I want to check .jpg file in the 2nd folder. 2nd folder has some subfolder. if .jpg exist in the subfolder of 2nd folder, I will copy a file from 1st folder to subfolder of 2nd folder based on the base name. I can do this part refer to this answer
How to copy file based on matching file name using PowerShell?
But I want to do limitation while I copy a file from 1st folder. I will NOT copy the file, if I already copy the same file from 1st folder to 2nd folder 3 times.
This is the code from the reference.
$Job_Path = "D:\Initial"
$JobError = "D:\Process"
Get-ChildItem -Path "$OpJob_Path\*\*.jpg" | ForEach-Object {
$basename = $_.BaseName.Substring(15)
$job = "$Job_Path\${basename}.png"
if (Test-Path $job) {
$timestamp = Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMddhhmmss'
$dst = Join-Path $_.DirectoryName "${timestamp}_${basename}.gif"
Copy-Item $job $dst -Force
Anyone can help me to solve this problem please. Thank you.
$Job_Path = "D:\Initial"
$JobError = "D:\Process"
Get-ChildItem -Path "$OpJob_Path\*\*.jpg" | ForEach-Object {
$basename = $_.BaseName.Substring(15)
$job = "$Job_Path\${basename}.png"
if (Test-Path $job) {
$timestamp = Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMddhhmmss'
$dst = Join-Path $_.DirectoryName "${timestamp}_${basename}.gif"
$Get = (Get-ChildItem -Name "$OpJob_Path\*\*$basename.jpg*" | Measure-Object).Count
if ($Get -eq "3") {
Write-Host "Continue Other Process"
} else {
Write-Host "Less than 3"
Copy-Item $job $dst -Force
$Get is not a hashtable, and it's also not keeping track of what's been copied already. You need to define the hashtable outside the loop
$copy_count = #{}
Get-ChildItem -Path "$OpJob_Path\*\*.jpg" | ForEach-Object {
and then update it whenever you copy a file
if ($copy_count[$_.Name] -le 3) {
Copy-Item ...
} else {
The code below has been wonderful so far for organising my hard-drives.
I do face this error when I transfer large amounts of data:
Move-Item : Cannot create a file when that file already exists.
This happens when I move a file that is duplicate, is there a way to rename the duplicate file in some sort of sequence?
That would be much appreciated :))
# Get all files
Get-ChildItem "C:\zAa" -File -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
# Get the modified date
$dt = Get-Date $_.LastWriteTime
$year = $dt.Year
$month = $dt.Month
# This adds "0" in front of the 1-9 months
if($dt.Month -lt 10) {
$month = "0" + $dt.Month.ToString()
} else {
$month = $dt.Month
# Remove leading '.' from the extension
$extension = $_.Extension.Replace(".", "")
# Where we want to move the file
$destinationFolder = "C:\zBb\$extension\$year\$month\"
# Ensure full folder path exists
if(!(Test-Path $destinationFolder)) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $destinationFolder
# Copy/Move the item to it's new home
Move-Item $_.FullName $destinationFolder
I haven't been able to do much, I normally go find the duplicates and rename them manually.
Probably the easiest way to move a file with a unique name is to use a Hashtable that stores the filenames already present.
Then a simple loop can add a sequence number to its file name until it is no longer found in the Hashtable.
Next simply move the file under that new name.
Your code modified:
# Where we want to move the file
$destinationFolder = 'C:\zBb\{0}\{1:yyyy}\{1:MM}' -f $_.Extension.TrimStart("."), $_.LastWriteTime
# Ensure full folder path exists
$null = New-Item -Path $destinationFolder -ItemType Directory -Force
# create a Hashtable and store the filenames already present in the destination folder
$existing = #{}
Get-ChildItem -Path $destinationFolder -File | ForEach-Object { $existing[$_.Name] = $true }
# Get all source files
Get-ChildItem "C:\zAa" -File -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
# Copy/Move the item to it's new home
# construct the new filename by appending an index number in between brackets
$newName = $_.Name
$count = 1
while ($existing.ContainsKey($newName)) {
$newName = "{0}({1}){2}" -f $_.BaseName, $count++, $_.Extension
# add this new name to the Hashtable so it exists in the next run
$existing[$newName] = $true
# use Join-Path to create a FullName for the file
$newFile = Join-Path -Path $destinationFolder -ChildPath $newName
Write-Verbose "Moving '$($_.FullName)' as '$newFile'"
$_ | Move-Item -Destination $newFile -Force
I have tried below powershell script to move files older than 7 days from Newfolder to Archive_folder. The script is moving the entire path to the Archive_folder (means its creating folders \Users\529817\New folder in to Archive_folder and then copying files and not zipping the folder) , I need help in copying only files from NewFolder to Archive_folder and zip that folder.
$ArchiveYear = "2018"
$ArchiveMonth = "10"
$ArchiveDay = "10"
$SourcePath = "C:\Users\529817\New folder"
$TargetPath = "C:\Users\529817\New folder\Archive_folder"
$YourDirToCompress = "C:\Users\529817\New folder"
$ZipFileResult = "C:\Users\529817\New folder\Archive_folder\$ArchiveDay$ArchiveMonth.zip"
Get-ChildItem $YourDirToCompress -Directory |
#where { $_.Name -notin $DirToExclude} |
Compress-Archive -DestinationPath $ZipFileResult -Update
$Days = "7"
$LogPath = "C:Users\529817\Temp"
$Date = Get-Date -format yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm
$TargetFolder = "$TargetPath\$Date"
$LogFile = "$LogPath\ArchiveLog-$date.txt"
$TargetZipFile = "$TargetPath\$Date.zip"
$Activity = "Move files older than $Days days from $SourcePath to $TargetFolder"
Write-Verbose $Activity
$OldFiles = Get-Childitem -Path $SourcePath -recurse | Where-Object {$_.LastWriteTime -lt (get-date).AddDays( - $days)}
$Total = $Oldfiles.Count
$Current = 0
$OldFiles | ForEach {
$Current ++
$Filename = $_.fullname
Write-Progress -Activity $Activity -Status $FileName -PercentComplete ($Current / $Total * 100)
$Split = $FileName -split '\\'
$DestFile = $split[1..($split.Length - 1)] -join '\'
$DestFile = "$TargetFolder\$DestFile"
Try {
$null = New-Item -Path $DestFile -Type File -Force
$Null = Move-Item -Path $FileName -Destination $DestFile -Force -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue
"Successfully moved $filename to $targetfolder" | add-content $LogFile
Catch {
$Err = $_.Exception.Message
Write-Error $Err
"Error moving $filename`: $Err " | add-content $LogFile
You have two problems here:
Your zip file isn't going where you want it to go
Instead, all of the items which should be in the zip are going where the zip should go.
Let's figure out why this is happening so you can do what you need to get it working.
Problem 1
You have line 10 which looks like this:
Compress-Archive -DestinationPath $ZipFileResult -Update
This creates the Zip file but you don't actually do anything with this file, as in we don't see this $ZipFileResult used again in the code. This is why your zip file isn't showing up where you want it to be.
Problem 2
The end of this script has this big block where you are expressly copying the files to the directory,right where you don't want them.
Try {
$null = New-Item -Path $DestFile -Type File -Force
$Null = Move-Item -Path $FileName -Destination $DestFile -Force -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue
"Successfully moved $filename to $targetfolder" | add-content $LogFile
If you only want to move the Zip file, then you can shorten this whole script. Delete everything from line 19 and on down, which begins with this line.
$OldFiles = Get-Childitem -Path $SourcePath -recurse | Where-Object {$_.LastWriteTime -lt (get-date).AddDays( - $days)}
And instead, add a Move-Item command to copy that $ZipFileResult file over to whichever directory you want it to go.
Finally, there are a number of lines which don't do anythign and can be deleted, like this line $TargetZipFile = "$TargetPath\$Date.zip"
Currently, I am writing a script that moves PDF files that are wrongfully zipped to a certain folder. I have achieved that. The next thing I need to get to work, is that the zipped .pdf files get unzipped into a different folder.
This is my whole script. Everything except for the last 2 lines is dedicated to finding the PDF files that are zipped and moving them.
In the first parts, the script checks the first few bytes of every pdf file in the folder. If they start with "PK*", they are zip files and get moved to the zipped folder.
For every PDF/zip file, there is one associated HL7 file in the folder next to it.
These also need to get moved to the same folder. From there the zip files need to be unzipped and relocated to "unzipped"
The last 2 lines are for unzipping.
$pdfDirectory = 'Z:\Documents\16_Med._App\Auftraege\PDFPrzemek\struktur_id_1225\ext_dok'
$newLocation = 'Z:\Documents\16_Med._App\Auftraege\PDFPrzemek\Zip'
Get-ChildItem "$pdfDirectory" -Filter "*.pdf" | foreach {
if ((Get-Content $_.FullName | select -First 1 ) -like "PK*") {
$HL7 = $_.FullName.Replace("ext_dok","MDM")
$HL7 = $HL7.Replace(".pdf",".hl7")
move $_.FullName $newLocation;
move $HL7 $newLocation
Get-ChildItem 'Z:\Documents\16_Med._App\Auftraege\PDFPrzemek\Zip' |
Expand-Archive -DestinationPath 'Z:\Documents\16_Med._App\Auftraege\PDFPrzemek\Zip\unzipped' -Force
This, sadly, doesn't work.
I suspect that it's because these files dont have the .zip extension. The only Filter that works for Expand-Archive is .zip.
So I need to find a way to get this function to unzip the files, even though they dont have the fitting extension...
Like #Ansgar said this would be the way to go:
Param (
$SourcePath = 'C:\Users\xxx\Downloads\PDF',
$ZipFilesPath = 'C:\Users\xxx\Downloads\ZIP',
$UnzippedFilesPath = 'C:\Users\xxx\Downloads\Unzipped'
$VerbosePreference = 'Continue'
#region Test folders
#($SourcePath, $ZipFilesPath, $UnzippedFilesPath) | Where-Object {
-not (Test-Path -LiteralPath $_)
} | ForEach-Object {
throw "Path '$_' not found. Make sure that the folders exist before running the script."
#region Get all files with extension .pdf
$Params = #{
Path = Join-Path -Path $SourcePath -ChildPath 'ext_dok'
Filter = '*.pdf'
$PDFfiles = Get-ChildItem #Params
Write-Verbose "Got $($PDFfiles.count) files with extension '.pdf' from '$($Params.Path)'"
#region Move PDF and HL7 files
$MDMpath = Join-Path -Path $SourcePath -ChildPath 'MDM'
foreach ($PDFfile in ($PDFfiles | Where-Object {
(Get-Content $_.FullName | Select-Object -First 1) -like 'PK*'})
) {
$MoveParams = #{
Path = $PDFfile.FullName
Destination = Join-Path -Path $ZipFilesPath -ChildPath ($PDFfile.BaseName + '.zip')
Move-Item #MoveParams
Write-Verbose "Moved file '$($MoveParams.Path)' to '$($MoveParams.Destination)'"
$GetParams = #{
Path = Join-Path -Path $MDMpath -ChildPath ($PDFfile.BaseName + '.hl7')
ErrorAction = 'Ignore'
if ($HL7file = Get-Item #GetParams) {
$MoveParams = #{
Path = $HL7file
Destination = $ZipFilesPath
Move-Item #MoveParams
Write-Verbose "Moved file '$($MoveParams.Path)' to '$($MoveParams.Destination)$($HL7file.Name)'"
#region Unzip files
$ZipFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $ZipFilesPath -Filter '*.zip' -File
foreach ($ZipFile in $ZipFiles) {
$ZipFile | Expand-Archive -DestinationPath $UnzippedFilesPath -Force
Write-Verbose "Unzipped file '$($ZipFile.Name)' in folder '$UnzippedFilesPath'"
Some tips:
Add a Param () clause at the beginning of the script to contain all your variables that can change.
Try to use the full parameter name to clearly indicate what is what. Use Get-ChildItem -Path xxx instead of Get-ChildItem xxx.
Use hash tables for long parameters. This makes the code more compact in width and more easily to read.
Use #region and #endregion to group your code.
I am a complete novice when it comes to powershell, but I have been given a script that I need to improve so that we can move updated or new files from one server to another. I've managed to get to grips with the current script but am struggling to find the right cmdlets and paramters to achieve the desired behaviour.
The script I have is successful at detecting changed files and moving them to a location ready for transfer to another server, but it doesn't detect any new files.
Can anyone give me some guidance as to how I would be able to achieve both behaviours?
$CurrentLocation = "C:\current"
$PreviousLocation = "C:\prev"
$DeltaLocation = "C:\delta"
$source = #{}
# Get the Current Location file information
Get-ChildItem -recurse $CurrentLocation | Foreach-Object {
if ($_.PSIsContainer) { return }
$source.Add($_.FullName.Replace($CurrentLocation, ""), $_.LastWriteTime.ToString())
Write-Host "Content of Source"
$changesDelta = #{}
$changesPrevious = #{}
# Get the Previous Directory contents and compare the dates against the Current Directory contents
Get-ChildItem -recurse $PreviousLocation | Foreach-Object {
if ($_.PSIsContainer) { return }
$File = $_.FullName.Replace($PreviousLocation, "")
if ($source.ContainsKey($File)) {
if ($source.Get_Item($File) -ne $_.LastWriteTime.ToString()) {
$changesDelta.Add($CurrentLocation+$File, $DeltaLocation+$File)
$changesPrevious.Add($CurrentLocation+$File, $PreviousLocation+$File)
Write-Host "Content of changesDelta:"
Write-Host "Content of changesPrevious:"
# Copy the files into a temporary directory
foreach ($key in $changesDelta.Keys) {
New-Item -ItemType File -Path $changesDelta.Get_Item($key) -Force
Copy-Item $key $changesDelta.Get_Item($key) -Force
Write-Host $changesDelta.Count "Files copied to" $DeltaLocation
# Copy the files into the Previous Location to match the Current Location
foreach ($key in $changesPrevious.Keys) {
Copy-Item $key $changesDelta.Get_Item($key) -Force
Here's a simplified approach to your needs. One thing to note is that some of the constructs I've used require PSv3+. This does not copy directory structure, just the files. Additionally, it compares the basenames (ignoring extensions) which may or may not do what you want. It can be expanded to include extensions by using .Name instead of .BaseName
#requires -Version 3
$CurrentLocation = 'C:\current'
$PreviousLocation = 'C:\prev'
$DeltaLocation = 'C:\delta'
$Current = Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $CurrentLocation -Recurse -File
$Previous = Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $PreviousLocation -Recurse -File
ForEach ($File in $Current)
If ($File.BaseName -in $Previous.BaseName)
If ($File.LastWriteTime -gt ($Previous | Where-Object { $_.BaseName -eq $File.BaseName }).LastWriteTime)
Write-Output "File has been updated: $($File.FullName)"
Copy-Item -LiteralPath $File.FullName -Destination $DeltaLocation
Write-Output "New file detected: $($File.FullName)"
Copy-Item -LiteralPath $File.FullName -Destination $DeltaLocation
Copy-Item -Path "$DeltaLocation\*" -Destination $PreviousLocation -Force
I have a script that reorganizes files in C:\Year\Month\"StoreFiles" to "C:\Store\Date\"StoreFiles" based on modified date.
$StoreName = "aStore"
$SourceDir = "C:\Source"
$TargetDir = "C:\$StoreName"
# Create Folder based on Store List
if(-Not (Test-Path -Path $TargetDir)) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $TargetDir
# Search & create folders based on date
Get-ChildItem "$SourceDir\*$StoreName*" -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
$x = $_.LastWriteTime.ToShortDateString()
$new_folder_name = Get-Date $x -Format MMM-yyyy
$des_path = "$TargetDir\$new_folder_name"
if (Test-Path $des_path) {
Copy-Item $_.FullName $des_path
} else {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $des_path
Copy-Item $_.FullName $des_path
Works great however the modified date isn't ideal. Can I use the original folder path of "C:\Year\Month\"StoreFiles" and use it as dates for the new output?
In a sense I am trying to do the following:
"C:\Year\Month\"StoreFiles" to "C:\Store\Month-Year\"StoreFiles"
Maybe I should assign the folder path as a variable and use it accordingly for the new output?
Or is there another way I should think about doing this.
try Something like this
Get-ChildItem $dirroot -file -Recurse |
where FullName -match ([Regex]::Escape($dirroot) + "\\\d{4}\\\d{1,2}\\" + [Regex]::Escape($_.Name)) |
% {
$elements=$_.FullName.Replace($dirroot, '').Split('\')
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$store\$($elements[2])-$($elements[1])" -Force
Copy-Item $_.FullName "$store\$($elements[2])-$($elements[1])\$($elements[3])"
Cann't you use something like this?
$DateInfo = '' | select-object -Property 'Year', 'Month'
$File = 'c:\2014\may\filename.txt'
$TopFolderpath = [io.Path]::GetDirectoryName($File)
$TopFolderName = [io.Path]::GetFileName($TopFolderpath)
$DateInfo.Month = $TopFolderName
$Subfolderpath = [io.Path]::GetDirectoryName($TopFolderpath)
$SubFolderName = [io.Path]::GetFileName($Subfolderpath)
$DateInfo.Year = $SubFolderName