No definition found in vscode for system libraries - visual-studio-code

I'm new to vscode so I'm not sure if this is possible, but in visual studio you can cmd+click into a method and see the definition. In VS code, when I try to see the definition, it says no definition found. For example
using System.Collections;
when I try to see the definition for "Collections", it says "no definition found". How can that be? This is a system library. Does VS code even support this feature of jumping into a library?

I think I misunderstood what VSCode is. I expected it to be an IDE but it's really just a glorified text editor. I don't think what I'm asking is possible.


VSCode Syntax Highlighting for Javascript doesn't work

i got a little problem over here and i don't get why. My Syntax Highlighting doesn't work on a normal .js file whilst i've Babel Javascript & the Atom One Pro Theme activated as extensions. Don't get whats going wrong here.
picture of the code how it looks right now
Try the Template Literals plugin from the visual studio marketplace. Refer to the below blog for the exact reason.

Visual Studio Code Autocomplete Add Parentheses After Method in .js File

When I type console.lo in a .js file in Visual Studio Code, I can hit Enter, and autocomplete will change my line to console.log. However, I would also like autocomplete to add parentheses. This question was already asked using the Go programming language. I tried adding js.useCodeSnippetsOnFunctionSuggest as well as javascript.useCodeSnippetsOnFunctionSuggest. Neither of these work. I also tried useCodeSnippetsOnMethodSuggest as suggested here, but that didn't work either. What am I doing wrong?
I fixed this by searching for "Complete Function Calls" in VS Code's settings, and checking JavaScript > Suggest: Complete Function Calls. Thanks Mark for the suggestion.

Visual Studio Code: where does MS WScript IntelliSense support come from?

I've been working on some scripts for Windows using Visual Studio Code and was surprised that when I type WScript on a line the IntelliSense pops up the correct code completion information, even on my Mac.
I've read the documentation on the VSC website and suspect its either coming out of the built-in JavaScript support or Automatic Type Acquisition from some included library but really would like to find out exactly where this is coming from. So far either my Google-Fu is or nobody has written a thing about it because I can't find any information anywhere. Can anyone answer this one?
It's built into TypeScript. In VSCode, it's actually easy to find the source because you can press F12 on the definition in code, and it will show you the .d.ts:

AutoComplete dissapears when importing typescript module namespace in vs 2013

Ok, so in vs 2013 (update 2) this works fine, no red squiggles or anything. But in the "OtherClass", when writing "im.", i get no auto-complete with suggestions of "MyInterface", as I would expect.
If i write something that does not exist in the namespace, the red squiggles appear. So some kind of intellisense exist.
If I however skip the "import" part and write the whole namespace: "" I get auto-complete all the way and suggestion of MyInterface at the end.
I would like to use the import syntax to get shorter lines, but if I won't get auto-complete, suggestions, it's not worth it.
Does anyone have a solution for this? Getting the auto-complete while using import i mean.
The interface is auto generated by web essentials from a c# model, if that would help.
Ok, so I found a setting under Tools -> Text Editor -> Typescript -> General
called "Auto list members". It was unchecked so I checked it and it does come up with the suggestion, but, it looks weird.
If you look closely you see that the suggestion is sort of on top of other the suggestions. Even in the second case which worked fine before. It does look like the screen shot Steve Fenton took, with the small white down arrow under the blue thing(an arrow that does not show for me when writing entire namespace in the First case), so I guess he might have this option checked. But it seems for me it does not work as well.
Update 2
Ok so the thief was resharper. Sorry I forgot to mention i used it.
I fixed it by changing to use vs 2013 Auto list members for typescript and shut it off for resharper like so:
But i checked "Visual Studio", instead of "Limited ReSharper Intellisense"
It works for me™, which suggests one of the following...
It could be a problem with the language service. This normally resolves when you close and re-open the file or when you restart Visual Studio.
If this isn't the case, it may be a bug in Visual Studio - something is making it mess up. You will almost certainly be asked to uninstall/reinstall before anyone will look at your bug, so do that if you still have a problem and see if it fixes it.
If neither of these help, it will be time to raise a bug for Visual Studio :(
Here is my screen shot of the working code:
Ok, as I stated it seems it was ReSharper intellisense vs Visual Studio 2013 intellisense.
The link under my Update 2 was a fine solution for me before, when I had Resharper 8.1 installed.
But it seems they have improved it and in 8.2 the original issue is fixed. So I have now unchecked the "auto list members" in vs2013 options and only use resharper.
I got the same problem using VS2013 and Resharper 8.2 but this was due to a error on my side in the path to the module I required. So I guess there is a bug that misses the error from my side...

eclipse java editor method proposal

I recently had to work on a visual basic project. For this task I used Visual Studio 2010 and noticed I slight difference how method are proposed for code completion. If you hit CRTL+Space and start typing, all methods are suggested that contain the text. Eclipse suggests all method that start with the text.
This behavior is especially helpful if you have to work with unknown code. Can I achieve the same behavior for Eclipse? Thank you!
You can download Eclipse Code Recommenders plugin - It has a feature 'Subwords Completion' which does exactly what you are looking for.
The closest you have in Eclipse is support for camel-case... This allows you to type "new NPE" ctrl-space and Eclipse will propose NullPointerException and NoPermissionException (depending on your current target platform).
To see which preferences you have to change the behavior of the quick assist functionality, open the Preferences Dialog and type "assist" in the search field... There are plenty of ways to tweak the behavior :-)