We are running a TIBCO Jaspersoft Server where JasperReports is installed.
We have developed some small Reports which are running productive.
But now I wanted to add another email recipient in one report and after clicking on save I get an empty errorlist.enter empty error
Attached a screenshot. Has anyone any idea what I can do now? I can't modifiy anything in the setting for any of our reports.
I have several reports which have been integrated into a dashboard web app. On several of the reports we use the "Widgets Pro" angular gauge component. This renders and displays fine with visualize.js. The user would like to be able to export some of these as PDF documents. It renders fine if I export to PDF from within TIBCO jasper studio, but when I deploy it jaspersoft-pro and attempt to export it as a PDF or a DOCX file from the server the component does not render and the error message "[Fusion Component Not Supported]" is left in its place.
I'm not really sure where to start with this. I assume some components or libraries need to be added to our server.
A couple other details to mention: The workstation on which I develop is Windows. The server is Linux based. We are running TIBCO jasperserver 7.5.0
Well the local crew ended up figuring this out.
Turns out that PhantomJS needed to be updated and configured on the jaspersoft-pro server, to 2.1.1 in our case.
More specific steps:
Download PhantomJS 2.1.1 from official website and extract to an appropriate spot on your system (like /usr/local/phantomjs).
Edit $CATALINA_BASE/webapps/jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF/js.config.properties and set "phantomjs.binary=/usr/local/phantomjs/bin/phantomjs"
Edit $CATALINA_BASE/webapps/jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF/classes/jasperreports.properties and set "net.sf.jasperreports.phantomjs.executable.path=/usr/local/phantomjs/bin/phantomjs"
I have created an iReport based on the jrxml file and ran the report in Jasper Server. But after running the report I am getting the preview of the report without any data in it. I have set all the database what I am using in Jasper Server and in iReport.
Make sure Data Source is set correctly on the server. Check your iReport connection string and credentials first, then review report Data Source details on the server.
I have two servers running:
The first one is a Jasper Server with multiple working reports.
The second one is a freshly installed SpagoBI Server.
Now the Jasper Server should not longer be used and the reports need to be migrated on the SpagoBI Server.
Is there a way to transfer/convert the reports easily?
My prefered (but naive) solution would be a simple ex- and import but unfortunately I haven't found such an option yet.
Another way that comes to my mind, could be using the clients (iReports/SpagoBI Studio).
With iReports I can access the repository of the Jasper Server but unfortunately I can't connect it to the SpagoBI Server.
I successfully developed a report in iReport, which runs against a mondrian cube and a mysql data source.
When i upload this report jrxml to jasperserver as a resource > jasperreport, i dont see any options to specify the mondrian schema. It gives option to add data source.
Running this report doesnt yield any data or error?
Has anyone uploaded a report which has mdx as a query.
ps:I am using jasperserver community edition
I saw you have switch to Pentaho but if someone face the same issue there is a trick to succeed.
There are 2 means to link a mondrian cube with jasperserver (for the 4.5CE version at least):
use the JasperReport Server repository in iReport to upload the report, in the ui you can choose your mondrian connexion (previously created in jasperserver) as datasource.
use JasperServer to upload the report and manualy enter the id of the mondrian connexion.
I created a ASP.NET3.5 website having a crystalreportviewer in it, it works fine if I run through visual studio 2008 or on my own machine. But when i deployed project on web server, it started giving me error.
Firstly it was giving error on first page that CrystalDecision.web assembly can't be found, then I installed Crytal Runtime 2008 on my web server. After installation application seems like ok, but when I opened page with CrystalReportViewer it gave me different error, as following:
The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)
Any idea about it??
You probably have slightly different versions of the crystal assemblies on the server and your development machine. Compare the version numbers in c:\windows\assembly on both and see if there is a difference. If there is, either update the server or change the version numbers for the assemblies in web.config.
Also, The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference
After spending almost 2hrs I finally found the fix.
Uninstall the Crystal Reports run time from web server.
Check if web server still have \program files\Business object folder, if still exist then delete it. Ensure other applications are not dependent on it.
Give Read and Write access permissions to ASPNET user on \windows\Temp folder
Install Crystal Report run time now.
Restart IIS
Following these steps should fix the crystal report viewer problem.
But then one more problem arises, crystal report viewer doesnt show the icons, the reason is crystal report viewer looks for aspnet_client\system_web\2_0_50727 folder in root folder of the website. In my case I have multiple websites on my server including .NET 1.1, 2.0 and ASP, so I have wwwrootASP2.0 folder for this website. But by default web server created aspnet_client\system_web\2_0_50727 folder under default website (wwwroot). So, the fix is, just copy that aspnet_client\system_web\2_0_50727 folder into your website's root directory. Bingo !!!!!! It works fine now.
I hope it will help,
I just wanted to add that an easier way seems to be creating a virtual directory under you web application called aspnet_client that points to C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\aspnet_client.
This also makes the images on the crystal report viewer show up. It was tested with visual studio 2008 crystal basic on IIS running on server 2003.
I figured this out after reading http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/vscrystalreports/thread/e2dc93b3-e594-4ae6-ba92-9440ccc7f6be.