Kubernetes init-container file permission mismatch - kubernetes

I have an init container that copies files onto the volume.
I have implemented a security policy, that the user-id is not relevant, and all rights to files are set by group (0) - basically the same that is the default in OpenShift.
After creating the test instance with emptyDir instead of pvcs the container has crashed. After inspecting the image I've found out that the file permissons are broken: only the owner can write.
I've double-checked the init container. The files there have write permission for owner and other. I copy them with cp. But the final pod sees this files as writable only by owner.
To make things worse, the owner has been changed to root, although initially it was another user.
Is this a bug or a feature of emptyDir? Or I'm using them in a wrong way?
This is how I declare the volume:
- name: container
- name: storage
mountPath: /var/storage
- name: container-init
- name: storage
mountPath: /storage-mount
- name: storage
emptyDir: {}


Mounting /etc/default directory problem with SOLR image

I'm deploying a basic "solr:8.9.0" image to local Kubernetes env.
If I'm trying to mount pod's "/var/solr" directory, it works well.
I can see the files inside /var/solr in the mounted directory.
- image: solr:8.6.0
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
name: solr
- name: solrport
containerPort: 8983
- mountPath: /var/solr/
name: solr-volume
- name: solr-volume
claimName: solr-pvc
But somehow I can't mount "/etc/default/" directory. That doesn't work.
I knew there are files inside that directory but they are disappearing.
Any idea why?
this is because of how volumeMounts work.
A standard volumeMount mounts the volume in the suplied directory overwriting everything that is inside that directory.
You want to specify a subpath for the data you actually want to mount. By doing this the original contents of the directory won't get overridden.
see here for more information regarding the usage of subpaths.

Kubernetes copy image data to volume mounts

I need to share a directory between two containers: myapp and monitoring and to achieve this I created an emptyDir: {} and then volumeMount on both the containers.
- name: shared-data
emptyDir: {}
- name: myapp
- name: shared-data
mountPath: /etc/myapp/
- name: monitoring
- name: shared-data
mountPath: /var/read
This works fine as the data I write to the shared-data directory is visible in both containers. However, the config file that is created when creating the container under /etc/myapp/myapp.config is hidden as the shared-data volume is mounted over /etc/myapp path (overlap).
How can I force the container to first mount the volume to /etc/myapp path and then cause the docker image to place the myapp.config file under the default path /etc/myapp except that it is the mounted volume thus allowing the config file to be accessible by the monitoring container under /var/read?
Summary: let the monitoring container read the /etc/myapp/myapp.config file sitting on myapp container.
Can anyone advice please?
Can you mount shared-data at /var/read in an init container and copy config file from /etc/myapp/myapp.config to /var/read?
Consider using ConfigMaps with SubPaths.
A ConfigMap is an API object used to store non-confidential data in
key-value pairs. Pods can consume ConfigMaps as environment variables,
command-line arguments, or as configuration files in a volume.
Sometimes, it is useful to share one volume for multiple uses in a
single pod. The volumeMounts.subPath property specifies a sub-path
inside the referenced volume instead of its root.
ConfigMaps can be used as volumes. The volumeMounts inside the template.spec are the same as any other volume. However, the volumes section is different. Instead of specifying a persistentVolumeClaim or other volume type you reference the configMap by name. Than you can add the subPath property which would look something like this:
- name: shared-data
mountPath: /etc/myapp/
subPath: myapp.config
Here are the resources that would show you how to set it up:
Configure a Pod to Use a ConfigMap: official docs
Using ConfigMap SubPaths to Mount Files: step by step guide
Mount a file in your Pod using a ConfigMap: supplement

stop k8s initContainers volume overwriting container folder

I need to download files into a specific folder of a container on a pod, at startup. The image for this container already has an existing folder with other files in it. (example is adding plugin jars to an application)
I've attempted the below example, however k8s volumeMounts overwrites the folder on container.
In the example below '/existing-folder-on-my-app-image/' is a folder on the my-app image which already contains files. When using the below I only get the downloaded plugin.jar in folder '/existing-folder-on-my-app-image/' and existing files are removed.
I want to add other files to this folder, but still keep those files which where there to start with.
How can I stop k8s from overwriting '/existing-folder-on-my-app-image/' to only have the files from initContainer?
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: my-app
- name: config-data
image: joosthofman/wget:1.0
command: ["sh","-c","wget https://url.to.plugins/plugin.jar --no-check-certificate"]
- name: config-data
mountPath: /config
- name: my-app
image: my-app:latest
- name: config-data
mountPath: /existing-folder-on-my-app-image/
- name: config-data
emptyDir: {}
volume mounts always shadow the directory they are mounted to. a volume mount is the only way for an init container to manage files that are also visible to another container in the pod. if you want to copy files into a directory that already contains files in the main container image, you'll need to perform that copy as part of the container startup

Can I share a single file between containers in a pod?

My pod has two containers - a primary container, and a sidecar container that monitors the /var/run/utmp file in the primary container and takes action when it changes. I'm trying to figure out how to make this file visible in the sidecar container.
This page describes how to use an emptyDir volume to share directories between containers in a pod. However, this only seems to work for directories, not single files. I also can't use this strategy to share the entire /var/run/ directory in the primary container, since mounting a volume there erases the contents of the directory, which the container needs to run.
I tried to work around this by creating a symlink to utmp in another directory and mounting that directory, but it doesn't look like symlinks in volumes are resolved in the way they would need to be for this to work.
Is there any way I can make one file in a container visible to other containers in the same pod? The manifest I'm experimenting with looks like this:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: utmp-demo
restartPolicy: Never
- name: main
image: debian
command: ["/bin/bash"]
args: ["-c", "sleep infinity"]
- name: main-run
mountPath: /var/run # or /var/run/utmp, which crashes
- name: helper
image: debian
command: ["/bin/bash"]
args: ["-c", "sleep infinity"]
- name: main-run
mountPath: /tmp/main-run
- name: main-run
emptyDir: {}
If you can move the file to be shared in an empty subfolder this could be a simple solution.
For example, move your file to /var/run/utmp/utmp and share /var/run/utmp folder with an emptydir.

mountPath overrides the rest of the files in that same folder

I have a volume with a secret called config-volume. I want to have that file in the /home/code/config folder, which is where the rest of the configuration files are. For that, I mount it as this:
- name: config-volumes
- mountPath: /home/code/config
The issue is that, after deploying, in the /home/code/config I only have the secret file and the rest of them are gone
So the /home/code/config is an existing folder (not empty), I suspect that the volumeMount overwrites the folder.
Is there a way that this can be done without overwriting everything?
You can do the following, taken from this GitHub issue
- volumeMounts:
- name: config-volumes
mountPath: /home/code/config
subPath: config
- name: config-volumes
name: my-config
Suggested that your ConfigMapis called my-config and that you have a key config in it.
Kubernetes Secrets are mounted as a directory, with each key as a file in that directory. So in your case, the config-volumes secret is mounted to /home/code/config, shadowing whatever that directory was before.
You could specify your volume mount as:
- name: config-volumes
- mountPath: /home/code/config/config-volumes
which would provide a config-volumes directory inside the config directory with files for your secret's keys inside.