SendGrid: Is it possible to have a custom unsubscription page instead of using sendgrid - sendgrid

I know we can add a unsubscribed link in the template so when sending email there will be unsubscribed link at the bottom. It will show the preferences page. This page is created by sendgrid.
Is there a way to create our own unsubscribed screen instead? That way if someone modified their email in our system we can have control the unsubscription.

There are two things possible;
If you would like to use a custom URL for your unsubscribe link, from the Editor, navigate to Settings in the left-hand sidebar and select the Recipients dropdown menu. Under Unsubscribe Group, select Use Custom Link...
This will expand a new field where you can insert a URL for one of your own pages where recipients can manage their subscription preferences.
To place your Custom Unsubscribe link into your email, highlight any text within the body of your email and click the small link icon to specify a hyperlink. In the URL field that appears, enter the tag {{{unsubscribe}}}. Since you've specified your Custom Unsubscribe Link in the Settings panel, SendGrid will replace the Unsubscribe Tag with your custom URL.
List unsubscribe: email to get unsubscribe email, later you can do it manually or automatically
With CSV
Find the group you want to add recipients to and click the action menu.
Select Upload a CSV.
Drag the CSV you want to upload into the field, or click select a CSV file to upload and locate the file you want to upload from your files.
4.Click Upload CSV.
Find the group you want to add recipients to and click the action menu.
Select Manually Add.
Enter a recipient email address and then click Save.


How to link to the attachments added from the description of a workitem?

In VSTS attachment can be uploaded for workitems. Those attachments are displayed in a seperate tab.
I found no way to reference those attachments from within the description of the workitems.
So how to do it?
drag and drop the attachment to your browsers URL text field
(optional:) remove the &download=true&api-version=5.0-preview.2 part at the end
use this URL to create a link in your comment
I did not find another way yet and maybe it is not so logical :). But as workaround you may download an attachment from work item. Then you may copy a download link from your browser download page and use it on description field.
A workaround that I found to this which shows a selected text within the comment as clickable and opens the attachment if you click on it is:
find and copy the attachment url from browser Developer Tools,
select the part of the text in Discussion box that you like to link to the attachment to,
paste the attachment url to Address box in Create Link popup. You can get to this by using three dots (...) in Discussion section toolbox (More Tools) and select Create Link which allows you to paste the address.
This is amazing that AzureDevops does not have this ability. It's disappointing and makes working with the product so much more difficult. I really cannot imagine how they use this product internally.
You could inspect the attachment url in chromedev tools, then copy the url, the element will look like
<div class="grid-cell-contents-container">
<span class="attachment-icon bowtie-icon bowtie-file-content"></span>
Then just remove the &api-version=5.0-preview.2 part at the end
Come on Microsoft! You're better than this.
It is now possible maybe. Goto attachments and click on list view
List view of attachments of a workitem
Then just left-click on the file of your choice and drag it
This would appear to be the least "hacky" way, as it relies entirely on the Azure DevOps UI:
Go to the attachments list of the work item.
While you hover over an attachment, three vertical dots with tooltip "More actions" will be shown:
from where you can open a submenu:
In there, click "Copy attachment link".
If you paste this link to a text-only context, you will get only the attachment filename, but if you paste it into a rich-text editor with support for links, such as the Description field or Discussion comments in the work item, the attachment filename will appear as a clickable link.

How to use MailChimp Exported Template to send Email from outlook?

I have created a Newsletter template on MailChimp and exported the template. I have also used the CSS Inliner tool to convert the HTML Code.
But How do I use this code to send the email from my outlook account?
Thanks in Advance for your help.
For this, you can use the import > import as text button in Outlook on the saved HTML file and it should populate into Outlook. (ref)
Open Outlook
Select the Create New-Email icon from the menu bar
From the top navigation menu options choose Insert
Select the Attach File icon
Navigate to the HTML file you want to insert
Select the file (highlight it)
From the Insert Drop Down Menu select Insert as Text
See this answer for more details on Outlook 2016: Getting my HTML into Email
Please keep in mind a couple things:
Outlook strips out all media queries when it sends, effectively removing responsive design
Outlook rewrites your code into Word HTML, which can cause discrepancies in functionality and display
MailChimp usually keeps proprietary code inside of its templates that are not read by other email clients and can cause issues
You need to ensure all CAN-SPAM regulations (physical address, unsubscribe ability) are still displayed inside the email or potentially face fines up to $10,000 per email that violates it.

Show pop-up when clicking on links in email contents

I am facing a new requirement. My website has email sending facility, which contains links also. What I need is to show popup when I click on the link in the email contents, the contents may or may not be from the website. Which methods I can do for achieving this?
The only way is to have a link to an external page that will open in a browser and execute the popup.
If the content is not from a website I can't see a way of doing this. It will require javascript which cannot be used in an email.

How to display an image in a Thunderbird column?

The Thunderbird Addon Display Contact Photo shows a nice picture of users (or optionally their gravatar/identicon/wavatar/monsterid) next to the mail header and in the recepient list. Is it possible to have that icon also displayed in the Recepient column (or even better, the Correspondent one from Show InOut) or a separate column in the default mail list?
That is, I'd like to have the image from the left of the contacts in this screenshot
also in the email overview so I can see very quickly whom each email is from.
Thunderbayes++ shows an icon in the email overview, if a mail is spam, ham or unsure. Maybe the code of this extension can help you to implement this.

Email submission form with attachments (add, open, and remove) in spring mvc

How can I create a email form which allows user to specify:
Attachments with Add/Open/Remove facility
send/cancel button
I'm having trouble to send the index of the file the user want to remove , for example if the user attached file1, file2, and file3 in the email submission form and I captured this info in the controller as key,value pair where key is index and value as file name. But the user is allowed to remove arbitrary file before sending the email, for example the user clicks 'file2' remove button. Now in the controller I want to grab the index of the file need to be removed, but this is dynamic since user can click any of the attached files remove button.
I'm using spring 2.5 with JSP/JSTL as view component.
Please see the sample email form:
To |_________________|
Subject |________________|
Attachments: [**ADD**]
**X** file1
**X** file2
**X** file3
(click the 'ADD' button to attach file, click 'X' to remove corresponding attached file,click on the file name to view/open the file contents)
If removing is handled at the server side, you can implement remove buttons as a <button> tag, where name is, say, fileToRemove and value is an index of the file. When user click that button, the form is submitted with fileToRemove=... parameter:
<button name = "fileToRemove" value = "${}">Remove</button>
Thanks Axtavt, but we are using IE6 as client browser and the following is known issue:
Meanwhile, the button element allows authors to produce buttons that submit data to the server that does not match the text displayed on the button. Delete should submit to the server row_to_delete=1 but Internet Explorer will send row_to_delete=Delete. If IE could be persuaded to behave, then this would also be useful for multilingual sites – the text displayed could be translated for each language, but the value could remain the same so the server side logic wouldn’t need to check the translation table.
It gets worse though, Internet Explorer 6 has a further bug where it will treat all elements as successful controls, and submit their data to the server, even if they were not clicked. This effectively makes using multiple button elements impossible.