Interpreting server response for events correclty - opc-ua

I would like to store values of event properties received from the server in a database. My problems are that in the event consumer:
I cant figure out which eventtype my client received.
I dont know how to map variant indexes to properties without knowing the EventType.
Events come with the property "EventType", which would solve my first problem. But since I am receiving many different event types, I do not know in which variant index it is located. Should I always relocate "EventType" at index 0 in the select clause whenever creating a new EventFilter?
For the second problem, item.getMonitoringFilter().decode(client.getSerializationContext())) offers a view on the property structure but I am not sure how to use it for mapping of variants to properties. Does anybody know how to solve those problems?
Here is the event consumer code that I use. It is taken from milo client examples.
for (UaMonitoredItem monitoredItem: mItems){
monitoredItem.setEventConsumer((item, vs) -> {
"Event Received from: {}", item.getReadValueId().getNodeId());
"getMonitoredItemId: {}", item.getMonitoredItemId());
"getMonitoringFilter: {}", item.getMonitoringFilter().decode(client.getSerializationContext()));
for (int i = 0; i < vs.length; i++) {"variant[{}]:, datatype={}, value={}", i, vs[i].getDataType(), vs[i].getValue());
Thank you in advance.
Seems I have figured it out, by typcasting to EventFilter. Further information such as qName for event properties or event type node IDs can then be derived:
ExtensionObject eObject = item.getMonitoringFilter();
EventFilter eFilter = ((EventFilter) eObject.decode(client.getSerializationContext()));
QualifiedName qName = eFilter.getSelectClauses()[0].getBrowsePath()[0];
LiteralOperand literalOperand = (LiteralOperand) eFilter.getWhereClause().getElements()[0]
NodeId eventTypeNodeId = (NodeId) literalOperand.getValue().getValue();

Didn't you supply the filter in the first place when you created the MonitoredItem? Why do you need to "reverse engineer" the filter result to get back to what you did in the first place?
The properties you receive in the event data and the order they come in are defined by the select clause you used when creating the MonitoredItem. If you choose to select the EventId field then it will always be at the same corresponding index.


KStream-KStream leftJoin not consistently emitting after window expiry

We have a service where people can order a battery with their solar panels. As part of provisioning we try to fetch some details about the battery product, however it sometimes fails to get any data but we still want to send through the order to our CRM system.
To achieve this we are using the latest version of Kafka Streams leftJoin:
We receive an event on the order-received topic.
We filter out orders that do not contain a battery product.
We then wait up to 30mins for an event to come through on the order-battery-details topic.
If we dont receive that event, we want to send a new event to the battery-order topic with the data we do have.
This seems to be working fine when we receive both events, however it is inconsistent when we only receive the first event. Sometimes the order will come through immediately after the 30 min window, sometimes it takes several hours.
My question is, if the window has expired (ie. we failed to receive the right side of the join), what determines when the event will be sent? And what could be causing the long delay?
Here's a high level example of our service:
class BatteryOrderProducer {
fun buildPipeline(streamsBuilder: StreamsBuilder) {
// listen for new orders and filter out everything except orders with a battery
val orderReceivedReceivedStream =
Consumed.with(Serdes.String(), JsonSerde<OrderReceivedEvent>())
).filter { _, order ->
// check if the order contains a battery product
}.peek { key, order ->"Received order with a battery product: $key", order)
// listen for battery details events
val batteryDetailsStream = streamsBuilder
Consumed.with(Serdes.String(), JsonSerde<BatteryDetailsEvent>())
).peek { key, order ->"Received battery details: $key", order)
val valueJoiner: ValueJoiner<OrderReceivedEvent, BatteryDetailsEvent, BatteryOrder> =
ValueJoiner { orderReceived: OrderReceivedEvent, BatteryDetails: BatteryDetailsEvent? ->
// new BatteryOrder
if (BatteryDetails != null) {
// add battery details to the order if we get them
// return the BatteryOrder
// we always want to send through the battery order, even if we don't get the 2nd event.
).peek { key, value ->"Merged BatteryOrder", value)
The leftJoin will not trigger as long as there are no new recods. So if I have an order-received record with key A at time t, and then there is no new record (on either side of the join) for the next 5 hours, then there will be no output for the join for these 5 hours, because the leftJoin will not be triggered. In particular, leftJoin needs to receive a record that has a timestamp > t + 30m, for a null result to be sent.
I think to satisfy your requirements, you need to work with the more low-level Processor API:
In a Processor, you can define a Punctuator that runs regularly and checks if an order has been waiting for more than half an hour for details, and sends off the null record accordingly.

Modifications to data members do not persist after function ends

I've got a simple hierarchy which consists of an Agent that has a ConversationManager con_manager* data member that handles an arbitrary amount of Conversations in a std::vector<Conversation> conversations which themselves contain 1-5 Messages in a std::Vector<Message> messages .
If I start a Conversation via
ConversationManager::startConversation(Message &message) {
Conversation conversation = Conversation(message);
The message is saved properly.
But after adding messages via
int ConversationManager::addMessage(Message &message){
if(conversations.size() > 0){
Conversation conversation = conversations.back();
return 0;
return -1;
int Conversation::addMessage(Message &message){
subsequent messages besides the first one are not saved. Printing the size and content of messages in Conversation::addMessage(Message &message)shows that my message is saved within that function, but seems to get lost when the scope of the function ends. To my understanding, an explanation would be that the conversation objects used in ConversationManager::addMessage(Message &message) is merely a copy and thus modifications are not saved. But std::Vector::back() returns a reference, so this should be impossible.
I tried only having a single Conversation object without the ConversationManager and then messages are permanently saved. I have a feeling that the Problem lies in my misunderstanding of reference usage. I don't think more code is needed for understanding, but I can provide it if someone thinks it's needed. Any help as to why this occurs would be appreciated, I think I'm making a fundamental mistake here but can't get out of the "This shouldn't be happening"-mindset.
Conversation conversation = conversations.back();
creates a copy.
Conversation& conversation = conversations.back();
to use a reference.
This is the problem:
if(conversations.size() > 0){
Conversation conversation = conversations.back();
return 0;
The second line in the snippet above makes a copy of a conversation, then adds a message to the copy. Then the recently-modified copy “disappears” when it goes out of scope at the end of the block.
You can create a reference to a conversation, then modify the existing conversation, like this:
if(conversations.size() > 0){
Conversation& conversation = conversations.back(); // note reference
return 0;

How do I collect from a flux without closing the stream

My usecase is to create an reactive endpoint like this :
public Flux<ServerEvent> getEventFlux(Long forId){
ServicePoller poller = new ServicePollerImpl();
Map<String,Object> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("id", forId);
Flux<Long> interval = Flux.interval(Duration.ofMillis(pollDuration));
Flux<ServerEvent> serverEventFlux =
poller.getEventStream(url, params) //poll a given endpoint after a fixed duration.
Flux<ServerEvent> sourceFlux=, serverEventFlux)
.map(Tuple2::getT2); // Zip the two streams.
/* Here I want to store data from sourceFlux into a collection whenever some data arrives without disturbing the downstream processing in Spring. So that I can access collection later on without polling again */
This sends back the data to front end as soon as it is available , however my second use case is to pool that data as it arrives into a separate collection , so that if a similar request arrives later on , I can offload the whole data from the pool without hitting the service again .
I tried to subscribe the flux , buffer , cache and collect the flux before returning from the original flux the controller , but all of that seems to close the stream hence Spring cant process it.
What are my options to tap into the flux and store values into a collection as and when they arrive without closing the flux stream ?
Exception encountered :
java.lang.IllegalStateException: stream has already been operated upon
or closed at
~[na:1.8.0_171] at
~[na:1.8.0_171] at
~[reactor-core-3.1.7.RELEASE.jar:3.1.7.RELEASE] at
~[reactor-core-3.1.7.RELEASE.jar:3.1.7.RELEASE] at
~[reactor-core-3.1.7.RELEASE.jar:3.1.7.RELEASE] at
poller.getEventStream returns a Java 8 stream that can be consumed only once. You can either convert the stream to a collection first or defer the execution of poller.getEventStream by using a supplier:
() -> poller.getEventStream(url, params)
Solution that worked for me as suggested by #a better oliver
public Flux<ServerEvent> getEventFlux(Long forId){
ServicePoller poller = new ServicePollerImpl();
Map<String,Object> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("id", forId);
Flux<Long> interval = Flux.interval(Duration.ofMillis(pollDuration));
Flux<ServerEvent> serverEventFlux =
return poller.getEventStream(url, params).peek((se)->{reactSink.addtoSink(forId, se);});
Flux<ServerEvent> sourceFlux=, serverEventFlux)
return sourceFlux;

RxJava2 Single take different route based on the item

I have the following code:
Single<Response<User>> single = service.registerUser();
Where the parentsRepository is a repo wraping my realm database. The problems come when the server returns validation errors, however. So somewhere in my stream i want to have the equivalent of
if(response.code() == 201){
}elseif(response.code() == 400){
A solution I have previously implemented is as follows:
Observable<Response<User>> observable_from_api =
service.attemptLogin(username, password)
.filter(response -> response.code() == HttpStatus.HTTP_STATUS_200_OK)
.//handle logic for success
.filter(response -> response.code() == HttpStatus.HTTP_STATUS_400_BAD_REQUEST)
.//handle logic for validation errors
I don't like this solution for several different reasons. The main one being it just does not seem right. The second one being that the .share() method is only available on an Observable object. Since my network operation emits only one responce I would much rather use Single instead, but the .share() method is not available there.
Excuse me if this is a duplicate question, I have done some digging around and only found the solution I mentioned. I want to either see the optimal solution or be told explicitly that this is in fact the optimal solution.
I think you need to define which kind of data you want your consumer to receive. I assume you want to receive in the consumer a User object.
These are the signatures of the method that you should create:
Single<User> handleSuccess(Response<User> response)
Single<User> handleError(Response<User> response)
And then you create you stream in this way:
.flatMap(response -> {
if (response.success) {
return handleSuccess(response);
} else {
return handleError(response);
.subscribe(user -> logd("user: " +;

RxJS combineLatest: how to get emit after just one value changes?

I'm trying to learn the RxJS library. One of the cases I don't quite understand is described in this jsfiddle (code also below).
var A= new Rx.Subject();
var B= new Rx.Subject();
// '.combineLatest' needs all the dependency Observables to get emitted, before its combined signal is emitted.
// How to have a combined signal emitted when any of the dependencies change (using earlier given values for the rest)?
A.combineLatest( B, function (a,b) { return a+b; } )
.subscribe( function (v) { console.log( "AB: "+ v ); } );
I'd like to get two emits to the "AB" logging. One from changing B to "a" (A already has the value 0). Another from changing A to 1.
However, only changes that occur after a subscribe seem to matter (even though A has a value and thus the combined result could be computed).
Should I use "hot observables" for this, or some other method than .combineLatest?
My problem in the actual code (bigger than this sample) is that I need to make separate initialisations after the subscribes, which cuts stuff in two separate places instead of having the initial values clearly up front.
I think you have misunderstood how the Subjects work. Subjects are hot Observables. They do not hold on to values, so if they receive an onNext with no subscribers than that value will be lost to the world.
What you are looking for is a either the BehaviorSubject or the ReplaySubject both of which hold onto past values that re-emit them to new subscribers. In the former case you always construct it with an initial value
//All subscribers will receive 0
var subject = new Rx.BehaviorSubject(0);
//All subscribers will receive 1
//Including all future subscribers
in the latter you set the number of values to be replayed for each subscription
var subject = new Rx.ReplaySubject(1);
//All new subscribers will receive 0 until the subject receives its
//next onNext call
Rewriting your example it could be:
var A= new Rx.BehaviorSubject(0);
var B= new Rx.Subject();
// '.combineLatest' needs all the dependency Observables to get emitted, before its combined signal is emitted.
// How to have a combined signal emitted when any of the dependencies change (using earlier given values for the rest)?
A.combineLatest( B, function (a,b) { return a+b; } )
.subscribe( function (v) { console.log( "AB: "+ v ); } );
//AB: 0a
//AB: 1a
On another note, realizing of course that this is all new to you, in most cases you should not need to use a Subject directly as it generally means that you are trying to wrangle Rx into the safety of your known paradigms. You should ask yourself, where is your data coming from? How is it being created? If you ask those questions enough, following your chain of events back up to the source, 9 out of 10 times you will find that there is probably an Observable wrapper for it.