What would be the most correct way to play this flutter widget that with each click of the arrow it advances or returns a month ?, I will leave this image as an example
I guess PageView is what you need. It builds a scrollable list that can be made horizontal and it can take the whole screen. It also works page by page, and you can use a PageController to control which page is visible in the view
In my Flutter app, the user can create and edit multiple pages that are displayed in a PageView. The user can see one page at a time. Now I want to show an overview of all pages by shrinking the widgets and showing them in a Wrap layout widget.
I've tried this with the Transform.scale widget, but this keeps the original size of the page and just displays the child widget at a lower scale.Therefore this does not bring the desired effect in a wrap layout.
I've been trying to implement this panel just like how it works in Google calendar.
Please notice how the UI/UX works when page is scrolled.
I've somehow managed to create the rows for 7 week....
Is there any way to view a horizontally long widget as a page?
I have a ScrollablePositionedList and want to do stuff when the next Widget in the List is scrolled to. How can I detect that? I have tried with NotificationListener and ScrollUpdateNotification but only saw the option to use the height of each widget which is flexible and it would be kinda ugly to do it like this. Is there a better way? Like see the pixel height of a widget or is there a function I could use?
You should be able to monitor what items are visible on screen with:
itemPositionsListener.itemPositions.addListener(() => ...);
Then, based on this. you can see whenever there is a change, whenever a new item is scrolled to / appears in the list. then make whatever changes you want
Here is the documentation for more info
I'm making an app with a BottomNavigationBar with 5 different screens, each of them has a web view. The problem is that everytime I come back to a screen that was previously loaded, it reloads. I have tried using AutomaticKeepAliveClient from copy pasting this code but I doesn't seem to work. I'm new with Flutter so be precise please, thank you.
AutomaticKeepAliveClient is mainly used for keeping a child alive in lazily rendered list views. In your case whenever you switch tabs your current page get disposed and new page materializes on top of it, that means each time when you switch tab a new page is created including all it's widgets.
So if you want to keep your previously loaded web views alive, you have to go with either PageView widget or use Stack widget to load your pages programmatically while the user clicks on a tab.
This is a detailed example about implementing your requirement using PageView widget . you can also find an example with Stack widget under that question.
I want shown view pager on widget.Previously i used android list at
widget but i want to show only single item on widget view this
is change on swipe. please help
You can use the AdapterViewFilper - Simple ViewAnimator that will animate between two or more views that have been added to it. Only one child is shown at a time. If requested, can automatically flip between each child at a regular interval. - Example
And you can use:
Starting with API level 11 (Android 3.0.x) you can use "android.widget.RemoteViewsService.RemoteViewsFactory" and and assign a widget to use (from docs):
ListView: A view that shows items in a vertically scrolling list. For an example, see the Gmail app widget.
GridView: A view that shows items in two-dimensional scrolling grid. For an example, see the Bookmarks app widget.
StackView: A stacked card view (kind of like a rolodex), where the user can flick the front card up/down to see the previous/next card, respectively. Examples include the YouTube and Books app widgets.
See http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/appwidgets/index.html section Using App Widgets with Collections.