Kafka Consumer configuration - How does auto.offset.reset controls the message consumption - apache-kafka

I'm trying to understand, how does the ConsumerConfig.auto.offset.reset = latest would affect the message consumption.
For example I've a consumer, sending 100 messages initially at time t1 and then my consumer is up and running at t1+30 sec, then would my consumer consume the messages published after t1+30 sec or will it consume messages published t1 onwards?

It depends.
auto.offset.reset only applies when there is no stored offset for the consumer group.
It applies to the following conditions:
the first time a consumer group consumes
if a consumer doesn't commit any offsets, the next time it is started
if a consumer group has been expired (7 days by default with modern brokers)
if the message the stored offset points to has been removed due to message retention policies (an attempt to read a message that has been purged triggers the application of the rule)
If a consumer commits an offset; it will start at the last committed offset the next time it is started.


What if a Kafka's consumer handles a message too long? Will Kafka reappoint this partition to another consumer and the message will doubly handled?

Suppose Kafka, 1 partition, 2 consumers.(2nd consumer is idle)
Suppose the 1st one consumed a message, goes to handle it with 3 other services and suddenly sticks on one of them and miss the Kafka's timeout.
Will Kafka reappoint the partition to the 2nd consumer and the message will doubly handled (suppose the 1st one eventually succeed)?
What if a Kafka's consumer handles a message too long? Will Kafka reappoint this partition to another consumer and the message will doubly handled?
Yes, that's correct. If Kafka consumer takes too long to handle a message and subsequent poll() is delayed, Kafka will re-appoint this partition to another consumer and the message will be processed again (and again).
For more clarity, first we need decide and define 'How long is too long?'.
This is defined by the property max.poll.interval.ms. From the docs,
The maximum delay between invocations of poll() when using consumer group management. This places an upper bound on the amount of time that the consumer can be idle before fetching more records. If poll() is not called before expiration of this timeout, then the consumer is considered failed and the group will rebalance in order to reassign the partitions to another member.
Consumer group is rebalanced if there are no calls to poll() within this time.
There is one more property auto.commit.interval.ms. The auto commit offsets check will be called only during the poll - it checks whether time elapsed is greater than the configured auto commit interval time and if result is yes, the offset is committed.
If Kafka consumer is taking too long to process the records, then the subsequent poll() call is also delayed and the offsets returned on the last poll() are not committed. If rebalance happens at this time, the new consumer client assigned to this partition will start processing the messages again.
Consumer group rebalance and resulting partition reassignment can be avoided by increasing this value. This will increase the allowed interval between polls and give more time to consumers to handle the record(s) returned from poll(). The consumers will only join the rebalance inside the call to poll, so increasing max poll interval will also delay group rebalances.
There is one more problem in increasing max poll interval to a big value. If the consumer dies for some other reason, it takes longer than the configured max.poll.interval.ms interval to detect the failure.
session.timeout.ms and heartbeat.interval.ms are available in this case to detect the total failure as earlier as possible.
For more details about these parameters:
Please refer this
Please note that the values configured for session.timeout.ms must be in the allowable range as configured in the broker configuration by properties
Otherwise, following exception will be thrown while starting consumer client.
Exception in thread "main" org.apache.kafka.common.errors.InvalidSessionTimeoutException:
The session timeout is not within the range allowed by the broker
(as configured by group.min.session.timeout.ms and group.max.session.timeout.ms)
Update: To avoid handling the messages again
There is another method in KafkaConsumer class commitAsync() to trigger commit offsets operation.
ConsumerRecords<String, String> records = kafkaConsumer.poll(Duration.ofMillis(500));
For more details on commitSync() and commitAsync(), please check this thread
Committing an offset manually is an action of saying that the offset has been processed so that the Kafka won't send the committed records for the same partition again. When offsets are committed manually, it is important to note that if the consumer dies before processing records for any reason, there is a chance these records won't be processed again.

What consumer offset will be set if auto.offset.reset=earliest but topic has no messages

I have Kafka server version 2.4 and set log.retention.hours=168(so that messages in the topic will get deleted after 7 days) and auto.offset.reset=earliest(so that if the consumer doesn't get the last committed offset then it should be processed from the beginning). And since I am using Kafka 2.4 version so by default value offsets.retention.minutes=10080 (since I am not setting this property in my application).
My Topic data is : 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
current consumer offset before shutting down consumer: 10
End offset:10
last committed offset by consumer: 10
So let's say my consumer is not running for the past 7 days and I have started the consumer on the 8th day. So my last committed offset by the consumer will get expired(due to offsets.retention.minutes=10080 property) and topic messages also will get deleted(due to log.retention.hours=168 property).
So wanted to know what consumer offset will be set by auto.offset.reset=earliest property now?
Although no data is available in the Kafka topic, your brokers still know the "next" offset within that partition. In your case the first and last offset of this topic is 10 whereas it does not contain any data.
Therefore, your consumer which already has committed offset 10 will try to read 11 when started again, independent of the consumer configuration auto.offset.reset.
Your example will get even more interesting when your topic has had offsets, say, until 15 while the consumer was shut down after committing offset 10. Now, imagine all offsets were removed from the topic due to the retention policy. If you then start your consumer only then the consumer configuration auto.offset.reset comes into effect as stated in the documentation:
"What to do when there is no initial offset in Kafka or if the current offset does not exist any more on the server (e.g. because that data has been deleted)"
As long as the Kafka topic is empty there is no offset "set" for the consumer. The consumer just tries to find the next available offset, either based on
the last committed offset or,
in case the last committed offset does not exist anymore, the configuration given through auto.offset.reset.
Just as an additional note: Even though the messages seem to get cleaned by the retention policy you may still see some data in the topic due to Data still remains in Kafka topic even after retention time/size
Once the consumer group gets deleted from log, auto.offset.reset will take the precedence and consumers will start consuming data from beginning.
My Topic data is : 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
If the topic has the above data, the consumer will start from beginning, and all 1 to 10 records will be consumed
My Topic data is : 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20
In this case if old data is purged due to retention, the consumer will reset the offset to earliest (earliest offset available at that time) and start consuming from there, for example in this scenario it will consume all from 11 to 20 (since 1 to 10 are purged)

Kafka Consumer not consuming from last commited offset after restart

I have a consumer polling from subscribed topic. It consumes each message and does some processing (within seconds), pushes to different topic and commits offset.
There are totally 5000 messages,
before restart - consumed 2900 messages and committed offset
after restart - started consuming from offset 0.
Even though consumer is created with same consumer group, it started processing messages from offset 0.
kafka version (strimzi) > 2.0.0
kafka-python == 2.0.1
We don't know how many partitions you have in your topic but when consumers are created within a same consumer group, they will consume records from different partitions ( We can't have two consumers in a consumer group that consume from the same partition and If you add a consumer the group coordinator will execute the process of Re-balancing to reassign each consumer to a specific partition).
I think the offset 0 comes from the property auto.offset.reset which can be :
latest: Start at the latest offset in log
earliest: Start with the earliest record.
none: Throw an exception when there is no existing offset data.
But this property kicks in only if your consumer group doesn't have a valid offset committed.
N.B: Records in a topic have a retention period log.retention.ms property so your latest messages could be deleted when your are processing the first records in the log.
Questions: While you want to consume message from one topic and process data and write them to another topic why you didn't use Kafka Streaming ?

Is it possible to lose Consumer group Offsets by Kafka brokers?

I was consuming from a Kafka topic (with a retention of 21 days) in a Kafka Cluster as a consumer (earliest/from beginning) for 15 days continously with x consumer group and on 15th day producer's team stopped producing and I stopped consumer on my side conforming that no messages left over to consume. Then Kafka Cluster was also turned off. Then on 16th day Kafka Cluster turned on and Producer started his producer on 23rd day and I started my consumer on myside as well. But when I started, I was getting messages from beginning not from where I left out eventhough am consuming with same x consumer group. So my question is why this happened? Does Kafka Broker lost information about consumer group?
When a consumer group loses all its consumers its offsets will be kept for the period configured in the broker property offsets.retention.minutes. This property defaults to 10080 which is the equivalent to 7 days — roughly the time taken when your consumer stopped (the 16th day) and when it was resumed (the 23rd day).
You can tweak this property to increase the retention period of offsets. Alternatively, you can also tweak the property offsets.retention.check.interval.ms that dictates how often a check for stale offsets will occur.

Can we have retention period of zero in Kafka broker?

Does retention period of zero makes sense in kafka borker?
We want to quickly forward message from producer to consumer via kafka broker. From buffercache/pagecache on broker machine without flushing to disk. We do not need replication and assume our broker will never crash.
When a message is produced to a Kafka topic it is written to the disk. Once the message has been consumed, the offset of this message is committed by the consumer (if you are using the high-level consumer API) however, there is no functionality that deletes only the messages that have been consumed (many consumers may subscribe to the same topic and some of them might have consumed that message while some others might have not).
What I would suggest in your case is to set a short retention period (which by default is set to 7 days) but allow a reasonable amount of time in order to allow your consumer to consume the messages. To do this, you simply need to configure the following parameter in server.properties:
Note that there is no guarantee that the deleted message(s) have been successfully consumed by your consumer(s). For example, if you set the retention period to 2 seconds (i.e. log.retention.ms=2000) and your consumer crashes, then every message which is sent to the topic while the consumer is down will be lost.