scalafmt class, methods params intendation - scala

Is it possible in scalafmt to set intendation to be like in intellij formatter so just after ending of (
case class SomeMessage(
id: UUID
I see only ability to setup tab numbers but its counted from line start not open bracket position

By default verticalMultiline.newlineAfterOpenParen is set to false. By adding the following lines to your scalafmt file you can override this config
continuationIndent.defnSite = 2
verticalMultiline.atDefnSite = true
verticalMultiline.arityThreshold = 2
verticalMultiline.newlineAfterOpenParen = true
Please refer link for examples.


Scalafmt force curly braces style over indentation

I am trying to force curly braces style for my scala project. I have written below config for scalafmt:
version = "3.7.1"
runner.dialect = scala3
maxColumn = 80
rewrite.rules = [Imports]
rewrite.insertBraces.ifElseExpressions = true
But when I apply this config for file with below lines of code, I don't see any change performed by scalafmt. How I can fix this? and Is there any better way to force curly braces style for everything i.e. function definitions, class definition etc.
if (sortedList.isEmpty) new Cons(x, empty)
else if (compare(x, sortedList.head) <= 0) new Cons(x, sortedList)
else new Cons(sortedList.head, insert(x, sortedList.tail))
SBT version: 1.6.2

Scala changing parquet path in config (typesafe)

Currently I have a configuration file like this:
project {
inputs {
baseFile {
paths = ["project/src/test/resources/inputs/parquet1/date=2020-11-01/"]
type = parquet
applyConversions = false
And I want to change the date "2020-11-01" to another one during run time. I read I need a new config object since it's immutable, I'm trying this but I'm not quite sure how to edit paths since it's a list and not a String and it definitely needs to be a list or else it's going to say I haven't configured a path for the parquet.
val newConfig = config.withValue("project.inputs.baseFile.paths"(0),
But I'm getting a:
Error com.typesafe.config.ConfigException$BadPath: path parameter: Invalid path 'project.inputs.baseFile.': path has a leading, trailing, or two adjacent period '.' (use quoted "" empty string if you want an empty element)
What's the correct way to set the new path?
One option you have, is to override the entire array:
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
val mergedConfig = config.withValue("project.inputs.baseFile.paths",
But a more elegant way to do this (IMHO), is to create a new config, and to use the existing as a fallback.
For example, we can create a new config:
val newJsonString = """project {
|inputs {
|baseFile {
| paths = ["project/src/test/resources/inputs/parquet1/date=2020-10-01/"]
val newConfig = ConfigFactory.parseString(newJsonString)
And now to merge them:
val mergedConfig = newConfig.withFallback(config)
The output of:
As expected.
You can read more about Merging config trees. Code run at Scastie.
I didn't find any way to replace one element of the array with withValue.

How to use Sitename in Constants as a default value in TYPO3?

I want to set the Sitename in Constants by default, so I can use this settings.variable in my Fluidtemplate.
I found in another post here on stackoverflow:
But if I use this in my constants.ts like this:
# cat=plugin.tx_rmnavigation/01_NaviSettings/a; type=string; label=testing sitetitle
testsitetitle = DB:sys_template|1|title
# cat=plugin.tx_rmnavigation/01_NaviSettings/a; type=string; label=testing sitetitle
testsitetitle = GLOBAL:TYPO3_CONF_VARS|SYS|sitename
AND in my setup.ts:
testsitetitle = {$plugin.tx_rmnavigation.settings.testsitetitle}
I get only the text not the value of the "variable" see this picture Constant Editor...
How can I use the Sitename in Constants as a defaultvalue?
I forgot to say, perhaps it's important for this issue, I try this here in both files:
plugin.tx_rmnavigation {
settings {
You have to assign your constant to a content object's data property (see and to get it resolved:
testsitetitle = TEXT = {$plugin.tx_rmnavigation.settings.testsitetitle}
And I would prefer your second variant for the constant definition because it uses the value from the current template record:
# cat=plugin.tx_rmnavigation/01_NaviSettings/a; type=string; label=testing sitetitle
testsitetitle = GLOBAL:TYPO3_CONF_VARS|SYS|sitename
But the first one should also work if you use colons instead of pipes:
testsitetitle = DB:sys_template:1:title
If you have a multi domain page the query to DB:sys_template:1:sitetitle might not work, as the 1 is the UID, not the PID of the root node of your template. But TSFE to the rescue!
In the context of your page call, the TSFE already has the sitetitle from the backend template loaded.
If you for example want to output a og:site_name, you can access the value by using:
og:site_name = TEXT
og:site_name {
data = TSFE:tmpl|sitetitle
attribute = property
This way no additional database queries are needed and it will work on multi domain, multi root node pages.
Thanks for your suggestions. I found a solution with your infos.
Honestly I think this doesn't works in Constants, because the both methods are readonly.
So I found a working solution for my Issue: I need that Variable only for read in my Templates, so I create a new Typoscript File libs.ts and included this with:
# Include Libraries
<INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT: source="FILE: EXT:rm_navigation/Resources/Private/TypoScript/libs.ts">
in the /Configuration/TypoScript/setup.ts File.
The content of libs.ts is:
lib.sitename = TEXT = GLOBAL:TYPO3_CONF_VARS|SYS|sitename
lib.sitename = TEXT = DB:sys_template:1:sitetitle
works both. I read that you use the colon-syntax for DB usage and the pipe-syntax for Global Variables.
To get this to Fluid use this Code:
<f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.sitename" />
I hope it helps Others who also has this Issue.

TYPO3/Typoscript : trim value failed

This is my typoscript code :
lib.test.renderObj = COA
lib.test.renderObj.10 = TEXT
lib.test.renderObj.10.stdWrap.field = header = lower
lib.test.renderObj.10.stdWrap.trim = 1
lib.test.renderObj.10.stdWrap.wrap = <div class="element">|</div>
The header field is well received, letters have been lowercased and the field is well wrapped by a element. The only problem is that i can't make the TRIM properties effective. I also tried to use the search/replace properties -> no success.
Any clue ? :)
You can search and replace since 4.6. The documentation you can find here:
lib.test.renderObj.10.stdWrap.replacement {
10 {
search = # #
replace =
useRegExp = 1
Don't know if the replace is really working, can't test it.

Copy range with conditional formatting

I have a range with Conditional Formatting in an existing Excel file. I used EPPlus to copy that range to a new sheet, then I found the conditional formatting was missing.
Is there any way to copy range with conditional formatting using EPPlus?
I found a solution for this. I did not test it on all formattingRuleTypes. (Only needed 2 of them for the moment)
In my application i have 1 template row for each sheet.
var formatList = fromSheet.ConditionalFormatting.ToList();
foreach (var cf in formatList)
// sourceRow is the row containing the formatting
if (cf.Address.Start.Row == sourceRow )
IExcelConditionalFormattingRule rule = null;
switch (cf.Type)
case OfficeOpenXml.ConditionalFormatting.eExcelConditionalFormattingRuleType.GreaterThan:
rule = dest.ConditionalFormatting.AddGreaterThan();
case OfficeOpenXml.ConditionalFormatting.eExcelConditionalFormattingRuleType.GreaterThanOrEqual:
rule = dest.ConditionalFormatting.AddGreaterThanOrEqual();
case OfficeOpenXml.ConditionalFormatting.eExcelConditionalFormattingRuleType.LessThan:
rule = dest.ConditionalFormatting.AddLessThan();
case OfficeOpenXml.ConditionalFormatting.eExcelConditionalFormattingRuleType.LessThanOrEqual:
rule = dest.ConditionalFormatting.AddLessThanOrEqual();
rule.Style.Fill = cf.Style.Fill;
rule.Style.Border = cf.Style.Border;
rule.Style.Font = cf.Style.Font;
rule.Style.NumberFormat = cf.Style.NumberFormat;
// I have no clue why the Formula property is not included in the IExcelConditionalFormattingRule interface. So I needed to cast this.
((ExcelConditionalFormattingRule)rule).Formula = ((ExcelConditionalFormattingRule)cf).Formula;
((ExcelConditionalFormattingRule)rule).Formula2 = ((ExcelConditionalFormattingRule)cf).Formula2;
// Calculate the new address for the formatting. This will be different in your case
var adr = new ExcelAddress( dest.Start.Row , cf.Address.Start.Column -1 , dest.Start.Row, cf.Address.Start.Column -1 + cf.Address.Columns -1 );
rule.Address = adr;
I have no clue why the Formula property is not included in the IExcelConditionalFormattingRule interface. So I needed to cast this.
To add to the answer of Luc Wuyts (I can't comment yet due to limited reputation):
// I have no clue why the Formula property is not included in the IExcelConditionalFormattingRule interface. So I needed to cast this.
((ExcelConditionalFormattingRule)rule).Formula = ((ExcelConditionalFormattingRule)cf).Formula;
((ExcelConditionalFormattingRule)rule).Formula2 = ((ExcelConditionalFormattingRule)cf).Formula2;
Some conditional formatting do not have the Formula-options. This cast will work, but applying the Formula properties to conditional formatting options which do not require it will have unforeseen results. Eg. the ConditionalFormatting.AddContainsBlanks() does not require Formula properties, and adding them might mess up the conditional formatting. A better approach is to check the type, and add the formula's only when required.
I had a similar problem, the only way I found to inspect, change or delete a conditional format of a cell or range is looking at the openxml specs. The conditional format is stored in the worksheet, with the range under the attribute sqref. So you can edit that range or add a new.
For example:
DIM p As New ExcelPackage(New FileInfo(ExlReportPath), True)
Dim ws As ExcelWorksheet = p.Workbook.Worksheets(ExlSheetName)
'--Find Node "worksheet" (1 in my case) , Find all Child Nodes "conditionalFormatting" (5 to 11 in my test)
'--You get: conditionalFormatting
'--Now you can inspect the range:
'--Will give you the cell address that this formatting applies to example: "D11:D15"
'--you can change delete or add new range if you want, below I add F11:F15
ws.WorksheetXml.ChildNodes(1).ChildNodes(5).Attributes("sqref").Value="D11:D15 F11:F15"
'--You can inspect the rule itself in the InnerXml also...
If you need more details of the markup, google Wouter van Vugt, "Open XML The markup explained". I found it useful and the full document was online (free).
If you find an easier way please post it.