you do not already have a flow containing the body, you can generate it by using the tFixedFlowInput component.

Data Factory v2 - connecting using REST

The aim is to connect to a public REST api using ADF. It's my first stab at sending requests to a REST api in ADF. It is the Companies House ('CH') governement website's API in England.
I have created an account and obtained a key. Apparently, it is basic authentication and the user name is the API key and password will be ignored (CH note on authentication)
I want to explore the contents of the 'Search all' API (CH note on Search All) and want to copy the results to Blob Storage.
I therefore set the linked service to use REST as below, the obfuscated User Name is the key I obtained from CH, the password is jsut the key repeated as their documentation states they ignore the password:
I then have added a REST dataset referencing this linked service:
And the testing of the connection works fine.
Problems then arise in the copy data task, I am getting an error when previewing and also when I attempt a copy to blob of 'Invalid Authorization Header':
I'd be grateful for pointers on where I'm going wrong.
I can't reproduce your Auth error but i notice that you want to add some parameters with your GET request in the Request Body.
I think you need to add parameters in relativeUrl property:
A relative URL to the resource that contains the data. When this
property isn't specified, only the URL that's specified in the linked
service definition is used. The HTTP connector copies data from the
combined URL: [URL specified in linked service]/[relative URL
specified in dataset].
Also i suggest you checking the correct REST API format of Search Api you are using.There is no other special features in the ADF REST connector. Just make sure the GET request works locally and duplicate it.

Changing one variable in all the headers of api requests using jmeter

Using recording with Jmeter I have generated a list of api requests. The way my test object works is that when you login using UI it creates a key for the entire session (which also keeps on changing), however there is an option of having a static api key for a user that you can use for all requests when sending the api requests NOT using the UI of my software.
I have a list of api requests that I want to test but I would like to overwrite only one variable in the header of all my api requests (i.e. adding the static api key).
Is there a way of overwriting only one variable in all (most of) the headers?
The Header Manager lets you add or override HTTP request headers.
Create a header manager at the top and enter the common value. This value will be send with all the headers.
For more information check the below link:-
Hope this helps.
Add/Copy desired HTTP Header Manager above the Thread Group OR above Recording Controller and remove/disable all HTTP Header Manager inside request samplers, all request samplers will use the Main HTTP Header by default.

Retrieve Pyramid's auth_tkt via HTTP response headers on mobile client

I am writing a mobile iOS application, which communicates with a Pyramid app on the backend. I am currently using Pyramid's built-in AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy.
I've met some speed bumps while attempting to authenticate via a mobile client (iPhone). For starters, how would I send and retrieve the auth_tkt cookie that is set by Pyramid.
I understand how this works with a web browser, but, if I want to send this "auth_tkt cookie" in the HTTP response, how can I accomplish this? How do I actually get the auth_tkt secret string. For example, what if I'd like to return it in the JSON body or a custom header of my choosing rather than as the cookie set by Pyramid's remember function?
Secondly, in future requests sent by the client what header do I set with the auth_tkt secret string so that Pyramid recognizes it and appropriately authenticates the client?
Using the Pyramid Helper Classes here, it looks like you can create your own auth_tkt and access it as well. Example from docs:
token = AuthTicket('sharedsecret', 'username',
os.environ['REMOTE_ADDR'], tokens=['admin'])
val = token.cookie_value()
The headers is a webob ResponseHeaders object, it derives from webob multidict. You can get it value by using this:
set_cookie = request.response.headers['set-cookie']
You can refer this link: webob multidict

Adding More parameters to REST HTTP GET

I am trying to access a REST web service using HTTP GET request.
For a example following URI provides Rest web service that return all the available parts for the given category.
I want to authenticate/authorize users who are accessing above REST request in each time and I want to pass User authentication details (User Name and Token) with the HTTP Get Request.
Is there a possibility to cater to the above requirement in REST HTTP GET request (using HTTP header or query parameters)?
Is it better to use HTTP POST instead of HTTP GET?
Since you are getting information, you should use "Get". Here's the code that I use (it is Restlet based) for adding the oauth_token to the request...
import org.restlet.ext.oauth.OAuthUser;
import org.restlet.representation.Representation;
import org.restlet.resource.ClientResource;
Reference commitsRef = new Reference(Consts.RESOURCE_BASE + "commitments/");
OAuthUser u = (OAuthUser) request.getClientInfo().getUser();
String token = u.getAccessToken();
ref.addQueryParameter("oauth_token", token);
ClientResource commitsResource = new ClientResource(getContext(), commitsRef);
Representation commitsRep = commitsResource.get();
As mentioned, this is Restlet based, but there is probably something similar in the framework you are using. (And if you are not using a framework, Restlet can make this easier).
if you are using restlet than good because restlet have rich api for rest framework
but without this if you want to authenticate than
you can do same thing with GET or POST
but send your credential data trough cookie
and read same cookie using #CookieParam from server side
in this way you can easily authenticate user.