Logging Ping information via CMD - powershell

I'm currently having connectivity issues and I would like to monitor a certain IP address and log the information.
I know I could use this command (using google.com as an example):
ping google.com /t |Foreach{"{0} - {1}" -f (Get-Date),$_} > pingORA.txt
In this case it will log a ping result every second. I would like it to log a ping result every 30 seconds. Is there a way to add this to the above command?

This can be done in PowerShell using Test-Connection.
$hostName = 'localhost'
$waitTime = 30
$logFile = 'pingORA.txt'
if (Test-Path -Path $logFile) { Remove-Item -Path $logFile }
while (1) {
$p = Test-Connection -ComputerName $hostName -Count 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($null -ne $p) {
"{0} - {1} - {2}" -f (Get-Date), $hostName, $p.ProtocolAddress |
Out-File -FilePath $logFile -Encoding ascii -Append
} else {
"{0} - {1} - {2}" -f (Get-Date), $hostName, 'offline' |
Out-File -FilePath $logFile -Encoding ascii -Append
Start-Sleep -Seconds $waitTime

use awk to save every 30th ping result discarding the rest
awk '
BEGIN { srand();t=srand();\
while (1 ) {\
print("write to file from here")\
print ("pinging google");\
system("sleep 1");\

Though it seems you rather wanted a powershell solution, (so I have included the relevant tag as well) You can still do the same in normal cmd by using a for loop:
for /f "delims=" %a in ('ping google.com -t') do echo %a >> pingORA.txt & timeout /t 30 >nul 2>&1
Note however, this is directly from cmd and not powershell


optimize full path extraction of 1 million files +/- and iteration from file

I am a programming enthusiast and novice, I am using Powershell to try to solve the following need:
I need to extract the full path of files with extension .img. inside a folder with +/- 900 thousand folders and +/- million files. -/+ 900,000 img files.
Each img file must be processed in an exe. that is read from a file.
Which is better to store the result of the GetChildItem in a variable or a file?
I would greatly appreciate your guidance and support to optimize and / or find the best way to speed up processes vs. resource consumption.
Thank you un advance!!
This is the code I am currently using:
$PSDefaultParameterValues['*:Encoding'] = 'Ascii'
$host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle = “DICOM IMPORT IN PROGRESS”
$pshost = get-host
$pswindow = $pshost.ui.rawui
$newsize = $pswindow.buffersize
$newsize.height = 3000
$newsize.width = 150
$pswindow.buffersize = $newsize
$newsize = $pswindow.windowsize
$newsize.height = 50
$newsize.width = 150
$pswindow.windowsize = $newsize
$out = ("$pwd\log_{0:yyyyMMdd_HH.mm.ss}_import.txt" -f (Get-Date))
"`n" | tee -FilePath $out -Append
"*****************" | tee -FilePath $out -Append
"**IMPORT SCRIPT**" | tee -FilePath $out -Append
"*****************" | tee -FilePath $out -Append
"`n" | tee -FilePath $out -Append
"Working Folder" | tee -FilePath $out -Append
$path1 = Read-Host "Enter folder location" | tee -FilePath $out -Append
"`n" | tee -FilePath $out -Append
"SERVER NAME" | tee -FilePath $out -Append
$ht = hostname | tee -FilePath $out -Append
Write-Host $ht
Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
"`n" | tee -FilePath $out -Append
"`n" | tee -FilePath $out -Append
#"SEARCHING IMG FILES, PLEASE WAIT..." | tee -FilePath $out -Append
$files = $path1 | Get-ChildItem -recurse -file -filter *.img | ForEach-Object { $_.FullName }
Out-host -InputObject $files
"`n" | tee -FilePath $out -Append
Write-Output ($files | Measure).Count "IMG FILES FOUND TO PUSH" | tee -FilePath $out -Append
# DUMP Get-ChildIte into a file
$files > $pwd\pf
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
"`n" | tee -FilePath $out -Append
"IMPORT START" | tee -FilePath $out -Append
("{0:yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss}" -f (Get-Date)) | tee -FilePath $out -Append
"********************************" | tee -FilePath $out -Append
"`n" | tee -FilePath $out -Append
$ir = $Env:folder_tool
$pt = "utils\tool.exe"
$n = 1
$pe = foreach ($file in Get-Content $pwd\pf ) {
$tb = (Get-Date -f HH:mm:ss) | tee -FilePath $out -Append
$fp = "$n. $file" | tee -FilePath $out -Append
$ep = & $ir$pt -c $ht"FIR" -i $file | tee -FilePath $out -Append
$as = "`n" | tee -FilePath $out -Append
Write-Host $tb
Write-Host $fp
Out-host -InputObject $ep
Write-Host $as
"********************************" | tee -FilePath $out -Append
"IMPORT END" | tee -FilePath $out -Append
("{0:yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss}" -f (Get-Date)) | tee -FilePath $out -Append
"`n" | tee -FilePath $out -Append
Try using parallel with PoshRSJob.
Replace Start-Process in Process-File with your code and note that there is no access to console. Process-File must return string.
Adjust $JobCount and $inData.
The main idea is to load all file list into ConcurrentQueue, start 20 background jobs and wait them to exit. Each job will take value from queue and pass to Process-File, then repeat until queue is empty.
NOTE: If you stop script, RS Jobs will continue to run until they finished or powershell closed. Use Get-RSJob | Stop-RSJob and Get-RSJob | Remove-RSJob to stop background work
Import-Module PoshRSJob
Function Process-File
$process = Start-Process -FilePath 'ping.exe' -ArgumentList '-n 5' -PassThru -WindowStyle Hidden
return "Processed $FilePath"
$JobCount = [Environment]::ProcessorCount - 2
$inData = [System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentQueue[string]]::new(
[System.IO.Directory]::EnumerateFiles('S:\SCRIPTS\FileTest', '*.img')
$JobScript = [scriptblock]{
$inQueue = [System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentQueue[string]]$args[0]
$outBag = [System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentBag[string]]$args[1]
$currentItem = $null
while($inQueue.TryDequeue([ref] $currentItem) -eq $true)
# Add result to OutBag
$result = Process-File -FilePath $currentItem -EA Stop
$outBag.Add( $result )
# Catch error
Write-Output $_.Exception.ToString()
$resultData = [System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentBag[string]]::new()
$i_cur = $inData.Count
$i_max = $i_cur
# Start jobs
$jobs = #(1..$JobCount) | % { Start-RSJob -ScriptBlock $JobScript -ArgumentList #($inData, $resultData) -FunctionsToImport #('Process-File') }
# Wait queue to empty
while($i_cur -gt 0)
Write-Progress -Activity 'Doing job' -Status "$($i_cur) left of $($i_max)" -PercentComplete (100 - ($i_cur / $i_max * 100))
Start-Sleep -Seconds 3 # Update frequency
$i_cur = $inData.Count
# Wait jobs to complete
$logs = $jobs | % { Wait-RSJob -Job $_ } | % { Receive-RSJob -Job $_ }
$jobs | % { Remove-RSJob -Job $_ }
$Global:resultData = $resultData
$Global:logs = $logs
$Global:resultData is array of Process-File return strings
Which is better to store the result of the GetChildItem in a variable or a file?
If you're hoping to keep memory utilization low, the best solution is to not store them at all - simply consume the output from Get-ChildItem directly:
$pe = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -File -filter *.img |ForEach-Object {
$file = $_.FullName
$tb = (Get-Date -f HH:mm:ss) | tee -FilePath $out -Append
$fp = "$n. $file" | tee -FilePath $out -Append
$ep = & $ir$pt -c $ht"FIR" -i $file | tee -FilePath $out -Append
$as = "`n" | tee -FilePath $out -Append
Write-Host $tb
Write-Host $fp
Out-host -InputObject $ep
Write-Host $as

Powershell script using more and more memory

I have a powershell script with a while loop, when itr first start the script its using 15,504kb memory, but it looks like every time it goes through the while loop the memory usage is increasing by about 100kb, and it never seems to go down.
$exe = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\MyApp\MyApp.exe'
$logOutput = 'C:\Log\Log.log'
$logdir1 = 'C:\Log'
$storage = 'ext'
$date = (Get-Date)
"{0:dd/MM/yy HH:mm:ss} - START" -f $date | Out-File -filepath $logOutput -NoClobber -Append -Encoding ASCII
While ($true){
$date = (Get-Date)
"{0:dd/MM/yy HH:mm:ss} - Calling exe for D:\" -f $date | Out-File -filepath $logOutput -NoClobber -Append -Encoding ASCII
& $exe /logdir $logdir1 /storage $storage
Start-Sleep -s 5
$date = (Get-Date)
"{0:dd/MM/yy HH:mm:ss} - Calling exe for E:\" -f $date | Out-File -filepath $logOutput -NoClobber -Append -Encoding ASCII
& $exe /logdir $logdir1 /storage $storage
Start-Sleep -s 10
Is there something wrong with my script?

Restart System and Run Powershell Script without logging in

I have multiple restarts between script blocks, the problem is on every restart the user is required to key in their credentials, and log in.
Is there any way where once the script is being executed it can login to system without username and password? We would want to hardcode username and password in the script itself.
The script helps in achieving the following:
Run Script Block
Run Next Script Block
But this requires user to log in after restart. Until then the process is under halt. I am looking for a way to automate the login process as well... I know it creates security threat, but this is something that is necessary for the process I am supposed to achieve.
#Code which will run script with admin privileges
If (-NOT ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator"))
$arguments = "& '" + $myinvocation.mycommand.definition + "'"
Start-Process powershell -Verb runAs -ArgumentList $arguments
# Temp Folder
if (!(Get-Item d:\temp -ea ignore)) { mkdir d:\temp }
$dropperscript = 'D:\temp\dropper.ps1'
$dropper = #'
### Configuration Variables ###
# Put any variables you'll use here
### ###
# Static Variables
$countfile = 'd:\temp\bootcount.txt'
$bootbatch = 'C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp\dropper.bat'
$dropperscript = 'd:\temp\dropper.ps1'
##### Setup #####
# Bootstrap Batch
if (!(Get-Item $bootbatch -ea ignore)) {
$x='PowerShell.exe -Command "& {Start-Process PowerShell.exe -ArgumentList '''
$y=' -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "D:\temp\dropper.ps1""'' -Verb RunAs}"'
$x+$y| Out-File $bootbatch -Encoding 'OEM'
# Boot Count
if (Get-Item $countfile -ea ignore) {
[int]$bootcount = Get-Content $countfile
if ($bootcount -match "^\d{1,2}$") { ([int]$bootcount) ++ }
else { $bootcount = 1 }
else { $bootcount = 1 }
$bootcount | Out-File $countfile
switch ($bootcount) {
1 {
Get-Date | Out-File $File -Append
Get-Process | Out-File $File -Append
Restart-Computer -Force
############### --REBOOT-- ###############
2 {
Get-Date | Out-File $File -Append
Get-Process | Out-File $File -Append
Restart-Computer -Force
############### --REBOOT-- ###############
3 {
Get-Date | Out-File $File -Append
Get-Process('\\itdsl\MSNPLAT\Gold\MSNPATCH\msnpatch.exe') | Out-File $File -Append
Restart-Computer -Force
############### Restart ################
Get-Date | Out-File $File -Append
Get-Process| Out-File $File -Append
Restart-Computer -Force
############### --END-- ################
default {
# Dropper is complete; clean up
rm $countfile
rm $bootbatch
rm $dropperscript
# Drop and run Dropper
$dropper | Out-File $dropperscript -Encoding 'OEM'
Invoke-Expression $dropperscript

Powershell Out-file not working

I have a powershell script which gathers some file information on some remote servers.
When writing to the console, I see the results just fine, but they don't seem to be getting written into the specified out-file:
out-file -filepath $filepath -inputobject $date -force -encoding ASCII -width 50
ForEach($server in $serverLists)
$result += $server
$result += $break
ForEach($filePath in $filePaths)
$result += $filePath
$result += $break
$command = "forfiles /P " + $filePath + " /S /D -1 > C:\temp\result.txt"
$cmd = "cmd /c $command"
Invoke-WmiMethod -class Win32_process -name Create -ArgumentList $cmd -ComputerName $server
sleep 2
$result += Get-Content \\$server\C$\temp\result.txt
$result += $break
$result += $break
write-host $result
#out-file -filepath $filepath -Append -inputobject $result -encoding ASCII -width 200
Remove-Item \\$server\C$\temp\result.txt
$result += $break
out-file -filepath $filepath -Append -inputobject $result -encoding ASCII -width 200
You use same variable $filepath in two places: as loop variable for foreach loop and outside of loop. foreach loop does not restore value of loop variable after loop ends. So, right after loop ends loop variable will have last value of loop or value where loop was interrupted by break command. If you does not want variable value to be overwritten by foreach loop, then you should choose different name for loop variable.

Powershell - Monitoring live log file Q2

I had made an initial question here Which was answered but as i move along in my task I'm running into another problem.
Summary: I have a log file that's being written to via a serial device. I'm wanting to monitor this log file for particular strings (events) and when they happen i want to write those strings to a separate file.
Executing this one off does what I'm looking for:
$fileName = "SRAS_$(Get-Date -format yyyy-MM-dd).log"
$fullPath = "C:\temp\SRAS\$fileName"
Get-Content $fullpath -tail 1 -Wait | Select-String -Pattern $p -SimpleMatch | Out-File -Filepath C:\temp\SRAS\sras_pages.log -Append
The problem is the logfile gets a datestamp, putty saves it as SRAS_yyyy-mm-dd.log. So when the clock passes midnight this will no longer be looking at the correct file.
I found this post on SO which is exactly what I want to do, the OP claims it works for him. I modified it slightly for my purposes but it doesn't write events matching the desired strings to sras_pages.log
This is the 'modified' code:
$now = Get-Date
$fileName = "SRAS_$(Get-Date -format yyyy-MM-dd).log"
$fullPath = "C:\temp\SRAS\$fileName"
Write-Host "[$(Get-Date)] Starting job for file $fullPath"
$latest = Start-Job -Arg $fullPath -ScriptBlock {
# wait until the file exists, just in case
while(-not (Test-Path $fullpath)){ sleep -sec 10 }
Get-Content $file -Tail 1 -wait | Select-String -Pattern $p |
foreach { Out-File -Filepath "C:\temp\SRAS\sras_pages.log" -Append }
# wait until day changes, or whatever would cause new log file to be created
while($now.Date -eq (Get-Date).Date){ sleep -Sec 10 }
# kill the job and start over
Write-Host "[$(Get-Date)] Stopping job for file $fullPath"
$latest | Stop-Job
If I execute just the Get-Content segment of that code it does exactly what I'm looking for. I can't figure out what the issue is.
TIA for advice.
Here is a few suggested changes that should make it work:
$p does not exist within the job, add it as a parameter ($pattern in my example)
You are referring to $fullpath within your job (row 13), it should be $file.
Add parameter -SimpleMatch to select-string to search for literal strings instead of regular expressions. (This is not needed but will come in handy if you change search pattern)
Referring to $pattern instead of $p (see 1)
Skip the foreach on row 16.
Like this:
$now = Get-Date
$fileName = "SRAS_$(Get-Date -format yyyy-MM-dd).log"
$fullPath = "C:\temp\SRAS\$fileName"
Write-Host "[$(Get-Date)] Starting job for file $fullPath"
$latest = Start-Job -Arg $fullPath, $p -ScriptBlock {
# wait until the file exists, just in case
while(-not (Test-Path $file)){ sleep -sec 10 }
Get-Content $file -Tail 1 -wait | Select-String -Pattern $pattern -SimpleMatch |
Out-File -Filepath "C:\temp\SRAS\sras_pages.log" -Append
# wait until day changes, or whatever would cause new log file to be created
while($now.Date -eq (Get-Date).Date){ sleep -Sec 10 }
# kill the job and start over
Write-Host "[$(Get-Date)] Stopping job for file $fullPath"
$latest | Stop-Job