Haxe access Class<T> static fields - class

I have three classes and I would like to be able to call static functions from the returned Class<Access>. I would like to select class type based on conditions.
class Access {
public static function get(item: Int): Int { return -1; }
public static function getAccessType(): Class<Access> {
return Remote;
else return Local;
class Remote extends Access {
override public static function get(item: Int): Int { return Server.getItem(item); }
class Local extends Access {
override public static function get(item: Int): Int { return Client.getItem(item); }

You can't override a static function in Haxe.
But you can probably achieve what you're trying to do by simply removing the override in Remote and Local

Can be done with singletons.
However, still the question might relevant whether such feature in Haxe even exists.

Depending on target, you may be able to cast a class to an interface/typedef to pull out values in a type-safe-ish way. "override" does not work for static methods
class Test {
static function pick(z:Bool):HasGetItem {
return z ? cast A : cast B;
static function main() {
trace("Haxe is great!");
#:keep class A {
public static function getItem(i:Int):Int return 10;
#:keep class B {
public static function getItem(i:Int):Int return 5;
typedef HasGetItem = {


How can I run a class method inside of a public void from a different class?

So I have a method like so (Method1):
public class Levels extends JFrame{
public void levelClass() {
if(menu.playerClass.equals("Warrior")) {
and I want to know how to run this class method (that is in a different class):
public class Classes {
public void listClasses() {
class Warrior { // THIS ONE
int health=100;
int evasionChance=20; // Percentage
int maxAttackDamage=30;
int minAttackDamage=25;
int numHealthPotions=2;
from the first code aka Method1.
Change all:
public class Classes {
public void listClasses() {
class Warrior {
int health=100;
int evasionChance=20; // Percentage
int maxAttackDamage=30;
int minAttackDamage=25;
int numHealthPotions=2;
public class Classes {
public void Warrior {
int health=100;
int evasionChance=20; // Percentage
int maxAttackDamage=30;
int minAttackDamage=25;
int numHealthPotions=2;
To call a method on a class, you need to instantiate the class.
public class Levels extends JFrame{
public void levelClass() {
if(menu.playerClass.equals("Warrior")) {
// instantiate the Classes class
Classes classes = new Classes();
// call the warrior method

resolve all given the Type

From the Autofac documentation I can see how to get all registrations for a class T:
public T[] ResolveAll<T>()
return _container.Resolve<IEnumerable<T>>().ToArray();
But when I only have the Type available, how can I get the equivalent results?
public Array ResolveAll(Type service)
return _container.Resolve( ???
I am trying to implement a wrapper class which has a pre-defined interface.
For quick reference, the answer from Matthew Watson (with relevant ideas from David L) is:
public Array ResolveAll(Type service)
var typeToResolve = typeof(IEnumerable<>).MakeGenericType(service);
return _container.Resolve(typeToResolve) as Array;
Here is an example. I've added asserts to prove that the types returned from ResolveAll<T>(this IContainer self) are the same (and in the same order) as those returned from ResolveAll(this IContainer self, Type type):
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using Autofac;
using Autofac.Core;
namespace AutofacTrial
public abstract class Base
public abstract string Name { get; }
public override string ToString()
return Name;
public sealed class Derived1: Base
public override string Name
return "Derived1";
public sealed class Derived2: Base
public override string Name
return "Derived2";
public sealed class Derived3: Base
public override string Name
return "Derived3";
static class Program
static void Main()
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
var container = builder.Build();
var array1 = container.ResolveAll(typeof(Base));
var array2 = container.ResolveAll<Base>();
Trace.Assert(array1.Length == 3);
Trace.Assert(array2.Length == 3);
for (int i = 0; i < array1.Length; ++i)
Trace.Assert(array1[i].GetType() == array2[i].GetType());
public static T[] ResolveAll<T>(this IContainer self)
return self.Resolve<IEnumerable<T>>().ToArray();
public static object[] ResolveAll(this IContainer self, Type type)
Type enumerableOfType = typeof(IEnumerable<>).MakeGenericType(type);
return (object[]) self.ResolveService(new TypedService(enumerableOfType));
The underling implementation is the same
I also used Reflector to look at the implementation of Resolve<IEnumerable<T>>(), and it winds up doing this:
public static TService Resolve<TService>(this IComponentContext context, IEnumerable<Parameter> parameters)
return (TService) context.Resolve(typeof(TService), parameters);
which calls:
public static object Resolve(this IComponentContext context, Type serviceType, IEnumerable<Parameter> parameters)
return context.ResolveService(new TypedService(serviceType), parameters);
So the two must be equivalent, since they are implemented that way.
You can invoke _container.Resolve by calling your wrapped method via reflection (MSDN), but in doing so you will lose your compile-time type safety.
public class Container
public T[] ResolveAll<T>()
return _container.Resolve<IEnumerable<T>>().ToArray();
public object ResolveAllGeneric(Type t)
MethodInfo method = GetType().GetMethod("ResolveAll")
.MakeGenericMethod(new Type[] { t });
return method.Invoke(this, new object[] { });

C++/CLI: Cannot explicitly implement interface member with different return type

Let's say we have two C++/CLI interfaces declaring Foo() members with different return type.
public interface class InterfaceA
bool Foo();
public interface class InterfaceB
int Foo();
What we want to do here is to have a class that instantiates an object that can be accessed through the above interfaces. So, the straight forward way to do that would be:
public ref class Class : InterfaceA, InterfaceB
virtual bool Foo() = InterfaceA::Foo { return true; }
virtual int Foo() = InterfaceB::Foo { return 10; }
Unfortunately that gives us compiler error "overloaded function differs only by return type from". Is there any workaround for this C++/CLI limitation?
No, you have to rename the method. For example:
public ref class Class : InterfaceA, InterfaceB
virtual bool Foo() { return true; }
virtual int Foo2() = InterfaceB::Foo { return 10; }
Note how this is never a real problem. If code has a reference to Class instead of the interface for some reason then it can always call InterfaceB::Foo() with a cast:
Class^ obj = gcnew Class;

interfaces in java - MyClass is not abstract and does not override abstract method eq(Object) in MyClass error

I know there is a Comparable interface, trying to figure out how to write my own.
Here's the interface
public interface MyComparable {
public boolean lt(Object other);
and a class that implements it and packages an int (yes, I know there is an Integer class)
public class MyInteger implements MyComparable {
private int value;
public MyInteger(int v)
{ value = v; }
public void set(int v)
{ value = v; }
public int get()
{ return value; }
public boolean lt(MyInteger other)
{ return get() < other.get(); }
I get " MyInteger is not abstract and does not override abstract method eq(Object) in MyInteger error". MyComparable doesn't declare an eq method. So it's comping from the superclass but I don't understand.

Cast a CustomList<CustomClass> to IList<Interface>

(This is .Net 3.5) I have a class FooList which implements IList and a class FooClass which implements IFoo. A user requires IList<IFoo>. In my implementation, I create a FooList<FooClass>, called X. How do I code my return so that my FooList<FooClass> X becomes his IList<IFoo>?
If I try
return X.Cast( ).ToList( );
he gets an IList<IFoo>, but it is not my FooList; it is a List, and a new one at that.
This isn't going to work out, because a FooList<FooClass> is not an IList<IFoo>. This is why:
var myList = new FooList<FooClass>();
IFoo obj = new SomeOtherFooClass();
IList<IFoo> result = (IList<IFoo>)myList; // hypothetical, wouldn't actually work
result.Add(obj); // uh-oh, now myList has SomeOtherFooClass
You need to either make a copy or use an interface that is actually covariant on the contained type, like IEnumerable<T> instead of IList<T>. Or, if appropriate, you should declare your FooList<FooClass> as an FooList<IFoo> from the get-go instead.
Here is a small implementation that demonstrates my second suggestion:
public interface IFoo { }
public class FooClass : IFoo { }
public class FooList<T> : IList<T>
public void RemoveAt(int index) { /* ... */ }
/* further boring implementation of IList<T> goes here */
public static void ListConsumer(IList<IFoo> foos)
foos.RemoveAt(0); // or whatever
public static IList<IFoo> ListProducer()
// FooList<FooClass> foos = new FooList<FooClass>(); // would not work
FooList<IFoo> foos = new FooList<IFoo>();
foos.Add(new FooClass());
return foos; // a FooList<IFoo> is an IList<IFoo> so this is cool
public static void Demo()
ListConsumer(ListProducer()); // no problemo