HoloLens - How to get webcam texture 2D from Vuforia - unity3d

I'm developing a Vuforia app for HoloLens by using Unity.
This app displays a simple 3D Object when an image target is detected.
I'm also using the fm Exhibition Tool Pack hololens from the Unity Asset Store in order to stream the app running on HoloLens to a PC.
Everything works fine but when i stream the app to PC i see the 3D Unity scene instead of the room.
So i've tried to get the webcam texture and attach it to a cube inside the scene but the vuforia ARCamera get somehow conflict with it and i can't see anything on the cube. Instead when i run the app inside the Unity Simulator i see myself on the cube.
Is there a way to get the webcam texture 2D from Vuforia and attach it to a GameObject inside the scene? Maybe with the Vuforia.Image class? But i don't know how it works.

Below scripts are compatible with FMETP STREAM.
The scripts are tested on mobile.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using Vuforia;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class VuforiaCamAccess : MonoBehaviour
private bool mAccessCameraImage = true;
public RawImage rawImage;
public GameObject Mesh;
private Texture2D texture;
private Vuforia.PIXEL_FORMAT mPixelFormat = Vuforia.PIXEL_FORMAT.GRAYSCALE;
private Vuforia.PIXEL_FORMAT mPixelFormat = Vuforia.PIXEL_FORMAT.RGB888;
private bool mFormatRegistered = false;
void Start()
texture = new Texture2D(Screen.width, Screen.height, TextureFormat.R8, false);
texture = new Texture2D(Screen.width, Screen.height, TextureFormat.RGB24, false);
// Register Vuforia life-cycle callbacks:
private void OnVuforiaStarted()
// Try register camera image format
if (CameraDevice.Instance.SetFrameFormat(mPixelFormat, true))
Debug.Log("Successfully registered pixel format " + mPixelFormat.ToString());
mFormatRegistered = true;
Debug.LogError("Failed to register pixel format " + mPixelFormat.ToString() +
"\n the format may be unsupported by your device;" +
"\n consider using a different pixel format.");
mFormatRegistered = false;
private void OnPause(bool paused)
if (paused)
Debug.Log("App was paused");
Debug.Log("App was resumed");
private void OnTrackablesUpdated()
//skip if still loading image to texture2d
if (LoadingTexture) return;
if (mFormatRegistered)
if (mAccessCameraImage)
Vuforia.Image image = CameraDevice.Instance.GetCameraImage(mPixelFormat);
//if (image != null && image.IsValid())
if (image != null)
byte[] pixels = image.Pixels;
int width = image.Width;
int height = image.Height;
StartCoroutine(SetTexture(pixels, width, height));
bool LoadingTexture = false;
IEnumerator SetTexture(byte[] pixels, int width, int height)
if (!LoadingTexture)
LoadingTexture = true;
if (pixels != null && pixels.Length > 0)
if (texture.width != width || texture.height != height)
texture = new Texture2D(width, height, TextureFormat.R8, false);
texture = new Texture2D(width, height, TextureFormat.RGB24, false);
if (rawImage != null)
rawImage.texture = texture;
rawImage.material.mainTexture = texture;
if (Mesh != null) Mesh.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.mainTexture = texture;
yield return null;
LoadingTexture = false;
private void UnregisterFormat()
Debug.Log("Unregistering camera pixel format " + mPixelFormat.ToString());
CameraDevice.Instance.SetFrameFormat(mPixelFormat, false);
mFormatRegistered = false;
private void RegisterFormat()
if (CameraDevice.Instance.SetFrameFormat(mPixelFormat, true))
Debug.Log("Successfully registered camera pixel format " + mPixelFormat.ToString());
mFormatRegistered = true;
Debug.LogError("Failed to register camera pixel format " + mPixelFormat.ToString());
mFormatRegistered = false;


Poor screen share using Agora Virtual Camera Prefab from oculus

I'm currently working on an unity project, where I'm trying to screenshare my content from oculus quest 2 to a remote pc with audio chat enabled using Agora Virtual Camera Prefab package. I actually followed this blog for the implementation https://www.agora.io/en/blog/how-to-build-a-vr-video-chat-app-using-unitys-xr-framework/. I successfully implemented this and connected with a remote pc, but all I'm experiencing is a very poor screenshare of oculus(most of the times black screen) in the remote pc. But audio is better only a lag of 1 or 2 sec, plus even I'm able to see the remote pc user's cam video inside my game through oculus. It'll be lot helpful if anyone could help me with this issue, I'm totally stuck with this. I'm also attaching screenshot of the agora virtual camera prefab's config and the code used for any suggestions.
using System.Collections;
using agora_gaming_rtc;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using static agora_gaming_rtc.ExternalVideoFrame;
using agora_utilities;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.Android;
public class AgoraVirtualCamera : MonoBehaviour
// Use this for initialization
private ArrayList permissionList = new ArrayList();
// Get your own App ID at https://dashboard.agora.io/
[Header("Agora Config")]
private string AppID = "";
private string TempToken = "";
private string TokenServerURL = "";
private string ChannelName = "";
[Header("Env Config")]
private Camera VirtualCam;
private GameObject RemoteVideoRoot;
private GameObject RemoteScreenVideoRoot;
private int ScreenShareUID;*/
private Text LogText;
[Header("UI Btn Config")]
public GameObject JoinBtn;
public GameObject LeaveBtn;
public GameObject MicBtn;
public GameObject QuitBtn;
public Color ActiveMicColor = Color.green;
public Color DisabledMicColor = Color.red;
[Header("Video Encoder Config")]
private VideoDimensions dimensions = new VideoDimensions
width = 1280,
height = 720
private int bitrate = 1130;
// use bitrate: 2260 for broadcast mode
// Pixel format
public static TextureFormat ConvertFormat = TextureFormat.RGBA32;
private static int ShareCameraMode = 1; // 0 = unsafe buffer pointer, 1 = renderer image
// used for setting frame order
int timeStampCount = 0; // monotonic timestamp counter
// perspective camera buffer
private Texture2D BufferTexture;
// output log
private Logger logger;
// uid
private uint UID = 0; // 0 tells the agora engine to generate the uid
// reference to the active agora client
static AgoraInterface client = null;
// keep track of remote UID
Dictionary<string, List<uint>> RemoteUIDs = new Dictionary<string, List<uint>>();
// keep track of channel state
bool InChannel = false;
#region --- Life Cycles ---
void Awake()
// keep this alive across scenes
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
CheckAppId();// ensure an AppID is defined
// if there isn't a join button defined, autojoin
if (JoinBtn == null || !JoinBtn.activeInHierarchy)
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
void OnDisable()
void OnApplicationPause(bool paused)
if (client != null)
void OnApplicationQuit()
ShareCameraMode = 0;
if (client != null)
#region --- Agora Functions ---
void ReloadAgoraEngine()
client = GetComponent<AgoraInterface>();
if (client != null)
client = null;
client = gameObject.AddComponent<AgoraInterface>();
// video config
VideoEncoderConfiguration videoEncodeConfig = new VideoEncoderConfiguration
dimensions = this.dimensions,
frameRate = this.frameRate,
bitrate = this.bitrate,
mirrorMode = this.mirrorMode
// agora functions
public void JoinChannel()
// clean up and create a new one
string appidMSG = string.Format("Initializing client with appid: ${0}", AppID);
client.LoadEngine(AppID); // load engine
// Set up the texture for rendering POV as a texture
if (VirtualCam.isActiveAndEnabled)
logger.UpdateLog("Virtual Camera is Active and Enabled, Enable custom video source");
client.CustomVideo = true;
int width = Screen.width;
int height = Screen.height;
AddCallbackEvents(); // add custom event handling
if (TokenServerURL != "")
client.JoinWithTokenServer(ChannelName, UID, TokenServerURL);
// joing with or without a token
client.Join(ChannelName, TempToken, UID);
string joiningChannelMsg = string.Format("Joining channel: {0}, with uid: {1}", ChannelName, UID);
public void LeaveChannel()
if (client != null)
InChannel = false;
// change mic buttn text and color - help user visualize they left the channel
if (MicBtn != null)
MicBtn.GetComponentInChildren<Text>().text = "MIC";
MicBtn.GetComponent<Image>().color = Color.white;
// remove the remote video planes
if (gameObject.activeInHierarchy)
if (RemoteVideoRoot?.transform.childCount > 0)
foreach (Transform child in RemoteVideoRoot.transform)
public void ToggleMic()
if (!InChannel)
return; // only toggle mic when in a channel
Text MicBtnText = MicBtn.GetComponentInChildren<Text>();
Image micBtnImg = MicBtn.GetComponent<Image>();
if (micBtnImg.color == Color.green)
MicBtnText.text = "Mic OFF";
micBtnImg.color = DisabledMicColor;
else if (micBtnImg.color == Color.red)
MicBtnText.text = "Mic ON";
micBtnImg.color = ActiveMicColor;
client.MuteLocalAudioStream(true); // mute by default
MicBtnText.text = "- MUTED -";
MicBtnText.color = Color.white;
micBtnImg.color = DisabledMicColor;
// Called by quit button
public void ExitApp()
// Application.Quit() does not work in the editor so
// UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isPlaying need to be set to false to end the game
UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isPlaying = false;
#region --- Callback handlers ---
protected virtual void AddCallbackEvents()
IRtcEngine mRtcEngine = IRtcEngine.QueryEngine();
mRtcEngine.OnJoinChannelSuccess += OnJoinChannelSuccess;
mRtcEngine.OnUserJoined += OnUserJoined;
mRtcEngine.OnUserOffline += OnUserOffline;
public void OnJoinChannelSuccess(string channelName, uint uid, int elapsed)
InChannel = true;
if (VirtualCam != null && VirtualCam.isActiveAndEnabled)
logger.UpdateLog("Enable Virtual Camera Sharing");
logger.UpdateLog("ERROR: Failed to find perspective camera.");
// update mic button color and text - visually show joined channel
if (MicBtn != null)
MicBtn.GetComponentInChildren<Text>().text = "MIC ON";
MicBtn.GetComponent<Image>().color = ActiveMicColor;
// enable dual stream mode
IRtcEngine mRtcEngine = IRtcEngine.QueryEngine();
public void OnUserJoined(uint uid, int elapsed)
// add video streams from all users in the channel
// offset the new video plane based on the parent's number of children.
//float xOffset = RemoteVideoRoot.transform.childCount * 3.5f;
//MakeVideoView(uid, RemoteVideoRoot, new Vector3(xOffset, 0, 0), Quaternion.Euler(270, 0, 0));
// to restrict which user video streams appear
// only show users with uid 100-1009 or 49024 (screen share)",
// uid 49024 is an arbitrary number that was selected and hardcoded as uid for the screen share stream from the web demo code. This uid can be customized
string remoteUIDtype;
if (uid >= 1000 && uid <= 1009)
// offset the new video plane based on the parent's number of children.
float xOffset = RemoteVideoRoot.transform.childCount * -3.69f;
MakeVideoView(uid, RemoteVideoRoot, new Vector3(xOffset, 0, 0), Quaternion.Euler(270, 180, 0), new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5625f));
remoteUIDtype = "admin";
} else if (uid == 49024 && RemoteScreenVideoRoot != null)
MakeVideoView(uid, RemoteScreenVideoRoot, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Quaternion.Euler(270, 0, 0), new Vector3(-1.777f,-1.0f, -1.0f));
remoteUIDtype = "screen";
IRtcEngine mRtcEngine = IRtcEngine.QueryEngine();
// unsubscribe from video & audio streams
mRtcEngine.MuteRemoteVideoStream(uid, true);
mRtcEngine.MuteRemoteAudioStream(uid, true);
remoteUIDtype = "peer";
// keep track of the remote uids
logger.UpdateLog($"Make Remote Video UID type:{remoteUIDtype}");
if (RemoteUIDs.ContainsKey(remoteUIDtype))
} else {
RemoteUIDs.Add(remoteUIDtype, new List<uint> { uid });
public void OnUserOffline(uint uid, USER_OFFLINE_REASON reason)
logger.UpdateLog("onUserOffline: update UI");
// update the position of the remaining children
#region --- misc helper functions ---
public void SetResolution(VideoDimensions newDimensions, int newBitrate)
dimensions = newDimensions;
bitrate = newBitrate;
VideoEncoderConfiguration videoEncodeConfig = new VideoEncoderConfiguration
dimensions = this.dimensions,
frameRate = this.frameRate,
bitrate = this.bitrate,
mirrorMode = this.mirrorMode
private void CheckAppId()
logger = new Logger(LogText);
logger.DebugAssert(AppID.Length > 10, "Please fill in your AppId"); // Checks that AppID is set.
private void MakeVideoView(uint uid, GameObject parentNode, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, Vector3 scale)
logger.UpdateLog(string.Format("Make Remote Video View for UID: {0}.", uid));
GameObject go = GameObject.Find(uid.ToString());
if (go != null)
return; // reuse
// create a GameObject and assign to this new user
VideoSurface videoSurface = makePlaneSurface(uid.ToString(), parentNode, position, rotation, scale);
if (videoSurface != null)
// configure videoSurface
// VIDEO TYPE 1: 3D Object
public VideoSurface makePlaneSurface(string goName, GameObject parentNode, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, Vector3 scale)
GameObject go = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Plane);
if (go == null)
return null;
go.name = goName;
go.transform.localScale = scale; // scale the video (4:3)
if (parentNode != null)
go.transform.parent = parentNode.transform;
go.transform.localPosition = position;
go.transform.localRotation = rotation;
Debug.Log("add video view");
Debug.Log("parentNode is null video view");
go.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0f);
go.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(270, 0, 0);
// configure videoSurface
VideoSurface videoSurface = go.AddComponent<VideoSurface>();
return videoSurface;
IEnumerator UiUpdate(float time)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(time);
// update the UI
for (int i = 0; i < RemoteVideoRoot.transform.childCount; i++)
float xOffset = -1 * i * 3.69f; // calculate the new position
RemoteVideoRoot.transform.GetChild(i).localPosition = new Vector3(xOffset, 0, 0); // update the position
#region --- Virtual Camera video frame sharing ---
void EnableVirtualCameraSharing()
RenderTexture renderTexture = VirtualCam.targetTexture;
if (renderTexture != null)
BufferTexture = new Texture2D(renderTexture.width, renderTexture.height, ConvertFormat, false);
StartCoroutine(CoShareRenderData()); // use co-routine to push frames into the Agora stream
} else
logger.UpdateLog("Error: No Render Texture Found. Check Virtual Camera.");
void DisableSharing()
BufferTexture = null;
IEnumerator CoShareRenderData()
while (ShareCameraMode == 1)
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
yield return null;
private void ShareRenderTexture()
if (BufferTexture == null) // offlined
Camera targetCamera = VirtualCam; // AR Camera
RenderTexture.active = targetCamera.targetTexture; // the targetTexture holds render texture
Rect rect = new Rect(0, 0, targetCamera.targetTexture.width, targetCamera.targetTexture.height);
BufferTexture.ReadPixels(rect, 0, 0);
byte[] bytes = BufferTexture.GetRawTextureData();
// sends the Raw data contained in bytes
//monoProxy.StartCoroutine(PushFrame(bytes, (int)rect.width, (int)rect.height,
//() =>
// bytes = null;
StartCoroutine(PushFrame(bytes, (int)rect.width, (int)rect.height,
() =>
bytes = null;
RenderTexture.active = null;
/// <summary>
/// Push frame to the remote client. This is the same code that does ScreenSharing.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="bytes">raw video image data</param>
/// <param name="width"></param>
/// <param name="height"></param>
/// <param name="onFinish">callback upon finish of the function</param>
/// <returns></returns>
IEnumerator PushFrame(byte[] bytes, int width, int height, System.Action onFinish)
if (bytes == null || bytes.Length == 0)
Debug.LogError("Zero bytes found!!!!");
yield break;
IRtcEngine rtc = IRtcEngine.QueryEngine();
//if the engine is present
if (rtc != null)
//Create a new external video frame
ExternalVideoFrame externalVideoFrame = new ExternalVideoFrame();
//Set the buffer type of the video frame
externalVideoFrame.type = ExternalVideoFrame.VIDEO_BUFFER_TYPE.VIDEO_BUFFER_RAW_DATA;
// Set the video pixel format
externalVideoFrame.format = PixelFormat; // VIDEO_PIXEL_RGBA
//apply raw data you are pulling from the rectangle you created earlier to the video frame
externalVideoFrame.buffer = bytes;
//Set the width of the video frame (in pixels)
externalVideoFrame.stride = width;
//Set the height of the video frame
externalVideoFrame.height = height;
//Remove pixels from the sides of the frame
externalVideoFrame.cropLeft = 10;
externalVideoFrame.cropTop = 10;
externalVideoFrame.cropRight = 10;
externalVideoFrame.cropBottom = 10;
//Rotate the video frame (0, 90, 180, or 270)
externalVideoFrame.rotation = 180;
// increment i with the video timestamp
//externalVideoFrame.timestamp = System.DateTime.Now.Ticks;
externalVideoFrame.timestamp = timeStampCount++;
//Push the external video frame with the frame we just created
int a = 0;
if (timeStampCount % 100 == 0) Debug.Log(" pushVideoFrame(" + timeStampCount + ") size:" + bytes.Length + " => " + a);
yield return null;

The picture from the unity camera stops coming

My application needs to use the camera (camera from the phone), but when I run it on the phone, a request appears to access the camera. After I click on the consent button, the image does not come. For it to arrive, you need to restart this scene.
I am using this script:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using ZXing;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
public class QRScanner : MonoBehaviour
WebCamTexture webcamTexture;
string QrCode = string.Empty;
void Start()
var renderer = GetComponent<RawImage>();
webcamTexture = new WebCamTexture(512, 512);
renderer.material.mainTexture = webcamTexture;
IEnumerator GetQRCode()
IBarcodeReader barCodeReader = new BarcodeReader();
var snap = new Texture2D(webcamTexture.width, webcamTexture.height, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false);
while (string.IsNullOrEmpty(QrCode))
var Result = barCodeReader.Decode(snap.GetRawTextureData(), webcamTexture.width, webcamTexture.height, RGBLuminanceSource.BitmapFormat.ARGB32);
if (Result != null)
QrCode = Result.Text;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(QrCode))
Debug.Log("DECODED TEXT FROM QR: " + QrCode);
var json = JObject.Parse(QrCode);
var Monument = (string) json["Name"];
var City = (string) json["City"];
DataHolders.Monument = Monument;
DataHolders.City = City;
catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogWarning(ex.Message); }
yield return null;
How can I make the image go after gaining access to the camera?
You need to Ask for permission runtime and once you get the permission you need to call GetQRCode()
On android you could do something like following
private bool hasCameraPermission = false;
WebCamTexture webcamTexture;
string QrCode = string.Empty;
void Start()
var renderer = GetComponent<RawImage>();
webcamTexture = new WebCamTexture(512, 512);
renderer.material.mainTexture = webcamTexture;
private void Update() {
if (!Permission.HasUserAuthorizedPermission(Permission.Camera)) {
else {
// here you will have camera permission
if (!hasCameraPermission) {
hasCameraPermission = true;
IEnumerator GetQRCode() {

TakePhoto Coroutine doesnt click Picture [duplicate]

This question already exists:
Cannot get pixels when webcam is not running
Closed 12 months ago.
I am trying to achieve a picture clicking app in unity and I already made a script, but the TakePhoto Coroutine doesnt seem to work when I press a button, I am using Start and Update functions from this video and TakePhoto Coroutine from this stackoverflow solution. Can someone please help me fix this??
This is my Code:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class GetCam: MonoBehaviour
WebCamTexture webCam;
string your_path = "C:\\Users\\Jay\\Desktop";
public RawImage display;
public AspectRatioFitter fit;
public void Start()
webCam = new WebCamTexture();
display.texture = webCam;
public void lol(){ //starts the coroutine
public void Update(){
float ratio = (float)webCam.width / (float)webCam.height;
fit.aspectRatio = ratio;
float ScaleY = webCam.videoVerticallyMirrored ? -1f: 1f;
display.rectTransform.localScale = new Vector3(1f,ScaleY, 1f);
int orient = -webCam.videoRotationAngle;
display.rectTransform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0,0,orient);
IEnumerator TakePhoto() // Start this Coroutine on some button click
// NOTE - you almost certainly have to do this here:
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
// it's a rare case where the Unity doco is pretty clear,
// http://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/WaitForEndOfFrame.html
// be sure to scroll down to the SECOND long example on that doco page
Texture2D photo = new Texture2D(webCam.width, webCam.height);
//Encode to a PNG
byte[] bytes = photo.EncodeToPNG();
//Write out the PNG. Of course you have to substitute your_path for something sensible
File.WriteAllBytes(your_path + "photo.png", bytes);
Hi change your start function to something like this:
public void Start()
Debug.LogError("can not found any camera!");
int index = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < WebCamTexture.devices.Length; i++)
if (WebCamTexture.devices[i].name.ToLower().Contains("your webcam name"))
Debug.LogError("WebCam Name:" + WebCamTexture.devices[i].name + " Webcam Index:" + i);
index = i;
if (index == -1)
Debug.LogError("can not found your camera name!");
WebCamDevice device = WebCamTexture.devices[index];
webCam = new WebCamTexture(device.name);
display.texture = webCam;
lien 87:
File.WriteAllBytes(your_path + "photo.png", bytes);
change it to
File.WriteAllBytes(your_path + "\\photo.png", bytes);
an it will be work. good luck.
complete code:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class GetCam : MonoBehaviour
WebCamTexture webCam;
string your_path = "C:\\Users\\Jay\\Desktop";
public RawImage display;
public AspectRatioFitter fit;
public void Start()
Debug.LogError("can not found any camera!");
int index = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < WebCamTexture.devices.Length; i++)
if (WebCamTexture.devices[i].name.ToLower().Contains("your webcam name"))
Debug.LogError("WebCam Name:" + WebCamTexture.devices[i].name + " Webcam Index:" + i);
index = i;
if (index == -1)
Debug.LogError("can not found your camera name!");
WebCamDevice device = WebCamTexture.devices[index];
webCam = new WebCamTexture(device.name);
display.texture = webCam;
public void Update()
float ratio = (float)webCam.width / (float)webCam.height;
fit.aspectRatio = ratio;
float ScaleY = webCam.videoVerticallyMirrored ? -1f : 1f;
display.rectTransform.localScale = new Vector3(1f, ScaleY, 1f);
int orient = -webCam.videoRotationAngle;
display.rectTransform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 0, orient);
public void callTakePhoto()
IEnumerator TakePhoto() // Start this Coroutine on some button click
// NOTE - you almost certainly have to do this here:
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
// it's a rare case where the Unity doco is pretty clear,
// http://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/WaitForEndOfFrame.html
// be sure to scroll down to the SECOND long example on that doco page
Texture2D photo = new Texture2D(webCam.width, webCam.height);
//Encode to a PNG
byte[] bytes = photo.EncodeToPNG();
//Write out the PNG. Of course you have to substitute your_path for something sensible
File.WriteAllBytes(your_path + "\\photo.png", bytes);

want to get screen point on render texture camera unity3d

I am making sniper game, I have 2 cameras, one is rendering whole environment, and second one is in scope of the gun, which has high zoom quality.
I am able to show, enemy point on screen through main camera. and it shows proper on main camera, but in scope camera(2nd camera), it not showing properly. I want to show these points exactly same as enemy is.
here is my script to show point so far. I am attaching screen shots, first one is for scope camera and does not showing proper place, and 2nd one is for main camera, showing at proper place (Red circle is pointing)
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class identity_shower : MonoBehaviour {
public Texture tex;
public GameObject helt;
public bool target_is_high =false;
private int counter_for_high = -1;
private int counter_for_low = -1;
private int counter_value = 50;
private bool bool_for_high = false;
private bool bool_for_low = false;
private Camera scope_cam_active;
private RectTransform rectTransform;
private Vector2 uiOFFset;
// Update is called once per frame
void OnGUI()
GameObject[] objs = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("enemy_soldier");
if( objs.Length<=0 )
if (bool_for_high)
Vector2 pos_to_display = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint (this.transform.position);
GUI.DrawTexture (new Rect(pos_to_display.x-10.0f,(Screen.height- pos_to_display.y)-40.0f,15,15),tex);
public void show_your_identity()
if (target_is_high) {
if (counter_for_high >= counter_value)
counter_for_high = counter_for_high + 1;
if (counter_for_high >= counter_value)
bool_for_high = true;
} else if(!target_is_high)
if (counter_for_low >= counter_value)
counter_for_low = counter_for_low + 1;
if (counter_for_low >= counter_value)
bool_for_low = true;

Camera onPreviewFrame not called on XT910

I have a problem with the camera of my MOTO XT910 android phone. I would like only to access to the camera's (frame)buffer but "onPreviewFrame" is never called. On my emulator, it works fine.
Thanks in advance,
My code is as below:
public class Store extends SurfaceView implements SurfaceHolder.Callback, PreviewCallback {
static {
public native void decode(Bitmap pTarget, byte[] pSource);
private Camera mCamera;
private byte[] mVideoSource;
private Bitmap mBackBuffer;
private Paint mPaint;
private Size lSize;
private static String TAG = Store.class.getCanonicalName();
public Store(Context context) {
public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder holder) {
try {
mCamera = Camera.open();
Log.d(TAG,"surfaceCreated ok");
} catch (IOException eIOException) {
mCamera = null;
Log.d(TAG,"surfaceCreated failed");
throw new IllegalStateException();
public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder pHolder, int pFormat, int pWidth, int pHeight) {
Log.d(TAG,"surfaceChanged in");
lSize = findBestResolution(pWidth, pHeight);
PixelFormat lPixelFormat = new PixelFormat();
.getPreviewFormat(), lPixelFormat);
int lSourceSize = lSize.width * lSize.height * lPixelFormat.bitsPerPixel / 8;
mVideoSource = new byte[lSourceSize];
mBackBuffer = Bitmap.createBitmap(lSize.width, lSize.height,Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
Camera.Parameters lParameters = mCamera.getParameters();
lParameters.setPreviewSize(lSize.width, lSize.height);
Log.d(TAG,"surfaceChanged out");
private Size findBestResolution(int pWidth, int pHeight) {
List<Size> lSizes = mCamera.getParameters().getSupportedPreviewSizes();
Size lSelectedSize = mCamera.new Size(0, 0);
for (Size lSize : lSizes) {
if ((lSize.width <= pWidth) && (lSize.height <= pHeight)
&& (lSize.width >= lSelectedSize.width)
&& (lSize.height >= lSelectedSize.height)) {
lSelectedSize = lSize;
if ((lSelectedSize.width == 0) || (lSelectedSize.height == 0)) {
lSelectedSize = lSizes.get(0);
return lSelectedSize;
public void surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder holder) {
if (mCamera != null) {
mCamera = null;
mVideoSource = null;
mBackBuffer = null;
public void onPreviewFrame(byte[] pData, Camera pCamera) {
decode(mBackBuffer, pData);
protected void onDraw(Canvas pCanvas) {
Log.d(TAG,"onDraw in");
if (mCamera != null) {
Paint paint = new Paint();
String text = String.format("%dx%d", lSize.width, lSize.height);
pCanvas.drawText(text, 10, 10, paint);
pCanvas.drawLine(0, 0, 100, 100, paint);
pCanvas.drawLine(20, 0, 0, 20, paint);
pCanvas.drawBitmap(mBackBuffer, 0, 0, mPaint);
Log.d(TAG,"onDraw out");
First I assume you didn't get an exception and that the camera parameters you used (PixelFormat.YCbCr_420_SP) is supported by your camera.
To fix the problem you should try to add mCamera.setPreviewDisplay(view);
with a surface view and not with null. Unfortunately according to android guys the preview should not start without a surface view :
Unfortunately, there's no way to get preview frames without having a SurfaceView to display them, if you're targeting pre-3.0 devices. On 3.0 and later, you can use the Camera#setPreviewTexture() method to send preview data to a GPU texture. Even if just want to use the YUV data instead of RGB data in the GPU, this would allow you to stream without a mandatory UI element; just ignore the SurfaceTexture entirely.
If you stick with your current approach, you'll unfortunately find that your app will not function properly on many devices; there are several that follow the API's restriction on having to have setPreviewDisplay() or setPreviewTexture() set before preview data will be sent.
See the full bug report here : http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=28238
However as I said in this bug report it can work without a surface view, but there is no guarantee.