Unable to execute a line brake in IDA - ida

I am new to IDA freeware 7.0 i have tried to insert line brake and i get this message:
The file can't be loaded by the debugger plugin. Please verify that
the parameters are valid.
I could not find which parameter is meant by the error message.


PyDev says Undefined variable from import: AF_INET

As show below, the editor displays false errors about predefined socket module. Every underlined word refers to the same message: 'Undefined variable from import: xxxxx' and 'xxxxx Found at: _socket'.
How can I configure PyDev to avoid them?
Python version is 3.6.9, Eclipse version is 2021.09.
The socket module information is usually loaded in a spawned python process and its contents sent to Eclipse... Sometimes this doesn't work and the usual culprit is that to get this info, a socket connection is made and this doesn't work properly.
The following faq entry: https://www.pydev.org/faq.html#HowToFixCodeCompletion has more information. Please see if you can fix it with that info (if you can't, please provide any error you have in your error log).

Drush error: Call to undefined method Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\BaseNode::resetPlaceholders()

I created a Drupal 9 installation using the recommended Drupal method, and the Drupal site works fine. I have been using it for weeks to build the structure for my site and begin populating data.
However, recently I tried using Drush on the command line to clear caches (drush cr). It doesn't work, and instead throws the following error:
Error: Call to undefined method Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\BaseNode::resetPlaceholders() in /var/www/path-to-site/vendor/symfony/dependency-injection/Compiler/MergeExtensionConfigurationPass.php on line 99 #0 ...
I did a composer global require drush/drush to install Drush globally, but even running drush --root=/var/www/path-to-site status doesn't work.
I am not good with command line troubleshooting. Does anybody know what the possible problem could be?

Strange Error Message in Visual Studio 2017 (Extensibility Project)

I installed VS 2017 RC (64 Bit, Windows 10 V. 1607) and tried to start a simple VSIX project (mainly following Mads Kristensen's video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFiRotBsVKU). I also installed Extensibility Tools.
When I try to add a CommandClass, I am getting an error message telling "The parameter is incorrect. E_INVALIDARG" (see image below).
The project fails to compile bringing the following compiler error message: "No resource file set the resource merger. MyFileName".
And, strangely enough, if I open the VSCT file, which is an XML, it does not look like XML (no XML markup) and any attempt to open it with the VS's XML editor only looks like a text file.
I failed to find a hint in the web; does anybody know the recipe?

Commands fail - cannot load ntsdexts

I'm new to using WinDbg and am running into a problem. I've set the server for symbols and downloaded them, but I keep getting stuck when I try to run !htrace (or any other command actually). The error message I get is
Cannot load 'ntsdexts'
I get this on any command that starts with an exclamation point (i.e. !drivers, !heap, !htrace, etc.) which is making tracking down a handle leak a problem.
I'm using the srv*...* link direct to Microsoft for symbols.
The last line before I get the breakpoint is:
Module Load: C:\WINDOWS\SYSWOW64\VFRCORE.DLL (no symbols loaded)
From the comments:
Somehow I managed to get two different version of windbg installed and the one in the path is the wrong one. Put the dll file into the right place, ran from that specific directory and now it works.

Eclipse CDT cannot launch the binary it generated, but launch works from cmd

I am using eclipse juno, and using windows pe parser and mingw compiler. I am not using cygwin. I can build a binary successfully from eclipse, but cannot launch it. It fails with some null pointer exception.
I get the following error on eclipse.
"OpenCV Error: Null pointer (Invalid classifier cascade) in cvHaarDetectObjectsForROC, file C:\opencv210\opencv\sources\modules\objdetect\src\haar.cpp, line 1514
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.
I run the same binary from cmd, it executes fine without any error. Can someone give any pointers please?
your xml-cascade file was not found.
also, please avoid using opencv's deprecated c-api. use a cv::CascadeClassifier in the 1st place, and check CascadeClassifier.empty()
btw, i'd urge you to update from opencv2.1 to opencv2.4.9 . 2.1 is totally outdated, and should no more be used.