Swift SKPhysicsBody empty subclass doesn't inherit parent inits - swift

While trying to inherit from SkPhysicsBody I found something rather strange :
None of the convenience init are inherited!
Here is the code you can test in a playground :
import PlaygroundSupport
import SpriteKit
import GameplayKit
public class SKPhysicsBodySubClass:SKPhysicsBody
let pb = SKPhysicsBody(circleOfRadius: 10)
let pbsc = SKPhysicsBodySubClass(circleOfRadius: 10)
The last instruction produce an error suggesting that the parent init doesn't exist : "Incorrect argument label in call (have 'circleOfRadius:', expected 'coder:')"
I'm also aware of the rule of inheritance :
Rule 1 :
If your subclass doesn’t define any designated initializers, it automatically inherits all of its superclass designated initializers.
Rule 2 :
If your subclass provides an implementation of all of its superclass designated initializers—either by inheriting them as per rule 1, or by providing a custom implementation as part of its definition—then it automatically inherits all of the superclass convenience initializers.
Any idea what's going on here? what did I miss?


Swift constrained protocol? [duplicate]

In addition to this syntax with a protocol extension:
protocol P {}
extension P where Self : UIView {}
... I discovered by accident that you can use the same where clause on the protocol itself:
protocol P where Self : UIView {}
Notice that this is not the same as a where clause constraining a generic protocol, and does not itself make P a generic protocol.
My experiments seem to show that only a colon can be used here, and the thing after the colon must be a class or a protocol (which may be generic).
I became curious: how did this escape my notice? So I went hunting for evidence of when it arose. In Swift 3.0, the former syntax is legal but not the latter. In Swift 3.3, both are legal. So the latter syntax must have been quietly introduced in something like Swift 3.2. I say "quietly" because I can't find anything about it in the release notes.
What is the second syntax for? Is it, as it appears, just a convenient way of making sure no other type can adopt this protocol? The Swift headers do not seem to make any use of it.
The ability to put superclass constraints on protocols declarations (that is, being able to define protocol P where Self : C where C is the type of a class) was a premature consequence of SE-0156, and the syntax should have been rejected in Swift 4.x until the feature was implemented. Attempting to use this feature in Swift 4.x can cause miscompilation and crashes, so I would avoid using it until Swift 5.
In Swift 5 (Xcode 10.2) the feature has now been implemented. From the release notes:
Protocols can now constrain their conforming types to those that
subclass a given class. Two equivalent forms are supported:
protocol MyView: UIView { /*...*/ }
protocol MyView where Self: UIView { /*...*/ }
Swift 4.2 accepted the second form, but it wasn’t fully implemented
and could sometimes crash at compile time or runtime. (SR-5581)
This syntax places a superclass constraint on MyView which restricts conforming types to those inheriting from (or being) UIView. In addition, the usage of MyView is semantically equivalent to a class existential (e.g UIView & MyView) in that you can access both members of the class and requirements of the protocol on the value.
For example, expanding upon the release notes' example:
protocol MyView : UIView {
var foo: Int { get }
class C : MyView {} // error: 'P' requires that 'C' inherit from 'UIView'
class CustomView : UIView, MyView {
var foo: Int = 0
// ...
let myView: MyView = CustomView(frame: .zero)
// We can access both `UIView` members on a `MyView` value
print(myView.backgroundColor as Any)
// ... and `MyView` members as usual.

Is final necessary for a singleton class in Swift?

To create a singleton class, I wrote something like this:
class SingletonEx{
var name = ""
private init(){}
static let sharedInstance = SingletonEx()
func instanceMethod(){
static func classMethod(){
Some tutorials say final is necessary while others just ignore final keyword. After I tried subclassing SingletonEx, I got the following results.
It seems I can't write an initializer for subclass, which means I can't use an override instance method in a subclass.
As far as I know, singleton definition is all about single instantiation and accessing instance methods through the only instance. So I don't think it is necessary to use final in the singleton definition. But both my teachers and some online tutorials say it is necessary.
I got confused, since you can't create a subclass instance anyway, even you override the instance methods, you can't use it or access it, what's the point to say final is necessary for a singleton class?
If I am wrong, please point out.
Super Class
First of all you need to know the properties and methods that are marked with private are just known to the Super class and Sub classes won't access them!
A class can inherit methods, properties, and other characteristics from another class. When one class inherits from another, the inheriting class is known as a subclass, and the class it inherits from is known as its superclass. Inheritance is a fundamental behavior that differentiates classes from other types in Swift.
Classes in Swift can call and access methods, properties, and subscripts belonging to their superclass and can provide their own overriding versions of those methods, properties, and subscripts to refine or modify their behavior. Swift helps to ensure your overrides are correct by checking that the override definition has a matching superclass definition.
In your case in SingletonEx class you market init with private which means that you can create object just in the body of the class! that means no one, no where, can't create an object of SingletonEx!
If you want to a method end up in Super Class and you don't want to Sub classes overide that method you need to mark that method with final which means it's not private but its available only from Super class!
Sub Class
When class Y Inheritance from SingletonEx which means that cant create an object outside of the class ! because Super class initializer is unavailable during init() method from class Y ! While you need to call the super.init() if you want to initialize an object from Y class !
if you remove private from private init() {} from SingletonEx class you be able to create object from SingletonEx class and also from Y class !
your code should looks like this :
Swift 4 :
class SingletonEx{
var name = ""
static let sharedInstance = SingletonEx()
func instanceMethod(){
static func classMethod(){
class Y : SingletonEx {
private var yName = "Y name is : "
init(name:String) {
self.name = self.yName + name
Usage :
override func viewDidLoad() {
let yObject = Y.init(name: "badGirl :D ")
// --> Output : Y name is : badGirl :D

Swift protocol with "where Self" clause

In addition to this syntax with a protocol extension:
protocol P {}
extension P where Self : UIView {}
... I discovered by accident that you can use the same where clause on the protocol itself:
protocol P where Self : UIView {}
Notice that this is not the same as a where clause constraining a generic protocol, and does not itself make P a generic protocol.
My experiments seem to show that only a colon can be used here, and the thing after the colon must be a class or a protocol (which may be generic).
I became curious: how did this escape my notice? So I went hunting for evidence of when it arose. In Swift 3.0, the former syntax is legal but not the latter. In Swift 3.3, both are legal. So the latter syntax must have been quietly introduced in something like Swift 3.2. I say "quietly" because I can't find anything about it in the release notes.
What is the second syntax for? Is it, as it appears, just a convenient way of making sure no other type can adopt this protocol? The Swift headers do not seem to make any use of it.
The ability to put superclass constraints on protocols declarations (that is, being able to define protocol P where Self : C where C is the type of a class) was a premature consequence of SE-0156, and the syntax should have been rejected in Swift 4.x until the feature was implemented. Attempting to use this feature in Swift 4.x can cause miscompilation and crashes, so I would avoid using it until Swift 5.
In Swift 5 (Xcode 10.2) the feature has now been implemented. From the release notes:
Protocols can now constrain their conforming types to those that
subclass a given class. Two equivalent forms are supported:
protocol MyView: UIView { /*...*/ }
protocol MyView where Self: UIView { /*...*/ }
Swift 4.2 accepted the second form, but it wasn’t fully implemented
and could sometimes crash at compile time or runtime. (SR-5581)
This syntax places a superclass constraint on MyView which restricts conforming types to those inheriting from (or being) UIView. In addition, the usage of MyView is semantically equivalent to a class existential (e.g UIView & MyView) in that you can access both members of the class and requirements of the protocol on the value.
For example, expanding upon the release notes' example:
protocol MyView : UIView {
var foo: Int { get }
class C : MyView {} // error: 'P' requires that 'C' inherit from 'UIView'
class CustomView : UIView, MyView {
var foo: Int = 0
// ...
let myView: MyView = CustomView(frame: .zero)
// We can access both `UIView` members on a `MyView` value
print(myView.backgroundColor as Any)
// ... and `MyView` members as usual.

Understanding init() when sub-classing in Swift

How can I add a custom initializer when inheriting from a class that already has an initializer?
What I have is a Vehicle class which has an itializer who takes an argument name. What I want to do is inherit from this Vehicleclass, create another initializer for the new class but keep using the existing initializer.
Base Class (No problem here):
class Vehicle{
var make:String
self.make = make
New Class (Doesn't work):
// Not sure how to structure this class
class Car:Vehicle {
var engine:Double
override init(){
self.engine = engine
This is what I would like to be able to do... re-use the existing initializer plus the new one.
let cobalt = Car(make:"Chevy" engine: 2.5)
Any designated initializer in a subclass must call a designated initializer from its immediate superclass:
Initializer Delegation for Class Types
To simplify the relationships between designated and convenience
initializers, Swift applies the following three rules for delegation
calls between initializers:
Rule 1 A designated initializer must call a designated initializer
from its immediate superclass
From the Swift Language Guide - Initialization.
Hence, you could construct your designated initializer of Car to take two arguments, make and engine, and use the latter to inititalize the member property engine of the subclass, thereafter call the designated initializer of the superclass using the supplied make parameter (supplied to subclass initializer) as argument to the superclass initializer.
class Car: Vehicle {
var engine: Double
init(make: String, engine:Double){
self.engine = engine
super.init(make: make)

Unable to add a convenience initialiser to an SKShapeNode subclass

Trying to add a convenience init to an SKShapeNode subclass generates two compiler errors:
class Shape : SKShapeNode {
convenience init(diameter: CGFloat) {
self.init(circleOfRadius: diameter / 2) // error: Use of 'self' in delegating initializer before self.init is called
} // error: Self.init isn't called on all paths in delegating initializer
Yet, if you paste the following code into a playground, it compiles and executes as expected:
import CoreGraphics
import SpriteKit
class FakeShapeNode : SKNode {
convenience init(circleOfRadius radius: CGFloat) {
class FakeShape : FakeShapeNode {
convenience init(diameter: CGFloat) {
self.init(circleOfRadius: diameter / 2)
let shape = FakeShape(diameter: 3)
The question is, what could be the relevant difference here between FakeShapeNode and SKShapeNode?
As suggested by #Knight0fDragon, below a reminder of the relevant initialisation rules may be helpful:
Assuming that you provide default values for any new properties you
introduce in a subclass, the following two rules apply:
Rule 1 If your subclass doesn’t define any designated initializers, it automatically inherits all of its superclass
designated initializers.
Rule 2 If your subclass provides an implementation of all of its superclass designated initializers—either by inheriting them as per
rule 1, or by providing a custom implementation as part of its
definition—then it automatically inherits all of the superclass
convenience initializers.
These rules apply even if your subclass adds further convenience initializers.
You can't have a convenience init call the super's convenience init, it has to be a delegating initializer. Unfortunately there is a bug in playgrounds that will allow it to work, but in applications, you will receive the error you are seeing.
To understand how convenience inits work, please see https://developer.apple.com/library/prerelease/ios/documentation/swift/conceptual/swift_programming_language/Initialization.html