How to handle application failure after reading event from source in Spring Cloud Stream with rabbit MQ - event-handling

I am using Spring Cloud Stream over RabbitMQ for my project. I have a processor that reads from a source, process the message and publish it to the sink.
Is my understanding correct that if my application picks up an event from the stream and fails (e.g. app sudden death):
unless I ack the message or
I save the message after reading it from the queue
then my event would be lost? What other option would I have to make sure not to lose the event in such case?

DIgging through the Rabbit-MQ documentation I found this very useful example page for the different types of queues and message deliveries for RabbitMQ, and most of them can be used with AMPQ.
In particular looking at the work queue example for java, I found exactly the answer that I was looking for:
Message acknowledgment
Doing a task can take a few seconds. You may wonder what happens if
one of the consumers starts a long task and dies with it only partly
done. With our current code, once RabbitMQ delivers a message to the
consumer it immediately marks it for deletion. In this case, if you
kill a worker we will lose the message it was just processing. We'll
also lose all the messages that were dispatched to this particular
worker but were not yet handled. But we don't want to lose any tasks.
If a worker dies, we'd like the task to be delivered to another
In order to make sure a message is never lost, RabbitMQ supports
message acknowledgments. An ack(nowledgement) is sent back by the
consumer to tell RabbitMQ that a particular message has been received,
processed and that RabbitMQ is free to delete it.
If a consumer dies (its channel is closed, connection is closed, or
TCP connection is lost) without sending an ack, RabbitMQ will
understand that a message wasn't processed fully and will re-queue it.
If there are other consumers online at the same time, it will then
quickly redeliver it to another consumer. That way you can be sure
that no message is lost, even if the workers occasionally die.
There aren't any message timeouts; RabbitMQ will redeliver the message
when the consumer dies. It's fine even if processing a message takes a
very, very long time.
Manual message acknowledgments are turned on by default. In previous
examples we explicitly turned them off via the autoAck=true flag. It's
time to set this flag to false and send a proper acknowledgment from
the worker, once we're done with a task.
Thinking about it, using the ACK seems to be the logic thing to do. The reason why I didn't think about it before, is because I thought of a ACK just under the perspective of the publisher and not of the broker. The piece of documentation above was very useful to me.


How can I ensure that the messages sent are not lost when the kafka is not working?

I've started to use Kafka. And I have a question about it.
If Kafka is not running because of network problem, kafka crash etc. how can I eliminate this problem? And, What happens to messages that was sent to kafka?
If all brokers in the cluster are unavailable your producer will not get any acknowledgements (note that the actual send happens in a background thread, not the thread that calls send - that is an async call).
If you have acks=0 then you have lost the message but acks=1 or acks=all then it depends on retry configuration. By default the producer thread retries pretty much indefinitely which means at some point the send buffer will fill up and then the async send method will fail synchronously, but if your client fails in the meantime then the messages in the buffer are lost as that is just in memory.
If you are wondering about behaviour when some but not all brokers are down, I wrote about it here

Google PubSub with pull subscriber design flaw?

We are using googles steaming pull subscriber the design is as follows
We are doing
sending file from FE (frontend) to BE (backend)
BE converting that file to ByteArray and publishing to pubsub topic as message (so ByteArray going as message)
Topic sending that message to subscriber, subscriber converting the ByteArray to file again
that converted file subscriber sending to that tool
tool doing some cool stuff with file and notify the status to subscriber
that status going to BE and BE update the DB and sending that status to FE
Now in our subscriber when we receive message we are immediately acknowledge it and removing the listener of subscriber so that we don't get message any more
and when that tool done that stuff, it sending status to subscriber (we have express server running on subscriber) and
after receiving status we are re-creating listener of subscriber to receive message
that tool may take 1hr or more to do stuff
we are using ordering key to properly distribute message to VM's
this code is working fine but my question is
is there any flaw in this (bcz we r removing listener then again re creating it or anything like that)
or any better option or GCP services to best fit this design
or any improvement in code
Removed code sample
I would say that there are several parts of this design that are sub-optimal. First of all, acking a message before you have finished processing it means you risk message loss. What happens if your tool or subscriber crashes after acking the message, but before processing has completed? This means when the processes start back up, they will not receive the message again. Are you okay with requests from the frontend possibly never being processed? If not, you'll want to ack after processing is completed, or--given that your processing takes so long--persist the request to a database or to some storage and then acknowledge the message. If you are going to have to persist the file somewhere else anyway, you might want to consider taking Pub/Sub out of the picture and just writing the file to storage like GCS and then having your subscribers instead read out of GCS directly.
Secondly, stopping the subscriber upon each message being received is an anti-pattern. Your subscriber should be receiving and processing each message as it arrives. If you need to limit the number of messages being processed in parallel, use message flow control.
Also ordering keys isn't really a way to "properly distribute message to VM's." Ordering keys is only a means by which to ensure ordered delivery. There are no guarantees that the messages for the same ordering key will continually go to the same subscriber client. In fact, if you shut down the subscriber client after receiving each message, then another subscriber could receiving the next message for the ordering key since you've acked the earlier message. If all you mean by "properly distribute message" is that you want the messages delivered in order, then this is the correct way to use ordering keys.
You say you have a subscription per client, then whether or not that is the right thing to do depends on what you mean by "client." If client means "user of the front end," then I imagine you plan to have a different topic per user as well. If so, then you need to keep in mind the 10,000 topic-per-project limit. If you mean that each VM has its own subscription, then note that each VM is going to receive every message published to the topic. If you only want one VM to receive each message, then you need to use the same subscription across all VMs.
In general, also keep in mind that Cloud Pub/Sub has at-least-once delivery semantics. That means that even an acknowledged message could be redelivered, so you do need to be prepared to handle duplicate message delivery.

Weblogic JMS queue and differences between production, consumption, and insertion

I want a Weblogic queue to receive a message, but I don't want to process that message further. I want the messages I've sent to the queue to stay there before they are consumed.
So I think I need to pause Production and Consumption but leave Insertion to run so every message sent to that Queue will stay there, and I will be able to read each message created there. Am I right?
Based on the Weblogic documentation on this subject you should only pause consumption. If you pause production then producers will not be able to send messages to the queue. As the documentation states:
When a JMS destination is "paused for production," new and existing producers attached to that destination are unable to produce new messages for that destination. A producer that attempts to send a message to a paused destination receives an exception that indicates that the destination is paused.
Also, if you pause insertion then any in-flight messages will not appear on the queue either. Again, from the documentation:
When a JMS destination is paused for "insertion," both messages inserted as a result of in-flight work and new messages sent by producers are prevented from appearing on the destination. Use insertion pause to stop all messages from appearing on a destination.
That said, if consumption is paused then you won't be able to consume the messages either, although you should be able to use a JMS browser to inspect them.

How does a queue sender know that a consumer crashed?

I'm using node-amqp. For each queue, there is one sender and one consumer. On the sender side, I need to maintain a list of active consumers. The question is when a consumer computer crashed, how would I get a notification and delete it from the list at the sender side?
I think you may not be using the MQ concept correctly. The whole point is to disconnect the consumers from the producers. On the whole it is not the job of the producers to know anything about the consumers, except the type of message they will be consuming. To the point that the producer will keep producing if a consumer crashes and the messages will continue to build up in the queue it was reading from.
There is a way to do it by using RabbitMQ's HTTP API (at http://server-name:55672/api/) to get list of connections, but it is too brutal for frequently queries. Another way in theory is to use alternate exchanges to detect undelivered messages, but I didn't tried this way yet.
Also, it may be possible to detect unexpected consumer disconnection by using dead-letter-exchanges as described there:

Jboss Messaging. sending one message per time

We are using JBOSS 5.1.0, we using topic for storing our messages. And our client is making a durable subscription to get those messages.
Everything is working fine, but one issue is we are getting data from TCP client, we are processing and keeping it in topic, it is sending around 10 messages per second, and our client is reading one message at a time. There is a huge gap between that, and after sometime JBOSS Topic have many messages and it crashes saying out of memory.
IS there any workaround for this.
Basically the producer is producing 10x more messages than consumer can handle. If this situation is stable (not only during peak), this will never work.
If you limit the producer to send only one message per second (which is of course possible, e.g. check out RateLimiter), what will you do with extra messages on the producer side? If they are not queueing up in the topic, they will queue up on the producer side.
You have few choices:
somehow tune your consumer to process messages faster, so the topic is never filled up
tune the topic to use persistent storage. This is much better. Not only the topic won't store everything in memory, but you might also get transactional behaviour (messages are durable)
put a queue of messages that you want to set to the topic and process one message per second. That queue must be persistent and must be able to keep more messages than the topic currently can