User specific containers with kubernetes - kubernetes

I want to have a publicly routable url to a user specific pod (with one container exposing port 80) on kubernetes.
i.e every end user will get a pod when they are active in the system, when they become inactive the pod is killed, when they become active again they get a new pod with a new url.
I am looking for a solution where I can goto -> which would proxy to pod1 running for a user.
I have tried to have create one service per user with one pod running. And I add the rules to nginx ingress manually to route to a user specific service. This seems to work. However, I am not sure if this is a scalable option where I can have 10k+ users which would mean 10k+ services and 10k+ rules in ingress.
Any help is appreciated! Thanks.

It is not viable design to have one pod for each user. for 10000 of users, you are going to need 200 node cluster ( assuming 50 pods per node ). And if your website attracts more users the cluster would grow further.
User specific logic and functions should be better handled in application service itself.


Dynamic deployment of stateful applications in GKE

I'm trying to figure out which tools from GKE stack I should apply to my use case which is a dynamic deployment of stateful application with dynamic HTTP endpoints.
Stateful in my case means that I don't want any replicas and load-balancing (because the app doesn't scale horizontally at all). I understand though that in k8s/gke nomenclature I'm still going to be using a 'load-balancer' even though it'll act as a reverse proxy and not actually balance any load.
The use case is as follows. I have some web app where I can request for a 'new instance' and in return I get a dynamically generated url (e.g. This domain should point to a newly spawned, single instance of a container (Pod) hosting some web application. Again, if I request another 'new instance', I'll get a which will point to another (separate), newly spawned instance of the same app.
So far I figured out following setup. Every time I request a 'new instance' I do the following:
create a new Pod with dynamic name app-${uuid} that exposes HTTP port
create a new Service with NodePort that "exposes" the Pod's HTTP port to the Cluster
create or update (if exists) Ingress by adding a new http rule where I specify that domain X should point at NodePort X
The Ingress mentioned above uses a LoadBalancer as its controller, which is automated process in GKE.
A few issues that I've already encountered which you might be able to help me out with:
While Pod and NodePort are separate resources per each app, Ingress is shared. I am thus not able to just create/delete a resource but I'm also forced to keep track of what has been added to the Ingress to be then able to append/delete from the yaml which is definitely not the way to do that (i.e. editing yamls). Instead I'd probably want to have something like an Ingress to monitor a specific namespace and create rules automatically based on Pod labels. Say I have 3 pods with labels, app-1, app-2 and app-3 and I want Ingress to automatically monitor all Pods in my namespace and create rules based on the labels of these pods (i.e. -> reverse proxy to Pod app-1).
Updating Ingress with a new HTTP rule takes around a minute to allow traffic into the Pod, until then I keep getting 404 even though both Ingress and LoadBalancer look as 'ready'. I can't figure out what I should watch/wait for to get a clear message that the Ingress Controller is ready for accepting traffic for newly spawned app.
What would be the good practice of managing such cluster where you can't strictly define Pods/Services manifests because you are creating them dynamically (with different names, endpoints or rules). You surely don't want to create bunch of yaml-s for every application you spawn to maintain. I would imagine something similar to consul templates in case of Consul but for k8s?
I participated in a similar project and our decision was to use Kubernetes Client Library to spawn instances. The instances were managed by a simple web application, which took some customisation parameters, saved them into its database, then created an instance. Because of the database, there was no problem with keeping track of what have been created so far. By querying the database we were able to tell if such deployment was already created or update/delete any associated resources.
Each instance consisted of:
a deployment (single or multi-replica, depending on the instance);
a ClusterIp service (no reason to reserve machine port with NodePort);
an ingress object for shared ingress controller;
and some shared configMaps.
And we also used external DNS and cert manager, one to manage DNS records and another to issue SSL certificates for the ingress. With this setup it took about 10 minutes to deploy a new instance. The pod and ingress controller were ready in seconds but we had to wait for the certificate and it's readiness depended on whether issuer's DNS got our new record. This problem might be avoided by using a wildcard domain but we had to use many different domains so it wasn't an option in our case.
Other than that you might consider writing a Helm chart and make use of helm list command to find existing instances and manage them. Though, this is a rather 'manual' solution. If you want this functionality to be a part of your application - better use a client library for Kubernetes.

What happens to traffic to a temporary unavailable pod in a StatefulSet?

I've recently been reading myself into kubernetes and want to create a StatefulSet for a service of mine.
As far as I understood, a StatefulSet with let's say 5 replicas offers certian dns entries to reach it.
What would now happen, if one of the pods behind the dns entries goes down, even if it's just for a small amount of time?
I had a hard time finding information on this.
Is the request held until the pod is back? Will it be router to another pod, possibly losing the respective state? Will it just straightup fail?
If you're Pod is not ready, then the traffic is not forwarded to that Pod. So, your service will not load balance traffic to Pods that are not ready.
To decide if the given Pod is ready or not, you should define readinessProbe. I recommend reading the Kubernetes documentation on "Configure Liveness, Readiness and Startup Probes".

What exactly Kubernetes Services are and how they are different from Deployments

After reading thru Kubernetes documents like this, deployment , service and this I still do not have a clear idea what the purpose of service is.
It seems that the service is used for 2 purposes:
expose the deployment to the outside world (e.g using LoadBalancer),
expose one deployment to another deployment (e.g. using ClusterIP services).
Is this the case? And what about the Ingress?
------ update ------
Connect a Front End to a Back End Using a Service is a good example of the service working with the deployment.
A deployment consists of one or more pods and replicas of pods. Let's say, we have 3 replicas of pods running in a deployment. Now let's assume there is no service. How does other pods in the cluster access these pods? Through IP addresses of these pods. What happens if we say one of the pods goes down. Kunernetes bring up another pod. Now the IP address list of these pods changes and all the other pods need to keep track of the same. The same is the case when there is auto scaling enabled. The number of the pods increases or decreases based on demand. To avoid this problem services come into play. Thus services are basically programs that manages the list of the pods ip for a deployment.
And yes, also regarding the uses that you posted in the question.
Ingress is something that is used for providing a single point of entry for the various services in your cluster. Let's take a simple scenario. In your cluster there are two services. One for the web app and another for documentation service. If you are using services alone and not ingress, you need to maintain two load balancers. This might cost more as well. To avoid this, ingress when defined, sits on top of services and routes to services based on the rules and path defined in the ingress.

Expose each pod in a statefulset to the internet without a custom proxy

I have a StatefulSet with pods server-0, server-1, etc. I want to expose them directly to the internet with URLs like or like
I want to be able to scale the StatefulSet and automatically be able to access the new pods from the internet. For example, if I scale it up to include a server-2, I want to route requests to the new pod when it's ready. I don't want to have to also scale some other resource or create another Service to achieve that effect.
I could achieve this with a custom proxy service that just checks the request path and forwards to the correct pod internally, but this seems error-prone and wasteful.
Is there a way to cause an Ingress to automatically route to different pods within a StatefulSet, or some other built-in technique that would avoid custom code?
I don't think you can do it. Being part of the same statefulSet, all pods up to pod-x, are targeted by a service. As you can't define which pod is going to get a request, you can't force "" or "" to be sent to pod-1. It will be sent to the service, and the service might sent it to pod-4.
Even though if you could, you would need to dynamically update your ingress rules, which can cause a downtime of minutes, easily.
With the custom proxy, I see it impossible too. Note that it would need to basically replace the service behind the pods. If your ingress controller knows that it needs to deliver a packet to a service, now you have to force it to deliver to your proxy. But how?
A Kubernetes service is a set of iptables (or IPVS) rules that will redirect a packet with the ServiceIP as a destination address to ONE OF THE PODS that have the same label.
from Kubernetes Services documentation
The service installs iptables rules which select a backend Pod. By default, the choice of backend is random.
Which refers to the fact that a service is not able to distinguish between different pods in the same set.
If you want to force the selection of a specific Pod out of the set by changing the iprules (fairly simple), or by adding any type of proxy is problematic:
let's say you configured pod-1 and pod-2 ( and respectively), and you configured iptables rules to DNAT requests with destination to and same for pod-2. (you may ask why the IP, and it's simply because it's the only way to distinguish between these pods)
This approach will fail whenever a pod restarts, let's say pod-1 failed, Kubernetes won't recreate the same pod with same IP and name, instead will create pod-3 with a different IP and updates the iptables accordingly. As a result, all the packets going toward will be dropped until you update the proxy or iptables again.
In fact, that's one of the reasons why we use service to access pods instead of accessing them directly since the Pod IP can change however the service IP won't.
However, since this very specific part of kubernetes was my work for the last 4 months, I have developed a python script to edit the iptables and to choose a specific pod, my conclusion of that work was it's costy and time-consuming and will impose the server to go offline for a couple of seconds when the pods are changed, you can take a look at the code, it definitely works but its not recommended.
This problem is a kubernetes problem and the solution is changing the source code of Kube-proxy, which is my current work.
I suggest you read my answer explaining how kubernetes services exactly work in this question: Which service is doing load balancing between kubernetes nodes?

How to setup up DNS and ingress-controllers for a public facing web app?

I'm trying to understand the concepts of ingress and ingress controllers in kubernetes. But I'm not so sure what the end product should look like. Here is what I don't fully understand:
Given I'm having a running Kubernetes cluster somewhere with a master node which runes the control plane and the etcd database. Besides that I'm having like 3 worker nodes - each of the worker nodes has a public IPv4 address with a corresponding DNS A record (worker{1,2,3}.domain.tld) and I've full control over my DNS server. I want that my users access my web application via www.domain.tld. So I point the the www CNAME to one of the worker nodes (I saw that my ingress controller i.e. got scheduled to worker1 one so I point it to worker1.domain.tld).
Now when I schedule a workload consisting of 2 frontend pods and 1 database pod with 1 service for the frontend and 1 service for the database. From what've understand right now, I need an ingress controller pointing to the frontend service to achieve some kind of load balancing. Two questions here:
Isn't running the ingress controller only on one worker node pointless to internally load balance two the two frontend pods via its service? Is it best practice to run an ingress controller on every worker node in the cluster?
For whatever reason the worker which runs the ingress controller dies and it gets rescheduled to another worker. So the ingress point will get be at another IPv4 address, right? From a user perspective which tries to access the frontend via www.domain.tld, this DNS entry has to be updated, right? How so? Do I need to run a specific kubernetes-aware DNS server somewhere? I don't understand the connection between the DNS server and the kubernetes cluster.
Bonus question: If I run more ingress controllers replicas (spread across multiple workers) do I do a DNS-round robin based approach here with multiple IPv4 addresses bound to one DNS entry? Or what's the best solution to achieve HA. I rather not want to use load balancing IP addresses where the worker share the same IP address.
Given I'm having a running Kubernetes cluster somewhere with a master
node which runes the control plane and the etcd database. Besides that
I'm having like 3 worker nodes - each of the worker nodes has a public
IPv4 address with a corresponding DNS A record
(worker{1,2,3}.domain.tld) and I've full control over my DNS server. I
want that my users access my web application via www.domain.tld. So I
point the the www CNAME to one of the worker nodes (I saw that my
ingress controller i.e. got scheduled to worker1 one so I point it to
Now when I schedule a workload consisting of 2 frontend pods and 1
database pod with 1 service for the frontend and 1 service for the
database. From what've understand right now, I need an ingress
controller pointing to the frontend service to achieve some kind of
load balancing. Two questions here:
Isn't running the ingress controller only on one worker node pointless to internally load balance two the two frontend pods via its
service? Is it best practice to run an ingress controller on every
worker node in the cluster?
Yes, it's a good practice. Having multiple pods for the load balancer is important to ensure high availability. For example, if you run the ingress-nginx controller, you should probably deploy it to multiple nodes.
For whatever reason the worker which runs the ingress controller dies and it gets rescheduled to another worker. So the ingress point
will get be at another IPv4 address, right? From a user perspective
which tries to access the frontend via www.domain.tld, this DNS entry
has to be updated, right? How so? Do I need to run a specific
kubernetes-aware DNS server somewhere? I don't understand the
connection between the DNS server and the kubernetes cluster.
Yes, the IP will change. And yes, this needs to be updated in your DNS server.
There are a few ways to handle this:
assume clients will deal with outages. you can list all load balancer nodes in round-robin and assume clients will fallback. this works with some protocols, but mostly implies timeouts and problems and should generally not be used, especially since you still need to update the records by hand when k8s figures it will create/remove LB entries
configure an external DNS server automatically. this can be done with the external-dns project which can sync against most of the popular DNS servers, including standard RFC2136 dynamic updates but also cloud providers like Amazon, Google, Azure, etc.
Bonus question: If I run more ingress controllers replicas (spread
across multiple workers) do I do a DNS-round robin based approach here
with multiple IPv4 addresses bound to one DNS entry? Or what's the
best solution to achieve HA. I rather not want to use load balancing
IP addresses where the worker share the same IP address.
Yes, you should basically do DNS round-robin. I would assume external-dns would do the right thing here as well.
Another alternative is to do some sort of ECMP. This can be accomplished by having both load balancers "announce" the same IP space. That is an advanced configuration, however, which may not be necessary. There are interesting tradeoffs between BGP/ECMP and DNS updates, see this dropbox engineering post for a deeper discussion about those.
Finally, note that CoreDNS is looking at implementing public DNS records which could resolve this natively in Kubernetes, without external resources.
Isn't running the ingress controller only on one worker node pointless to internally load balance two the two frontend pods via its service? Is it best practice to run an ingress controller on every worker node in the cluster?
A quantity of replicas of the ingress will not affect the quality of load balancing. But for HA you can run more than 1 replica of the controller.
For whatever reason the worker which runs the ingress controller dies and it gets rescheduled to another worker. So the ingress point will get be at another IPv4 address, right? From a user perspective which tries to access the frontend via www.domain.tld, this DNS entry has to be updated, right? How so? Do I need to run a specific kubernetes-aware DNS server somewhere? I don't understand the connection between the DNS server and the kubernetes cluster.
Right, it will be on another IPv4. Yes, DNS should be updated for that. There are no standard tools for that included in Kubernetes. Yes, you need to run external DNS and somehow manage records on it manually (by some tools or scripts).
DNS server inside a Kubernetes cluster and your external DNS server are totally different things. DNS server inside the cluster provides resolving only inside the cluster for service discovery. Kubernetes does not know anything about access from external networks to the cluster, at least on bare-metal. In a cloud, it can manage some staff like load-balancers to automate external access management.
I run more ingress controllers replicas (spread across multiple workers) do I do a DNS-round robin based approach here with multiple IPv4 addresses bound to one DNS entry? Or what's the best solution to achieve HA.
DNS round-robin works in that case, but if one of the nodes is down, your clients will get a problem with connecting to that node, so you need to find some way to move/remove IP of that node.
The solutions for HA provided by #jjo is not the worst way to achieve what you want if you can prepare an environment for that. If not, you should choose something else, but the best practice is using a Load Balancer provided by an infrastructure. Will it be based on several dedicated servers, or load balancing IPs, or something else - it does not matter.
The behavior you describe is actually a LoadBalancer (a Service with type=LoadBalancer in Kubernetes), which is "naturally" provided when you're running Kubernetes on top of a cloud provider.
From your description, it looks like your cluster is on bare-metal (either true or virtual metal), a possible approach (that has worked for me) will be:
this is where your external IP will "live" (HA'd), via the speaker-xxx pods deployed as DaemonSet to each worker node
depending on your extn L2/L3 setup, you'll need to choose between L3 (BGP) or L2 (ARP) modes
fyi I've successfully used L2 mode + simple proxyarp at the border router
Deploy nginx-ingress controller, with its Service as type=LoadBalancer
this will make metallb to "land" (actually: L3 or L2 "advertise" ...) the assigned IP to the nodes
fyi I successfully tested it together with kube-router using --advertise-loadbalancer-ip as CNI, the effect will be that e.g. <LB_IP>:80 will be redirected to the ingress-nginx Service NodePort
Point your DNS to ingress-nginx LB IP, i.e. what's shown by:
kubectl get svc --namespace=ingress-nginx ingress-nginx -ojsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[].ip}{"\n"}'
fyi you can also quickly test it using fake DNSing with (A.B.C.D being your public IP addr)
Here is a Kubernetes DNS add-ons Configure external DNS servers (AWS Route53, Google CloudDNS and others) for Kubernetes Ingresses and Services allowing to handle DNS record updates for ingress LoadBalancers. It allows to keep DNS record up to date according to Ingress controller config.