How to make extension/plugin for fl studio? - plugins

I am using Fl studio to make 3d audio(audio alternates between audio channels).But I have to do many of the same processes by hand every time.So, I want to create a plugin that does the repetitive stuff for me.
How do I create plugins for FL studio? I know C++ and python(If that helps).What is the process of making a plugin for Fl studio(not just for this 3d audio problem)?

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Save images for my web server in SPIFFS on esp32-S2

Hi it's my first time using esp32-S2 because now its not recommended to use esp32. I'm looking for saving images in SPIFFS for my web server. In esp32 i used to use esp32fs plugin ( but it doesn't work for esp32-S2. I would like to know if there is any plugin like esp32fs and if not how can i save my images (I'm using arduinoIDE 1.8.19). I've been searching but i didn't found anything. Any orientation is welcomed. Thank you for your time and assistance.
You can try my ESP32_FSWebServer_DRD or ESP_FSWebServer example of ESP_WiFiManager library
Follow the instructions in ESP_FSWebServer Example
You can use either deprecated SPIFFS or the better LittleFS

How to detect audio folders in flutter like MX Player does?

Recently I started working on an Audio Player flutter project. And as a flutter beginner, I had to search for things needed to fulfill the project. I wanted a media folder detection mechanism like the MX Player app does.
But after searching the whole day on the web for it, I didn't find anything useful.
Please suggest to me how to achieve this functionality or are there any packages available for that?
You can do a file scan and filter files found by their extensions (mp3,aac...) to get your audio files.
You should use ContentResolver query like
`Cursor c = context.getContentResolver().query(uri, projection, MediaStore.Audio.Media.DATA + " like ? ", new String[]{"%utm%"}, null)`
Example is shown here

Fluter/Dart code loading over network

Recently, I watched the first introduction of Flutter originally named Sky on Youtube .
At 1:54 Eric Seidel says something like this - This all is loaded over the network. Dart code of the network. What happenend to it in Flutter?
Is it possible to load Dart code like new versions directly over the network without using the AppStore?
I'm not sure Eric was talking about the data or the actual code. It does sound like he meant both.
It may have been possible to load code over the network because on these early days they shipped the dart VM on releases and code was JIT compiled. Since late 2015 Flutter moved to Dart's AOT compilation (see this video).
So no, it's not possible to update your flutter apps through the network.
This all is loaded over the network. Dart code of the network
After watching the video, I got the context of the line. It means the data getting fetched from the network and the code written is in the Dart rather than Java.

Wwise, Resonance Audio and Unity Integration. Configure Wwise Resonance Audio Plugin

I have tried to get a response on Github but with no activity about this issue there I will ask here.
I have been following the documentation and I am stuck when I have imported the WwiseResonanceAudioRoom mixer effect on the bus in Wwise and I do not see anything in the properties. I am not sure if I am supposed to? Right after that part of the documentation is says "Note: If room properties are not configured, the room effects bus outputs silence." I was wondering if this was the case and yes it outputs silence. I even switched the effect to see if it will just pass audio and it does just not with the Room effect, so at least I know my routing is correct.
So now this leads up to my actual question. How do you configure the plugin?? I know there is some documentation but there is not one tutorial or a step by step for us non code savvy audio folk. I have spent the better half of my week trying to figure this out b/c frankly for the time being this is the only audio spatialization plugin that features both audio occlusion, obstruction and propagation within Wwise.
Any help is appreciated,
Thank you.
I had Room Effects with Resonance Audio working in another project last year, under its former name, GVR. There are no properties on the Room Effect itself. These effect settings and properties reside in the Unity Resonance prefabs.
I presume you've follow the latter tutorial on Room Effect here:
Then what you need to do is to add the Room Effect assets into your Unity project. The assets are found in the Resonance Audio zip package, next to the authoring and SDK files. Unzip the Unity stuff into your project, add a room Effect in your scene and you should be able to see the properties in the inspector of the room object?
Figured it out thanks to Egil Sandfeld Here !
To elaborate I had the SDKs implemented but I went ahead and replaced them anyways and it worked!

WinJS.UI Metro Animation Library

I'm starting to port over my web app that I've built with Sencha Touch into the Windows 8 world. I'm seeing a lot of WinJS.UI documentation, basically telling me that there are more 'native' feeling animations and UI actions already build into this framework.
My app is already structured, but I'd like to mix in WinJS.UI if I can. How do I go about doing this? I haven't found a link to download the library or anything of the sort.
For example, this link:
I see that they are using:
function runAnimation(){
enterPage = WinJS.UI.Animation.enterPage(input);
But I find no documentation on where to include the library.
Little bit lost, any help is appreciated!
These animations are included in the UI.Js from the WinJS Package -- this is the same WinJS that is included in the default Visual Studio Templates. Just create a new HTML Windows Store application, and the details will be there.
Here's your library:
You can deploy this on your computer and play with the animations.