Can't use css in codename one - eclipse

Css error in codename one
i'm having issues with the css and when i run the simulator the css is not working.

The # selector type isn't supported in Codename One. You need to apply CSS explicitly to UIIDs. The CSS selectors in general for Codename One are far simpler than the full CSS see
Just write the UIID of the component you want to style without the # character e.g.
Button {
color: pink;


VSCode - Autocomplete/Suggest user-typed CSS class names?

Does anyone know if there is a way to have VSCode autocomplete/suggest CSS class names that the user has typed in the document?
I usually work with Vue files and after I type a new CSS class name in the Template (HTML) section, I go to the Style section and I want to write css for that class. But I always write the class name character by character, not to mention most of the time I forget about the HTML structure and my own naming convention so I have to scroll all the way back up, see how I named things and go back to CSS and rewrite those names.
I already have these extensions enabled:
IntelliSense for CSS class names in HTML
HTML CSS Support
Is there a VSCode setting or extension that provides such feature?
IntelliSense for CSS class names in HTML should work. Are you sure it's enabled and no settings are overwriting/blocking it?
Alternative could be this

Liferay 7 Themes and AUI

I am having an issue with Liferay 7 Themes and AUI. First, it is my understanding each Liferay page is divided into sections, as defined here:
And I must wrap any custom css with the appropriate wrapper, as defined in the above link. Any css defined in the theme applies to the appropriate section of the page, for all pages in the web application. I can also create custom wrappers within the theme, which individual portlets may reference using the 'com.liferay.portlet.css-class-wrapper' annotation.
I can therefore change the AUI Button's appearance by creating a css class and referring to it as follows:
< aui:button cssClass="btn-lg".../>
But it is less clear to me how I can apply custom css to AUI Data tables. Guidance is certainly appreciated.
You can use theme contributors.
And there create a .scss file and put customized styles for datatable there like :
& thead{
backgournd-color: red;
You can also use 'your-theme/css/custom.csss' to override default style with your custom styles.

Google chart API styling tooltips

Is there a way to style Tooltips in Google chart API? I've managed to only change the color of text using tooltip.textStyle. So is there any solution to change the white background to some other color (as shown on picture):
Test playground
I found a solution through serendipity:
path {
fill: yellow;
Anyway, I did not find any configuration option for background in the google charts API.
Enable the tooltip to be handled by the HTML by writing this code in your options of google charts
CODE: tooltip: { isHtml: true } (,) add a comma if needed. :)
Now you can style tooltip using HTML and css. :)
/CSS Styling/
To style the tooltip box : {}
To style the content like font size, color, etc > ul > li > span {}
Use !important whenever needed ;)
It's possible to completely replace the label with custom HTML. It's maybe a bit complicated, but gives you full control of the content and style. See
As the Google Chart Tools API implements its SVG charts via an iframe hosted on it's servers, as per the Same Origin Policy you may not access or modify the content of another domain, unless via server-side manipulation prior to sending the client a response.
Given that, I'm not sure how you managed to change the text colour - perhaps a browser bug?
Another option might be to override inline-style rules e.g. span[style] { font-weight: normal !important; }

Allow different GWT visual themes for different users

My question is this: how do you allow a different GWT visual theme depending on the user that logs in?
I would like to decide which theme to use when the customer logs in (that is before the GWT app gets loaded, so I am pretty sure it should be possible).
I have attempted to use class replacement based on a custom-property, but that failed because only the last inherited module's set of images become visible, even though I can select the right css file... I have searched everywhere and can't find the answer!
Thank you for your suggestion Thomas, but the problem with this solution is that you're assuming the CSS stylesheet is available for me to add to a ClientBundle (I tried that but unless you copy the css file and accompanying pics to your project, you can't do that). The themes come from external GWT modules. And I would like to keep it this way for modularity (it would be painful to import a whole bunch of resources into my project every time we needed a new theme).
The work-around I came up with was to write the injection code myself (just inject a link tag in the HTML head) at run-time.
For completeness, here's the code to do it:
protected void doInjection(String cssFilePath) {
// <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="sol.css">
Element headEl = Document.get().getElementsByTagName("head").getItem(0);
HeadElement head =;
LinkElement link = Document.get().createLinkElement();
link.setHref(GWT.getModuleBaseURL() + cssFilePath);
And you call this method with something like this:
Then, inherit all Resources modules from your project's GWT module file. For example:
<inherits name=''/>
<inherits name=''/>
Inheriting the *Resources version of the Module avoids automatically injecting the style-sheet.
To decide which theme to use, I created a custom GWT property in the module file, based on the value of this property, I replace a default Java class (which would just insert the default theme) with a different Java class (which subclasses the default class) if a different theme should be used. This has the added bonus that I can include my own ResourceBundle resources within each theme, because the replacement Java class used with a theme, besides injecting the right css file, can also provide alternative Resources to my GWT code.
I would like to add one important note:
The solution described above works quite well. But if your app uses different Locales or other GWT properties, this approach may cause the number of compilation permutations to explode! With only 6 different themes and 3 different Locales, on top of the standard 6 different browser versions you normally have, the GWT compiler will create 6 x 3 x 6 = 108 different compilations!! This is pretty crazy!!
A better solution, which I decided to follow after all, is to set an attribute into the HttpSession once the user logs in, and then based on the value of this attribute, load the appropriate css file (first thing in the onModuleLoad() of my entry-point class). The only difference from the solution described above is on how you select the theme.
I use a different approach, which mostly relies on the power of CSS with a single line of GWT code to switch themes.
First, define the themes that you want to apply. I use an enum.
public enum Theme {
public static String getDefault() {
Now, when you launch an app, apply a default theme (Theme.getDefault()). When a user selects a different theme, apply it:
public static void setTheme(String theme) {
* Setting style on Body element allows us to "theme" the RootPanel as well.
When you apply a new theme, the look of your app will instantly change without reloading the page.
Finally, define all theme elements that you need in your CSS file:
.DARK {background: #000; color: #CCC}
.BRIGHT {background: #ebebeb; color: #000}
.gwt-DialogBox {border-radius: 6px}
.DARK .gwt-DialogBox {border: 3px solid #555}
.BRIGHT .gwt-DialogBox {border: 3px solid #CCC}
Notice that you only add a theme selector in front of rules that are different for different themes.
I would try the following general approach:
Define one CSS file for each of the visual themes.
Put them all in a ClientBundle as described here.
Hold off injecting the themed CSS until you've authenticated the user. You can inject the general CSS you need for displaying the login screen.
Then inject the themed CSS depending on the user using the CssResource's ensureInjected() method.

Intercept click over label widgets

tyrpx is a GWT / Google App Engine app that allows players to do typing races. I am trying to prevent people from selecting text to type (it's a quote). The quote is made of GWT labels. Is there a way to prevent people to select text? of to intercept a click over a panel or label?
See it here then click on 'compete in a race'.
You can make text unselectable via CSS using either/both of these:
user-select: none;
-moz-user-select: none;
I've had the same issue and added a solution to the library. It handles all the browser specific implementations. You can add the library to your project or see how it's implemented and copy it to your own code. The method to use is:
CSS.setSelectable(getElement(), false);