Unknown Type Errors when using functionblocks from my own library project - lib

So I have a library project where I defined a couple of functionblocks and interfaces.
Now I want to use this library in a plc project (in the same twincat solution). So I do the whole save all, rebuild, save and install as a library spiel. If I try to declare a VAR in my MAIN it will result in unknown type errors. I have fiddled around a bit, and when I declare an interface withouth any properties or methods (in the lib) then I it does show up and can be used in the MAIN. But as soon as I add a property or method the class/FB/POU dissapears in the eyes of my MAIN...
I feel like I'm overlooking some option / atribute to help the PLC project to use the lib properly...
What am I missing here?
as you can see in the images, empty blocks are found, adding anything magically makes it dissapear
available classes
I solved my problem by copying the lib to a new solution. Something in the original project made it be broken. Why it did that is still a mystery...

Try following steps:
clean the solution where you programmed the library.
right click on the project and click check all objects
if this is successfull, install the library again, remove it from the reference section and re-add it.
Then clean again and build all.


getting module not found after importing packages in swift

I've done a bit of swift, but I've never tried to use a third party package before. I created a brand new swift app, with Mac/iOS version and tests from the wizard. I went to xcode, right clicked on the sidebar, and chose add packages, and put in a package by url:
It goes away for a little bit - and three package dependencies appear on my screen:
and when I look at my project settings, I can see them there:
(I actually added the zip package separately after the first one didn't work, just to test it, wondering whether something was wrong with the package)
Anyway - I can now see the packages, browse into them, see code or whatever - and the package found its own dependencies, so everything looks like it's working fine. But if I go into my swift app main, and add
import EPUBKit
import Zip
it just says "No such module ...".
I've obviously missed a step - what am I doing wrong - how do I fix it? I don't even know how to investigate it, because everything I look at just looks completely fine and I don't get any errors. I tried cleaning builds, restarting Xcode, using the real version of Xcode 13.2.1, using Xcode 13.3 beta - and nothing works.
so - I tried changing how I'm running it to produce an IOS app - and it's working fine - but when I produce a Mac app, it's like the package isn't even there? Why would that be, and how do I make it work for Mac as well as IOS?
Author of EPUBKit here, thanks for taking interest in my library!
The issue is reproducible in a new project which kinda makes sense but don't at the same time. I am glad Xcode is not adding a package to every single target in my project but at the same time why does it assume that I want it in the iOS target? Anyway, I know that this question was already answered in the comment and the problem is solved but I might as well just drop more detailed instructions. Maybe it will help someone.
1. Select Project from Project Navigator
Select te target that is not working for you, in this case it's the macOS target. In the General tab you will see the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content section. If the package is missing from the list, tap the plus button at the bottom.
2. Add Missing Library
Look for the one you are missing, in this case its of course EPUBKit and tap the Add button.
3. Success
Now the library is successfully added to your target. Go ahead and build the project to run and enjoy your app :)

Make eclipse remove unused imports but keep unresolved

Is there a way to make Eclipse keep used but unresolved imports?
I'm using Eclipse's save actions to remove unused imports. Unfortunately it also removes imports that are used, but not unresolved.
In the example below, eclipse will remove GeneratedClass, if I save MyClass before generating the GeneratedClass. When I late generate the code, MyClass will be missing the import.
import a.b.GeneratedClass;
public class MyClass extend GeneratedClass {}
Thanks to Bananeweizen and Krispy for their contributions, but so far it seems that the answer to this question is No.
The most efficient work around for me, is just to hit ctrl+z every time I save a file with unresolved imports.
I have submitted a bug to Eclipse's bugtracker: https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=395538
This Eclipse bug tracks this issue: https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=357795
Don't use the save macros and instead hit Ctrl-Shift-O which will give you more explicit control over when the imports should be tidied up.
You can disable the clean up action and instead remove the unwanted imports manually one by one using Ctrl1 to invoke the quick fix for that.
Nevertheless you are just trying to hide the real problem. The real problem is that your generated code is not generated at the right time. You should fix that. If you don't know how to automatically involve actions in Eclipse during every project build, please look at this example (which automatically creates a jar file with a custom script during every build). You can have those builders applied to the project in any order that you want, so you can always have your code generation invoked automatically before the Java compiler, on saving your Java files.

Xcode 4 - renamed/deleted file, yet get 'file not found' error

I just used Xcode's refactoring tool to rename a core data class from Player to Person. After fixing about 100 errors resulting from using dot notation that Xcode missed in the rename, I got to the last one:
Player.m - Lexical or Preprocessor issue - 'Person.h' not found
Player.m no longer exists in the project, and shows up as deleted (empty icon) in the error. Obviously, since I got rid of it, I don't want it to exist anymore!
To fix this, I have tried re-adding an old copy of Player.h and Player.m, and also cleaning. I have checked the Build Phases->Compile Sources section, and Person.m is there, Player.m is not. Person.h does in fact exist.
Not sure if it matters, but I am using mogenerator to generate my core data classes. Also, this is my third xcdatamodel version. Versions 1 and 2 used Player.h.
Here is a screenshot of the error:
Try clean build, if that doesn't work, restart Xcode, if that doesn't, delete the DerivedData directory, maybe even reboot.
Xcode sometimes gets confused.
You can try to do a super clean (not sure what the real term is) by hitting Cmd+Alt+Shift+K. This performs a clean and removes everything from the build folder.
Well I had a very similar problem and solve it removing the missing compile source of my project settings. to do that follow these steps
Click at the project page. This page contains the general settings
of your app
Select Build phases.
In Build Phases section, select compile sources.
If there is missing some class or file or something that needs to be compiled.
Select water mark file and click the minus sign at the bottom of this section.
Just click and the project may run. I hope this help others.

Packing an Actionscript (Flash Builder) application for iPhone

Recently I tried to build a flash application in Flash Builder, and I wanted to export it to my iPhone. I have gone through all the required steps in order to certify my application.
Now, with all that done, all that was left to be done is building the ".ipa" file in Flash Builder. Now, this gives the following error:
'Launching TestGame' has encountered a problem.
Error occurred while packaging the application:
NotBefore: Wed Apr 11 18:52:40 CEST 2012
Google didn't give me a decent answer, nor does Adobe's information regarding mobile application development. All I can think off, is that I can't build the application before that date. That's ridiculous, I can't imagine a certain check like that.
I'm pretty sure my ".p12" key file is generated correctly.
Is anyone else familiar with this error? Please, be so kind to guide me in the right direction.
Kind regards,
The error occurs because the compiler didn't find the files under the corresponding directory such as debug-bin or release-bin folder. (explains from: http://forums.adobe.com/thread/893772)
For example, if you are doing a debug-build, and you didn't select the project option: copy non-embeded files to the output folder. And debug-build needs some files such as icons files under the debug-bin folder, and it couldn't find it.
Solution: select project compiling option: the copy non-embeded file to the output folder.
Try again, if still not you will need to try the ADT build to get more details http://help.adobe.com/en_US/air/build/WS901d38e593cd1bac35eb7b4e12cddc5fbbb-8000.html
I suggest compiling from command line. I'd ported an AIR app to iOS and compiled using adt dirrectly (without FB or whatever), and there were more meanful messages then yours. Take a look at the manual on how to build ipa wit adt. The other advise is to check your iPhone node in app.xml (take a look here) and icons.
The "error" was thrown because the certificate wasn't valid yet. It became valid on the date shown above.
You could also fix the manifest file in the iOS developers center.
This problem does come up more often than needed. The error reporting is lacking distinctions but is also difficult to asses since there can be many factors causing this error. If it was one factor or even just a few then it would most likely let you know.
A great way to ensure that the error reporting can do its job and tell you where the problem is is to check your error log. It will tell you at least a few of the places that threw the block.
If you are unable to read those strange glyphs then just ensure that all your resources are being packaged. This does mean a little time of list checking but it is well worth it, for the errors and to get rid of development junk.
The first step in the asset list check is to go through each part of your Assets class (flash builder reference). If you do not have a direct Assets class then you may want to make one and move all of your asset calls to that one class - since it will save you time if this happens again.
Your Assets class is not the same as your Assets folder. Your folder is where the files are stored - i.e. images, bitmaps, sounds, etc. Your Assets class is what categorizes and assigns references to each individual file.
Go through your Assets class to ensure that each of those files exist in the folder as well. Then go to the Project menu (top near Navigate and Search) and select Clean. Either clean all your projects or check the current one. Once this is done you need to click on your Assets Folder (right click or highlight and hit edit or whatever), and select Refresh. This will check that all the files are still there and get rid of/update them.
If none of this throws an error -red X- or other errors then you need to check your project .xml file. This may take you some time to ensure that all of your add on packages and details are correct. Make sure you have the correct:
at the top and it matches your current air release.
Make sure all the filenames, names, ids, version numbers, aspect ratios, fullscreen, visible, icons, extensionIDs, and everything else are not only correct but actually there. Most of these statements should have something written and not be blank. If they are blank find out what to put in.
Ensure that you have the proper icon file extension. If it says assets/icon48.png and the icon48.png is actually in assets/pictures/images/icons/toomanyfilesextensions/whatever/icon48.png
you need to fix that link.
The last thing that you will need to check is when you want to either Release Build or Debug. You need to make sure that all assets are checked and selected.
Go to Project - Properties.
then select ActionScript Build Path.
Click the Native Extensions tab and see if there are any red X's. If there are tap the little arrow beside them and see what the matter it. Add the correct ANE or get rid of it or whatever you need to do.
Then in the same menu go to the left and select ActionScript Build Packaging. A little arrow should be beside that one too. Tap the arrow and it will open to Apple iOS, BlackBerry, Gooogle and whatever else you have (probably nothing more). Select the OS your want to use, lets say Apple, and you will have 4 tabs pop up. Make sure you have the correct certificates selected. If you have none or are confused about this you need to spend some time on Google.
The biggest one for this error is under the Package Contents tab. Most people miss this!
Open the tab and see if anything is not checked. There will 99.99% be something or many of them not checked if you are getting this error. Just check them all and you can figure out what you need and don't need later. Some of them will be listed because you just threw in a bunch of ANEs and .SWFs to have some awesome app. Those add on packages will throw in unnecessary contents into this package. That is fine and don't worry until you want to be picky. Just make sure they are all selected and hit Apply and Ok.
That's it. You should have a working Release Build if you did everything else correct and this error should be easy from now on (but time wasting).
You may get a 'slip' error now, but that is another story. But that is a great sign because you are getting closer to that stupid mistake that we all make: the elusive spelling mistake.

iPhone "_OBJC_CLASS_" compilation error

I am trying to compile my project in Xcode. But i am getting the following error.
"_OBJC_CLASS_$_InfrastructureBenchmarkingViewController", referenced from:
objc-class-ref-to-InfrastructureBenchmarkingViewController in RootViewController.o
4 more of similar type.
Can't understand the meaning of this error?
Small Clarification: Actually the _InfrastructureBenchmarkingViewController was a module in another project. The files pertaining to that I have copied into the new application.
Sometimes it happens when the project definition file (.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj) is somehow messed-up, eg. because of XCode crash or project is taken from someone else, etc.
So try removing InfrastructureBenchmarkingViewController (Delete the file, then choose "Delete reference", so it is not deleted physically from disc) and then again add this file to project (Add > Existing file from the project context menu).
It worked for me several times.
you need to link in whatever framework _InfrastructureBenchmarkingViewController is a part of. Try going to the project window, right click on frameworks and choose add existing framework ....
you should be able to find the framework including _InfrastructureBenchmarkingViewController there.
Seems you have some object files that are not valid anymore. Use the clean option from menu and build it again. That should solve it.