Jboss Messaging. sending one message per time - jboss

We are using JBOSS 5.1.0, we using topic for storing our messages. And our client is making a durable subscription to get those messages.
Everything is working fine, but one issue is we are getting data from TCP client, we are processing and keeping it in topic, it is sending around 10 messages per second, and our client is reading one message at a time. There is a huge gap between that, and after sometime JBOSS Topic have many messages and it crashes saying out of memory.
IS there any workaround for this.

Basically the producer is producing 10x more messages than consumer can handle. If this situation is stable (not only during peak), this will never work.
If you limit the producer to send only one message per second (which is of course possible, e.g. check out RateLimiter), what will you do with extra messages on the producer side? If they are not queueing up in the topic, they will queue up on the producer side.
You have few choices:
somehow tune your consumer to process messages faster, so the topic is never filled up
tune the topic to use persistent storage. This is much better. Not only the topic won't store everything in memory, but you might also get transactional behaviour (messages are durable)
put a queue of messages that you want to set to the topic and process one message per second. That queue must be persistent and must be able to keep more messages than the topic currently can


How to skip old messages when connecting to a RabbitMQ producer

I've looked into the expiration and TTL policies for messages and queues, but I'm not sure if that's the best way to accomplish what I'm trying to do.
Ideally, when my consumer connects to my sender, I want to skip any old, unreceived messages, and only receive messages that are sent after connection. In Kafka, this was accomplished by configuring the consumer to essentially seek the queue to the end before beginning the consumption of more messages. A direct RabbitMQ equivalent to this feature didn't seem to exist, but I have to imagine there's a more efficient way to accomplish this without making the TTL or expiration on the messages to be very short.
How do I consume only messages received after connecting to a RabbitMQ producer?
What ended up working for us was configuring the producer during publishing rather than configuring the consumer.
channel.basic_publish([other params], properties=pika.BasicProperties(expiration='1000'))
This causes the messages to expire after one second, which was good enough for our needs.

Throttling of messages on consumer side

I am beginner level at kafka and have developed consumer for kafka messages which looks good right now.
Though there is a requirement came along while testing of consumer that may be some throttling of messages will be needed at consumer side.
The consumer (.net core, using confluent), after receiving messages, calls api and api processes the message. As part this process, It has few number of read and write to database.
The scenario is, Consumer may receive millions or atleast few thousand of messages daily. This makes load on DB side as part of processing.
So I am thinking to put some throttling on receiving messages on kafka consumer so the DB will not be overloaded. I have checked the option for poll but seems its not all that I want.
For example, within 10 minutes, consumer can receive 100k messages only. Something like that.
Could anybody please suggest how to implement throttling of messages on kafka consumer or is there any better way that this can be handled?
I investigated more and come to know from expert that "throttling on consumer side is not easy to implement, since kafka consumer is implemented in such way to read and process messages as soon as they are available in kafka topic. So, speed is a benefit in kafka world :)"
Seems I can not do much at kafka consumer side. I am thinking to see on the other side and may be separating reads (to replica) and writes to the database can help.

What ways can a Consumer consume message in Kafka?

If there is a Kafka server "over there" somewhere across the network I would assume that there might be two ways that a Consumer could consume the messages:
By first of all 'subscribing' to the Topic and in effect telling the Kafka server where it is listening so that when a new message is Produced, Kafka proactively sends the message to the Consumer, across the network.
The Consumer has to poll the Kafka server asking for any new messages, using the offset of the messages it has currently taken.
Is this how Kafka works, and is the option configurable for which one to use?
I'm expanding my comment into an answer.
Reading through the consumer documentation, Kafka only supports option 2 as you've described it. It is the consumers responsibility to get messages from the Kafka server. In the 0.9.x.x Consumer this is accomplished by the poll() method. The Consumer polls the Kafka Server and returns messages if there are any. There are several reasons I believe they've chosen to avoid supporting option 1.
It limits the complexity needed in the Kafka Server. It's not the Server's responsibility to push messages to a consumer, it just holds the messages and waits till a consumer fetches them.
If the Kafka Server was pushing all messages to the consumers, it could overwhelm a consumer. Say a Producer was pushing messaging into a Kafka Server 10 msg/sec, but a certain Consumer could only process 2 msg/sec. If the Kafka Server attempted to push every message it received to that Consumer, the Consumer would quickly be overwhelmed by the number of messages it receives.
There's probably other reasons, but at the moment those were the two I thought about.

Is RabbitMQ capable of "pushing" messages from a queue to a consumer?

With RabbitMQ, is there a way to "push" messages from a queue TO a consumer as opposed to having a consumer "poll and pull" messages FROM a queue?
This has been the cause of some debate on a current project i'm on. The argument from one side is that having consumers (i.e. a windows service) "poll" a queue until a new message arrives is somewhat inefficient and less desirable than the idea having the message "pushed" automatically from the queue to the subscriber(s)/consumer(s).
I can only seem to find information supporting the idea of consumers "polling and pulling" messages off of a queue (e.g. using a windows service to poll the queue for new messages). There isn't much information on the idea of "pushing" messages to a consumer/subscriber...
Having the server push messages to the client is one of the two ways to get messages to the client, and the preferred way for most applications. This is known as consuming messages via a subscription.
The client is connected. (The AMQP/RabbitMQ/most messaging systems model is that the client is always connected - except for network interruptions, of course.)
You use the client API to arrange that your channel consume messages by supplying a callback method. Then whenever a message is available the server sends it to the client over the channel and the client application gets it via an asynchronous callback (typically one thread per channel). You can set the "prefetch count" on the channel which controls the amount of pipelining your client can do over that channel. (For further parallelism an application can have multiple channels running over one connection, which is a common design that serves various purposes.)
The alternative is for the client to poll for messages one at a time, over the channel, via a get method.
You "push" messages from Producer to Exchange.
BTW this is fitting very well IoT scenarios. Devices produce messages and sends them to an exchange. Queue is handling persistence, FIFO and other features, as well as delivery of messages to subscribers.
And, by the way, you never "Poll" the queue. Instead, you always subscribe to publisher. Similar to observer pattern. Generally, I would say genius principle.
So it is similar to post box or post office, except it sends you a notification when message is available.
Quoting from the docs here:
AMQP brokers either deliver messages to consumers subscribed to
queues, or consumers fetch/pull messages from queues on demand.
And from here:
Storing messages in queues is useless unless applications can consume
them. In the AMQP 0-9-1 Model, there are two ways for applications to
do this:
Have messages delivered to them ("push API")
Fetch messages as needed ("pull API")
With the "push API", applications have to indicate interest in
consuming messages from a particular queue. When they do so, we say
that they register a consumer or, simply put, subscribe to a queue. It
is possible to have more than one consumer per queue or to register an
exclusive consumer (excludes all other consumers from the queue while
it is consuming).
Each consumer (subscription) has an identifier called a consumer tag.
It can be used to unsubscribe from messages. Consumer tags are just
RabbitMQ broker is like server that wont send data to consumer without consumer client getting registering itself to server. but then question comes like below
Can RabbitMQ keep client consumer details and connect to client when packet comes?
Answer is no. so what is alternative well then write plugin by yourself that maintain client information in some kind of config. Plugin will pull from RabbitMQ Queue and push to client.
Please give look at this plugin might help.
Frankly speaking Client need to implement AMQP protocol to receive so and should listen connection on some port for that. This sound like another server.

How does a queue sender know that a consumer crashed?

I'm using node-amqp. For each queue, there is one sender and one consumer. On the sender side, I need to maintain a list of active consumers. The question is when a consumer computer crashed, how would I get a notification and delete it from the list at the sender side?
I think you may not be using the MQ concept correctly. The whole point is to disconnect the consumers from the producers. On the whole it is not the job of the producers to know anything about the consumers, except the type of message they will be consuming. To the point that the producer will keep producing if a consumer crashes and the messages will continue to build up in the queue it was reading from.
There is a way to do it by using RabbitMQ's HTTP API (at http://server-name:55672/api/) to get list of connections, but it is too brutal for frequently queries. Another way in theory is to use alternate exchanges to detect undelivered messages, but I didn't tried this way yet.
Also, it may be possible to detect unexpected consumer disconnection by using dead-letter-exchanges as described there: http://www.rabbitmq.com/dlx.html