Azure Devops, Single Line Text Character Limit? - azure-devops

I have a Single Line Text field type from a customized Work item Type that for some reason is cutting off long URL's. I am wondering if there is a character limitation. Does anyone know?

I am wondering if there is a character limitation. Does anyone know?
The answer is Yes.
The default String fields take a max of 255 characters. You could use PlainText Text field type instead of the default String field, which supports entry of a text string that can contain more than 255 Unicode characters.
You can check the document FIELD (Definition) element reference for some more details:
Hope this helps.


Enforce printable characters only in text fields

The text data type in PostgreSQL database (encoding utf-8) can contain any UTF-8 character. These include a number of control characters (
While I agree there are cases when the control characters are needed, there is little (to none) of use of these characters in normal attributes like persons name, document number etc. In fact allowing such characters to be stored in DB can lead to nasty problems as the characters are not visible and the value of the attribute is not what it seems to be to the end user.
As the problem seems to be very general, is there a way to prevent control chars in text fields? Maybe there is a special text type (like citext for case-incencitive text)? Or should this behaviour be realized as a domain? Are there any other options? All I could find people talk is finding these characters using regex.
I could not find any general recommendations to solving the problem so maybe I'm missing something obvious here.
The exact answer will depend on what you consider printable.
However, a domain is the way to go. If you want to go with what your database collation considers a printable character, use a domain like this:
CREATE DOMAIN printable_text AS text CHECK (VALUE !~ '[^[:print:]]');
SELECT 'a'::printable_text;
(1 row)
SELECT E'\u0007'::printable_text; -- bell character (ASCII 7)
ERROR: value for domain printable_text violates check constraint "printable_text_check"

Docvariable with empty string value

In word, I'm using docvariables to manage pluralization.
A VBA macro is changing the value of several docvariables to pluralize / singularize them.
But sometimes I want to use a Docvariable only for enable/disable a 's' suffix.
Problem: I cannot set it to empty string, because it deletes the docvariable.
The field displays an error in word.
So I'm searching a way to achieve this, it could be :
A way to keep a Docvariable existing, with empty string or equivalent value
A field formula which make this job if the variable doesn't exist
Any other workaround would be appreciated.
Thank you
A Document Variable (used in DocVariable field codes) cannot exist if it has no content.
A possibility would be to also store the space in this DocVariable so that it display s[space] or just [space].
Otherwise you may need to write this information to a Bookmark (possibly using a Set field) and display the content using a Ref field.

Is there a special character that cannot be typed or copied by user, but can be inserted/read by code into/from text?

I need to have a temporary delimiter, inserted server-side, that cannot possibly exist in content created by user.
The purpose for this is to have prepared content for CSV export, with configurable value delimiter, that will replace this untypeable character client-side, right before the export.
Does such character even exist?
There is no character that cannot possibly exist; however there are many characters (in particular control codes - those lower than decimal 32, excluding cr/lf/tab) that are extremely unlikely to exist in any reasonable text content. This is why escaping is often required in text-based protocols. There is no reserved space of characters that will be escaped in CSV, other than those already used in CSV itself.
Zero-width joiner is a unicode invisible kind of character which exist but do not exist. You can use that! :)

Identifying hidden characters in text

I have an ETL process that regularly extracts code from an ODBC data source, manipulates it, and inserts it into my postgres database. One of the columns from this data source regularly has odd characters in it.
For the most part I can catch and convert all of the characters appropriately, but I have one character that exists in the ODBC data source, cannot be brought into postgres (all of the text after that character gets truncated), and I'm having a hard time identifying what the character is.
I can't even insert an example of the character directly into this post because it gets stripped out :/ The closest I can get is a screen shot of the character in textmate (the only application I can actually see the character in):
There character is the diamond between the 1 and 0. When my data comes in, everything after the 0 is truncated.
Is there a good way of identifying what this character is so I can figure out a way of stripping it out?
Per tripleee's comment on the original question post:
To identify the character I grabbed the hex value of the text to identify the hex value of the offending character in question.
There are a number of ways to do this, but the quickest way for me was to use a utility application I have called HexFiend so dump the text into. Once the text was in and I highlighted the character it returned the hex value "00".
A bit more investigation pointed towards the hex null value being used as a line terminator in C applications (which makes sense given the context of my project).
I've fit this null value into my ETL process so that it gets switched out with a new line and now everything is sunshine and daises.
Thanks again for the help!

Determine if non-numerical characters have been pasted into UITextField

For a specialized calculator I would like to allow copy / paste for a textfield which is meant for numerical values only. So, only numerical characters should be actually pasted or the pasted string should be rejected if it contains non-numerical characters.
I was thinking about using UITextFieldDelegates textField:shouldChangeCharactersInRange:replacementString: method to check the pasted string for non-numerical characters. But NSString offers no method for checking whether it does NOT contain characters specified in a single set. So this way I would need to check occurances of characters from several sets, which is clumsy and these checks would run for every single number that would be typed in, which appears like quite some overhead to me.
Another way would be to iterate and check for every character in the replacement string whether there's a match in a numerical set.
Either way would propably work, but I feel like I'm missing something.
Do you have any advice? Is there a convenience method to achieve this?
But NSString offers no method for checking whether it does NOT contain characters specified in a single set
sure it does.
if([myString rangeOfCharacterFromSet:myCharacterSet].location ==NSNotFound)
//means there is no character from specified set in specified string