Starting to play around with Confluent's cloud offering and created a cluster. Was able to create my first service account successfully but now it doesn't let me create another one.
Tried to logout, login.
ccloud service-account create "test" --description "test" -vvvv
gives me the following output:
UserService.CreateServiceAccount request: POST Body:{{"user":{"organizationId":xxxx,"serviceName":"test","serviceDescription":"test","serviceAccount":true}}}
2019-10-31T13:11:44.076-0700 [DEBUG] UserService.CreateServiceAccount response: 500 Internal Server Error {"error":{"code":0,"message":"Email is already in use: pq: duplicate key value violates unique constraint \"users_email_one_active\"","nested_errors":{},"details":[],"stack":null},"user":null} request: POST Body:{{"user":{"organizationId":xxxx,"serviceName":"test","serviceDescription":"test","serviceAccount":true}}}
Error: 1 error occurred:
* error creating service account: Email is already in use: pq: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "users_email_one_active"
Short of every application team using the same SA account, I am at a loss why it won't let me create another account
must have been a temporary glitch. Tried 5 minutes later and now it is working as expected
I started to use pulumi for coding purposes. But when I try to connect my AWS account in pulumi, I keep getting this error.
Error: error retrieving account details: AWS account ID not previously found and failed retrieving via all available methods
My team and I have been working on a NFT distribution app utilizing the flow blockchain. We have everything working and are ready for our first event but I am having a very difficult time getting everything setup on mainnet. It is working great on testnet but I am stuck at the first step in moving it over to mainnet, getting my contracts onto our account. Here is what I have done.
Created an account at port.onflow using blocto
Switched my blocto account to non custodian
Generated a new key in the account
Updated my flow.json file on my local system with the keys and settings according to this tutorial
Attempted to add my contract to the account using the CLI
When I run this command
flow -n mainnet accounts add-contract NFTController \NFTController.cdc --signer mainnet-account
I get this error
Command Error: [Error Code: 1006] invalid proposal key: public key 0 on account e76dc37433d8ce45 does not have a valid signature: [Error Code: 1009] invalid envelope key: public key 0 on account e76dc37433d8ce45 does not have a valid signature: signature is not valid
You can see this on the chain at
Transaction ID: 1b6186a61095a8dba90e39c1ae862c3fccdf2f7bd2e2300253f64f44f3024931
When I created my account on testnet I used and used the private that I used when creating the account to sign all transactions. I did not need to generate additional keys. Everything else in the process was the same and ran w/o issues.
My question is 2 fold.
Is there a way to generate a non-custodian account on flow mainnet w/o already have an existing account such as what I did on
Is the format correct for CLI v 0.33.0? If not what format should I be using?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I am following this tutorial ( for machine learning.
In lab 3, I am trying to create predictions in Node-RED. However, to link these I need WML credentials (API key and instance ID). Since, there is no longer a credentials tab in the UI on IBM Cloud I have tried to create the credentials following steps here
This creates an API key but there is no associated instance ID that I can find.
I also tried creating them programmatically following
but I get the following error
Error response from server. Status code: 400; description: 400 Service Broker returned error status code 400.
Is anyone else facing the same issue and know how to resolve it?
I want to connect to an my client's MQTT service on AWS. I found this Amazon IoT Sample, which saves me a lot of time to dig through the API to find the process of connecting an AWS MQTT service.
In my project, I changed constants in Constants.swift in order to access MQTT service of my client, as following:
let AWSRegion = AWSRegionType.USWest2 // e.g. AWSRegionType.USEast1
let CognitoIdentityPoolId = "us-west-2:e95087f0-48a7-4732-b482-4614c7c63db6"
let CertificateSigningRequestCommonName = "MyApp"
let CertificateSigningRequestCountryName = "MyCountry"
let CertificateSigningRequestOrganizationName = "MyOrganization"
let CertificateSigningRequestOrganizationalUnitName = "MyUnit"
let PolicyName = "pubsub_policy"
// This is the endpoint in your AWS IoT console. eg: https://xxxxxxxxxx.iot.<region>
let IOT_ENDPOINT = "https://<endpoint>" // endpoint is entered correctly!
let ASWIoTDataManager = "MyIotDataManager"
But when I press Connect, the app throws this error:
2018-06-04 17:12:59:992 IoTSampleSwift[4999:2464150] Response body:
{"__type":"InvalidIdentityPoolConfigurationException","message":"Invalid identity pool configuration. Check assigned IAM roles for this pool."}
2018-06-04 17:12:59:994 IoTSampleSwift[4999:2464150]
GetCredentialsForIdentity failed. Error is [Error
Domain=com.amazonaws.AWSCognitoIdentityErrorDomain Code=5 "(null)"
message=Invalid identity pool configuration. Check assigned IAM roles
for this pool.}]
2018-06-04 17:12:59:995 IoTSampleSwift[4999:2464150]
Unable to refresh. Error is [Error
Domain=com.amazonaws.AWSCognitoIdentityErrorDomain Code=5 "(null)"
message=Invalid identity pool configuration. Check assigned IAM roles
for this pool.}]
2018-06-04 17:13:00:017 IoTSampleSwift[4999:2464150]
error: Error Domain=com.amazonaws.AWSCognitoIdentityErrorDomain Code=5
"(null)" UserInfo={__type=InvalidIdentityPoolConfigurationException,
message=Invalid identity pool configuration. Check assigned IAM roles
for this pool.}
Is there something wrong with my parameters in Constants.swift?
Is there something to enable at my client's service so I can access?
According to 10): p12 file: if available, then I don't have to create keys and certificates dynamically every time I need to access this MQTT service? But my client has to create it on his Amazon AWS IoT Console and gives me the certificate/key so I can generate this p12 file on my MAC?
Sorry, I have to ask these simple questions since I'm new to AWS IoT API.
It would help to know what type of IoT authentication you're using. If you're using Cognito for your AWS IoT authentication, then the below will definitely help.
In IAM console in AWS, go to Roles. Click on your role and view the trust relationships. It's easier to see where this tab is in the picture below.
There's a good chance that the value for your StringEquals condition does not match the value for your identity pool. You can view this in Cognito > Federated Identities > Click blue link with "Name of your identity pool here" > Edit identity pool (top right) and your identity pool ID is at the top. If this is the case, click "Edit trust relationship" (seen in the image below) and edit so that the value for the key "" matches your identity pool ID.
When using the GCloud CLI to create the service accounts and keys I get the following error
2018/02/24 22:32:35 New connection for "moodle-proj-10:europe-west2:mysqlinst10"
2018/02/24 22:32:35 couldn't connect to "moodle-proj-10:europe-west2:mysqlinst10": ensure that the account has access to "moodle-proj-10:europe-west2:mysqlinst10" (and make sure there's no typo in that name). Error during createEphemeral for moodle-proj-10:europe-west2:mysqlinst10: googleapi: Error 403: The client is not authorized to make this request., notAuthorized
When I delete the service accounts and corresponding keys are re-create it using the console, the error changes to the error below
2018/02/24 23:21:25 couldn't connect to "moodle-proj-10:europe-west2:mysqlinst10": Post oauth2: cannot fetch token: 400 Bad Request
Response: {
"error" : "invalid_grant",
"error_description" : "Invalid JWT Signature."
Has anyone experienced this?
I had this problem when I followed the command line instructions in this help article
Solution is to delete the original service account and create a new one in the console using this help article.