Google Publisher Console shows destroyed ad slots + warnings - google-dfp

We're working on implementing GPT into our SPA written in VueJS. Whenever a user navigates to a different page we call googletag.destroySlots(); for the slots we want to remove, before the DIV element is removed from the DOM (beforeDestroyed hook in VueJS, removed the google.cmd.push())
The issue is the following error shows up in the Google Publisher Console:
googletag.defineSlot was called more times than there are DIVs in the DOM associated with ad slots while in Single Request Mode. This will impact impression counts.
Besides the warning the Ad Slot will still show up as overlay and in the Ad Slots section of the Console, closing and reopening the console doesn't work.
I've tried the following to reproduce it:
Define a slot with googletag.defineSlot
load in an ad using prebid then googletag.refresh (shows fine)
Call googletag.destroySlots()
Remove the DIV element that was linked to that slot
Started Publisher Console
In this scenario the warning appears and the Ad Slot is listed in the console.
So my question is, should we ignore this warning? Because we are properly calling destroySlots, and the slot isn't listed under getSlots(); either.


Bootstrap Vue invalid feedback on input not computed

I am working on a project that previous developer used Bootstrap Vue, the problem I have is with b-form-invalid-feedback.
Invalid feedback works once page is loaded, the reason for that is the docs provides example does the same
, now if you have a page with 10 input for a user to register and directly after he opens the page immediately the invalid feedback starts and shows errors in all fields for the user before he even starts writing his name.
Bootstrap V4.3 CSS uses sibling selectors to show/hide valid/invalid feedback.
Wrap each input+feebdack components inside a div so that the other inputs/feedback are no longer siblings of the previous input(s).

Not able to unlock the AEM page in AEM6.2 for custom template

I am not able to unlock the page in touch UI editor. Created simple template and page component. There is no code inside the jsp . I am able to lock the page but when trying to unlock page, getting JS in console(please see attached scree shot). It is working fine with geometric template,
Step to produce.
create simple template and component as below
create a page out of this template
open the in touch ui mode.
lock the page
Now try to unlock the below. see the console by pressing f12. below error is displaying.
Try to see first the error.log located in your environment, for instance: AUTHOR_INSTANCE_DIR/crx-quickstart/logs/error.log.
This may provide more information about the issue. You should validate that you are logged in as an admin or at least you are the owner of lock, you can do this by going to the CRXDE Lite, and in the jcr:content node of your page you have to see jcr:lockOwner property with your username.

Custom blocks to display for students in moodle

I have created a custom block in moodle. The block displays perfectly on admin and manager account. But it doesnt display on the student account.
I have created db/access.php file. I have also created tests/generator_test.php (copied as same from online_user block by changing the key names ). The block is not visible in site admistrator/users/permission/define roles/ student and then clicking on edit. (Block: online users allow). The same is not showing for my block.
Some one please help me with this. I want to display that block on students dashboard.
If you have already installed the block then any changes to db/access.php won't apply until the version number is bumped.
So just increase the version number in blocks/yourblock/version.php then go to site admin -> notifications to update it.
If that doesn't work then show the contents of access.php.

Facebook like button gives an error: This page is either disabled or not visible to the current user

The like button on my site was working fine and had more than 270 recommendations but suddenly they disappeared and when I click on the button, it gives an error:
This page is either disabled or not visible to the current user.
I checked my URL on the debug tool but it gives me the same result each time that appears to be fine.
I have no idea what is the problem or if my site has been blocked by them.
How can I check if its blocked or find the problem?
My URL is:
Check this link:
As for your counts, you specified (
and the counts you're looking for are under (
The fix for this is your plugin code.
Add data-href="" to the plugin code and it will be back to the old like count. You will not be able to move the 6 current ones over though.

Facebook: Updating page tabs through Javascript SDK

I'm trying to update my tab on a series of pages on facebook. Due to the volume of pages I'm making batch calls to keep from being rate limited. The batch calls work fine.
That being said, I'm trying to Update a page tab by making the call as stated here. I have the adding functionality working fine, and it's operating as it should. I use the same method of getting and using tokens, and I know moreso that it's not an issue as I have offline access so they don't expire (I get them every page load, but in reality could just store them and not worry about it).
Both calls use the same page ID, app ID, and access token and the call is good. The Error I receive is that the tab does not exist on the page, yet when I go to my tab is there showing itself as on the page. When I post to that I get the error it's not there.
My question is this: Has anyone gotten this working yet and if so what did your call look like and am I missing something?
I would post code, but it's incredibly long and intertwined in my program so it would be difficult to extract it.
There's a slight issue with the page tabs API at the moment that means in some situations you need to prepend your app id in the call with app_ so /PAGE_ID/tabs/app_APP_ID, give this a try and see if it works.