VSCode plugin for solidity syntax highlighting in Markdown? - visual-studio-code

I couldn't find any VS Code plugin that provides solidity syntax highlighting for Markdown code blocks. (I tried the Markdown All in One plugin, or mardownlint).
'''solidity just looks gray.
A workaround so far is to use '''javascript which is similar but not perfect.
Any suggestions?


How can I fix broken highlighting settings in Visual Studio Code

SCSS highlighting for some properties are highlighted as if they are selectors. I'm looking for settings to adjust or a plugin that will fix the highlighting as it's distracting.
How VSC displays:
how the same code looks in Sublime Text 3:
Paul Grant developed a patch which fixes this problem perfectly.

Can I remove the border of VScode markdown code tag style?

The border around the code tag is annoying, especially if there are many of code tags inside a paragraph. Can I remove it in the VScode editor?
Well, the reason is I installed the markdown all in one extension and the border was hardcoded for the dark theme.
There is a issue talking about the problem and how to tweak it from code.
But for me, the built-in markdown support of VScode just work well.

How to highlight cells in vscode?

I have been using vscode (Visual Studio Code) text editor for couple of days. I have come from Spyder IDE for python. I am developing a great likeness towards vscode. It encompasses all of my needs to python programming with also being lightweight.
However, one thing that I am missing and wish it were here in vscode is cell highlighting. Though the editor has feature to segment the code into several cells by typing # %% before a block, it lacks the feature to highlight the cell where mouse pointer is hovered on.
Maybe, there is an option there in settings.json but i don't know where it is in particular. Though it is not a great lack or causes major issues but i like to enable this feature in my vscode editor.
Below pictures illustrate my point.
Previous image is the visual studio code editor and the below one is for Spyder IDE.
It seems it is supported now.
Bellow there's a screenshot for the current version of VSCode using Microsoft's Python extension.
If this answers the question, please, inform as answer.

VSCode scope line mark detection

I just trying to switch my editor from NetBeans to VSCode, however there is one feature which i missed from NetBeans and seem not exist at VSCode. I am not sure what is the name of the feature, i just call it "Scope mark line". The detail is like picture attached.
My question is, is there any plugins can bring that feature to VSCode? Please let me know if any, thanks in advance.
I also had a hard time searching for this feature, and found this VS Code Extension on the Marketplace: guides which adds various indentation guide lines. This worked for me editing ruby and bash files on osx.
Some of the tags for the extension:
guides indentation indentation guides ruler
From Default indent line guide in Visual Code?
Enable in settings.json:
"editor.renderIndentGuides": true

Monospaced Font w/out Syntax Highlighting in Github Flavored Markdown

The title pretty much says it all: I'd like to write a paragraph in monospaced font using GFM, but without any programming language's syntax highlighting. I'd think it would be
or maybe nothing:
But no luck. Is this even possible with GFM?
Try indenting with four spaces (i.e. a normal markdown code block) rather than using a fenced code block. This worked for me in GitLab. In GitHub just ``` worked.