I have a plunker project that I am working on that is currently called "Untitled". How do I change that?
I have updated the title tag in the head of the index file, but that didn't do anything.
Just try to save the project and add a title and tags, then you will be able to modify it again in the left side menu (Project Settings).
When we create a project in Android Studio there will be many files and folders that not necessary to deal with them while coding.I want to hide it from the project panel and look clean.
How can I hide selected folders and files from the project panel and show them only when I need it?
I want to hide selected folders below, and get them back when needed:
What you can do is to mark the directory as Excluded:
and then disable the option to show them:
or... you can play around with scopes in IntelliJ and select that instead of "Project".
Go to File -> Settings. Then under Editor section, select File Types.
There's a section at the bottom to enter ignored files and folders. This may help you.
I want to customize the insert/edit image popup in tinymce editor in Moodle.
The requirement is shown below as image:
That is I want to add a new tab next to Advanced tab, and want to add some message/text/fields etc. You can get my requirement from the above image.
My problem is I don't know which file is to edit. I tried some files but no effect/change is displayed.
My folder structure is:
plugins contains moodleimage and other folders
tiny_mce contains 3.5.11\plugins\advimage and more folders
I tried here also..but no luck..
So please someone help me to find the files to make the changes.
My Moodle version is: 2.9
Go into:
and go to the line 46 (or around it):
<li id="advanced_tab" aria-controls="advanced_panel"><span>{#advimage_dlg.tab_advanced}</span></li>
Just copy and paste it in the line below.
If you open your tinymce editor you will see that the "Advanced" tab is doubled.
Go and customize it;-)
I use a maven standard directory layout for my projects.
The image Below is a typical project explorer view of a "not so minimum working example" of the view I want to customize.
As you can see, all the relevant folders are marked as source folders, so there is no need to show the src folder hierarchy as it is shown below the included libraries.
So the question is, how can I get rid of the redundant src folder showing, i.e. how to show only source folders and libraries?
I've playing around with filters and content configuration of the view but couldn't find the way to do it.
Click to the third right top button, then "Filters" and then check "Name filter patterns" and write "src". Then the second src folder is hidden.
This is actually not added twice it is because of the explorer view you are using, just change it to navigator view and your problem will get solved.
Check this post might help you more, it is not related to you answer but show how to select navigator view
Hope this will help you :).
The description in Andreas B.'s answer refers to the Package Explorer view. In Project Explorer view it's:
View Menu → Filters and Customization... → User filters → New → src → activate/check it → OK
In the Eclipse Project Explorer, I wish to add either a special icon or modify the name of a project to display whether a certain project parameter is set for a project. Is this possible, if yes how can I do it? I do not want to change the name of the project because that will mess up other items.
This can only be done by creating an Eclipse plugin. I believe following may fit the bill:
Label decorators (Decorators extension point)
Project natures/nature images (Nature images extension point)
Is there a way in eclipse to stop markers from showing in the Markers view for files in a certain folder? I.e. I imported a Javascript library that I didn't write myself but it is going to be part of my project and I don't want to have to look at all the "TODO" and "FIXME" markers in those files and would just want to see my markers only... Is there a way to exclude certain folders or files form being scanned by the markers process?
Apparently, I was able to resolve this by adding the folders I wanted to exclude to the exclusion list under Project->Properties->Validation. (Click settings beside each validation, Add Exclude Group button, Add Rule button, select folder option, browse for relative folder)
You can configure the content of the Markers view (the one displaying errors and warning in source code) and the content of the Tasks view (the one displaying "TODO" and "FIXME") by clicking on the "small down arrow" in the top right of the view (near the minimize and maximize buttons) and then clicking on Configure Contents ... entry.
Hope this can help,
By selecting Configure Contents like Manu said, there is also the option to list the tasks for a specific working set, using the Scope area at the right.
That worked for me, and I'm not annoyed anymore by all Zend Framework #todo.
Hope this helped, Stéphane
I'm doing a node app and wanted to exclude my node modules folder. I found the only way to do this is to create a working set that excludes that directory and set the Task -> configure contents to that working set.
How to exclude a folder that is producing warnings/errors in an Eclipse project?