Modifications to data members do not persist after function ends - class

I've got a simple hierarchy which consists of an Agent that has a ConversationManager con_manager* data member that handles an arbitrary amount of Conversations in a std::vector<Conversation> conversations which themselves contain 1-5 Messages in a std::Vector<Message> messages .
If I start a Conversation via
ConversationManager::startConversation(Message &message) {
Conversation conversation = Conversation(message);
The message is saved properly.
But after adding messages via
int ConversationManager::addMessage(Message &message){
if(conversations.size() > 0){
Conversation conversation = conversations.back();
return 0;
return -1;
int Conversation::addMessage(Message &message){
subsequent messages besides the first one are not saved. Printing the size and content of messages in Conversation::addMessage(Message &message)shows that my message is saved within that function, but seems to get lost when the scope of the function ends. To my understanding, an explanation would be that the conversation objects used in ConversationManager::addMessage(Message &message) is merely a copy and thus modifications are not saved. But std::Vector::back() returns a reference, so this should be impossible.
I tried only having a single Conversation object without the ConversationManager and then messages are permanently saved. I have a feeling that the Problem lies in my misunderstanding of reference usage. I don't think more code is needed for understanding, but I can provide it if someone thinks it's needed. Any help as to why this occurs would be appreciated, I think I'm making a fundamental mistake here but can't get out of the "This shouldn't be happening"-mindset.

Conversation conversation = conversations.back();
creates a copy.
Conversation& conversation = conversations.back();
to use a reference.

This is the problem:
if(conversations.size() > 0){
Conversation conversation = conversations.back();
return 0;
The second line in the snippet above makes a copy of a conversation, then adds a message to the copy. Then the recently-modified copy “disappears” when it goes out of scope at the end of the block.
You can create a reference to a conversation, then modify the existing conversation, like this:
if(conversations.size() > 0){
Conversation& conversation = conversations.back(); // note reference
return 0;


Interpreting server response for events correclty

I would like to store values of event properties received from the server in a database. My problems are that in the event consumer:
I cant figure out which eventtype my client received.
I dont know how to map variant indexes to properties without knowing the EventType.
Events come with the property "EventType", which would solve my first problem. But since I am receiving many different event types, I do not know in which variant index it is located. Should I always relocate "EventType" at index 0 in the select clause whenever creating a new EventFilter?
For the second problem, item.getMonitoringFilter().decode(client.getSerializationContext())) offers a view on the property structure but I am not sure how to use it for mapping of variants to properties. Does anybody know how to solve those problems?
Here is the event consumer code that I use. It is taken from milo client examples.
for (UaMonitoredItem monitoredItem: mItems){
monitoredItem.setEventConsumer((item, vs) -> {
"Event Received from: {}", item.getReadValueId().getNodeId());
"getMonitoredItemId: {}", item.getMonitoredItemId());
"getMonitoringFilter: {}", item.getMonitoringFilter().decode(client.getSerializationContext()));
for (int i = 0; i < vs.length; i++) {"variant[{}]:, datatype={}, value={}", i, vs[i].getDataType(), vs[i].getValue());
Thank you in advance.
Seems I have figured it out, by typcasting to EventFilter. Further information such as qName for event properties or event type node IDs can then be derived:
ExtensionObject eObject = item.getMonitoringFilter();
EventFilter eFilter = ((EventFilter) eObject.decode(client.getSerializationContext()));
QualifiedName qName = eFilter.getSelectClauses()[0].getBrowsePath()[0];
LiteralOperand literalOperand = (LiteralOperand) eFilter.getWhereClause().getElements()[0]
NodeId eventTypeNodeId = (NodeId) literalOperand.getValue().getValue();
Didn't you supply the filter in the first place when you created the MonitoredItem? Why do you need to "reverse engineer" the filter result to get back to what you did in the first place?
The properties you receive in the event data and the order they come in are defined by the select clause you used when creating the MonitoredItem. If you choose to select the EventId field then it will always be at the same corresponding index.

Assign session specific data to a socket

I'm writing a server application in D, who should be able to manage n connections simultaneously.
To achieve this i am using This works fine. But I can't bind session specific data to the socket and i don't see any way to do this, cause Socket does not allow to save a handle to user specific data. After, null, null);
I'm able to get all affected sockets, but I can't assign this sockets to my user specific session data. What's my mistake? Is it possible to reach my goal in this way? Or should I choose another way for my requirements?
My relevant code:
ushort port = 5010;
stoprequest = false;
auto listener = new TcpSocket();
listener.blocking = false;
listener.bind(new InternetAddress(port));
auto socketSet = new SocketSet(MAX_CONNECTIONS + 1);
Socket[] reads;
Session[] sessions;
while (true)
foreach (session; sessions)
socketSet.add(session.socket);, null, null);
for (size_t i = 0; i < reads.length; i++)
if (socketSet.isSet(reads[i]))
// Now i should acces to session related data, but how?
char[1024] buf;
auto datLength = reads[i].receive(buf[]);
if (datLength == Socket.ERROR)
writeln("Connection error.");
else if (datLength != 0)
writefln("Received %d bytes from %s: \"%s\"", datLength, reads[i].remoteAddress().toString(), buf[0..datLength]);
else { // Error Handling. Shortened, since unimportant for the example}
reads = reads.remove(i);
if (socketSet.isSet(listener))
Socket sn = null;
sn = listener.accept();
if (reads.length < MAX_CONNECTIONS)
Session session = new Session();
session.socket = sn;
sessions ~= session;
else { // Error Handling for too many connection. Shortened, since unimportant for the example}}
The hint to use poll() was helpful. After reading I think that both variants work and neither of them are the real thing. For an efficient way, I should better deal with libev. Fortunately, efficiency is not my problem in this particular project. For this reason I will use select(), because i found out, that accessing handle gives me a unique number which can be passed to a own lookup table. This allows me to assign session data to a socket. So I prefer to stick with the encapsulated functionality of std.socket.Socket and don't work around it.
My concrete question can therefore be answered with :
Use Socket.handle to identify the socket and manage session related
A few other alternatives you can consider:
1) use a subclass of Socket. You can make your own class that inherits from it and adds more stuff.
2) The poll function is found in import core.sys.posix.poll;, and you can pass socket.handle to that as well. But note it will not work on Windows without modification.
or indeed 3) do your own lookup table, that works too.
Note that the std.socket.Socket is a very thin wrapper around the bsd socket api, just internally it does conveniently handle the slight differences between Windows and posix. Still it is pretty easy to adapt code to use the other apis with it (or tutorials on C language stuff to D) since it is all basically the same thing - and literally the same functions if you import core.sys stuff.

RXJS : Idiomatic way to create an observable stream from a paged interface

I have paged interface. Given a starting point a request will produce a list of results and a continuation indicator.
I've created an observable that is built by constructing and flat mapping an observable that reads the page. The result of this observable contains both the data for the page and a value to continue with. I pluck the data and flat map it to the subscriber. Producing a stream of values.
To handle the paging I've created a subject for the next page values. It's seeded with an initial value then each time I receive a response with a valid next page I push to the pages subject and trigger another read until such time as there is no more to read.
Is there a more idiomatic way of doing this?
function records(start = 'LATEST', limit = 1000) {
let pages = new rx.Subject();
.subscribe(page => pages.onNext(page));
let records = pages
.flatMap(page => {
return, limit)
.doOnNext(result => {
let next =;
if (next === undefined) {
} else {
.flatMap(data => data);
return records;
That's a reasonable way to do it. It has a couple of potential flaws in it (that may or may not impact you depending upon your use case):
You provide no way to observe any errors that occur in this.connect(start)
Your observable is effectively hot. If the caller does not immediately subscribe to the observable (perhaps they store it and subscribe later), then they'll miss the completion of this.connect(start) and the observable will appear to never produce anything.
You provide no way to unsubscribe from the initial connect call if the caller changes its mind and unsubscribes early. Not a real big deal, but usually when one constructs an observable, one should try to chain the disposables together so it call cleans up properly if the caller unsubscribes.
Here's a modified version:
It passes errors from this.connect to the observer.
It uses Observable.create to create a cold observable that only starts is business when the caller actually subscribes so there is no chance of missing the initial page value and stalling the stream.
It combines the this.connect subscription disposable with the overall subscription disposable
function records(start = 'LATEST', limit = 1000) {
return Rx.Observable.create(observer => {
let pages = new Rx.Subject();
let connectSub = new Rx.SingleAssignmentDisposable();
let resultsSub = new Rx.SingleAssignmentDisposable();
let sub = new Rx.CompositeDisposable(connectSub, resultsSub);
// Make sure we subscribe to pages before we issue this.connect()
// just in case this.connect() finishes synchronously (possible if it caches values or something?)
let results = pages
.flatMap(page =>, limit))
.doOnNext(r => !== undefined ? pages.onNext( : pages.onCompleted())
.flatMap(r =>;
// now query the first page
.subscribe(p => pages.onNext(p), e => observer.onError(e)));
return sub;
Note: I've not used the ES6 syntax before, so hopefully I didn't mess anything up here.

MVVM Light messaging akward issue

I ran into bizzare problem. I register receiving a message as follows:
Messenger.Default.Register<CreatedPatientMessage>(this, x =>
CurrentViewModel = targetLeftViewModel;
and send a message like below
Messenger.Default.Send<CreatedPatientMessage>(new CreatedPatientMessage());
Unfortunately it never reaches that message. I made sure it is registered before message is sent. What weird is, that if I remove below line
CurrentViewModel = targetLeftViewModel;
and paste something like
var name = "";
and set breakpoint on it, it stops there, otherwise it does not.
It took a while but I came up with solution. I registered receiving message in constructor as follows:
public Patient(BaseViewModel targetLeftViewModel, BaseViewModel targetRightViewModel)
this.TargetRightViewModel = targetRightViewModel;
Messenger.Default.Register<CreatedPatientMessage>(this, x =>
CurrentViewModel = TargetRightViewModel;
Above definition works but when you change body responsible for receiving message to this:
CurrentViewModel = targetRightViewModel
It will not. It turns out, that parameter sending to constructor is then removed from memory and when a need to use it occurs it cannot be retrieved and I guess that is why it never reached that. When I saved it in property (TargetRightViewModel), in order to save its value, it works as expected.

Email Fails to send with sms details

The following code listens for an incoming sms, takes all the spaces out of the sms then emails the edited sms. Everything works fine, except that the app fails to send an email. Can anyone see what I am doing wrong and help me?
new Thread() {
public void run() {
try {
DatagramConnection _dc =
for(;;) { //'For-Loop' used to listen continously for incoming sms's
Datagram d = _dc.newDatagram(_dc.getMaximumLength());
_dc.receive(d); //The sms is received
byte[] bytes = d.getData();
String address = d.getAddress(); //The address of the sms is put on a string.
String msg = new String(bytes); //The body of the sms is put on a string.
String msg2 = (replaceAll(msg, " ","")) ; //
Store store = Session.getDefaultInstance().getStore();
Folder[] folders = store.list(Folder.SENT);
Folder sentfolder = folders[0]; //Retrieve the sent folder
Message in = new Message(sentfolder);
Address recipients[] = new Address[1];
recipients[0]= new Address("", "user");
in.addRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, recipients);
in.setSubject("Incoming SMS"); //The subject of the message is added
in.setContent("You have just received an SMS from: " + address + "/n" + "Message: " + msg2); //Here the body of the message is formed
in.setPriority(Message.Priority.HIGH); //The priority of the message is set.
Transport.send(in); //The message is sent
in.setFlag(Message.Flag.OPENED, true);
Folder folder = in.getFolder(); //The message is deleted from the sent folder
}catch (Exception me) { //All Exceptions are caught
public static String replaceAll(String front, String pattern, String back) {
if (front == null)
return "";
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); //A StringBufffer is created
int idx = -1;
int patIdx = 0;
while ((idx = front.indexOf(pattern, patIdx)) != -1) {
sb.append(front.substring(patIdx, idx));
patIdx = idx + pattern.length();
return sb.toString();
This isn't really an answer to the problem, just an elaboration on my comment above, that might help.
Make sure do something in your exception catch block, so that problems in the code don't go unnoticed. It's possible that your code is not encountering any exceptions, but in order for us to help, we need to try to eliminate potential problems, and since you say the code isn't working, but you have an empty exception handler, that's an easy area to fix first.
the simplest handler is just:
try {
// try sending sms here
} catch (Exception e) {
If you can run this in the debugger (which I highly suggest), then you can now put a breakpoint on the e.printStackTrace() line, and see if it ever gets hit. If it does, inspect the value of e and tell us what it is.
Normally, in my programs, I don't actually use e.printStackTrace() in catch handlers, but I have a logging class that takes strings, and maybe a log level (e.g. info, warning, error, verbose), and writes to a log file. The log file can be attached to emails the users send to tech support, or can be disabled for production if you only want to use the feature while developing.
Anyway, start with a simple printStackTrace() and see if it ever gets hit. Then, report back.
Edit: from the symptoms you describe in the comments after your question, it seems like it's a possibility that
String msg2 = (replaceAll(msg, " ","")) ; //
is throwing an exception, and therefore never letting you get to where you'd send the email. I can't see anything wrong with your implementation of replaceAll() upon initial inspection, but that might be a place to look. Has that implementation been thoroughly unit-tested?
Also, I think you have a "/n" in your code where you probably want a "\n", right?