How to install flutter desktop app in windows and want to know the process of install and run hello world program for flutter desktop version.
refer this blog it contains all details about how to create Desktop app
It is a longer process if you are a beginner. You will probably prefer running it in Chrome, an emulator or any external device.
Here are the commands to use in your terminal :
On macOS or Linux: export ENABLE_FLUTTER_DESKTOP=true
On Windows:
PowerShell: $env:ENABLE_FLUTTER_DESKTOP="true"
Finally, run the following command to ensure that your system shows up.
flutter devices
Error I am getting:
When I am trying to build the app (Which is by default app by Flutter), I am facing this problem please someone help me out.
flutter doctor -v:
I also checked the problems but didn't get anything.
I was trying to build the app.
If you are using windows, it is selected windows build by default on VS Code. You can select device on top section for android studio and bottom corner for vs-code.
and then run the app again.
Also you can use command on terminal like
flutter run -d c
this will run on chrome(I am using c to select chrome).
If you like to build on Windows, you need to install Desktop development with C++. Check How to build release version of windows app?
If I connect a physical iPhone to my Windows computer via usb, is it possible to run a Flutter app on it in VSCode?
It is not possible, you need to install XCode and XCode Command Tools in order to build for iOS. For those you need to use MacOS.
I want to run flutter app in VS.Code without android studio emulator.
I want run my app without install android studio.
How can I do this?
If you have Gradle properly installed globally ( and the Android SDK setup on your machine, then you should not need the IDE.
Try first checking for available devices:
flutter devices
Then using the device that you find (if there are any spaces in the name that represents the device then use "" to format the command), execute the following command:
flutter run -d "Device Name With Spaces" --release
flutter run -d DeviceNameWithoutSpaces --release
The first option is You can run your application on chrome or edge if you don't want to download an emulator. Follow the following steps:
Click on the no-device option to select the device.
Now select chrome or edge
And the second option is you can connect your mobile with your PC and use your phone to run the flutter apps. Follow the following steps:
For Android:
Enable developer options and USB Debugging on your device. This varies slightly
by android version. But the short version is you tap on the device build number
7 times.
Then a “Developer Options” option comes up. After that, you can click “enable
USB Debugging.”
Then plug your phone into your computer with a USB cable. You’ll see some popup
on your phone asking if you want to allow USB debugging with that computer.
Click on “yes”.
Run Flutter just like you would if you had a simulator running.
I was using VSCode and Flutter without any problem in my Ubuntu machine.
Recently, I installed Mircosoft .Net core in my machine.
Later when I try to run a Flutter application by pressing F5, it is trying to download C#.
I'm unable to run Flutter application from VSCode, where as I can run the app from console using the flutter run command.
Guess this is a bug in VSCode. It works after downloading, C# package. It is kind of high-volume btw.
I have a Nativescript application that I'm developing using VS Code and have no issues when I try to run it using the Nativescript launch configurations from the Nativescript extension, when I'm using a real device connected with USB or when I use one of the android-sdk emulators.
Now I need to run Hyper-V on the machine too and those emulators cannot run when hypervisor is on. So I downloaded and installed Visual Studio Android Emulator which runs fine when I launch it manually.
Problem is that the nativescript project doesn't recognize this device either with tns device or adb devices commands and if I try to launch the application from VS Code it tries to launch one of the other emulators, which obviously fails due to the hypervisor/Intel Haax incompatibility.
Did any of you had this problem before and have any solutions you can share?
Microsoft MSDN say :
If the emulator is running, but it does not appear to be connected to ADB or it does not appear in Android tools that make use of ADB (for example, Android Studio or Eclipse), you may need to adjust where the emulator looks for ADB.
The emulator uses a registry key to identify the base location of your Android SDK, and looks for the \platform-tools\adb.exe file under that directory.
Here We Go!! Step By Step ;)
Copy Your ANDROID SDK PATH for me it look like this :
To modify the Android SDK path used by the emulator:
Open Registry Editor by selecting Run from the Start buttons context menu, typing regedit in the dialog box, and choosing OK.
Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Android SDK Tools in the folder tree on the left.
Note : if Android SDK Tools folder doesn't exist, Create it under WOW6432Node, And open it, And Create a String Value name it Path:)
Modify the Path registry variable to match the path to your Android SDK.
Restart the emulator and you should now be able to see the emulator connected to ADB and associated Android tools.
Now! Open Your Terminal (CMD), and Run ADB command
adb devices -l
YES YES !! The Visual Studio Emulator is running, and connected to ADB!
Now We Want To Create A Demo App (for example FIRSTZAKI) ZAKI is my nickname :p
On Terminal (CMD) :
tns create FIRSTZAKI
Choose Android Platform
tns platform add android
Check if VS EMULATOR is ready!
tns devices
Finally Step (RUN/BUILD) :
tns run android
WOW ... Great :)
AND .. Good Luck ♥ — ZAKI