Hide unnecessary folders and files from project panel, in Android Studio - flutter

When we create a project in Android Studio there will be many files and folders that not necessary to deal with them while coding.I want to hide it from the project panel and look clean.
How can I hide selected folders and files from the project panel and show them only when I need it?
I want to hide selected folders below, and get them back when needed:

What you can do is to mark the directory as Excluded:
and then disable the option to show them:
or... you can play around with scopes in IntelliJ and select that instead of "Project".

Go to File -> Settings. Then under Editor section, select File Types.
There's a section at the bottom to enter ignored files and folders. This may help you.


any idea why the visual studio code project directory ui displays differently for this scenario?

I'm working on a React project in Visual Studio Code. For some reason, the subdirectory structure that I just added displays subdirs via slashes () instead of rendering the subdirs in a treeview:
Any idea why VS Code would do this? Other subdir structures in the project display as normal treeviews as expected
Probably because those folders are empty and contain empty folders also
Try adding files to them it won't display that way anymore
NB: There's no big deal with that display
Now if you want it to display normally:
Select Preferences,then Settings. Then Search for "compact folders" and uncheck the checkbox

Is there any way that node_modules folder do not expand unecessarily when cmd+click on code in vscode?

When i do cmd+click on something in the code the node_modules folder gets expanded and in order to close it need to go all the way back to the top of that folder which is very annoying.Is there an way to avoid this?
What I usually do is hiding the node_modules from my sidebar..
Go to: File > Preferences > Settings
Search for files:exclude
And fill up the Exclude pattern with node_modules/ and hit OK
This way, I don't need to turn off the auto reveal functionality
In settings, look for Explorer: Auto Reveal
Controls whether the explorer should automatically reveal and select files when opening them.
You currently have it set true, which is the default value. Change the value to false.
Bring up settings with Control-, (comma) and then type reveal ex into the filter.
To scroll to the file that you are editing in the list of files, right-click on the file's tab, then select Reveal in side bar.
I wrote up more information on my blog.
There is a way in vscode v1.74 to exclude specific files and folders from auto-revealing. The new setting is
Explorer: Auto Reveal Exclude
from Auto Reveal Exclude: Release Notes
Allow customization of Explorer autoreveal logic via explorer.autoRevealExclude
The highly upvoted issue Allow to set explorer.autoReveal per
specific folder has been closed with the introduction of a new setting
explorer.autoRevealExclude. This allows for configuring which files
get autorevealed in the explorer if the autorevealing is enabled. The
setting follows the same pattern as files.exclude by also supporting
sibling matching via when clauses.
In fact, node_modules is excluded by default.

How to remove target folders from IDEA?

I am using IntelliJ IDEA for scala development, and I find it really annoying that whenever I try and search in the project it returns results from compiled files like things in my target folder or compiled twirl templates etc.
Is there a way to remove this from my search index?
Should they even be visible at all in my "Project" pane?
Right-click the directory in the project tool window and select Mark Directory as -> Excluded, then the find in path action will not show any results from it.
Then, you can deselect the "Show excluded files" option of the project tool window to completely hide the directory.

How to exclude files/folder from Markers view in eclipse?

Is there a way in eclipse to stop markers from showing in the Markers view for files in a certain folder? I.e. I imported a Javascript library that I didn't write myself but it is going to be part of my project and I don't want to have to look at all the "TODO" and "FIXME" markers in those files and would just want to see my markers only... Is there a way to exclude certain folders or files form being scanned by the markers process?
Apparently, I was able to resolve this by adding the folders I wanted to exclude to the exclusion list under Project->Properties->Validation. (Click settings beside each validation, Add Exclude Group button, Add Rule button, select folder option, browse for relative folder)
You can configure the content of the Markers view (the one displaying errors and warning in source code) and the content of the Tasks view (the one displaying "TODO" and "FIXME") by clicking on the "small down arrow" in the top right of the view (near the minimize and maximize buttons) and then clicking on Configure Contents ... entry.
Hope this can help,
By selecting Configure Contents like Manu said, there is also the option to list the tasks for a specific working set, using the Scope area at the right.
That worked for me, and I'm not annoyed anymore by all Zend Framework #todo.
Hope this helped, Stéphane
I'm doing a node app and wanted to exclude my node modules folder. I found the only way to do this is to create a working set that excludes that directory and set the Task -> configure contents to that working set.
How to exclude a folder that is producing warnings/errors in an Eclipse project?

Filter Empty Directories in Package Explorer View

Is there a way in eclipse to filter/hide empty directory trees in the package explorer view?
This is different than filtering directories like '.svn' or maven's target, or filtering empty packages. It's more trying to clean up empty directories trees that show up as a result of filter rules.
Context- We have a generic project in our workspace that uses filters to ignore non text based files(mp3s, jpgs, etc). It allows us to quickly edit our files in eclipse. The problem is because of the filters there are a lot of empty folders present. If eclipse can ignore any empty folders due to filters it would make the project cleaner.
Update- I filed a bug report in eclipse's buzilla system for those that wish to have this feature:
In Eclipse SDK (I use 3.6.2), to hide empty folders in the "Package Explorer":
At the top-right of the Package Explorer view, there's a downward-pointing triangle. If you hover your mouse pointer over it you'll see "View Menu".
Click the "View Menu"
Selected "Filters"
Put a check next to "Empty Packages"
Click OK
now your empty folders don't show any more.
This doesn't seem to be possible and could make for a good bug report.
As bug 157336 (build output contains unnecessary empty directories) comments:
"foo/bar/" is treated as "foo/bar/**".
So, as I understand it foo/bar/** should exclude the content of the directory and foo/bar should additionally exclude the directory itself.
Meaning you might have to add every empty directory yourself to the Exclude list, which is not practical.
Another solution would be to give Mylyn a try and see if its task context switching could hide any folder you don't need in the current task for you.