Adding More parameters to REST HTTP GET - rest

I am trying to access a REST web service using HTTP GET request.
For a example following URI provides Rest web service that return all the available parts for the given category.
I want to authenticate/authorize users who are accessing above REST request in each time and I want to pass User authentication details (User Name and Token) with the HTTP Get Request.
Is there a possibility to cater to the above requirement in REST HTTP GET request (using HTTP header or query parameters)?
Is it better to use HTTP POST instead of HTTP GET?

Since you are getting information, you should use "Get". Here's the code that I use (it is Restlet based) for adding the oauth_token to the request...
import org.restlet.ext.oauth.OAuthUser;
import org.restlet.representation.Representation;
import org.restlet.resource.ClientResource;
Reference commitsRef = new Reference(Consts.RESOURCE_BASE + "commitments/");
OAuthUser u = (OAuthUser) request.getClientInfo().getUser();
String token = u.getAccessToken();
ref.addQueryParameter("oauth_token", token);
ClientResource commitsResource = new ClientResource(getContext(), commitsRef);
Representation commitsRep = commitsResource.get();
As mentioned, this is Restlet based, but there is probably something similar in the framework you are using. (And if you are not using a framework, Restlet can make this easier).

if you are using restlet than good because restlet have rich api for rest framework
but without this if you want to authenticate than
you can do same thing with GET or POST
but send your credential data trough cookie
and read same cookie using #CookieParam from server side
in this way you can easily authenticate user.


OAuth2 with SPA + REST API

Lets say we have SPA written in Angular 2 and have REST API using Spring Boot.
Both of them deployed in different servers. And now I have to protect this API via Facebook's OAuth2, but I don't know which grant type suits to my problem.
I don't want to be an auth server, I don't want facebook to be my resource server, instead my own REST API is supposed to be a resource server.
From FB I just want username or email or some identifier.
If I understood correctly I have to use implicit grant flow, because it's not a web application, correct me please, if I'm wrong.
Does "authorization code" grant also could be a choice ?
I really read almost all the threads related to oauth, spring security..
But I didn't find any info related to exactly SPA and REST API for separate servers.
Any link/resource related to above problem is appreciated.
Thanks in advance and sorry if I did something wrong, it's my very first post here.
You need to implement Implicit Grant flow
you need HTTPS for safety.
OAuth Server:
send a get request to oauthserver "authorize" url with params
response_type = token (sometimes 'code')
redirect_uri = or (the one u assign while making an oauth client )
client id = dfuvhiurehvher (whatever id)
some providers require additional parameters like "scope".
when you send a request if everything works. you will be redirected to your client with the token in the url.
your request:
if successful you'll be redirected to
you can now use javascript to retrieve and store token value maybe to localStorage and attach it when sending requests to restapi (
heres an example request from
cache: false,
url: "http://localhost:7001/api/appointments",
headers: { "Authorization": "Bearer " + ATTACH_YOUR_TOKEN_VALUE_HERE }
for more details check this

Does Syncfusion Dashboard web data source support POST http methods?

Does Syncfusion Dashboard web data source support POST http methods?
If yes, so how set it up?
HTTP Post requests additional data from client to server in the message body, where message body will be like JSON, XML, TEXT etc. This may result in the creation of a new resource or the updates of existing resources or both. In contrast, HTTP Get requests include all required data in the URL. So we support HTTP Get method since POST method is not valid use case.
Umapathy S.

Retrieve Pyramid's auth_tkt via HTTP response headers on mobile client

I am writing a mobile iOS application, which communicates with a Pyramid app on the backend. I am currently using Pyramid's built-in AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy.
I've met some speed bumps while attempting to authenticate via a mobile client (iPhone). For starters, how would I send and retrieve the auth_tkt cookie that is set by Pyramid.
I understand how this works with a web browser, but, if I want to send this "auth_tkt cookie" in the HTTP response, how can I accomplish this? How do I actually get the auth_tkt secret string. For example, what if I'd like to return it in the JSON body or a custom header of my choosing rather than as the cookie set by Pyramid's remember function?
Secondly, in future requests sent by the client what header do I set with the auth_tkt secret string so that Pyramid recognizes it and appropriately authenticates the client?
Using the Pyramid Helper Classes here, it looks like you can create your own auth_tkt and access it as well. Example from docs:
token = AuthTicket('sharedsecret', 'username',
os.environ['REMOTE_ADDR'], tokens=['admin'])
val = token.cookie_value()
The headers is a webob ResponseHeaders object, it derives from webob multidict. You can get it value by using this:
set_cookie = request.response.headers['set-cookie']
You can refer this link: webob multidict

Can I get request header and response header for web service function?

I am using Java with Apache CXF to write the backend for AngularJS (single-page web site). In my REST service, I need access to the header of the http request (i.e. parameters and cookies) and I need access to the response header also (i.e. parameters and cookies). The main reason for this is security, authentication purposes and session management. Those are important reasons.
Is there a way of getting both of these structures in Apach CXF RESTfull code?
You can inject request by using #Context []
public Response myRest(#Context HttpServletRequest request /*, other parameters if you have like #QueryParam */ ){
You can set cookie or header in response as bellow
ResponseBuilder builder = Response.ok(); //Response.status(500) either way
builder.header(arg0, arg1);

Authentication Error in using Alfresco Rest API

I am trying to hit the alfresco rest api using my standalone rest code. i get the login ticket when i use the below url -
and i got the ticket but how do i use this ticket for further communication with alfresco without facing this authentication problem.
below is the code i am using for communicating with the alfresco rest client.
HttpGet getReq = new HttpGet(url);
getReq.addHeader("accept", "application/json");
StringEntity input = new StringEntity(args);
HttpResponse response = client.execute(getReq);
Kind Regards
Garvit Jain
Append the alf_ticket argument to your URL and pass in the ticket you retrieved from the /api/login call. See