I've created a report using JasperSoft Studio, and it works fine using a EJBQL Data Adapter with an EJBQL Query.
But now, I need this report to be called from Jaspersoft Server, but I can't figure out how I can setup the EJBQL Data Adapter in the Server, it is possible?
I had an application having crystal report in a machine with local sql database, there the report was showing well, but when i copied the same application in another machine having the database file copied in the sql, the application runs fine but the crystal report is showing blank page.
The controls within the application are retrieving the data from the database.
I have created a new ODBC connection.
I have changed the data-source location in the report file according to the new local machine using the ODBC connection.
We are running a TIBCO Jaspersoft Server where JasperReports is installed.
We have developed some small Reports which are running productive.
But now I wanted to add another email recipient in one report and after clicking on save I get an empty errorlist.enter empty error
Attached a screenshot. Has anyone any idea what I can do now? I can't modifiy anything in the setting for any of our reports.
I have created an iReport based on the jrxml file and ran the report in Jasper Server. But after running the report I am getting the preview of the report without any data in it. I have set all the database what I am using in Jasper Server and in iReport.
Make sure Data Source is set correctly on the server. Check your iReport connection string and credentials first, then review report Data Source details on the server.
I have two servers running:
The first one is a Jasper Server with multiple working reports.
The second one is a freshly installed SpagoBI Server.
Now the Jasper Server should not longer be used and the reports need to be migrated on the SpagoBI Server.
Is there a way to transfer/convert the reports easily?
My prefered (but naive) solution would be a simple ex- and import but unfortunately I haven't found such an option yet.
Another way that comes to my mind, could be using the clients (iReports/SpagoBI Studio).
With iReports I can access the repository of the Jasper Server but unfortunately I can't connect it to the SpagoBI Server.
I successfully developed a report in iReport, which runs against a mondrian cube and a mysql data source.
When i upload this report jrxml to jasperserver as a resource > jasperreport, i dont see any options to specify the mondrian schema. It gives option to add data source.
Running this report doesnt yield any data or error?
Has anyone uploaded a report which has mdx as a query.
ps:I am using jasperserver community edition
I saw you have switch to Pentaho but if someone face the same issue there is a trick to succeed.
There are 2 means to link a mondrian cube with jasperserver (for the 4.5CE version at least):
use the JasperReport Server repository in iReport to upload the report, in the ui you can choose your mondrian connexion (previously created in jasperserver) as datasource.
use JasperServer to upload the report and manualy enter the id of the mondrian connexion.