Avoid single frame waiting state when passing already-completed future to a FutureBuilder - flutter

I have a list of Future<PostData> that I use to create a preload mechanism for tinder-like swipe feed consumption but I'm running into some issues. In fact, when a card is swiped, I rebuild the card stack using the next Posts that are already loaded in my List<Future<PostData>>.
Thing is, even tho my futures are already completed, I get a single frame of ConnectionState.waiting in my future builder making the UI jitter.
This limitation is documented in the docs:
A side-effect of this is that providing a new but already-completed future to a FutureBuilder will result in a single frame in the ConnectionState.waiting state. This is because there is no way to synchronously determine that a Future has already completed.
I was wondering, is there a way to avoid that problem?

Not sure you can achieve that with FutureBuilder.
Consider creating a class that will handle network, caching etc.
Then listen to its changes with a ValueListenableBuilder.
Something like this:
class PostsRetriever{
//handles loading, caching of posts
class PostsWidget extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final postsRetriever = Provider.of<PostsRetriever>(context);
return ValueListenableBuilder<PostData>(
valueListenable: postsRetriever.currentPost,
builder: (context, currentPost, _) {
//some ui that will draw currentPost'
return RawMaterialButton(onPressed: postsRetriever.loadNext());
You would need provider library.


Flutter BlocProvider consumption

I'm implementing a BLoC pattern for state management in my Fluter application. As I'm new in Flutter and BLoC particularly I'm evolving its usage gradually.
For new I use BLoC to communicate between two pages. One page sends an asset to the BLoC and navigates to details page. The details page uses StreamBuilder to read from the BLoC and build page with according data:
Widget build(BuildContext context) => MultiProvider(
providers: [
BlocProvider(create: (context) => AssetBloc())
Requesting page
_onAssetMenuAction(BuildContext context, AssetMenu value, Asset asset) {
switch (value) {
case AssetMenu.validate:
var bloc = BlocProvider.of<AssetBloc>(context);
MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => ValidateAssetPage()));
Validation page
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
var bloc = BlocProvider.of<AssetBloc>(context);
Logger.root.info("Building validation page");
return StreamBuilder<AssetValidation>(
stream: bloc.outValidation,
builder: (context, snapshot) => snapshot.hasData
? QrImage.withQr(qr: snapshot.data!.qr)
: Text("No QR"));
class AssetBloc extends BlocBase {
// Stream to handle the validation request outcome
StreamController<AssetValidation> _validationController =
StreamSink<AssetValidation> get _inValidation => _validationController.sink;
Stream<AssetValidation> get outValidation => _validationController.stream;
// Stream to handle the validation request
StreamController<Asset> _validateController = StreamController<Asset>();
void Function(Asset) get validate => _validateController.sink.add;
// Constructor
AssetBloc([state]) : super(state) {
void _handleLogic(Asset asset) {
Logger.root.finest("AssetValidation instance is sent to stream");
void dispose() {
The problem I have is I'm getting "No QR". According to logs I see following sequence of actions:
new AssetValidation.create(): Validating asset Instance of 'Asset'
AssetBloc._handleLogic(): AssetValidation instance is sent to stream
ValidateAssetPage.build(): Building validation page
So at the moment of validation page building the validation result data should be in the stream but it seems they are not.
Unit tests of AssetBloc work as expected. So I suspect it should be related to StreamBuilder in validation page.
The StreamBuilder just shows you the last value of the stream whether the StreamBuilder was present on the current deployed widget when the stream was updated. So, if you add a new value to the stream, but the StreamBuilder is not on the current deployed widget, and, after that, you deploy the widget with the StreamBuilder, it's very likely that it won't show the updated data (in fact it shows empty data). I know, it's weird, i have the same problem when i like to use streams in that way. So, instead, i recommend you to use ValueListenable on the bloc and ValueListenableBuilder on the widget. It's very useful for that cases.
Another thing to point out is that if you're going to use just streams for the state management, it's better to use another state manager type such as provider or singleton. The reason is that, the right way to use bloc (the way you take advantage of the power of bloc) is using just the method add() for the events and logic, and using the established bloc State classes to show and update the data with the BlocBuilder on the widget.

How to call into a flutter widget's state from the widget

I'm new to dart/flutter and having a little trouble getting my head around communication patterns.
One reoccurring problem is that I keep looking to expose a public method on a widget so it can be called by other widgets.
The problem is with stateful widgets. In these cases, I need to call down to the widgets state to do the actual work.
The problem is that the widget doesn't have a copy of the state.
I have been saving a copy of the state in the widget but of course this throws a warning as it makes the widget mutable.
Let me give a specific example:
I have a specialised menu which can have a set of menu items.
Each are stateful.
When the menu is closing it needs to iterate over the list of menu items that it owns and tell each one to hide (the menu items are not visually contained within the menu so hiding the menu doesn't work).
So the menu has the following code:
class Menu{
closeMenu() {
for (var menuItem in menuItems) {
So that works fine, but of course in the MenuItem class I need to:
class MenuItem {
MenuItemState state;
But of course having the state object stored In the MenuItem is a problem given that MenuItem is meant to be immutable. (It is only a warning so the code works, but its clearly not the intended design pattern).
I could do with seeing more of your code to get a better idea of how to solve your specific issue but it appears that the Flutter documentation will help you in some regard, specifically the section on Lifting state up:
In Flutter, it makes sense to keep the state above the widgets that use it.
Why? In declarative frameworks like Flutter, if you want to change the UI, you have to rebuild it.
…it’s hard to imperatively change a widget from outside, by calling a method on it. And even if you could make this work, you would be fighting the framework instead of letting it help you.
It appears you're trying to fight the framework in your example and that you were correct to be apprehensive about adding public methods to your Widgets. What you need to do is something closer to what's detailed in the documentation (which details all of the new classes etc you'll see below). I've put a quick example together based on this and the use of Provider which makes this approach to state management easy. Here's a Google I/O talk from this year encouraging its use.
void main() {
builder: (context) => MenuModel(),
child: MyApp(),
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
// call this when the menu is closed
void onMyMenuClosed(BuildContext context) {
var menuModel = getMyMenuModel(context);
class MenuModel extends ChangeNotifier {
bool _displayItems = false;
void hideMenuItems() {
_displayItems = false;
void showMenuItems() {
_displayItems = true;
Calling hideMenuItems() makes a call to notifyListeners() that'll do just that; notify any listeners of a change which in turn prompts a rebuild of the Widget/s you wrap in a Consumer<MenuModel> Now, when the Widget that displays the menu is rebuilt, it just grabs the appropriate detail from the MenuModel class - the one source of truth for the state. This reduces the number of code paths you'd otherwise have to deal with to one and makes it far easier to see what's happening when you make further changes.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Consumer<MenuModel>(
builder: (context, menuModel, child) {
return menuModel._displayItems() ? MenuItemsWidget() : Container();
I recommend you read the entire page on state management.

BLoCs and multiple streams - Is there a better solution?

Currently I'm working with BLoCs in Flutter and I've got a question about multiple streams within a Bloc.
For example when a screen has got multiple widgets which should depend on the Bloc. I could wrap the whole screen in the StreamBuilder, but then every time all widgets would be rebuilt.
The example bloc:
class TestBloc {
final StreamController _dataController = StreamController<String>();
final StreamController _appBarTitleController = StreamController<String>();
Stream<String> get appBarTitle => _appBarTitleController.stream;
Stream<DataState> get data => _dataController.stream;
void fetchData(String path) async {
Data data = await _getData();
Future<Data> _getData(String path) async {
return await _dataRepository.fetchData(path);
void dispose() {
On the example build method you can see two different StreamBuilders, one for the app bar title and one for the content. Of course I could wrap them in this example into one StreamBuilder, but sometimes this isn't easily possible. They may depend on other data or user interactions.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return ScaffoldWithSafeArea(
title: StreamBuilder(
stream: _testBloc.appBarTitle,
builder: (context, AsyncSnapshot<String> snapshot) {
if (snapshot.hasData) {
return Text(snapshot.data);
return Text("Test");
child: StreamBuilder<DataState>(
stream: _testBloc.data,
builder: (context, AsyncSnapshot<DataState> snapshot) {
DataState state = snapshot.data;
if (state is DataInitial) {
return _buildLoading();
} else if (state is DataLoaded) {
return _buildContent(state.data);
return _buildLoading();
Is there maybe a better solution for multiple Streams on one screen? I use a lot of boilerplate code here and would like to avoid this.
In order to manage multiple streams in one screen, the best solution is to have multiple widgets that listen the corresponding stream.
This way, you increase the performance of your app by optimizing the total number of builds of your widgets.
By doing this, you can create widgets that listen an output (stream) of your BLoC and reuse them in different parts of your app, but in order to make the widget reusable you need to inject the BLoC into the widget.
If you see the BLoC UI design guidelines
Each "complex enough" component has a corresponding BLoC
This way your screen will now be composed of different components, and this component is a widget that listens to an output (stream) of your BLoC.
So you are doing things right.
If you want to reduce the repetitive code a bit in your widgets, you can:
Create your own widget that listens to the stream and directly returns the output of the BLoC (in your case you call state), this way you don't need to use snapshot.data like in the StreamBuilder. The example of this widget is the BlocBuilder of flutter bloc library.
Use the flutter bloc library that has widgets that reduce the boilerplate code when use BLoC pattern, but if you use this library, you now need to create your BLoCs using bloc library, but if you do this, now you reduce the boilerplate code of creating StreamControllers in your BLoC, and other interesting features, so you should take a look the power of bloc and flutter bloc libraries.

Why does the Software Keyboard cause Widget Rebuilds on Open/Close?

I have a screen, which contains a Form with a StreamBuilder. when I load initial data from StreamBuilder, TextFormField show data as expected.
When I tap inside the TextFormField, the software keyboard shows up, which causes the widgets to rebuild. The same happens again when the keyboard goes down again.
Unfortunately, the StreamBuilder is subscribed again and the text box values is replaced with the initial value.
Here is my code:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return StreamBuilder(
stream: _bloc.inputObservable(),
builder: (context, snapshot) {
if (snapshot.hasData) {
return TextFormField(
// ...
return const Center(
child: CircularProgressIndicator(),
How do I solve this?
Keyboard causing rebuilds
It makes total sense and is expected that the software keyboard opening causes rebuilds. Behind the scenes, the MediaQuery is updated with view insets. These MediaQueryData.viewInsets make sure that your UI knows about the keyboard obscuring it. Abstractly, the keyboard obscuring a screen causes a change to the window and most of the time to your UI, which requires changes to the UI - a rebuild.
I can make the confident guess that you are using a Scaffold in your Flutter application. Like many other framework widgets, the Scaffold widgets depends (see InheritedWidget) on the MediaQuery (that gets its data from the Window containing your app) using MediaQuery.of(context).
See MediaQueryData for more information.
It all boils down to the Scaffold having a dependency on the view insets. This allows it to resize when these view insets change. Basically, when the keyboard is opened, the view insets update, which allows the scaffold to shrink at the bottom, removing the obscured space.
Long story short, the scaffold adapting to the adjusted view insets requires the scaffold UI to rebuild. And since your widgets are necessarily children of the scaffold (likely the body), your widgets are also rebuilt when that happens.
You can disable the view insets resizing behavior using Scaffold.resizeToAvoidBottomInset. However, this will not necessarily stop the rebuilds as there might still be a dependency on the MediaQuery. I will explain how you should really think about the problem in the following.
Idempotent build methods
You should always build your Flutter widgets in a way where your build methods are idempotent.
The paradigm is that a build call could happen at any point in time, up to 60 times per second (or more if on a higher refresh rate).
What I mean by idempotent build calls is that when nothing about your widget configuration (in the case of StatelessWidgets) or nothing about your state (in the case of StatefulWidgets) changes, the resulting widget tree should be strictly the same. Thus, you do not want to handle any state in build - its only responsibility should be representing the current configuration or state.
The software keyboard opening causing rebuilds is simply a good example for why this is so. Other examples are rotating the device, resizing on web, but it can really be anything as your widget tree starts to get complex (more on that below).
StreamBuilder resubscribing on rebuild
To come back to the original question: in this case, your problem is that you are approaching the StreamBuilder incorrectly. You should not feed it a stream that is recreated each build.
The way stream builders work is by subscribing to the initial stream and then resubscribing whenever the stream is updated. This means that when the stream property of the StreamBuilder widget is different between two build calls, the stream builder will unsubscribe from the first and subscribe to the second (new) stream.
You can see this in the _StreamBuilderBaseState.didUpdateWidget implementation:
if (oldWidget.stream != widget.stream) {
if (_subscription != null) {
_summary = widget.afterDisconnected(_summary);
The obvious solution here is that you will want to supply the same stream between different build calls when you do not want to resubscribe. This goes back to idempotent build calls!
A StreamController for example will always return the same stream, which means that it is safe to use stream: streamController.stream in your StreamBuilder. Basically, all controller, behavior subject, etc. implementations should behave this way - as long as you are not recreating your stream, StreamBuilder will properly take care of it!
The faulty function in your case is therefore _bloc.inputObservable(), which creates a new stream each time instead of returning the same one.
Note that I said that build calls can happen "at any point in time". In reality, you can (technically) control exactly when every build happens in your app. However, a normal app will be so complex that you cannot possibly have control over that, hence, you will want to have idempotent build calls.
The keyboard causing rebuilds is a good example for this.
If you think about it on a high level, this is exactly what you want - the framework and its widget (or widgets that you create) take care of responding to outside changes and rebuilding whenever necessary. Your leaf widgets in the tree should not care about whether a rebuild happens - they should be fine being placed in any environment and the framework takes care of reacting to changes to that environment by rebuilding correspondently.
I hope that I was able to clear this up for you :)
I faced a similar issue in my application. What resolved my issue was to make my "widget tree clean" as suggested by one of the programmers on this forum.
Try moving the definition of your stream to init state. This will prevent your stream from disconnecting and reconnecting every time there is a rebuild.
var datastream;
void initState() {
dataStream = _bloc.inputObservable();
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return StreamBuilder(
stream: dataStream,
builder: (context, snapshot) {
if (snapshot.hasData) {
return TextFormField(
// ...
return const Center(
child: CircularProgressIndicator(),
It can be resolved by creating a stateful widget like following
class StatefulWrapper extends StatefulWidget {
final Function onInit;
final Widget child;
const StatefulWrapper({#required this.onInit, #required this.child});
_StatefulWrapperState createState() => _StatefulWrapperState();
class _StatefulWrapperState extends State<StatefulWrapper> {
void initState() {
if (widget.onInit.call != null) {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return widget.child;
and wrapping the stateless widget using the wrapper
Widget body;
class WidgetStateless extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return StatefulWrapper(
onInit: () async {
//Create the body widget in the onInit
body = Container();
child : body

I am losing stream data when navigating to another screen

I am new to Dart/Flutter and after "attending" a Udemy course,
everything has been going well.
Until now ;-)
As in the sample application in the Udemy course i am using the BLOC pattern.
Like this:
class App extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(context) {
return AppBlocProvider(
child: MaterialApp(
(See "AppBlocProvider" which I later on use to get the "AppBloc")
The App as well as all the screens are StatelessWidget's.
The AppBlocProvider extends the InheritedWidget.
Like this:
class AppBlocProvider extends InheritedWidget {
final AppBloc bloc;
AppBlocProvider({Key key, Widget child})
: bloc = AppBloc(),
super(key: key, child: child);
bool updateShouldNotify(_) => true;
static AppBloc of(BuildContext context) {
return (context.inheritFromWidgetOfExactType(AppBlocProvider) as AppBlocProvider).bloc;
The AppBlocProvider provides an "AppBloc" containing two further bloc's to separate the different data a bit.
Like this:
class AppBloc {
//Variables holding the continuous state
Locale appLocale;
final UserBloc userBloc;
final GroupsBloc groupsBlock;
In my application I have a "GroupSearchScreen" with just one entry field, where you can enter a fragment of a group name. When clicking a button, a REST API call is done and list of group names is returned.
As in the sample application, I put the data in a stream too.
In the sample application the data fetching and putting it in the stream is done in the bloc itself.
On the next line, the screen that uses the data, is created.
Like this:
//Collecting data and putting it in the stream
//Creating a screen ths shows a list
return NewsList();
In my case however, there are two major differences:
After collecting the data in the GroupSearchScreen, I call/create the GroupsListScreen, where the list of groups shall be shown, using regular routing.
Like this:
//Add data to stream ("changeGroupList" privides the add function of the stream!)
//Call/create screen to show list of groups
Navigator.pushNamed(context, '/groups_list');
In the GroupsListScreen, that is created, I fetch the bloc.
Like this:
Widget build(context) {
final AppBloc appBloc = AppBlocProvider.of(context);
These are the routes:
Route routes(RouteSettings settings) {
switch (settings.name) {
case '/':
return createLoginScreen();
case '/search_group':
return createSearchGroupScreen();
case '/groups_list':
return createGroupsListScreen();
return null;
And "/groups_list" points to this function:
Route createSearchGroupScreen() {
return MaterialPageRoute(
builder: (context) {
//Do we need a DashboardScreen BLOC?
//final storiesBloc = StoriesProvider.of(context);
return GroupSearchScreen();
As you can see, the "AppBlocProvider" is only used once.
(I ran into that problem too ;-)
Now to the problem:
When the GroupsListScreen starts rendering the list, the stream/snapshot has no data!
(See "if (!snapshot.hasData)" )
Widget buildList(AppBloc appBloc) {
return StreamBuilder(
stream: appBloc.groupsBlock.groups,
builder: (context, AsyncSnapshot<List<Map<String, dynamic>>>snapshot) {
if (!snapshot.hasData) {
In order to test if all data in the bloc gets lost, I tried not to put the data in the stream directly, but in a member variable (in the bloc!).
In GroupSearchScreen I put the json data in a member variable in the bloc.
Now, just before the GroupsListScreen starts rendering the list, I take the data (json) out of the bloc, put it in the stream, which still resides in the bloc, and everything works fine!
The snapshot has data...
Like this (in the GroupsListScreen):
//Add data to Stream
Why on earth is the stream "losing" its data on the way from "GroupSearchScreen" to "GroupsListScreen" when the ordinary member variable is not? Both reside in the same bloc!
At the start of the build method of the GroupsListScreen, I have a print statement.
Hence I can see that GroupsListScreen is built twice.
That should be normal, but could that be the reason for not finding data in the stream?
Is the Stream listened on twice?
Widget buildList(AppBloc appBloc) {
return StreamBuilder(
stream: appBloc.groupsBlock.groups,
I tried to explain my problem this way, not providing tons of code.
But I don't know if it's enough to give a hint where I can continue to search...
Update 16.04.2019 - SOLUTION:
I built up my first app using another app seen in a Udemy course...
The most important difference between "his" app and mine is that he creates the Widget that listens to the stream and then adds data to the stream.
I add data to the stream and then navigate to the Widget that shows the data.
Unfortunately I used an RX-Dart "PublishSubject." If you listen to that one you will get all the data put in the stream starting at that time you started listening!
An RX-Dart "BehaviorSubject" however, will also give you the last data, just before you started listening.
And that's the behavior I needed here:
Put data on stream
Create Widget and start listening
I can encourage all Flutter newbies to read both of these very good tutorials:
In the first one, both of the streams mentioned, are explained very well.