Monitoring and Evaluation in github projects - github

We use GitHub Project to manage as it is simple and easy to integrate with git comments. I couldn't find a way to analyze the performance of the jobs? How can we get reports related to the monitoring and evaluation of the project?

The Project management inside GitHub is not catering to the evaluation of the project. You can use third-party project management applications that can be integrated with GitHub seamlessly. One example is


Is there a way to migrate a project board in GitHub to project (beta)?

I have an existing project that uses project boards on GitHub. I want to move all issues (open and closed) to projects (beta) on GitHub. Is there a way to do that automatically? Right now, I only know how to add issues manually to projects (beta).
As far as I know, there is currently no official guide on how to migrate to GitHub Projects (beta). You might want to follow this discussion on the topic:
However, I created a tutorial on how to migrate from the legacy project boards to the new projects (beta) myself:
It describes how to migrate cards (including column names) by either running a GitHub Actions workflow or a bash script.
Unfortunately, it does require some manual steps because projects (beta) API is not complete yet - the project itself and the Status field options have to be created manually to be precise.
After the migration, I'm also heavily using this action I created I use it to periodically populate my projects based on content search queries (e.g. I automated adding all the issues that mention me -
I implemented python script that helps you migrate your project (similar to #galargh's solution) which uses the GraphQL api for the old projects too (might be more future proof) and also allows you to map column names and migrate PRs.
You can now do this by enabling the Project migration feature in feature preview
Once you enable it you should see a Start migration button when you go to your Classic (not beta) Project Board
Here are the official docs on how to do it

SonarQube and Github, Travis CI

Is there any way to programmatically check say, using the GitHub API or some API for Travis CI, if a particular project on GitHub or Travis CI uses SonarQube?
Also apart from SonarQube what other program analysis tools do people usually use?
Neither GitHub API nor Travis CI API will be able to provide you with such information - simply because code analysis tools/services are third-party systems that are not built-in features of GitHub or Travis CI.
If you want to "see how many open source projects on GitHub use static program analysis tools", then you would have to browse the source code of each repository to discover some facts that might give you this information (like for instance looking into the .travis.yml file). But because there's no built-in/standard feature on that topic, this would be extremely difficult to correctly achieve this goal IMO.

Migrating issues from Visual Studio Team Services to github

I'm in process of migrating my open source project from VS Team Services to GitHub (in hope of having actual contributors at least).
Migrating git repository was easy, but now I have a problem of migrating issues.
I don't know how to migrate issues.
I really like Team Services board. Can I get something like this in Github?
For Question 1, there isn't any tool or simple way to migrate the VSTS issues to GitHub as I know since the issues in VSTS are work items that use a totally different template with GitHub. If you have large amount of issues need to be migrated, you may create an application and use VSTS Rest API and GitHub API to do this.
For Question 2, GitHub does not provide Kankan board feature by default but you can get it from some other service. For example:

Good lightweighted Continous integration tool to use with github?

I am developing a small python web service with bunch of analytical codes and searching for a lightweighted, easy-use but all-around Continuous Integration tool to use together with github.
I push my code onto github and hope that by every pushing continuous integration can run tests and check the integreity
some recommended tools from github website
like cloudBees, circleci etc.
Which kinds of CI tools is best for me at this moment ? thanks a lot
And would be kind if you could give some tips/good tutorials on coutinuous workflow(development and deployment) with github and docker
Like Jake said I would say that a cloud based tool like SnapCI, Circle or Travis would work well for you as you are already hosting your source in the cloud. If you are working on a public repo many of these tools are free.
In order to help with Docker and Github you'd need to be more specific about your needs.

Deploy Mercurial with SFTP/SSH

Currently I am using sourcetree to manage my repo's. I've read about using different branches for 3 stages of website development. I've seen sites like and I am curious is there a "free" way to deploy/rollback and publish via sftp/shh to my web servers both staging and live production for each of my repo's. I need a way for junior level developers to easily be able to do it too, be great if there was a review process. If there is no free method, what;s the best paid method out there. I also use to store my repos.
Thanks so much
You could use a lightweight deployment tool such as Kwatee (self-promotion). Kwatee is free and can deploy any files via a web interface or python scripts (also ant/maven if you use java). All you'd have to do is to automate the check-out of your branch and then trigger the deploy command in kwatee which will use ssh/scp or telnet/ftp behind the scenes to update your deployment (only changes will be deployed).