Visual Studio Code Autocomplete Add Parentheses After Method in .js File - visual-studio-code

When I type console.lo in a .js file in Visual Studio Code, I can hit Enter, and autocomplete will change my line to console.log. However, I would also like autocomplete to add parentheses. This question was already asked using the Go programming language. I tried adding js.useCodeSnippetsOnFunctionSuggest as well as javascript.useCodeSnippetsOnFunctionSuggest. Neither of these work. I also tried useCodeSnippetsOnMethodSuggest as suggested here, but that didn't work either. What am I doing wrong?

I fixed this by searching for "Complete Function Calls" in VS Code's settings, and checking JavaScript > Suggest: Complete Function Calls. Thanks Mark for the suggestion.


Adding the run-code option to a new language in VSCode

I'm currently writing my own language and I'm at a point where I would like to publish it to the VSCode-Marketplace so people can test it.
I have written a language extension and a syntax highlighter with the Yeoman-Generator and now want to merge it with my executable file that launches the interpreter, so that a file can get interpreted after clicking the run-code button.
I now have checked multiple articles, like:
How to add a run button in visual studio code? - StackOverflow
How to define or support a code language on Visual Studio? - StackOverflow
Debugger Extension Guide - VSCode API
However, I haven't found anything useful.
Currently, the code-runner displays the following error, when clicking on run, or pressing the shortcut:
(Code language not supported or defined.)
But even after a lot of browsing Google for adding new language support to the code-runner, I found absolutely nothing helpful.
(See this page, idk what Settings/Preferences they are referring to!?)
I also was not successful with tasks, as they don't seem to connect to the run-buttom or debug-button in any way.
My question is: How can I make the run-button execute a custom bash-command, when a file in my language is opened?
Okay, I finally did it.
For anyone wondering:
You have to go to the settings and type "code-runner" into the search bar.
Scroll down a little, and you should find the code runner-executor map.
Click on the "edit in settings.json" button.
Now a .json-file should've opened. There are two possible scenarios: Either, there is a json-object called code-runner.executorMapBy... or not.
If there is none, type code-runner.executorMapByFileExtension and let autocomplete do the job.
If the json-object exists, add the file-extension and a bash command that executes your compiler/interpreter. It gets automatically executed in the directory the program-file lies in.
Now still dont know, how to include the settings in my extension, but that was already a big step. Further help is still appreciated!
There is an open source extension called code runner, you can check source code there.

VS Code, Syntax highlighting Powershell

Ive been scratching my head with this one. Previously VS Code highlighted Powershell scripts and modules just fine with highlighting functions in yellow and variables $var in light blue. Both as part of a string and "stand-alone". However, suddenly it doesn't highlight functions or variables anymore? I've tried to uninstall and reinstall the powershell extension from Microsoft, as well as disable and re-enable the built in language support for powershell.
I've not been able to find any support regarding this issue and hope that I might be able to find it here.
Have you tried this?
File Association.
The easiest way I've found for a global association is simply to Ctrl+k m (or Ctrl+Shift+P and type "change language mode") with a file of the type you're associating open.
In the first selections will be the option "Configure File Association for 'x' " (whatever file type - see image attached). Selecting this gives you the option to choose the language and will then make the filetype association permanent.
if you start your code block with a ```PowerShell it will highlight the syntax properly.
I've noticed that you may also need to end your code block with a ``` in VSCode specifically.

Where do code snippets reside in Visual Studio Code?

The only C/C++ extension I have is the official one from Microsoft. I do not have any other snippet/intellisense/autocompletion extension.
See below all the extensions loaded:
In trying to create shortcut keys/prefixes for my snippets, I would like to make sure that it does not clash with any pre-existing shortcuts/prefixes for other snippets. Is there a way to know / look through all currently available code snippets in VSCode and their shortcut keys/prefixes?
I tried to Insert Snippet via the command pallette in the hope that it would reveal all available snippets. Unfortunately, it does not list all snippets. See, for instance, below image, where this command pallette does not show the existence of a for snippet and yet inside the editor, when I type for, there is an option to add such a snippet.
I obtained confirmation officially from vscode-cpptools folks that C/C++ snippets are only available via Ctrl-Space autocomplete and not via Ctrl-Shift-P Command Pallette.
See link to their answer here.

How to know which extension provides what snippets in VSCode

I've installed many code snippet extensions in my Visual Stuidio Code, but when I considered to use them, I got several snippets choices with a same input. I cannot tell which one should I use.
Now I have to disable some extensions. How can I find out what extensions that each snippet is provided by? or what snippets an extension is providing?
Select a code snippet, and the extension name is showed in the hint window near the auto completing window.

Copy code whilst preserving syntax highlighting in Visual Studio Code

I am using Visual Studio Code and want to copy code from it, but I want to preserve the syntax highlighting.
I want something like "Copy as HTML" , "Copy as HTML with syntax and background intact" or the like. What extensions or plugins do I need to use to get this functionality?
This is not currently possible, you can +1 the issue to help prioritize it