Migrating issues from Visual Studio Team Services to github - github

I'm in process of migrating my open source project from VS Team Services to GitHub (in hope of having actual contributors at least).
Migrating git repository was easy, but now I have a problem of migrating issues.
I don't know how to migrate issues.
I really like Team Services board. Can I get something like this in Github?

For Question 1, there isn't any tool or simple way to migrate the VSTS issues to GitHub as I know since the issues in VSTS are work items that use a totally different template with GitHub. If you have large amount of issues need to be migrated, you may create an application and use VSTS Rest API and GitHub API to do this.
For Question 2, GitHub does not provide Kankan board feature by default but you can get it from some other service. For example: waffle.io


Is there a way to migrate a project board in GitHub to project (beta)?

I have an existing project that uses project boards on GitHub. I want to move all issues (open and closed) to projects (beta) on GitHub. Is there a way to do that automatically? Right now, I only know how to add issues manually to projects (beta).
As far as I know, there is currently no official guide on how to migrate to GitHub Projects (beta). You might want to follow this discussion on the topic: https://github.com/github/feedback/discussions/6141
However, I created a tutorial on how to migrate from the legacy project boards to the new projects (beta) myself: https://github.com/galargh/projects-migration#how-to-migrate-from-github-projects-to-github-projects-beta
It describes how to migrate cards (including column names) by either running a GitHub Actions workflow or a bash script.
Unfortunately, it does require some manual steps because projects (beta) API is not complete yet - the project itself and the Status field options have to be created manually to be precise.
After the migration, I'm also heavily using this action I created https://github.com/protocol/github-api-action-library/tree/master/add-project-items-by-content-query. I use it to periodically populate my projects based on content search queries (e.g. I automated adding all the issues that mention me - https://github.com/galargh/.github/blob/684c316/.github/workflows/add-project-items.yml).
I implemented python script that helps you migrate your project (similar to #galargh's solution) which uses the GraphQL api for the old projects too (might be more future proof) and also allows you to map column names and migrate PRs.
You can now do this by enabling the Project migration feature in feature preview
Once you enable it you should see a Start migration button when you go to your Classic (not beta) Project Board
Here are the official docs on how to do it

"Best Practices" doc for Devs reconfiguring Team Explorer when migrating Collection to new server?

I am planning to soon migrate a couple of Collections from a on premises TFS 2017 server to a on premises Azure DevOps 2019 server. These collections have multiple Git repos, no older VSTS style code repos.
I've found all sorts of good documents covering how to migrate the collection- and I am able to do that with ease. I took snapshots of my old and new servers and did a temporary test move over a weekend, everything came up just fine. I then reverted to the snapshots.
Does anyone know of a good document or URL for me to provide as instructions to my 20+ developers for them to reconfigure their Team Explorer in Visual Studio? The Collections on the old server will be detached, so there's no need for them to continue to have the old server configured. I don't want anyone to have to completely switch to the new server in a way where they lose any git branches that they only have local (not pushed up to the server.)
I myself only use TortoiseGit to interact with the git repos. I can see in my git repos, I go to the .git folder and change the URL in the file named "config" and the repo is switched over painlessly.
Almost all of the devs only use Team Explorer. If anyone knows of a good guide that I can walk them through with to make the switch from within Team Explorer instead of having to edit text files and registry keys, I appreciate it.
If I understand you correctly, you are looking for guides to connect your devs' Team Explorer in Visual Studio to the projects in the new on premises Azure DevOps 2019 server.
You can check the documents provided in Microsoft site Connect from Visual Studio or Team Explorer.
For more detailed steps you can check out this thread.
You can ask your devs to follow the steps in above thread to add the URL of the new server to Team Explorer. Then they can switch to code repo of new server.

Team services with many small projects and single developer

My company has used a cloud TFS host for many years. Now the host has disappeared from the internet and a lot of code and all history has been lost. There are people working on it so it might be solved but I anyway need to fairly quickly set up new source code handling in Visual Studio Online and need some hints on how to do it.
The current solution was set up long before I started and for various reasons I am currently the only developer. It might change in the future but there will never be more than one developer for each visual studio solution.
I work with many small customer specific projects in Visual Studio (windows application, windows service, WebAPI, SSRS, SQL, Entity framework). The average size of a project is maybe 20 hours from start coding to deployment (there are a few larger projects as well). New features and bug fixes are sometimes added after deployment (can be years later) but that is usually 2-6 hour projects.
The current process has one TFS project per customer and each contain at most a handful Visual Studio solutions. There are no dependencies between the solutions and common code is handled with NuGet.
We had around 250 projects in the cloud and even if I so far only recovered 50 of these, the ones I had locally, we will sooner or later end up with similar numbers. Total size was in the region of 30GB (a lot comes from TFS by default checking in the nuget packages folder)
For most projects there is no need for workitems, kanban, reporting and other ALM features. Only developers will ever use visual studio online. I would like to work with a branch/pull-request/merge process. Coming from Git/Mercurial I have never felt comfortable with TFS.
So my questions are now:
What is a good way to structure the projects?
Single VSTS-project for everything
A VSTS-project for each customer (as today)
A VSTS-project per Visual Studio solution
What is a good way to structure the repositories?
One repository for everything
One repository per customer
One repository per Visual Studio solution
How does Visual Studio and the online portal work with hundreds of projects/repositories where 90% are not active. I usually have 3-5 instances of Visual Studio running with different solutions at any time.
I have read a lot of recommendations but they all seem to deal with long-lived projects and/or team of developers.
My main concerns are:
How much work it is to add a new customer or visual studio solution (happens weekly)
Getting started time. Sometimes an external developer is involved. It is not common but when it happens I don't want them to spend a lot of time on clone/pull (security is not an issue)
Standard. I want the process to follow standard/best practice as much as possible to make it easier to document for other developers. e.g. not encoding information in names of projects or forcing a folder structure.
I will suggest:
Create projects from each customer. Such as you can create projects with customer name like WebAPI, SSRS, SQL etc.
Since a VSTS project belongs to a certain customer related. So all the repositories in the team project should related to the customer. The structure for the repositories can be: different repositories for each case/solution of a customer.
There are only two kinds of version control system hosted on VSTS/TFS: Git and TFVC. And it seems you are familiar with Git and Mercurial, so you can use Git VCS for your projects.
Git repositories hosted on VSTS works as other remote repositories like github, bitbucket etc. it’s bare repo without working directories. So the solutions are not stored but the checksum between two versions and it stored with sha-1 value (40 char). And for most time, you work in local repo (no connect/communication with remote repo). Only when you clone/pull/push, your local git repo will communicate with remote repo.
Project(s) structure: Single project for everything.
Repositories structure: One repository per VS solution
Regarding VS work with these projects/solutions, you can close a solution, then open another solution (You can’t open multiple solutions at the same time in the same instance of VS), you also can just open the file in VS and edit. Regarding commit and push, you can use Git command (e.g. git commit, push)
You need to add them to VSTS when developers are involved, and they need to clone/pull source code from remote.

Migrate VSO to VSO with history and work items

I'm using VSO xxx.visualstudio.com. We have to migrate with history to yyy.visualstudio.com. I know there is no direct tool. Looking for good approach or solution.
Unique Difference with, below question:
Visual Studio Online migration (VSO to VSO)
Export Source code with work Items
TFS Integration Platform tool is not working.
OpsHub company is taking too long to reply.
You can use the TFS Integration Tools to move TFVC code and Work Items from one Team Project to another regardless of TFS/VSO version.
I have done this a number of times and it works pretty well..

Is There A Way To Backup Visual Studio Team Services Projects?

I'm advocating using Visual Studio Team Services for our source control solution, and have actually started doing so. However, my manager, who is somewhat apprehensive when it comes to cloud-hosted storage and services, wants to know what our contingency plan is in the event of Team Services ceasing to be accessible for whatever reason.
I've pointed out that we have our source code on our developers' computers, in their mapped work spaces, but admittedly if we ended up with just that and no access to Team Services we'd certainly be in a bit of bind. They might all be working on different parts of the same solution and we wouldn't be able to check all of their changes back into the central repository or merge changes made in separate branches. We also wouldn't have access to the comments associated with previous check-ins, or our backlog, tests, etc.
So, the question is, is there a way to backup everything that we're hosting in Team Services so that, in the event of something going wrong, we'd be able to restore all of that to a locally-hosted installation of TFS (or somewhere else)?
I'm a bit late to the party but we developed a Team Services backup tool. We scheduled it as a scheduled task and it runs once a night. It then just clones all our repositories to disk.
Taken from this blog:
We use the VSO Rest API to query our VSO account and get all the data
we need. Since in VSO you can only have one Team Project Collection,
we retrieve all the team projects of the default collection. Each of
these team projects can have multiple repositories that need to be
backed up. A folder is created for each team project and saved to a
location on disk that can be configured in the app.config. When the
team project folder is created, the task loops over each repository in
the team project and creates folders for each repository.
You can also fork it on GitHub here
There's no out of the box backup ability.
Now, if you are only referring to source control, and not work items, pull requests, builds, test plans or anything else that the service offers, then I'd suggest you migrate your code over to git.
With git every developer will have a complete copy of the source repository, including all history and commit comments. From there, it's a simple task to push the git repository to a different git hoster (such as bitbucket or github) and make them your new centrally hosted git repository.
On a historical note, Visual Studio Team Services at one point offered a data export for a period of time. You might want to add a vote or three to this related UserVoice idea to help raise the importance of the feature with Microsoft.
Side comment: The business risks in using Visual Studio Team Services will come from either Microsoft shutting down the Visual Studio Team Services service or that the underlying Azure infrastructure has such a catastrophic failure that your Visual Studio Team Services account is unrecoverable. Both of those are extremely low risk, and very likely lower than the risks you'd have running TFS on-premises, in your own data centre, unless of course, your infrastructure and staff are better than Microsoft's :-)
Not a full VS backup in terms of a restore of service. But you can take a full Zip from root down using the Code web site. Right click the root folder and has a zip download option. Pretty neat feature.
The easiest way to back up everything is to use something like the TFS Integration Platform to periodically pull off all your data into an on-premises TFS solution. I've set this up using an Azure VM that we turned off when we weren't actively backing up, which makes it really low cost. For more info on using the TFS IP with Team Services, see this: http://nakedalm.com/migration-from-tf-service-to-tf-server-with-the-tfs-integration-platform/