Unable to hot-deploy in JBoss - deployment

I want to hot-deploy application in JBoss and for that I found guide here here
I've downloaded JBoss-eap-7.0 but in that I don't see any folder with name jboss-as-web which is mentioned in the guide.
Can someone please help what is wrong here or other way to hot-deploy in JBoss?
For hot deploy, I have a war file of an application.

Take a look at the documentation for JBoss Enterprise Application Platform not Web Platform (which is a litle bit different animal) at https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/7.0/


Fuse Project in JBoss Developer Studio

I'm new in JBoss Developer Studio.
Where I can find example, how I can make fuse integration project and RUN it on server? I cann't run my test project on server, I see a lot of errors, but my project consist only LOG component. And Why I cann't run this project on EAP 7.1 or Fuse 6.3?
i have JBoss EAP 7.1 and JBoss Fuse 6.3.
Thank you in advance, and sorry for my English)
When I use Mule, I can make and run my first project for 10-15 minutes. But in Developer Studio it's very... difficult. I wasted 2 days without result
I am sorry that you are facing problems.
I would suggest you try to read the documentation at https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_fuse/6.3/pdf/tooling_tutorials/Red_Hat_JBoss_Fuse-6.3-Tooling_Tutorials-en-US.pdf . It is a good starting point for writing camel routes with the JBoss Fuse Tooling. I would also recommend you learn more about Apache Camel at http://camel.apache.org as the tooling is for Camel.
Hope that helps,

Which JBoss application server's version is stable and latest?

I am new to JBoss application server. when I go for download the application server in the website. I am seeing the below servers list in the top
EAP built from AS 7.3.
EAP 6.2 Maven Repository.
EAP 6.2 Quickstarts.
kindly help me. Which is the best one. otherwise, shall I go for any other open source application server.
I don't want to make any comment about these things you mentioned. But I can share my experience with you.
Jboss 5.1: It was good.
Jboss 7.1: I faced a problem with log4j issue. Its very complicated.
EAP 6.2: Its much stable than 7.1. my log4j problem is solved with this version.
So, it totally depends upon how deep you want to use jboss.

Glassfish Hot Deploy with File Synchronization

I was looking for someway to perform hot deployment on glassfish. I was find this guide:
which is exactly what I am looking for. Unfortunately, this is for JBoss. I do not know how to handle it for Glassfish.
Can you please help me transform the part "Configure destinations" to Glassfish directories instead?
Best regards
It would be exactly the same, except, rather than pointing the synchronization of files to the JBoss deploy directory, you would point them to the glassfish/domains/domain1/autodeploy directory.
Forget that.
"File open failure" compiling java class to glassfish autodeploy
If somebody find a Java EE 6 container you can do autodeploy, please share it. I have pass the last month trying do do an autodeploy on JBoss, WebLogic and Glassfish. It never worked.
Lesson learned: Do not use Java EE. Use Spring on a simple tomcat.

WebLogic and OSGi

Is there a way to run an OSGi container in the Weblogic Application Server? I know that it works with JBoss, Glassfish and there are possibilities to add an Equinox servlet bridge to your OSGi project (implementation of the bridge is too old). But I want something similar to JBoss/Glassfish functionality where it is very easy to deploy your OSGi environment, because there are already OSGi implementations. Most of the articels I found were very old and there are no more recent ones. Can someone help with hints or better some links?
Maybe Bnd could create a .war file for me, but how can I achieve it. I read there is a possibility. Example would be great!
Just for those who still look into that case. Since version 12.1.2 Weblogic supports OSGi out-of-the-box.
I'd consider the Apache Felix Http bridge. It worked a lot better for me than the ancient Equinox bridge (I messed around with it for a while, but never got it to work well), after I switched to Felix I got something working pretty quickly.
If I understand you correctly, you want to make a 'plain' war file, that can be deployed in any Java EE server. If that's the case, there is nothing OSGi about your war file, so I don't think Bnd will do anything for you.
WebLogic now supports OSGi in version 12.1.2 . See this

Cannot find OpenPortal Portlet Container 2.x when creating a new server runtime environment in eclipse

I just started learning portlet and got stuck in the first place. I have installed JavaEE 6 SDK, Eclipse Helios and GlassFish Server 3.0.1. I also successfully configured OpenPortal Portlet Container (OPC) for GlassFish by running command:
java -jar portlet-container-configurator.jar
The problem come up when I wanted to create a new server runtime environment of OPC, there was no "OpenPortal Portlet Container 2.x" node like the tutorial said. I googled and found that I needed to install Eclipse Portal Pack but the link was dead.
Any suggestion, please?
Best Regard.
If you want to develop portlets, I strongly recommend downloading Apache Pluto instead of using the open portlet container; you can download a version of Tomcat bundled with Pluto from their site: http://portals.apache.org/pluto
Actually, Pluto has a few quirks that you need to get past (for example, it wants you to run an 'assembly' step to add some entries to your web.xml) but once you do it is probably the best way. You could also try Liferay or JBoss' GateIn for development, but if you are ultimately targeting a vendor supplied platform like WebSphere, you might find that these actually have features that aren't as portable, whereas Pluto is really just a simple implementation of the portlet spec.
I have found the .jar file on Internet. Thanks for watching.