Fluter/Dart code loading over network - flutter

Recently, I watched the first introduction of Flutter originally named Sky on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=10&v=PnIWl33YMwA .
At 1:54 Eric Seidel says something like this - This all is loaded over the network. Dart code of the network. What happenend to it in Flutter?
Is it possible to load Dart code like new versions directly over the network without using the AppStore?

I'm not sure Eric was talking about the data or the actual code. It does sound like he meant both.
It may have been possible to load code over the network because on these early days they shipped the dart VM on releases and code was JIT compiled. Since late 2015 Flutter moved to Dart's AOT compilation (see this video).
So no, it's not possible to update your flutter apps through the network.

This all is loaded over the network. Dart code of the network
After watching the video, I got the context of the line. It means the data getting fetched from the network and the code written is in the Dart rather than Java.


Firebase 9 & Flutter: How to initializeApp?

I am desperately trying to figure out how to initializeApp with Flutter (not React Native).
I know about the functions to use, but I can not find the firebaseConfig I need to pass into the function.
And no matter what I search for, every resources references to React Native, like as if nobody codes with Flutter since Firebase 9 has been released anymore (or I am the only dummy which is not able to resolve this by myself).
Can someone tell me where to get the firebaseConfig object from?
If I add a new app to my project, I only get the google-services.json, which does NOT include the firebaseConfig object I need to pass.
I understand your confusion now, let me explain. When the guy in the video talks about Firebase v9 he is talking about the SDK version which in the case of Javascript (which I suppose is his main topic in his channel) is currently 9.17.1 an the version 9 has been around since 2021 so it is not new. The different SDKs have their own versions for each platform so thinking it will be the same in every SDK is a mistake by itself. You can check the SDKS here. So there is no Firebase v9, there is a Firebase SDK for javascript version 9. They managed in that way in javascript and in flutter it is not the same. Being that the last update in the flutter SDK was literally yesterday I'm pretty sure they have their reasons to not implement the same functions in flutter since 2021.
Now, one of the thinks the guy talks in the video is deconstructing, which is something common in javascript. The way you do this in flutter is by using show.
So you would be doing this for example:
import 'package:cloud_firestore/cloud_firestore.dart' show FirebaseFirestore, QuerySnapshot; //Add everything you would be using
This way only the specific parts of the library will be imported and the amount of code the Dart VM has to load will be reduced.
As of the access to documents, it is still the same but you can easily create a helper class that contents your references to your collections and then just use that class to reduce the boilerplate code created by the firebase SDK.
You have to install the Firebase CLI and run firebase init.
You need to use the package firebase_core that will give you access to the class Firebase so you can use it to initialize your app Firebase.initializeApp() you can pass the default options for the current platform using Firebase.initilizeApp(options: DefaultFirebaseOptions.currentPlatform) usually your IDE will automatically import the corresponding package but in case it does not you would have to import 'firebase/firebase_options.dart';
An useful link to the documentation: Add Firebase to your Flutter App

How would I go about writing code that uses android.hardware.automotive.vehicle#2.0 Library?

I'm trying to learn to write Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL).
Here's the path I've taken so far, please correct me if I'm off in any step.
Downloaded AOSP and built it successfully (86%)
Located Vehicle Hal Support Library
Located android.hardware.automotive.vehicle C++ code.
Things I've attempted after that the steps below without succeeding to get those above classes recognized.
Import android.hardware.automotive.vehicle classes in Android Studio for a typical Android App that targets 29 Api Level.
Adding meta tag of android.car app
Copy/Pasting all source code under AOSP /packages/services/Car/
Partially contemplated adding android.hardware.automotive.vehicle#2.0.so Library and trying to access it through JNI (Not so sure about this one).
Please orient me, I see some repositories on github not doing anything special and somehow they're able to import the package in a java class like this.
import android.hardware.automotive.vehicle.V2_0.VehicleHwKeyInputAction;
import android.hardware.automotive.vehicle.V2_0.VehiclePropValue;
import android.hardware.automotive.vehicle.V2_0.VehicleProperty;
import android.hardware.automotive.vehicle.V2_0.VehiclePropertyAccess;
how on earth do they get access to those classes?
Vehicle HAL is not meant to be accessed directly from apps. Car Service does that for you.
You have couple options depending on what you're actually trying to accomplish:
Learn to write HAL services - it's like writing a driver for a given hardware (in this case, something that provides car data to Car Service).
Learn to write HAL clients - try modifying EmbeddedKitchenSink app first. Please note you need to build it with AOSP and not in AmdroidStudio since this is a system app (and regular apps doesn't have access to the HAL)
Learn Vehicle APIs - that's what you need car lib for. Details on how to use it: https://stackoverflow.com/a/63321234/14759774

How to get GLFW window Id of FlutterWindow

I am trying to build a video player using flutter for Desktop. There is a video_player plugin available for iOS and Android, but not for Desktop. So, for the time being thought of trying to use gstreamer for decoding and hardware rendering in C++ code as back-end to flutter. The idea is to pass the Window Id of the flutter window to gstreamer's glimagesink plugin for rendering the video.
I am using the latest code from https://github.com/google/flutter-desktop-embedding as the base for my experiments. Below mentioned points are with reference to this repo.
In file flutter-desktop-embedding/example/linux/main.cc, FlutterWindowController object is created as shown below.
flutter::FlutterWindowController flutter_controller(icu_data_path);
This internally calls
While hovering the mouse pointer on the above method, VS code shows the following
bool FlutterDesktopInit()
Sets up the library's graphic context. Must be called before any other
Note: Internally, this library uses GLFW, which does not support multiple
copies within the same process. Internally this calls glfwInit, which will
fail if you have called glfwInit elsewhere in the process.
It is clear that FlutterDesktopInit() uses GLFW to create window. Checked whether I can get the window handle. But, no luck. I could only get the FlutterWindow object as shown below.
flutter::FlutterWindow *win = flutter_controller.window();
Appreciate if somebody can give some hint on how to get the GLFW window handle, which can be used with glimagesink.
You can't get references to any GLFW objects through that API. This is by design because, as the comment you quoted says, you can't have multiple copies of GLFW within the same process. GLFW is statically linked into the Linux Flutter embedding, so you can't use GLFW in the runner or a plugin.
Implementing a video player should be done using the texture APIs, which will be added for GLFW in this PR.

Passing command line arguments to a flutter app

Is package:args ArgParser compatible with flutter apps? I see on Github that it is used several times in some Flutter tools, but I'm not sure it's used in any of the sample apps.
If it is not compatible, is there another way to pass configuration options to my app at compile time as part of its build rule?
package:args operates on List<String>, which can come from anywhere. For example, I've used it in a browser app, in which the arguments came from Chrome's JS console. If you are OK with using the HostMessages API, then the following might work for you:
On Android, turn Intent.getExtras into List<String> and pass it to package:args. Similarly, this answer may help on the iOS side.

Soundtouch bpm iPhone

I'm trying to integrate a mechanism to calculate the BPM of the song in the iPod library(also on iphone).
Searching on the web I found that the most used and reliable libraries to do this things is soundtouch.Anyone has experience with this library? It is computationally possible to make it run on the iPhone hardware?
I have recently been using the code from the BPMDetect class of the soundtouch library succesfully. Initially compiled it on C++, later on translated the code to C# and lately I've been using the C++ code on an Android app through JNI. I'm not really familiar with development in iOS but I'm almost certain that it is possible what you're trying to do.
The only files you should use from the soundtouch source code are the following:
C++ files
Header files
At least these are the only ones I had to use to make it work.
The BPMDetect class recieves raw samples through its inputSamples() method, it's capable of calculating a bpm value even when the whole file is not yet loaded into its buffer. I have found that these intermediate values differ from the one obtained once the whole file is loaded, which is more accurate, in my experience.
Hope this helps.
It's a kind of complex process to explain in a comment so I'm going to edit the answer.
The gist of it is that you need your android app to consume native code. In order to do that, you need to compile the files listed above from the soundtouch library with the Android NDK toolset.
That will leave you with native code that will be able to process raw sound data, but you still need to get the data from the sound file, which you can do several ways, I think. The way I was doing it was using the FMOD library for Android, here's a nice example for that: FMOD for Android.
Supposing you declared a method like this in your C code:
void Java_your_package_YourClassName_cPlay(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz)
On the Android app you use your native methods in the following way:
public class Sound {
// Native method declaration
private native void cPlay();
public void play()
In order to have a friendlier API to work with you can create wrappers around these function calls.
I put the native C code I was using in a gist here.
Hope this helps.