How to use the used by button in the GitHub repository? - github

Hello I have published a library in my GitHub repository and i want to use the used by button in the repository
I checked the repository settings but found no options to enable it
How do I enable this button in my repository?

netlify/staticgen issue 507 also asks, as you do:
GitHub introduced a new metric, which I find much more relevant than stars or downloads. It shows the number of times a dependency is used by other repositories.
How is this metric added to a repository?
GitHub shows package metrics for projects that use a package manager, eg. if your repo has a package.json, it will use that to show your dependency network.
It is then automatically analyzed by GitHub, which scan other repository where your project reference shows up.
This was announced last May 2019 by GitHub.
And it can be misleading (for monorepos)
Official documentation: "Listing the projects that depend on a repository"
This is only for projects using:
Maven (pom.xml only)
Check the supported languages.


Specifying which README is displayed under a github package connected to a repository

I built a docker image and published it to github package registry under an organization and linked it to a specific repository. However, I would like to specify a different README file to be displayed in the package registry under the image I published.
Currently, the README that is displayed is the general one for my repository. Is there a way to change/specify which one is displayed for my package?
No, that's currently not possible. When a repository is linked to the package, it will show the repository's readme. When you navigate to a specific version of the package, it will show that version's readme.

what is the difference between github project and project inside repository?

I know this question sounds dumb, but I am unable to understand the difference between the main project and project option provided inside each repository.
Are they same? (But the URL differs)
I looked at
but it doesn't help.
I basically understand that for larger projects management, project inside repository is helpful.
on what uses cases, they provided the another project outside of repository and linking those repositories to it?
Is that for structuring?
There is a repository on github (sometimes called a "project") where you store your code. You change the code, make a git commit, and push those code changes to the github repository.
GitHub also has a feature called "projects" which provides you a method for managing the work that needs to be done on the code. GitHub also has "issues", an issue tracker. You can use the GitHub Project Board to organize your GitHub issues, giving you a way to see see where things are at in your effort on the code.
You can turn off the "projects" and "issues" features in the repository settings, you don't have to use them. The center of work is the code in the repository, which might be referred to as a project -- the Projects feature lets you manage your issues in GitHub in a more visual format.
The difference is in the scope. The "main project" (user-owned project board) can have issues and pull requests from multiple repositories whereas the "project in repository" (repository project board) can contain only the issues and pull requests belonging to that repository.
From the Project boards docs:
Types of project boards:
User-owned project boards can contain issues and pull requests from any personal repository.
Organization-wide project boards can contain issues and pull requests from any repository that belongs to an organization. You can link up to twenty-five repositories to your organization or user-owned project board...
Repository project boards are scoped to issues and pull requests within a single repository. They can also include notes that reference issues and pull requests in other repositories.

Github Wiki as a subfolder of the main project

We have a project self-hosted on our Phabricator instance. I made a mirror of the project on GitHub.
The project has a subfolder called docs that contains the documentation in Markdown.
If the project was hosted on Github, I would add the wiki as a submodule of the main project -- however, the project is hosted on Phabricator and I do not want anything on the Phabricator repo to link to GitHub.
How can I tell Github to use the docs/ folder for the wiki, without any modification needed to the Phabricator repo?
This link from GitHub's documentation would indicate that GitHub wiki's are stored in a separate repository which I would think means this is not possible.

How to find releases on some project on Github

Following page page points to Github's page where pre-build binaries are contained. If I have not found first mentioned page first then I would have not an idea that such page (with pre-build binaries) exists on Github. Is it usual to put some pre-build binaries under releases on GitHub (I've seen it also other times e.g. with gns3)? Is there any link on project's Github page which will point me to releases (maybe I can add releases to corresponding URL but I guess there must be some link which points to it)
The "release" pages is available on any GitHub project. You can access it quickly using the link on top of project (between branches and contributors):
GitHub release page is computed from Git repository tags. The maintainer of the project is free to use it or not, but it's a common practice to transform a git tag into a release, attaching a description (changelog, release note, etc) and/or some files (pre-build packages, setups, DMGs, etc.)
GitHub team wrote a blog post a few years ago to explain this feature.

How to create a repository in using gitpython package

I have tried to create a repository in github with my python program. I found gitpython package in web-search. I can able to pull repository but unable to create a repository in github. please help me.
Git and GitHub are different things.
The former is an open source distributed version control system. The latter is a commercial entity that provides products and services supportng Git. (Confusingly, it is also the name of many of those products.)
There is no way to create a repository on GitHub using the standard git command-line tool.
From GitPython's PyPI page:
GitPython is a python library used to interact with Git repositories.
No mention is made of GitHub, and in general git and GitPython can do basically the same things. If you want to create a repository on GitHub you could use any of the libraries listed here.
Alternatively, you could use their API directly, by POSTing to /user/repos. This method will require you to authenticate, and in my opinion using one of the libraries from the previous list is easier and more robust.