Change the size of width in yas-describle-table - emacs

Upon checking yas-describe-table, I find
state name key
#+ATTR_HTML: :width .. width
Click into it
# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# name: #+ATTR_HTML: :width ...
# --
#+ATTR_HTML: :width ${1:500px}
I plan to change the size of width from 500px to 700 px, but it prompts that
cond: Buffer is read-only: #<buffer width>
How could change the size of width?


Package inputenc Error: Unicode character 하 (U+D558) (inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX. (Automating Unicode Input)

I have read all the related answers around this issue and for most people using \DeclareUnicodeCharacter{}{} works for them. However, I'm generating my TEX file from an input file and I don't know the Unicode characters/words which I'm going to be given in advance, so it would be difficult to use the DeclareUnicodeCharacter declaration.
I'm using pdflatex which some StackExchange answers said wouldn't be as useful for Unicode characters, so I also tried xetex and luatex, but these didn't output as expected. Any suggestions how I could modify my script to output a tex file so that pdflatex will not barf on the Unicode characters? Or one which would be acceptable to xetex or luatex?
I've done simple pdflatex stuff but never used Unicode before.
I'm attempting to modify a script I found on github which generates bingo cards. The original program only dealt with English words in the "squares" input file.
I've added one line to the script in order to get it to see Unicode.
the bash script:
## text file which contains bingo squares
## latex code for center square
cat > bingo.tex << EOF
\newcommand{\Size}{3cm}% Adjust size of square as desired
\def\Sequence{1/A, 2/B, 3/C, 4/D, 5/E}% This needs to match \NumOfColumns
inner sep=0pt,
text width=\Size,
minimum size=\Size,
for line in $(sort -R $input_text | head -n 24)
echo "\newcommand{\Node${node[i]}}{$line}%" >> bingo.tex
(( i++ ))
echo "\newcommand{\NodeCC}{$center_square}%" >> bingo.tex
cat >> bingo.tex << EOF
% Optional Title
\begin{tikzpicture}[draw=black, ultra thick, x=\Size,y=\Size]
\node at (0.5,-0.8) {\Huge B};
\node at (1.5,-0.8) {\Huge I};
\node at (2.5,-0.8) {\Huge N};
\node at (3.5,-0.8) {\Huge G};
\node at (4.5,-0.8) {\Huge O};
\foreach \col/\colLetter in \Sequence {%
\foreach \row/\rowLetter in \Sequence{%
\def\NodeText{\expandafter\csname Node\rowLetter\colLetter\endcsname}
\node [Square] at (\$(\col,-\row)-(0.5,0.5)\$) {\NodeText};
pdflatex bingo.tex
#luatex bingo.tex
#xetex bingo.tex
which generates the following bingo.tex file:
\newcommand{\Size}{3cm}% Adjust size of square as desired
\def\Sequence{1/A, 2/B, 3/C, 4/D, 5/E}% This needs to match \NumOfColumns
inner sep=0pt,
text width=\Size,
minimum size=\Size,
% Optional Title
\begin{tikzpicture}[draw=black, ultra thick, x=\Size,y=\Size]
\node at (0.5,-0.8) {\Huge B};
\node at (1.5,-0.8) {\Huge I};
\node at (2.5,-0.8) {\Huge N};
\node at (3.5,-0.8) {\Huge G};
\node at (4.5,-0.8) {\Huge O};
\foreach \col/\colLetter in \Sequence {%
\foreach \row/\rowLetter in \Sequence{%
\def\NodeText{\expandafter\csname Node\rowLetter\colLetter\endcsname}
\node [Square] at ($(\col,-\row)-(0.5,0.5)$) {\NodeText};
You can see it output:
as unicode to be input into the square, but pdflatex doesn't like it.
If you compile with lualatex or xelatex, you'll just have to find a font which has all your glyphs. In the example below, I'm using Arial Unicode MS.
To see which fonts you can use for your glyphes, you can use the command line tool albatross, see for an example how to use it.
% !TeX TS-program = lualatex
\newcommand{\Size}{3cm}% Adjust size of square as desired
\def\Sequence{1/A, 2/B, 3/C, 4/D, 5/E}% This needs to match \NumOfColumns
inner sep=0pt,
text width=\Size,
minimum size=\Size,
\setsansfont{Arial Unicode MS}
% Optional Title
\begin{tikzpicture}[draw=black, ultra thick, x=\Size,y=\Size]
\node at (0.5,-0.8) {\Huge B};
\node at (1.5,-0.8) {\Huge I};
\node at (2.5,-0.8) {\Huge N};
\node at (3.5,-0.8) {\Huge G};
\node at (4.5,-0.8) {\Huge O};
\foreach \col/\colLetter in \Sequence {%
\foreach \row/\rowLetter in \Sequence{%
\def\NodeText{\expandafter\csname Node\rowLetter\colLetter\endcsname}
\node [Square] at ($(\col,-\row)-(0.5,0.5)$) {\NodeText};

Drawing using Tikz

I would like to include some shapes using tikz code in my latex thesis. This is what i have so far drawn.
\node[isosceles triangle,
minimum size =2cm] (T1)at (0,0){};
\node[single arrow, draw=blue, very thick,
minimum width = 40pt, single arrow head extend=3pt,
minimum height=26mm,
rotate=90] {}; % length of arrow
I need something similar to this:
But replacing the BH in the top circles with CO.
Something to get you started. I highly recommend to take a look a the TikZ manual.
\documentclass[tikz, border=1mm]{standalone}
\draw[thick, ->] (0,.5) -- (10,.5)
node[pos=.25, yshift=3mm] {$0.01$}
node[pos=.5, yshift=3mm] {$0.1$}
node[pos=.75, yshift=3mm] {$1$}
node[pos=1, anchor=east, yshift=3mm] {$\dot{M}/\dot{M}_{Edd}$};
\draw[fill=lightgray] (0,1) -- (1.25,3) -- (2.5,1) -- cycle;
\node[rotate=-90] at (1.25,1.75) {ADAF};
\draw[top color=lightgray, bottom color=black] (4,1) -- (4.1,2) .. controls (4.1,2.15) and (3.6,2) .. (3.75,2.25) -- (4.2,3) -- (4.65,2.25) .. controls (4.8,2) and (4.3,2.15) .. (4.3,2) -- (4.4,1) -- cycle;
\node[rotate=-90] at (4.2,2.45) {ADAF};
\node[rotate=-90, white] at (4.2,1.45) {Standard};
\draw[fill] (5,1) -- (5.2,2.25) -- (5.4,1) -- cycle;
\draw (5.2,2.125) -- ++(.5,.25) node[anchor=west, align=center] {unstable \\ Standard};
\draw[fill] (9,1) -- (9.1,2) .. controls (9.1,2.15) and (8.325,2) .. (8.55,2.25) -- (9.2,3) -- (9.85,2.25) .. controls (10.075,2) and (9.3,2.15) .. (9.3,2) -- (9.4,1) -- cycle;
\node[rotate=-90, white] at (9.2,2.45) {Slim};
\node[rotate=-90, white] at (9.2,1.45) {Standard};
\node[circle, white, fill=black] at (1.25,3.35) {CO};
\node[circle, white, fill=black] at (4.2,3.35) {CO};
\node[circle, white, fill=black] at (5.2,3.35) {CO};
\node[circle, white, fill=black] at (9.2,3.35) {CO};

How to increase the font size of one node label in tikz

I have a tikz picture:
\usetikzlibrary{positioning, shapes, shadows, arrows}
\tikzstyle{abstract}=[circle, draw=black, fill=white]
\tikzstyle{labelnode}=[circle, draw=white, fill=white]
\tikzstyle{line} = [draw, -latex']
every node/.style={line width=2mm, circle split, draw, minimum size=5cm}
\node (output) [thick, font=\fontsize{60}{60}\selectfont, thick] {$y_{(out)}$ \nodepart{lower} $y_{(in)}$};
\node (hidden) [thick, font=\fontsize{60}{60}\selectfont, below=1cm of output] {$h_{(out)}$ \nodepart{lower} $h_{(in)}$};
\node (input) [thick, font=\fontsize{60}{60}\selectfont, below=1cm of output, abstract, below=of hidden] {$x$};
\draw[line width=1mm, ->] (input) -- (hidden) node[font=\fontsize{60}{60}\selectfont, below=of output, labelnode, midway, right=2cm] {$W_1\, {\rm{, }} \,b_1$};
\draw[line width=1mm, ->] (hidden) -- (output) node[font=\fontsize{60}{60}\selectfont, below=of output, labelnode, midway, right=2cm] {$W_2 \, {\rm{, }} \,b_2$};
I would like to increase the font size of "x" in the bottom node. For some reason, altering the values in font=\fontsize{60}{60} does nothing (increasing or decreasing made no difference in the size). Any idea how I can make the x take up more area inside the node?
I found the answer here, and used the lmodern package.
\usetikzlibrary{positioning, shapes, shadows, arrows}
\tikzstyle{abstract}=[circle, draw=black, fill=white]
\tikzstyle{labelnode}=[circle, draw=white, fill=white]
\tikzstyle{line} = [draw, -latex']
every node/.style={line width=2mm, circle split, draw, minimum size=5cm}
\node (output) [thick, font=\fontsize{60}{0}\selectfont, thick] {$y_{(out)}$ \nodepart{lower} $y_{(in)}$};
\node (hidden) [thick, font=\fontsize{60}{0}\selectfont, below=1cm of output] {$h_{(out)}$ \nodepart{lower} $h_{(in)}$};
\node (input) [thick, font=\fontsize{80}{0}\selectfont, below=1cm of output, abstract, below=of hidden] {$x$};
\draw[line width=1mm, ->] (input) -- (hidden) node[font=\fontsize{60}{0}\selectfont, below=of output, labelnode, midway, right=3cm] {$W_1\, {\rm{, }} \,b_1$};
\draw[line width=1mm, ->] (hidden) -- (output) node[font=\fontsize{60}{0}\selectfont, below=of output, labelnode, midway, right=3cm] {$W_2 \, {\rm{, }} \,b_2$};

Org mode: describe a chess position and automatically generate image of chessboard

I write articles on chess. I often need to describe a chess position, using a standard format named FEN, and would like it to be automatically converted to a png image, and when I export the org document as LaTeX or html the image to be inlined. I think it can be done because ditaa seems to work similarly.
For example, with the FEN string "8/pppr1kpp/8/8/8/5P2/PPP1RKPP/8 w - - 0 1" as input, I create a tex file named chessboard.tex:
\documentclass[border={0 0 3 0}, convert={density=150}]{standalone}
\setchessboard{normalboard, showmover=true, moverstyle=triangle, label=false}
\fenboard{8/pppr1kpp/8/8/8/5P2/PPP1RKPP/8 w - - 0 1} \chessboard
which, with the shell command $> xelatex --shell-escape chessboard.tex, produces the following png image (thanks to the use of the standalone package).
How can I automate this process, so that I could put in an org file something like
#+BEGIN_SRC chessfen
8/pppr1kpp/8/8/8/5P2/PPP1RKPP/8 w - - 0 1
and have the above process automated?
Something like this?
#+title: Chess
#+startup: inlineimages
#+property: header-args:latex+ :imagemagick yes :iminoptions -density 300 -resize 400
#+property: header-args:latex+ :headers '("\\usepackage{chessboard}\\usepackage{xskak}\\usepackage{chessfss}") :border 1pt
* Chess
#+begin_src latex :file chess.png :results raw
\setchessboard{normalboard, showmover=true, moverstyle=triangle, label=false}
\fenboard{8/pppr1kpp/8/8/8/5P2/PPP1RKPP/8 w - - 0 1} \chessboard
This modification of rvf0068's answer works for me, after manually installing the necessary LaTeX packages (that can be found by inspecting in the error log output):
#+property: header-args:latex+ :headers '("\\usepackage{chessboard}\\usepackage{xskak}\\usepackage{chessfss}") :border 1pt
#+header: :imagemagick "t"
#+header: :results file raw
#+header: :exports results
#+header: :fit yes :border 0.5cm
#+header: :iminoptions -density 600 :imoutoptions -geometry 600
#+begin_src latex :file alburt_vs_kasparov_1978.png
\setchessboard{normalboard, showmover=false, moverstyle=triangle, label=false}
\fenboard{8/pppr1kpp/8/8/8/5P2/PPP1RKPP/8 w - - 0 1} \chessboard
# Local Variables:
# org-latex-pdf-process: ("xelatex -shell-escape -interaction=nonstopmode -output-directory=%o %f"
# "xelatex -shell-escape -interaction=nonstopmode -output-directory=%o %f"
# "xelatex -shell-escape -interaction=nonstopmode -output-directory=%o %f")
# End:
I use LaTeX environments directly to typeset chess, with no src blocks:
Then, the white brings the king
- to the closest rank to the opposing king and
- to the file one next to that of the opposing king toward the center.
\fenboard{7k/R7/8/8/8/8/8/7K w - - 0 2}
\mainline{2. Kg2 Kf8 3. Kf3 Ke8 4. Ke4 Kd8 5. Kd5 Kc8 6. Kd6}

How to create a layered PSD file from command line?

I need to create a layered PSD file with ImageMagick or any other command-line tool available on Linux platform. Since I need to do this on Linux server, I can't use Photoshop scripting.
The ImageMagick command below creates PSD file with a single layer, where two images (here: plasma fractals) are positioned one below another. (I use ImageMagick 6.5.3-10 2009-07-31 Q16, latest available in MacPorts.)
convert -size 100x100 plasma:fractal plasma:fractal -append out.psd
How do I create a PSD file where each image is in its own layer, and one layer is directly above another?
Or, is there any other command line tool that would allow me to do this?
Update: Any other options than GIMP command line?
If ImageMagick won't work, I'd look at Gimp command line.
The following commands created a 2-layer PSD file for me in the interactive console:
> (gimp-image-new 200 200 0)
> (gimp-layer-new 1 200 200 0 "layer-1" 100 0)
> (gimp-layer-new 1 200 200 0 "layer-2" 100 0)
> (file-psd-save 0 1 0 "test.psd" "test.psd" 0 0)
> (gimp-image-add-layer 1 2 -1)
> (gimp-image-add-layer 1 3 -1)
> (file-psd-save 0 1 1 "test.psd" "test.psd" 0 0)
That would need to be converted into a script-fu script (.scm file) and could be executed from the command-line with something like this:
gimp -i -b '(your-script-name "test.psd" 200 200)' -b '(gimp-quit 0)'
I use the command lines below. I have not encountered any issue in opening the generated PSD in Photoshop, however every layer appears as a background layer, and you have to convert it into a true layer first in order to edit the layer ordering.
Here is the command line for Window. Given the list of images (, etc, im1 being the bottom layer,) a list of labels for the layers ("label1", "label2"...) :
convert ^
( ^
-page +0+0 ^
-label "label1" ^[0] ^
-background none ^
-mosaic ^
-set colorspace RGB ^
) ^
( ^
-page +0+0 ^
-label "label2" ^
""[0] ^
-background none ^
-mosaic ^
-set colorspace RGB ^
) ^
( ^
-clone 0--1 ^
-background none ^
-mosaic ^
) ^
-alpha Off ^
-reverse ^
That is, for each layer, you have something like
( ^
-page +0+0 ^
-label "optional_label" ^[0] ^
-background none ^
-mosaic ^
-set colorspace RGB ^
The label/name of the layer is optional (remove -label if none.) The [0] in[0] retrieves the first image in the image file, in case there exist a thumbnail in the Exif.
On Unix/OSX, you have to protect the parenthesis by a backslash, and the line continuation characters change also to \:
\( \
-page +0+0 \
-label "optional_label" \[0] \
-background none \
-mosaic \
-set colorspace RGB \
If the image names contain special chars, you can protect them with " (eg "c:\my im1.png") without any issue.
You can use the -adjoin to combine an image sequence.
convert -size 100x100 \
-alpha set plasma:fractal \
-alpha set plasma:fractal \
-adjoin \
The alpha channels are needed for the PSD coder.
The order of the images is bottom layer to top layer.
There are a lot of compatibility issues with Photoshop and GIMP depending on the settings.
ImageMagick 6.5.4-6
Photoshop CS2
Here is some useful links to you:
ImageMagick and PSD images with layers
Some PSD Useful Notes
Psd Layers - ImageMagick Forums
The second link is to use with PHP, but it executes ImageMagick, only use the commands, not the all PHP syntax, only the line of exec code.
Hope i'm helping you!
I agree with Jon Galloway, the Gimp console is a better choice. Here is my script:
(define (pngtopsd width height png-paths psd-path)
(define (add-layers image png-paths)
(if (null? png-paths) 0
((png (car png-paths))
(new-layer (car (gimp-file-load-layer 0 image (car png)))))
(gimp-image-insert-layer image new-layer 0 -1)
(gimp-item-transform-2d new-layer 0 0 1 1 (cadr png) (caddr png) (cadddr png))
(add-layers image (cdr png-paths))
((png (car png-paths))
(image (car (gimp-file-load 1 (car png) (car png))))
(drawable (car (gimp-image-get-active-layer image))))
(gimp-image-resize image width height 0 0)
(gimp-item-transform-2d drawable 0 0 1 1 (cadr png) (caddr png) (cadddr png))
(add-layers image (cdr png-paths))
(file-psd-save 0 image drawable psd-path psd-path 1 0)
(gimp-image-delete image)
You just need put this script into file with name "pngtopsd.scm" inside your gimp "script" directory ("c:\Program Files\GIMP 2\share\gimp\2.0\scripts\" for Windows) and you can create layered PSD from list of PNG pictures with transformation (translation or rotation) of each layer. Usage sample:
gimp-console-2.8.exe -i -b ^
"(pngtopsd (list ^
(list \"c:/../1.png\" 0 500 500) ^
(list \"c:/.../2.png\" 0.7 200 1000) ^
(list \"c:/.../3.jpg\" -0.5 1000 0)) ^
There (list \"c:/.../2.png\" 0.7 200 1000) means:
0.7 is the rotation angle of picture (in radians)
200 1000 is x and y shift on an image
You can create a layered PSD with ImageMagick, but note the first image is actually used as the preview image (i.e. composite of all the layers).
convert -size 100x100 plasma:fractal plasma:fractal plasma:fractal out.psd
Will create a 2 layered PSD.