How to hide fields in backpack - laravel-backpack

Is there a proper way of hiding fields in backpack? Using the hidden attr or display:none doesn't hide the label.
There are a couple solutions: modify every field view or hide it with js. Both have disadvantages.

There is no proper way to do it in backpack.
Once I needed to show and hide some fields according to a drop-down selection, here is the function I created:
const fieldVisibility = (field, visibility = true) =>
document.querySelector(`[name*="${field}"]`).closest('.form-group').style.display =
visibility ? 'block' : 'none';
fieldVisibility('name', true) // Shows the field name
fieldVisibility('users', false) // Hides the field users[]


React-Bootstap-Typeahead: Manually set custom display value in onChange() upon menu selection

In the onChange of React-Bootstrap-Typeahead, I need to manually set a custom display value. My first thought was to use a ref and do something similar to the .clear() in this example.
But although .clear() works, inputNode.value = 'abc' does not work, and I'm left with the old selected value from the menu.
onChange={option => {
typeaheadRef.current.blur(); // This works
typeaheadRef.current.inputNode.value = 'abc'; // This does not work (old value is retained)
I also tried directly accessing the DOM input element, whose ID I know, and doing
var inputElement = document.querySelector('input[id=myTypeahead]');
inputElement.value = 'abc';
But that didn't work either. For a brief second, right after my changed value = , I do see the new display label, but then it's quickly lost. I think the component saves or retains the menu-selected value.
Note: I cannot use selected, I use defaultSelected. I have some Formik-related behavior that I've introduced, and it didn't work with selected, so I'm stuck with defaultSelected.
The only workaround I found is to re-render the Typeahead component (hide and re-show, from a blank state) with a new defaultSelected="abc" which is a one-time Mount-time value specification for the control.
I couldn't get selected=.. to work, I have a wrapper around the component which makes it fit into Formik with custom onChange and onInputChange and selected wasn't working with that.
So the simple workaround that works is, if the visibility of the Typeahead depends on some condition (otherwise it won't be rendered), use that to momentarily hide and re-show the component (a brand new repaint) with a new defaultSelected, e.g.
/* Conditions controlling the visibility of the Typeahead */
!isEmptyObject(values) &&
(values.approverId === null || (values.approverId !== null && detailedApproverUserInfo)
<AsyncTypehead defaultSelected={{...whatever is needed to build the string, or the literal string itself...}}
// Given the above visibility condition, we'll hide/re-show the component
// The below will first hide the control in React's renders
setFieldValue("approver", someId);
// The below will re-show the control in React's renders, after a small delay (a fetch)

Accordion dropdown filtering through ion search bar

Hi I just created the ionic accordion dropdowns by following a tutorial blog link which used widgets for creating an accordion dropdowns, Below is the link of that blog.
updated: here is the my project demo link
Everything is working perfect, but i want to add Ion-searchbar at the top of the accordions sothat the dropdowns gets filter by inputing text.
please assist me how can i do that. Thank you.
You are going to have to create a variable in your homepage to store your filtered results. Then you need to have a filter function that will take the input from the search bar and filter your master list. Keep in mind you should not set the new variable to the master list, this could cause issues due to object referencing.
So you should have something like
in your html
<ion-searchbar placeholder="Search a name." [(ngModel)]="searchValue" (ionChange)="filterList()"></ion-searchbar>
In your ts file
searchValue: string = '';
filteredList: Array<{ name: string, description: string, image: string }> = this.technologies;
// function called in the html whenever you change the ion searchbar value
private filterList(){
//Make a variable so as to avoid any flashing on the screen if you set it to an empty array
const localFilteredList = []
this.technologies.forEach(currentItem => {
//here goes your search criteria, in the if statement
if( && {
//finally set the global filter list to your newly filtered list
this.filteredList = localFilteredList;
You also need to make sure to reference the filterList variable instead of the current one you are referencing.

Check if text selection is in header/footer

The Word Addin we created allows adding custom comments to text selections. Word does not allow adding comments in headers / footers. Because of that, users should get warned when text in a header/footer is selected.
The selection's OOXML structure for text in body and text in header is identical.
The Word UI itself disabled the review comments section when footer/header text is selected.
When dumping the text selection object to te console, none of the object fields point to the selection being in header/footer.
How can be found out programmatically that text is selected in the header/footer?
You can achieve this by looking at the parentBody property of the selection range. The type property on the parentBody will reveal whether the selection is in the 'Header' or elsewhere (see documentation).
function determineSelectionInHeader() { (context) {
const HEADER_TYPE = "Header";
// Retrieve and load 'type' of selection.
var selection = context.document.getSelection();
var parentBody = selection.parentBody;
.then(function () {
if (parentBody.type === HEADER_TYPE) {
console.log("This is the header");

How to set the visibility for row drag default icon in ag-grid angular 2+

In gridColumns i am setting the rowDrag: true. This creates a default icon for all the rows having children or single rows. But i wanted to have this icon only for particular rows by setting the visibility of a drag icon as hidden.
More over if i populate rowDrag true or false conditionally, then rows for which i dont want drag icon, icon won't come but its breaking the alignment. That's why i want something explicitly where i can set the rowDrag for all rows as true and then explicitly set the visibility as hidden.
Please help me in this case. not finding any solution.
If you just want to hide the drag icon you need to override the CSS. Just assign css class to the rows you want to hide and then in the CSS file make the visibility as hidden.
Assign class as below
this.rowClassRules = {
"hide-row-drag-class": function(params) {
if (params.node.rowIndex % 2 == 0) {
return true;
Override CSS file
.yourTheme .yourClass .ag-row-drag{
visibility: hidden;
The above code assigns a CSS class to all odd rows and then will hide the row drag icon based on the CSS

Display Views exposed form item label inside selects (Instead of the default '- Any -')?

How to display form item label in Views exposed form instead of '- Any -'? To be more specific I use this code to replace select's default value text with custom text and want that custom text to be the label of that element:
function THEMENAME_form_views_exposed_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {
if ($form['#id'] == 'views-exposed-form-FORMID') {
$form['ITEMNAME']['#options']['All'] = t('My custom translatable text');
This works for custom text. What I want is to display its label instead of My custom translatable text with the simple code like:
$form['ITEMNAME']['#options']['All'] = $form['ITEMNAME']['#name'];
but have no luck on such and similar codes to work. According fo $dpm($form) output '#name', '#title' elements seem not to exist at all.
The goal is to have similar functionality of or without another Javascript library (prefer to use couple PHP lines, please no JS solutions)
Your above code will work in case of select field but not for text field. If you need it to work for text fields you can try this
$form['ITEMNAME']['#attributes'] = array('placeholder' => array('My custom translatable text'));
$form['ITEMNAME']['#attributes'] = array('placeholder' =>$form['ITEMNAME']['#name']);
hope this helps you