error retrieving account details: AWS account ID not previously found and failed retrieving via all available methods - pulumi

I started to use pulumi for coding purposes. But when I try to connect my AWS account in pulumi, I keep getting this error.
Error: error retrieving account details: AWS account ID not previously found and failed retrieving via all available methods


Google Cloud Composer Environment Setup Error: Connect to Google Cloud Storage

I am trying to create an environment in Google Cloud Composer. Link here
When creating the environment from scratch and selecting all the default fields, the following error appears:
CREATE operation on this environment failed 22 hours ago with the following error message:
CREATE operation failed. Composer Agent failed with: Cloud Storage Assertions Failed: Unable to write to GCS bucket.
GCS bucket write check failed.
I then created a google cloud storage bucket within the same project to see if that would help and the same error still appears.
Has anyone been able successfully create a Google Cloud Composer environment and if so please provide guidance on why this error message continues to appear?
Update: Need to update permissions to allow access it seems like. Here is a screenshot of my permissions page but not editable.
It seems like you haven't given the required IAM policies to the service account. I would advise you to read more about the IAM policies on Google Cloud here
When it comes to the permissions of the bucket, there are permissions like the Storage Object Admin that might fit your needs.

Azure DevOps Release Pipeline Managed Identity App Service Error On Deployment

I am just new to Azure Cloud and Devops, so forgive me if I may forget some critical info here.
So during creation of tasks for the release and selecting subscriptions, I get an error when trying to authorize the subscription (which I suspect is because of insufficient permissions associated to my account), so I go to advanced options to select the managed identity authentication.
After which no error shows now. So I set all remaining items and assign Deploy Azure App Service task. However during the running of the agent I get an error during Deploy Azure App Service step.
Error: Failed to get resource ID for resource type 'Microsoft.Web/Sites' and resource name 'sample-vue'. Error: Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine ''. Status code: 400, status message: Bad Request
I have already set my azure app service to have a system assigned managed identity, but still this error occurs. I can't find any answer, online, with regards to the error above so hoping that someone could help explain to me the problem and how to possibly fix it. My hunch now is that I may have some insufficient permissions, but I don't know what it may be.
Please try the following items:
Remove and re-add the service connection in DevOps.
Check the rights of the account on Azure subscription. Please verify if the account has at least contributor access on Azure subscriptions. Check

Azure Resource Manager connection: Failed to obtain the Json Web Token(JWT) using service principal client ID

I'm following tutorial to deploy ARM with Azure DevOps pipeline, but getting error. I wonder what is wrong? Error happens with "Azure Resource Manager connection". It find all subsc correctly, but cannot move forward.
Failed to obtain the Json Web Token(JWT) using service principal client ID.
Exception Message:
AADSTS700016: Application with identifier '111117a0-1c4f-486f-8765-e19669693333' was not found in the directory '11111041-ba57-4f49-866b-06c297c12222'. This can happen if the application has not been installed by the administrator of the tenant or consented to by any user in the tenant. You may have sent your authentication request to the wrong tenant. Trace ID: 1174e46d-22fb-456e-9c18-450c95080b00
Correlation ID: 333c3a0e-42f4-41d7-83c1-f8e3e3a83274 Timestamp: 2020-04-07 10:07:14Z
I created Service Principal automatically and now it works!

NodeRED bluemix/IBM Cloud starter installation fails with IAM error

The installation of the NodeRED bluemix/IBM Cloud starter application fails with an IAM error message complaining about insufficient rights:
Server error, status code: 502, error code: 10001, message: Service broker error: You do not have the required permission to create an instance. You must be assigned the IAM Editor role or higher. Contact the account owner to update your access.
Does anybody know how to fix this issue?
Looks like you don’t have proper IAM access permission. If you are the owner of the account, you can set the required permissions following the steps in this link .If you are not the owner ask the account owner for the permissions.
For best practices, refer this solution tutorial
The issue was actually related to the fact that the bluemix starter application tries to create a lite plan instance of cloudant. In my case, that was not possible because there already was such an instance and you are allowed only one per CF organization.
The solution was to patch the pipeline.yml to create a standard plan instance:
cf create-service cloudantNoSQLDB Standard "${CLOUDANT_NAME}"

gcloud beta ml init-project -- Error: Project does not exist, or you do not have permission

I'm trying to get started with Google Machine Learning using these instructions: Getting Setup
When I run gcloud beta ml init-project I get
ERROR: ( Project [mnist1-151907] does not exist,
or you do not have permission to access it.
I'm running this command on Google Cloud's Ubuntu 16.04 virtual machine created under my projectID mnist1-151907 and I've given this machine access to all of Google Cloud's APIs.
The log ~/.config/gcloud/logs/2016.12.23/ says
... "error": { "code": 403,
"message": Google Cloud Resource Manager API has not been used in project mnist1-151907 before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting ...
I followed the log's instructions and the API is enabled, but I'm still getting the same error. Has anyone experienced this error or can offer a suggestion? Thank you.
I was receiving the same error after enabling the API. I had to play a little re-authenticating with the project the gcloud tool. i.e. gcloud init, gcloud auth revoke and gcloud auth login