Display Views exposed form item label inside selects (Instead of the default '- Any -')? - forms

How to display form item label in Views exposed form instead of '- Any -'? To be more specific I use this code to replace select's default value text with custom text and want that custom text to be the label of that element:
function THEMENAME_form_views_exposed_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {
if ($form['#id'] == 'views-exposed-form-FORMID') {
$form['ITEMNAME']['#options']['All'] = t('My custom translatable text');
This works for custom text. What I want is to display its label instead of My custom translatable text with the simple code like:
$form['ITEMNAME']['#options']['All'] = $form['ITEMNAME']['#name'];
but have no luck on such and similar codes to work. According fo $dpm($form) output '#name', '#title' elements seem not to exist at all.
The goal is to have similar functionality of https://drupal.org/project/compact_forms or https://drupal.org/project/In-Field-Labels without another Javascript library (prefer to use couple PHP lines, please no JS solutions)

Your above code will work in case of select field but not for text field. If you need it to work for text fields you can try this
$form['ITEMNAME']['#attributes'] = array('placeholder' => array('My custom translatable text'));
$form['ITEMNAME']['#attributes'] = array('placeholder' =>$form['ITEMNAME']['#name']);
hope this helps you


How to search for and highlight a substring in Codemirror 6?

I'm building a simple code editor to help children learn HTML. One feature I'm trying to add is that when users mouseover their rendered code (in an iframe), the corresponding HTML code in the editor is highlighted. So, for example, if a user mouses-over an image of kittens, the actual code, , would be highlighted in the editor.
Mousing-over the iframe to get the html source for that element is the easy part, which I've done (using document.elementFromPoint(e.clientX, e.clientY in the iframe itself, and posting that up to the parent) - so that's not the part I need help with. The part I can't figure out is how to search for and highlight that string of selected code in the code editor.
I'm using Codemirror 6 for this project, as it seems as it will give me the most flexibility to create such a feature. However, as a Codemirror 6 novice, I'm struggling with the documentation to find out where I should start. It seems like the steps I need to complete to accomplish this are:
Search for a range in the editor's text that matches a string (ie.'<img src="kittens.gif"').
Highlight that range in the editor.
Can anyone out there give me some advice as to where in the Codemirror 6 API I should look to start implementing this? It seems like it should be easy, but my unfamiliarity with the Codemirror API and the terse documentation is making this difficult.
1. Search for a range in the editor's text that matches a string (ie.'<img src="kittens.gif"').
You can use SearchCursor class (iterator) to get the character's range where is located the DOM element in your editor.
// the import for SearchCursor class
import {SearchCursor} from "#codemirror/search"
// your editor's view
let main_view = new EditorView({ /* your code */ });
// will create a cursor based on the doc content and the DOM element as a string (outerHTML)
let cursor = new SearchCursor(main_view.state.doc, element.outerHTML);
// will search the first match of the string element.outerHTML in the editor view main_view.state.doc
// display the range where is located your DOM element in your editor
2. Highlight that range in the editor.
As described in the migration documentation here, marked text is replace by decoration. To highlight a range in the editor with codemirror 6, you need to create one decoration and apply it in a dispatch on your view. This decoration need to be provide by an extension that you add in the extensions of your editor view.
// the import for the 3 new classes
import {StateEffect, StateField} from "#codemirror/state"
import {Decoration} from "#codemirror/view"
// code mirror effect that you will use to define the effect you want (the decoration)
const highlight_effect = StateEffect.define();
// define a new field that will be attached to your view state as an extension, update will be called at each editor's change
const highlight_extension = StateField.define({
create() { return Decoration.none },
update(value, transaction) {
value = value.map(transaction.changes)
for (let effect of transaction.effects) {
if (effect.is(highlight_effect)) value = value.update({add: effect.value, sort: true})
return value
provide: f => EditorView.decorations.from(f)
// this is your decoration where you can define the change you want : a css class or directly css attributes
const highlight_decoration = Decoration.mark({
// attributes: {style: "background-color: red"}
class: 'red_back'
// your editor's view
let main_view = new EditorView({
extensions: [highlight_extension]
// this is where the change takes effect by the dispatch. The of method instanciate the effect. You need to put this code where you want the change to take place
effects: highlight_effect.of([highlight_decoration.range(cursor.value.from, cursor.value.to)])
Hope it will help you to implement what you want ;)
Have a look at #codemirror/search.
Specifically, the source code implementation of Selection Matching may be of use for you to adapt.
It uses Decoration.mark over a range of text.
You can use SearchCursor to iterate over ranges that match your pattern (or RegExpCursor)
Use getSearchCursor, something like this:
var cursor = cmEditor.getSearchCursor(keyword , CodeMirror.Pos(cmEditor.firstLine(), 0), {caseFold: true, multiline: true});
if(cursor.find(false)){ //move to that position.
cmEditor.setSelection(cursor.from(), cursor.to());
cmEditor.scrollIntoView({from: cursor.from(), to: cursor.to()}, 20);
Programmatically search and select a keyword
Take a look at getSearchCursor source code it it give some glow about how it works and its usage.
So use getSearchCursor for finding text and optionally use markText for highlighting text because you can mark text with setSelection method of editor.
Selection Marking Demo
var editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("code"), {
lineNumbers: true,
styleSelectedText: true
editor.markText({line: 6, ch: 26}, {line: 6, ch: 42}, {className: "styled-background"});
And it seem this is what you are looking for:
codemirror: search and highlight multipule words without dialog
RegExpCursor is another option that you can use:
new RegExpCursor(
text: Text,
query: string,
options⁠?: {ignoreCase⁠?: boolean},
from⁠?: number = 0,
to⁠?: number = text.length
Sample usage at:
Replacing text between dollar signs for Mathml expression.

TYPO3 using markers with conditions

There are some markers in my template. Sometimes markers can be empty, can I catch this situation? Something like:
if !###NEWS_IMAGE###
Markers or Subparts have no logic in the template.
All logic has to be done while generating the replacement text.
IN PHP you can use the usual PHP control structures.
if you fill the markers with Typoscript you can use the options of stdWrap.if to fill in any replacement string, even an empty string.
in this way you can condition label to show only if the value is set:
marks {
something = TEXT
something.field = title
something.wrap = the title is |
something.wrap.if.isTrue.field = title
something.ifEmpty = no title given

GXT - How to set the grid cell background color

I want to change background color of a cell in GXT Grid, I am using GXT 3.0 .I have got one link which is related to my query( http://ui-programming.blogspot.in/2010/01/gxt-how-to-set-cell-grid-background.html) but setRenderer method is not present columnConfig in GXT 3.0 .How can i get desired output? pLz help.
Code i have done till now:-
ColumnConfig<Stock, Double> changeCol = new ColumnConfig<Stock, Double>(props.change(), 100, "Change");
changeCol.setCell(new AbstractCell<Double>() {
public void render(Context context, Double value, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) {
if (value == null) {
String style = "style='background-color: " + (value < 0 ? "red" : "green") + "'";
String v = number.format(value);
sb.appendHtmlConstant("<span " + style + " qtitle='Change' qtip='" + v + "'>" + v + "</span>");
For those that need to change cell colour based on data in the grid, I've just had to do this (GXT 3.1) but unfortunately the solution isn't perfect.
In general, one can do custom cell rendering with ColumnConfig.setCell(MyCell) where 'MyCell' is a subclass of AbstractCell. Unfortunately there is the problem of 'padding' in the host 'div' which isn't coloured. There are a few ways around this...
The simplest way is to:
Render your own coloured divs that fill up the whole cell (with padding if desired)
Unfortunately this doesn't play well with single cell selection (CellSelectionModel). The css class for cell selection is obfuscated so it can't be referenced in other stylesheets. :(
My (ugly) alternative was to render a custom stylesheet that is linked in the module's html page (eg. Main.html). Then I can colour cells using css 'class' instead of 'style' attributes. IE:
Create a custom JSP that renders a stylesheet (content type 'text/css')
Link the stylesheet to the module html (after 'reset.css')
The stylesheet needs to have selector td.someClass (.someClass is not specific enough)
Use Grid.getView().setViewConfig() to supply a GridViewConfig that returns the appropriate class(es)
Unfortunately this requires a good knowledge of CSS rules and also the possible colours need to be known at user login time.
There may be a third way using the style attribute of the 'td' element. Have a look at this issue from Sencha:
http://www.sencha.com/forum/showthread.php?289347-Influencing-cell-td-style-in-a-grid&p=1057079 (work in progress)
Note that other styling options include:
Various ColumnConfig.setXxxClassName()
Various ColumnConfig.setXxxStyle()

Zend Framework 2 Translating the text of the radio buttons

I´m developing an application using Zend Framework 2 and I need to translate the text of the radio buttons ("Show", "Hide") that I´ve created in my form:
//within the Form
public function addRadioButtons ()
$isPublicRadioButtons = new Element\Radio('isPublic');
$isPublicRadioButtons->setAttribute('id', 'isPublic')
->setAttribute('value', '0')
'0' => 'Show',
'1' => 'Hide',
What do I have to do in the view side to be able to translate them?
I know that to render translations to the views I need to use $this→translate() view helper. So within the view I´ll have to somehow call the text of the radio buttons..
//Whithin the view
echo $this->translate($someHowCallTheTextOfRadioButton('isPublic') , $textDomain, $locale);
Look at FormLabel section to read about translating labels in zend framework 2. I think that most important thing to remember is:
If you have a translator in the Service Manager under the key,
‘translator’, the view helper plugin manager will automatically attach
the translator to the FormLabel view helper. See
Zend\View\HelperPluginManager::injectTranslator() for more
How to properly setup translator you have in ZendSkeletonApplication
In your view you can do something like this:
You can have your form implement the TranslatorAwareInterface and, if you are using PHP 5.4+, have it use the TranslatorAwareTrait (otherwise you simply have to implement the interface yourself). You can now inject a translator instance into your form, e.g. in the form's factory. Then you can translate the labels as follows:
//within the Form
public function addRadioButtons ()
$isPublicRadioButtons = new Element\Radio('isPublic');
$isPublicRadioButtons->setAttribute('id', 'isPublic')
->setAttribute('value', '0')
'0' => $this->getTranslator()->translate('Show'),
'1' => $this->getTranslator()->translate('Hide'),

Not-in-the-same-line radiobutton values

I'm building a "buffet menu list" form which has a lot of options for the "menu" radiobutton.
However I noted that all those values are "inline" just like in this example: http://demo.atk4.com/demo.html?t=14
I'd like to know in first instance how could I add a line break on every value, and then, how could I simulate groups by adding some sort of < p> < /p> between specific option values (logical grouping).
Thanks in advance!
There are two solutions I can think of.
Look at the examples here for some inspiration:
1. Adding custom field to grid
First, create a form with no mark-up:
$form = $this->add('Form',null,null,array('form_empty'));
Next, add Grid into a form like this:
$grid = $form->add('Grid'); // or MVCGrid if you are using models
Add a column for selection:
->setTemplate('<input type=radio name=selection value="<?$id?>"/>');
Finally - make sure the column 'selection' is first (or last)
Finally you need to manually look into the POST data, because it's not a real form column.
$this->js()->univ()->successMessage('Selection is '+((int)$_POST['selection']))
You must remember that accessing POST directly exposes you to injection attack and you must validate it properly. Grid also MUST be inside the form, however you can place submit button anywhere else on your page. You can also use "Form_Plain", see "http://agiletoolkit.org/whatsnew" for an example.
2. Using JavaScript and hidden field
In this example you can add a bunch of Radio button elements and tie them to a form. I've also using "Lister" here instead of "Grid", of course you can mix-and-match those approaches.
$form = $this->add('Form');
$selection = $form->addField('line','selection');
// can be placed anywhere.
$menu = $this->add('MVCLister',null,null,array('view/menu'));
// produces $('#menu_id').find('input[type=radio]').click(function(){
// $('#selection_id').val( $(this).val() );
// }
Your view/menu.html template file could look like this:
<div class="menu-container">
<div><input type="radio" name="anything" value="<?$id?>"> <?$name?> </div>
EDIT: code which worked for Fernando
->setTemplate('<input type=\'radio\' name=\'selection\' value="<?$value?>"/> <?$value?>');
->successMessage('Hoy: <b>'.$_POST['selection'].'</b>')->execute();