Atom: Why Linter does not highlight my errors inline with text? - plugins

I saw in tutorials that linter in atom must highlight html syntax errors inline with text and it also highlights lines with red bubbles near them like below:
I installed linter-htmlhint besides of linter but it did not help and currently my atom editor only reports error and do not highlight them inline with text:
What Should I do?
Here is list of my installed plugins:

I had this problem with 1.26 and an upgrade of Atom made it work again.
I just followed the suggestion here: How to upgrade Atom Editor on Linux?


VS Code not highlighting python text

My vs code is not highlighting my python text. it does not color change the variables and imports etc. Only the strings and some other parts of the text.
I have python and pylint installed, I am also using the dark+ (default dark) as my color theme. I have also tried other options like the github dark theme, but same results. I am on windows 10.
any help
I had this problem recently and I fixed it by removing an outdated python extention, it's name was 'Python for VSCode' by Thomas Haakon Townsend.
I hope this helped.

VSCode plugin for solidity syntax highlighting in Markdown?

I couldn't find any VS Code plugin that provides solidity syntax highlighting for Markdown code blocks. (I tried the Markdown All in One plugin, or mardownlint).
'''solidity just looks gray.
A workaround so far is to use '''javascript which is similar but not perfect.
Any suggestions?

How do I recognize the extension that has taken over markdown editing

I suddenly find that my markdown files are being opened by a wysiwyg editor with chinese menus. No language is detected and searching through my extensions gave no hint. How do I figure out which extension is active?
In general, there is a command called "Developer: Show Running Extensions" that you can activate from the command palette.
In this case, I see a weird spelling in that screenshot: "Vditor".
Searching for that word finds a few pages, including one whose title is "vditor VS vscode-markdown-editor". From that page, I found Vanessa219/vditor.
That project claims to be
An In-browser Markdown editor, support WYSIWYG (Rich Text), Instant Rendering (Typora-like) and Split View modes
but not a Visual Studio Code plugin.
However, the extension vscode all markdown says it is "powered by" Vditor. I suspect you'll find that's the plugin to disable.
There is also something called vscode-office. It uses Vditor for Markdown out of the box, but this can be disabled:
It change markdown editor as vditor, it's WYSIWYG editor for markdown...
if you want using vscode editor, insert below json to vscode config.
"workbench.editorAssociations": [{
"viewType": "default",
"filenamePattern": "*.md"

How can I fix broken highlighting settings in Visual Studio Code

SCSS highlighting for some properties are highlighted as if they are selectors. I'm looking for settings to adjust or a plugin that will fix the highlighting as it's distracting.
How VSC displays:
how the same code looks in Sublime Text 3:
Paul Grant developed a patch which fixes this problem perfectly.

VSCode scope line mark detection

I just trying to switch my editor from NetBeans to VSCode, however there is one feature which i missed from NetBeans and seem not exist at VSCode. I am not sure what is the name of the feature, i just call it "Scope mark line". The detail is like picture attached.
My question is, is there any plugins can bring that feature to VSCode? Please let me know if any, thanks in advance.
I also had a hard time searching for this feature, and found this VS Code Extension on the Marketplace: guides which adds various indentation guide lines. This worked for me editing ruby and bash files on osx.
Some of the tags for the extension:
guides indentation indentation guides ruler
From Default indent line guide in Visual Code?
Enable in settings.json:
"editor.renderIndentGuides": true