Facebook like button gives an error: This page is either disabled or not visible to the current user - facebook

The like button on my site was working fine and had more than 270 recommendations but suddenly they disappeared and when I click on the button, it gives an error:
This page is either disabled or not visible to the current user.
I checked my URL on the debug tool but it gives me the same result each time that appears to be fine.
I have no idea what is the problem or if my site has been blocked by them.
How can I check if its blocked or find the problem?
My URL is: iran.us

Check this link: http://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/og/object?q=http%3A%2F%2Firan.us
As for your counts, you specified
http://iran.us (http://graph.facebook.com/http://www.iran.us)
and the counts you're looking for are under
http://www.iran.us/index.php (http://graph.facebook.com/http://www.iran.us/index.php)
The fix for this is your plugin code.
Add data-href="http://www.iran.us/index.php" to the plugin code and it will be back to the old like count. You will not be able to move the 6 current ones over though.


Facebook - click on a like button does not increase the like count

After searching the internet and doing my own research on this subject I still can not find the answer to my problem, so here it is.
When I click the like button (to like my website http://openarchitecture.cz) then the like count is not being increased.
Debugging the FB javascript code on client-side (in Chrome) and examining the ajax response
send back from FB servers after the click on "Like" button, revealed that FB is instructing the Like button to be "disconnected", resulting in the behaviour described below.
The term "disconnected" is a strict FB term (in a sense of a javascript code), it means that on client-side there will be used a "plugin" that will perform certain operations leading to "inactivity" of like button. Technically, when the plugin "disconnect" is beeing recognized as part of the ajax response, there is an array of predefind actions (functions) that will be followed and called sequentially.
Now for the reproducibility of the problem.
Go to http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like and fill the "URL to Like" field with http://openarchitecture.cz
Click "Get code", then click "Ok" on the pop-up and finally click "Like" button on the right.
The like count should increase. Instead a pop-up shows up for (aprox.) 1 sec.
then the popup disappears. Now I am in the same state as before I click the
like button, i.e. like count is not increased.
I have found similar questions here on SO, but none of them seems to finally
resolve the issue.
The related questions here on SO are:
1. http://facebook.stackoverflow.com/questions/5195183/facebook-like-button-flashing-on-then-off/12958474#12958474
2. Facebook Like button does not work on one website?
One of the suggestions was that this migth actually be a FB bug. I found a (very recently created) bug, reported in FB bug tracking system. The bug is located here:
The bug has however "Low" priority an so far it does not seem to be resolved (it might even be returned as not a FB issue, I am not sure if this possibility is still open).
So for all interested in this.
Is this a real FB bug ?
How have you dealt with this ?
Could it be that my site is for some reason on FB spam/black/"whatever nasty" list ?
Well. This will end up like the other posts, i.e. no lesson learned here.
[The term "page" used later in this post represents the http://openarchitecture.cz page]
I just tried today to like the page again via the FB generated like button (on http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/ ) and the result is now ok. So the like count gets increased after clicking the like button.
The difference that I observed when checking the request exchange to FB servers is that this time the communication has been done (by default. i.e. using the XFBML version of the like button) over iframe, not direct ajax call (as was in the past for XFBML).
I dont know what was the cause (I tried the pure iframe version of like button before) but the response going back as a result of the mentioned iframe request is now correct, ie. FB sends back response instructing javascript in client browser to use "connect" plugin not "disconnect" plug-in.
One more thing. One month ago I have created a FB profile (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Openarchitecture/125515934292877) of the page and have done some updates to this profile. So maybe FB decided that the page (being referenced from FB profile) has now earned the provilige to be "liked".
Like I said at the beginning. Problem solved, but no lesson learned.
For me, the problem (Like popup disappearing after a second; "Plugin","disconnect" response) was happening when the Like button URL redirected to another URL.
The fix was to add og:type, og:url, and og:title (required per https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/opengraph/object-type/website), then running the URL through the Facebook debugger to clear the cache (https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug).
More at https://stackoverflow.com/a/16597060/2391566 .

Misconfigured App on Facebook but no errors?

I am trying to set up a tab with a link to a contact form from my site on Facebook.
I developed the 'app' through the developers site and have set up the page tab.
I've saved the app and it saves it fine (displaying a message saying changes were saved but it might take some time to propagate across all servers.)
Well I waited an hour and I still can't add the tab to my page. I tried locating the app page directly using the namespace, but I get an error message saying:
"[My App] cannot be displayed because the app is misconfigured."
I don't know how it is misconfigured? There are no errors when saving, so I don't know what the issue is or how to go about fixing it. There are no problems with the app that I can see... how am I supposed to know what's wrong with it?
All it is is a page tab. I've put the link to the page tab in, I don't have a secure page (https) so I have left this box blank but I don't know what to do now.
Any ideas how I can find out in what way it is 'misconfigured'?
This error usually occurs when you try to view the App Center page for the app when the app doesn't have the 'App Details' tab settings populated.
So instead of:
Make sure you are loading:
That page will display hints (if you are admin or developer of the app) on what you are missing.
And, adding to the answer already given by #Donn Lee, which pointed to the right way, you must also ADD A PLATFORM in settings, in https://developers.facebook.com/apps/APP-ID/settings/

Facebook Like button doesn't show up anymore

I implemented the like-button on the page http://www.racket-center.de on every subpage of this site. I noticed that it didn't show up on every page so I tried different implementation-versions (html5, iframe etc) but it didn't work. If I remember correctly the more I tried the less pages the button appeared on.
Now the button doesn't show up anymore – not even within the wizard at http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/ You can try it yourself: if you enter the URL of the site + then change another option to get the wizard checking the url the like-button will disappear.
I tried to debug via the linter and fixed some minor warnings it complained (e.g. adjusting the og:image-size to fit 200x200px) but that didn't bring back the button.
I guess the page is kind of blacklisted but I don't know + if it was blacklisted I don't know why.
Does anybody have a clue what might be going on here or kind point me to any resource about fb's blacklists?
Would be nice to get some help.

Tab Content Does Not Refresh After First Click of Like Button

I've implemented a very simple "like guard" for a facebook tab, and am running into an issue with my test users. Multiple testers are reporting that when they open a tab and click the "like" button, they do not always get a page refresh (so the like guard does not disappear until they do a manual reload). This is using facebook's like button at the top of the page, not one I've coded up myself.
As a sanity check, I enabled some simple logging on my server and have been able to recreate the issue - I hit "like" or "unlike" but there seems to be no request made to my index.php page, so definitely no refresh happening.
I'm aware of this old bug https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/228778937218386 but this one seems different. For starters, after the first click of the "like" button, if I just continue clicking unlike/like/.... then the refresh happens automatically, as expected. What's especially weird is that if I reload the page after the first failed refresh, the refreshes start working again as expected, ie the first update to my like status triggers a page refresh.
Some possibly (?) relevant info:
My Tab is part of a test page, and is unpublished
I am only using http hosting for the tab content, since my https isn't set up yet
So far I've just tested with other admins - so maybe user role affects this?
Curious to see if anyone has run into this issue before.
Finally settled this problem, sharing in case others run into the same issue:
My confusion was caused by where I created/assigned my testers. I made a dummy community page to host the tab I was building and I added all my testers to the test community page. I realized that the only users not getting the weird refresh problems were those testers who I had also added as admin/testers for the app itself. Apparently, adding them as testers to your community page is not enough, and rather than giving you some kind of warning when they view your tabs, testers just get this buggy refresh behavior.

Like Button Not Showing Counts

This happens on any web browser. When I go to the page, I see the like button not showing any counts. Then I...
Press on the Like button.
I then see the box say +1.
I refresh the page.
I no longer see the +1 and I see the Like button as if it was never pressed.
I can repeat steps 1-4 endlessly with the same results - I never see the total live count.
It would seem like it's not keeping counts, but when I query it via:
https://api.facebook.com/method/fql.query?query=select total_count,like_count,comment_count,share_count,click_count from link_stat where url='https://www.myswebsite.com/'&format=json
I see the live stats - so I know it's working. I've also tried different variations of http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/ - and old versions as well. I've isolated the code to just be the facebook code with nothing else on the page. For some reason, when I use https://www.myswebsite.com/ it doesn't show. I try other URLs like http://www.google.com with the code, and it works fine, I can see the count.
It's an SSL web site. Does this have anything to do with it? Also, when we initially launched the site with the Like button, it was http://mywebsite.com originally. Then we switched it to http://www.myswebsite.com, and then setup a SSL wildcard to function with both. I'm not sure if caching has anything to do with it.
This blog post might give you some help. What the post says is that you can "sort of" clean your URL with Facebook URL linter tool
Also there is a bug reported related to this issue